HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. XII HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. I, 1923 NU. jots hig and Mo this has and hr the un> their Jlace, >e and the owns- new in and [itchen ktland the W. est of who Eugene Bid. from iouth itzner, e Pal- Bram- Satur- jnsult- iccom- Mrs. ren of night : «ach. [al say. A nd tittles Brief Chronicles of Happening» in Halsey and All Over Linn County. v Sfe TWAIN G r a c e e J Z f ia f a J H i V masonry tier on tier T h a t fashioned the bridge they crossed. ' 14 OREGON NEWS BRIEFS W estern Newspaper Union's Cleanings Outside of This County J. D. Hayes got home Sator- 't o eastern Oregon to drive an r^ She saw the m ind w ith its vision dear, j The Beaverton city council rejeefeu u auto truck. Mrs. H arry Commons visited all bids for construction of a 355,000 ment Island. The application for re­ T h a t never a detail lost; hearing of the case was filed by the L. T. Davis has gone to the her father, T. B. Sprenger of water system to connect Beaverton H e figured the cash it had cost to build— county commissioners of Multnomah Shedd, last T hursday it berne soldiers’ home a t Roseburg. with the Bull Run water lines. county. T h e power o f each massive span, his 73d birthday. L. G. Wesley and familv Joseph Lee Clark has been appoint­ W. Harrison Whlteaker and George She glimpsed the spirit that first had thrilled , ed postmaster at Lawen, Harney coun­ Mrs. L. H. A rm strong and from Calgary, Alberta, arrived L. Jennings were sentenced to the last T hursday evening for ty, and Mrs. Bertie L. Johnson of A n d given birth to the plan. daughter were in Albany Tues­ penitentiary by Circuit Court Judge visit with L. G.’s brother anc Sherars Bridge. Wasco county. day. Bingham at Portland, following con­ father, «Arthur and Delos Wes­ Grating conditions In the Umpqua ~ ~ H e viewed the cathedral and said ’ Delnia Wahl was home for ley! viction on charges of fraud In connec­ H and Cascade national forests are bet the week end from Corvallis, tion with selling units of Interest in, T h e labor, he guessed, was great; ter than for several years, according Earl Gooch and G. L. George a partnership project to extract gold where she is attending school, * * She was blinded by grandeur o f art ¡divine to D. C. Ingram, grazing examiner of Scio are accused of the bum from the waters of Mono Lake in Cal­ returning Sunday evening. ' . A n d w on hipped beside the a a te :W ^ W j ^ J l l U | f e n r . Plpu 'j M. G. Munly, prominent attorney, ifornia. ing of Gooch’s house Oct. 11 Leonard Gilkey, who does Bail is $500 each. j ex member of the board of education A H e listened to music by artists rare— " 7 |p i? more advertising for Linn coun­ and ex-circuit Judge of Multnomah , Notwithstanding the disastrous con- A n d wandered what they were paid — ” W , H . Hulburt, whole gars E C ty ’s i-ural enterprises than any county, died at his home in Portland. 1 flagratlon last December which de- ; stroyed millions of dollars' worth of (X ? She heard G o d ’s voice in the sacred air dozen other men, will distribute is advertised in our Albanv di Trial of IS Grass Valley farmers property In the business district of rectory, celebrated his 68th. at the Pacific International fair W as humbled and h alf afraid. j under indictment on a charge of riot­ Astoria, the assessed value of the tax- Linn county folders prepared by birthday Sunday. Alden and ing and of fishing in a state game able property in Clatsop county, aa , •' the Albany cham ber of com­ A ustin H ulburt, twin brothers commission fishway has been order­ It appears on this year’s roll, will ex­ _ . T h e tvlain returned from the spaces afar aged 70, and 60 relatives and ed. merce. ceed that of last year by more than J W h e re marvelous sights 'accrue, friends attended the affair, The Western Lumber & Export com 31,000,000. Property values are lower all which was a t Alden’s home in H e told o f the gains and she o f the brains? pany of Cottage Grove, operating one round than last year, according Albany. The Salem chamber of commerce, A n d both o f the tales were true; — of the largest sawmills in Lane coun­ through J. C. Perry, secretary, has to tile assessor’s books. The to­ Three hundred Chinese pheas­ ty. has gone into the hands of re­ written a letter to the Oregon public H e measured the greatness b y cost in gold, tal reduction for the county is ceivers. ants, five or six months old, $58p,170. / A n d that was his only test; service commission, urging that tha from the Eugene state game Notwithstanding an attendance commission use its influence to the hour hundred of the 1200 farm , have been liberated a t Al­ 1 H e r treasures were those that are never told— slump and the fact that the county end that lower express rates may bo cows needed for the county cow j bany and Tangent. i her memory-chest. furnished no aid, the Lane county fair obtained for the shipm ent.of boxed testing association have been t* this year showed a profit of approxi­ apples and other fruits during the hol­ Monday, the 12th, there will signed up. If the county agent , Tl •----- ’ •— mately 31100. iday aeaaon. ■>, T * * " “d that “the tvtein shall be one flesh," is retained there is hope for the be no scho°'- 14 18 arm istice ¿ a y 4 -A " 1 hlrty million trout will have been ^ T h a t no one shall break the tie, The Oregon Growers’ association, at completion of the project, which Frank P o rter of Portland vis- planted In the streams of Oregon this a meeting in Salem, decided to send r a man and his mate ore thus through fate promises, if it gets to working, ¡ted Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whit- year by the time the season ends this John H. Race, canneryman of the asso­ to change some of the fan n e rs’ \ beck one day last week, A n d the Poster that rules on high; fall, according to State Game Warden ciation, to the eastern markets to dis­ deficits into surpluses. B etter Mm C F m -~. A. E. Burghduff. *•0*1».^ • T h e y call it a sin when love has ceased. pose of the dried loganberry pack that methods would cure many finan- ■ ¡s visiting her parents Mr ^and The northwest hay and grain show the association has on hand. Whtlo A n d maybe that idea's best. cial farm ills. By all means, let’s S r i D I Isom held In Pendleton annually over a per­ in the east Mr. Race also will go But the W e s t cannot go to the East, you know, have them. Vote for the county iod of years will be a part of the thoroughly Into the question of new I Mrs. Michael Rickard is in agent. A n d East cannot come to the W e s t Pacific International Livestock show outlets for jam and Jelly products. Eugene helping care for her Copyiitta W Dodd, t t e d s c * . ix . in Portland this year. The state highway commission, un­ A. A. Tuw ing is no tax-eater. son-in-law, Robert McKee, who He has given offence to some is ill with typhoid fever. O. P. Hoff, state treasurer, who has der the provisions of an order Issued been ill for several months, has been by the public service commission, 1« Brownsville progressive people She ¿d Snapshots Greco n Notes Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck : taken to Portland for medical treat- authorised to proceed with the con­ by his opposition to some tax «Portland Is the 11th city to the ' mest. It »3 rnperted that hta co«« struction of sn ttn'twjvn'»» zwrssing of. assessm ents and expenditures. visited a t the L. H. Straley By Anna Pennell? home, east of Halsey, Wednes­ the west side Pacific highway with, United States In postal savings da 1 dttlon is considered serious. But the Brownsville chamber of M r. and Mrs. Shone of North posits. Erection of a 31.000,000 Masonic the tracks of the Southern Pacific commerce men have gone fa rth ­ day of last week. J. F. Isom went Saturday to Dakota have bought Aha. L. G. er then he when they oppose The depot at Santa Rosa, on the I temple in Portland is now assured company near at. Joseph, In Yamhill need for the bridges and the Oakridge, where he expects to T h o m p s o n 's store. Oregon Electric railway, was destroy­ through decision of A1 Kader temple, county. The cost of the Improvement Mystic shrine, to Join other Masonic has been estimated at 390,000. folly of obstructing th eir com­ work this winter. Miss Marie Pugh, who attends ed by fire. i bodies in the building venture. Predatory animal hunters In thia ing for the sake of revenge for Lou Watson, 70, well known eastern Bom. To Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ O-*A. C., spent the week end at state have been instructed to clean The California Oregon Power com unfairness in other directions. liam Price of Monroe, Tuesday, home. Oregon pioneer, dkd at La Grande, pany has filed a formal protest at out all the coyotes possible, In re­ He advise* against opponents Oct. 30, an eight-and-a-half- where he had resided for ¡¿1 years. Miss Rosemary Connor went to I Medford against the action of the Ore cent communications from the Port- cutting off their noses to spite pound girl. Mrs. Price is with Portland Saturday to work in Bot.voen 150 and 175 carloads of gon state tax commissioner in raising land office of the United States bio­ their faces. celery will he shipped from Quinaby, her p a re rti, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meier & Frank’s store. | the assessments of utility companies logical survey, following the examin­ Chemawa and Brooks this season. Andrew Brown has returned Zimmerman, near Shedd. ation of a coyote’s head by the state Mrs. C. A. Pugh gare a dinner ! throughout the state. One of the most successful annual board of health, determining the ani­ Mrs. A. F. Albertson and Sunday in hnoor of the birthday Because of the unsatisfactory phys­ daughter Ione were Oregon of her daughter Merle and Dale conventions In the history of the state ical condition of his wife, Governor mal to have been afBIcted with rabies. Parent-Teacher associations was held The coyote was killed by H. Derrick, Electric passengers for Albany LaMar. Pierce has announced that he probably at Medford. W e h ave J, Tuesday morning. a farmer of Fort Rock. In Lake coun­ Frank Porter of Portland visited will decline all speaking Invitations ty. A. A. Moore, 40, 'of Medford, was ^E V E R Y T H IN G v Consider the housefly. A few hi» aister, Mrs. Ida Bra'field. Sun­ stabbed and seriously wounded In a following the special election to be Deer were more plentiful In western held on November 6. weeks »go hatialion.s and hosts day. O ptical knife fight with J. Moore, 23, a wan Oregon this year than last and of larg­ E Y E S T R A IN la the Cause of Many HUMAN ILLS • If yam eyei give you trouble or your gfalse* are annoying SEE US. We can Relieve Yog of him were here in all their odioui glee. Tiier dipped their feet in the vilest filth and wiped them on the food on the table, on Grand, pa’a bald head and on tha baby's note. But Jack Frost breathed on them and thay ware, like man, aa grata and the flower of grass, and withered away— with a few Hugh McIntyre. 71. a retired rancher M Trimble and H. G. Sharp of dering worker. er size, according to reports from living at Athena, was Injured fatally Portland »pent the week end at Goorge Neuner, who recently re­ deputy game wardens of game district when an automobile he was driving Lyman Pennell's hunting. signed as district attorney for Doug­ No. 1, which comprises all the terri­ struck the side of a car on the Walla las county, has been appointed as city tory in Oregon between the Cascade George Walla Valley Electric railroad, two Bernhardt an 1 Otto attorney of Roseburg. .. --------- ----- mountains snd the Pacific ocean. The miles north of Freewater. Timm of Salem visited M r. Bern­ hunting aeaaon In this district closed Reports from hunters In Wasco hardt's sister, M r*. Lyman Pen­ Aggregate deposits of 3279,253,515 «0 October 20. It Is estimated by the Bancroft Optical Co. county show that 32 lambs on the nell, Friday. were reported by the 273 banks op­ e»ate game warden’s office that 60,000 J13 1st SL W. Albany. Phone ranch of James Hinton of Shaniko erating in Oregon at the close of busi­ of tha game animals were bagged M r. and Mrs. Ernest Abrabain have been killed by coyotes. exceptions ness September 14, according to an by hunters. snd son Lester left Monday for The resignation of Harold L. Cook, abstract prepared by Frank Bramwell, Mr, aud M r*. J. C. Bramwell California, where they expect to Harvey M. Toy, chairman of the Cal­ scout executive, who ha* been the state superintendent of banks were in Albany Tuesdar and vis­ spend the winter. ifornia state highway commission, told leader of the Linn county scout or­ ited W illiam Shepherd at the hos­ Completion of another link of The * large audience gathered In Portland Mrs. Sarah Randolph of Oregon ganization for the last 13 months, was Dalles-Callfornta highway, the section to celebrate the completion of paving pital. City is visiting her sister, Mrs. C- accepted by the council. between Madras and the south Wasco on the Pacific highway from British Grant Reyn »Ida opened his res­ Thompson. : county line, was announced by the Columbia to California that work of taurant yesterday and put the ho­ a'ate ‘Mghway office at The Dalles paving 48 miles of the 113 miles yet tel on the American plan. Miss Undine Dannen spent the This stretch is 17 miles long. unpaved on that highway | n northern Mrs. Ringo and M r*. Tuning Reek end nt home from Monmouth A large piece of state highway work California will he under way by Feb­ •orm al school. •pent Sanday in Brownirille with completed is the widening, grading ruary 1 next, and that It la confidently friends. “ • Mrs. Ruby Rogers spent the and paving of practically every sharp expected the remainder of »he road In A little daughter of Cherlea M ’- week end in Albany. curve on tha Columbia river highway California will be paved in the near Mahon lighted a match in a in Hood River county. The coat of future. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Burton clothes elofet in the borne her par- thia work waa approximately 390,009 There were »even deaths due to in- and Mrs. Cameron of Albany vis- sots occupied, «cross the rirer The state land board at a meeting dustrlal accidents m Oregon In the from Harrisburg, Tuerdar, to find * D<^ ,J‘* r Troutman to be held within tha next few days week ended October 26, according to something aha wanted, and as a will decide whether the Coast Steel a report prepared by the state Indus­ result the bouse and nearly every- Miss Acna Pugh, who is teach- & Machinery company, which Is tak­ trial accident commission. The victims thing in it were burned. iog acbooi near Philomath, speut ing sand and gravel from tha bed of were John Byrne, Portland, engineer; Halrey Church of Christ Genrge Cruson of I^ebanon, 75 tha week end at home, the Willamette river for the construc­ R M. Baker, Klamath Falla, mucker; Oh boy! A good bath, a glowing and a civil war veteran, died Fri- , tion of the Burnside and Rosa island Thomas Wallace, Portland, engineer; rubdown. And then slip into day. He at on* time li»ad in , Mrs. - - Jack — - Daunen went to Al- Church Announcements bridges in Pc’-tland, will be required John Otteratren, boilermaker helper, one o f our union suits. Halsay. Hs had been mayor of b ,n * Monday. to pay royalty to the state. Slfton. Waah.; Joff Dunton. Wendllzig, We carry the following brands: Church of C hrist: Lebanon three terms. H* lost an "“ Three’ million spring chlnook sal­ loader; H A Hyde. Wilder. Idaho, ‘ L o n C h a m le e , m in is te r . arm in the war. M r*. Crusan aur- Mrs. A. C. A rm strong’s broth- mon eacs have bean taken from the laborer, and Calvin Cox. Dairy, farm Three Season Beaver knit vivte er, Frank Shelley, division sup- Bible school, 10, W. H . Rolwrt- Alsea river by the state game com­ hand A total of 703 accidents were Fred Heinrich is »topping with «hntendent was a t the sub- son. superintendent. 11*75 12.00 mission. representing the best spring reported for the week. Morning worship, 11. Lord’s take the river ever has had. according Ganale of the garage and going * U t,o n Roseburg last Thurs- The Oregon public service commis­ P. Q. A to blah schooo’ da-v evcnlng and threw in the supper every Lord's day. to Carl V Shoemaker, master fish sion has made application to the In­ Christian Endeavor, 6 80. . . . . . . . . . ! switch, connecting the trans- warden. 13.50 terstate commerce commission for per­ MieaLnia Johnson phsrmacist f0,TOer with tJl€ Evening service, 7:30. mission to Intervene in the proceed­ The Rickreall Holmes Gap section at R in g o , visited h»r hone apparatus apparently was defec- The church without a bishop, in An vises ett w eights, all fabrics. ings Involving the recent Increase In of the West Side Pacific highway has balem Sunday. tive and immediately the fire- the country without a king. •eperate gannente tao you’ll been opened to traffic. The new the valuations of the properties of the I f you have no church home like the Miss Dorothy Turnan is cook at "o rks started. Mr. Shelley was stretch of road is eight miles In length. Oregon Washington Railroad a Navi­ the nve Reynold« restaurant. burned about the face, his eyes come »ad worship with us. With the opening of this piece of road gation company and the Deachnten Here's a good fM jth tbo 1 _ . - , . . . l* lnF h u rt and his hair singed. there is a continuous pavement Railroad company. These valuations organe a n d musetee a ro u n d y o u r Methodist: Grant Taylor cam . back to rn- He had a narrow escape from wa*sf-Hna free r t e r b y < r m r : n ^ from Portland to Monmouth on the were Increased by the Interstate com­ Robert Parker, pastor. ral route 1 todav. after h i. vac.- l)elng senoualy injUre < a n d poa- r r a u d s n , Suspenders L e t us show merce commission. It was alleged, for west side of the Willamette river. you. . ‘ •o". •"«! L C. » « " • • • » resumed glWy kiUed Sunday School, 10. rate making purposes The public The public service commission has the depot.to-poatomo* mail serv , Preaching, 11. u « . w h ic h U n R r .m w .1 1 h .. *°n ?F cc«M>«»y estimated denied the petition for rehearing of service commission has protested Intermediate League. fi:30. roe whieh Mrs Bramwe.l has the damage at >1.500. A crew bwd h .n d ll.g the past two weeks. uorkwJ geUingC'5 le the case involving a crossing along against the Increase la valuations and Epworth League. 6:30. h*s requested permission to submit A V GOOD GOODS Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30, ; 8andy road, which It was alleged (Centiaued oa page 5) 1 Hrfie in working order. would provide ferry service to Govern­ testimony before the Interstate co®, Preaching, 7:30 msree comalasioa. - -» Ï M Men’s Underwear KOONTZC