Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, October 25, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6
OCT. 25 I 923
The custom-built appearance and stur
diness of C. T. C. tires are too outstand
ing to fail to arouse ysur respect an<
admiration. Come in and look at them.
J. H. Vnnn'c» bought one Ho'etein
heifer and c a lf for $177.60
J. J. Corcoran recently laid 500 I
square feet of cement sidewalk i n i
ilr o n t o f his home and a lik e
j amount and a crosswalk at A J
• I H i l l ’s.
Lawrence L a n d rith of Shedd :e
; a member of the O. A. C. cadet
* I baod thia year, the same as last
year. The band is wearing stun-
! ning new uniforms.
High Class Photoplays Only
SUN.—M O N .— T U ES.—WED.
OCT. 2S-29-3O-31
The greatest show ever made
4 days only
Arrow Garage
J o ts an d T ittles
F ir - t snow near P o rtlaxd M on­
day. Frost ail over the valley
Fog in the m orning
neutralized the bite of it . G lo ri­
ous sunshine a ll d r .
Plows are
g lid in g m e rrily. Who w ou ldn 't
prefer to live in Oregon?
title d “ The H o ly C ity ," accom­
panied by D onald McCrossan.
Malcolm P h illip s then spoke on
“ The C h ris tia n Endeavor W o rld ."
The concluding spesch was given
by C live Siaz on the in te rn a tio n a l
convention, held at Dee Moines,
la ., J u ly 4 to 9. A fte r the pro­
D. S. Me Williams of Albany gram games were played and re­
was seen on the streets of Hal­ freshments served. The party
sey Friday.
was chaperoned by Mrs. E. A .
Claron Gormley came up from Young.
Albany Saturday night and
Miss Maude Henderson and
spent Sunday w ith his parents Auntie Johnson of Albany were
Mr«. E. C. M ille r was an A I- in this city.
guests of the form er’s cousin,
b in y v is ito r Wednesday.
B. M. Bond was an Albany Mrs. B. M. Bond, and family
For four days next week *'Aabe» visitor Saturday.
Sunday. They made the trip
of Vengeance” w ill run at the
with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Reagan
S. S. Duncan fell and acci­ who continued their trip to H ar­
Globe theater in A lbany.
dentally discharged his gun, risburg.
A. J. H ill and wife and W. F. fatally.
W hite expect to sta rt Tuesday for
Mrs. Mary
The venerable R. P. N u ltiu g
a sort of vacation tr ip in C alifo -
daughter, Mrs. John Davis of
and Miss E d ith Forrest, whose Brownsville, were business vis­
About $2000 worth o f property efliaient servioe as Red Cross nurse itors Ln Halsey Friday.
(Continued from page 1,
changed hands a t th e Stewart Lin n county is lu c k y enough to
auetion yesterday. $12,000
or enjoy, passed uhrough Halsey in
vloOO w orth o f it being S tew art’s. arranging the annual Red Cross
m em bership d rive. Mrs. C h a ity
C lark was made chairm an here.
a************************ Rev. W illia m R itchie at Shedd
“ -------
* and Mrs. W. A. V olstedt at T a n ­
* gent. M r. N u ttin g is county «h lir -
m m , Nov. 13 is named as the
luckv day and it is hoped that the
d riv in g w ill b« like th a t of Jehu
or Barney O ld field.
: Hair Groom i
Keeps Boys’ Hair Combed
‘‘Hair Grootn” makes
any boy’s hair stay
combed, glossy, well
groomed. Not greasy
nor sticky on hair.
î RINGO’S Drugstore *
Mrs. M. H. Shook was an Al­
bany visitor Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Straley
drove to Monmouth Saturday.
They were accompanied home
by the young ladies mentioned
elsewhere as spending the week
end a t th eir ho m e'.
F. L. Holmes of N orth Al­
bany, 82, and Mrs. N. J Fogarty,
70, were licensed to wed Satur­
was held day.
A m in ia tu re ra lly
Tuesday n ig h t at the C hristian
shurch when a carload of C hris­
tia n Endeavorers cams up from
A lbany. Thev furnished the pro­
gram, presided over by Miss Ma-
ry lin young, president o f the Lynn
county C hristian Endeavor union.
A fte r the opening song Mis9 Young
spoke on "C o n s e c ra tio n .” Max
Duncan followed w ith a solo eu '
Cow testing association mem­
bers beefed fifteen cows th a t
had been tested out from dairies
in September. “The Brown
Mouse’ story, which the E n ter­
prise will soon begin publishing,
tells of the same kind of doings.
Weed out the boarders.
C o U T ltv
S l i r u i r i n F o r z l n n i
finds th a t m any districts fail to
obey th e law requiring them to
fly th e Am erican flag during
school. She has started a flag
flying campaign.
A t the m eeting of the Ladies’
Study club a t th e George Laub-
ner home T hursday fo rty mem­
bers attended and seven persons
joined. Mrs. A. A. Tussing was
a guest.
Charles M ornhinweg and Ha­
zel Gulliford were m arried
p iu rs d a y a t th e Gulliford home
in Portland. T heir home will be
a t Devitt, w here Charles works
in a mill. He served in the
world w ar and came home badly
injured, but has steadily im­
G. W. Shaw and the Gages are
living on the farm , south of
•y tfu to m o k ile a n ¿
¿ T r a c to r ¿ R e p a ir in g
Fisk and Gates Tires and Tabes.—We now have io stock the Fisk 96 .30x
fabric tires for $9. Be sure to investigate our lines and get our
prices before buying.
Automobile accessories, Ford parts, oil a
W illard battery acrvice.station.
Trouble calls given
prompt attention
Telephone 16x5
balance of the papers and some
subscribers did not get theirs
until Monday.
When you send in news,
please sign your name. We will
not publish your name, unless
you so desire, b u t we cannot
publish news th a t comes anon
ymously w ithout taking the
trouble to acertain its tru th . Let
the editor know who sends him
item s of "news.
Good halloween cardboard,
orange and black, sheets 14 x
22 inches, 10c.; two for 15c.
C. J. W hite and son Booth
came over from Glenbrook and
spent th e week end with friends
near Halsey.
Mrs. C. P. Stafford was the
guest of friends and relatives
B arber John W. Stephenson in Oregon City and Portland
spent Sunday a t Eugene.
Friday and Saturday.
Glenn Frum left on Sunday
Mrs. Josie Sm ith, who had
evening’s train fo r Salem, where been having trouble with one of
he expects to attend the Capi­
ler hands recently, had to have
tal Business college.
ler finger lanced last week,
Mrs. Callie Frum , who has since which tim e it has been
been taking care of Mrs. W. J. improving.
Ribelin nights fo r a week or so,
Fred G. Sm ith and fam ily left
left Monday noon fo r Salem to ast week for California intend­
help in the home of her aunt, ing to stop first a t Eugene,
Mrs. Haussman.
w here th ey visited friends and
Before last week’s edition of 1 then a t Roseburg, where they
the E nterprise was all printed I will rem ain for a short time
trouble developed in the mech­ while Mrs. Sm ith is under the
anism of the press. M achinists care of a physician a t th a t city.
were unable to rem edy the
Sunday m orning the Portland
trouble th a t night or the next , w eather man predicted a rainy
day and on Saturday the type
Monday he predicted a
forms were sent to Brownsville, week.
fair week. Combining the two
where the proprietor of the prophesies, he couldn’t go far
astray. The sun and winds
F O O T E BROS. Prop«.
seem to have agreed with his
announcement, and
plowing goes m errily on. Who
w ants a better fall than this
Oregon fall?
Steve Hayes of Portland has
been the guest of friends and
relatives in this vicinity for the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mornhin-
accompanied by their
daughter, Mrs. Hazel Wallace,
and grand daughters, Jane and
Maxine Wallace, attended the
reception given by the Browns­
ville M. E. church to the new
pastor, Rev. J . D. Cain and
Mr. and
and son
were week
A. Muller
Mrs. G. T. Kitchen
Lavelle of Portland
end guests a t the W.
home northw est of
Miss Helen Arm strong, who
is attending U. of O. a t Eugene
was home for the week end.
Home for the week end from
the state normal a t Monmouth
were Misses Amanda Mitzner,
Merle Straley and Lavelle Pal­
W. A. Allen and J. C. Bram­
well drove to Corvallis Satur­
day evening. Mr. Allen consult­
ed Dr. Garnjobst.
Mrs. E. E. Gormley, accom­
panied by her daughter, Mrs.
George Alford, and children of
rving returned Saturday night
from Albany.
For Sale— Potato sack«, 4c «ach,
C. R. E v a n s , Rout«* 1, Halsey,
• J h5 ey?s ,of fl; e entire State of Oregon, and of the
acific to a s t, for th at m atter, will be upon Linm County
6’ » V hat time th is part of the common­
wealth will be called upon to say w hether Linn County
will keep up with the progress of the rest of the state
and provide adequate connections with branches of the
Pacific Highway a t H arrisburg and Albany, or stand as
a barrier for m onths or years to come.
in " h«u e«uthe
H*ffhway enters Linn County on
the south the public is forced to cross the Willamette
river by means of a slow ferry, causing delay to trav-
c ers and our own people. At Albany there is a rickety
old budge th a t has served its time and is no longer ade-
qnate to handle the heavy automobile and motor truck
traffic, m any times g rea ter than the stress provided for
b> its designers. This bridge is no longer safe for the full
?k traffV hlfh seeks “ and a ,imit has been Placed
upon the weight th a t mayeross. Three more years have
been allotted to it by experts from the sta te highway
commission It is upon these two projects th at you have
been called to pass a t the polls.
« i„ d Z iC|,Slt!,k t,0Ji has bTen ca,efu,b a "d scientifically
studied by the Oregon Highway Commission, and the
s t a l l of competent engineers under Rov A. Klein. State
highway engineer, ha« prepared plans ¿nd specifications
loi the two bridges Which it deems necessary and ade­
quate for the next 50 years. For H arrisburg the engi­
neers propose a bridge 24 feet wide to cost $203.592.20.
anff r^ i»°i-Wh,5h ,s
e(tualb divided between Linn
and Lane Counties and the State of Oregon. Linn Coun-
t> s share will be $«7.846. 30. The commission recoin-
ofCi » 4 f 97fiAi5^?Ma 27 fOO‘ roadway a t an estim ated cost
ot $-94,976.50 This cost is to be divided between Linn
<rhi1j ‘>7 'V l lhe St3te’ With ,he cit> of Albany paving one
t h e dronfB»the 5®1unty’s. *h a ,e - leaving about $115.000 for
]a fge
pav and S35 0ft° fo> »he city of
«rein? ■tKeda<’F,d to lts lowest term s, Linn Countv wiil be
$i?0 Mil t°hindges
a LtotaI of *498,678.70 for only
-L 0.000, the amount of the bond issue th at vou are ask­
ed to approve.
lh® pfeM‘nt ,im f Lin" County is paying one-half
a r T i ’ ,a
and uP kM,P of an old fashioned
n i t ” ” i '8lburK' ,Tbe ^ « ra tio n alone costs $3.300 a
cost wd?’ n d ud,n * depreciation and repairs, and this
i b
l then t.r * i ,2 ,n<reas*8- A new ferry costs
ab?M‘ i - 000
d ? ,D ,as‘ five years- Cables, gas engines
of ^ M r S b n ^ h p *
rep’ac17 1 from “ me to time. The cost
in thV hinrf H W
than pa> ‘he interest
»he bond
on the H arrisburg bridge, and a fte r the
bridge is built there will be no fu rth e r expense to Hie
county lor the state highway commission assum es all up­
keep costs.
and i?Ut ‘J®, ferry is not the on,y item - The congestion
and loss of time i« a source of expense to our own people
and an annoyance to tou n sts, many of whom are held up
for an hour in crossing during the summer. The constant
danger of accidents with a ferry is another item
accident with a ferry loaded with eight or ten cars
alóne1 c081 thC C° Unty more than *2°0.M0 ta damages
, , r »C Albany bridge is a constant expense, like an
old automobile, and the county is continually having to
re-deck or repair the waning, old structure. The new
ay bridge will relieve the county of all up-keep.
S tatistics show th a t the Albany-Corvallis road is the
tff VP! «d stretch of highway in the state. Adequate
h ^ h rÌd Ó p ’1 hS w
Prov,ded- Engneers declare*that
this bridge, built 32 years ago for wagon traffc has
K t l l ’i 8 ufrsefu,ne^ and allow three more years of re­
sti icted traffic as the point of safety. It will take two
je a r s to build a new bridge and nearly a year will elapse
befoie actual construction can begin. Linn County is
paving indirectly a t present. Many eastern Benton
L u nty Zk
uS liV’ng tributary to Linn County are
ti,» *1^ ‘he»r busness to Corvallis. The brdge is safe for
the load limit, but there has been so much public dis-
cussmn °f !ts durabilty th at the people are u n S iy . Let’s
small t Usi? ess ba<* to its proper channels. The cost is
b e n e f i z i 1“ ’ °
Wh° ,e *nd the whole county
i e r !riU he -y eZ ’’
neS8 judgem ent and the «ns-
i s s u e d r T i X n fi0" <he ba^at November 6 calls for an
s to h i^m i n T 6
Per f ent b? nd8’ Pa-' m ent of w hich
" four y ea,s from ttate of issue and be re-
t e X T „ 8ri)iwwM a ‘t
r a t e ° f ,3 0 '000 a year- The m-
» rest on $180,000 a t five per cent is $9,000 a year The
r i q u i ? Ì s O ó n ,e tlrr oae;te; th of the bonds a 'y e a r will
rL Z 18’
° r, f total of ,2 7 ’QO<) P*r annum for the
first four years, a fte r which the interest charge will
dimmish at the rate of one-sixth a year. In
h X will be° ™ dr S Wil! ** comP,et*,y Pa*d f«r and
*3 000 a
f i to operate a t a cost exceeding
>5.000 a year, no up-keep on an old, obsolete bridge.
’ ______
lT!,ua1tion of Linn Coonty is~?hoùt
fnr if ° ‘° ° ° ' One m,n fa* !«vy would raise $30,000 a year
for 10 years, more than enough to take care of the
pnncipal and interest. This would add but one dollar a
Make Linn County a More Prosperous Community.
PaM A d v e n i d , by , he Albany
of C . ^ e g c . i d
year to each thousand dollars of assessed valuation. A
mBni r j m’g * farm of 160 acres assessed a t $35 p er acre
would be paying on a valuation of $5,600. Say th at his
$inCS n ini i . i mPn,VTm«e nt8 brin<L W UP 40 *7>000’ or even
♦Z «10 on
8 man 8 4axes *ould only be increased $7.00
a yeai ’
the. Case may **• The citF m a" ow n-
ing a home valued a t $5,000 and paying on an assessed
valuation of $3,000 would pay but $3.00*per year for 10
years for the two bridges. It m ust not be overlooked th at
o „ 8 ,«nktereu l chargSS wouW de" e a s e a fte r the fourth year
and the absence of ferry operation and other present ex-
h X 7 f 7n°dUW " a‘* ’ takin? th a t much off of the regular
budget and m akm g the estim ate much lower than the ex­
amples quoted here.
Can any man in Albany, H arrisburg, Lebanon
a r o i X ’Zn f CrabZ ? r
M t Home’ Cascadia. Scio’
b S E i ’J S U r ° r kBer,ln a * ord 0 so w ithout these two
build themh?n
“ lns,gmficant »«dividual cost will
tion fr'kpOu ¡iiS sP,e,nding millions in highway construc-
b e tw e li
nVeL a i H arriaburg is the onJy gap
o ^ i e r i ! h r id J d n™ lan ^°rder and Mexico th a t is not
vi?irori .n Z d ^ ‘7 hlV VOkes «»favorable comment from
t h P ^ t L d proy,ldes the worst k'nd of advertising. When
the state is willing to assume a third of the cost and a
“ U"fty
uwil,ing to Provid<‘ ¡»a P '°
rM tofL the
r8h«°kU d
he8itate and deprive ‘he
Highway . « m p k u r t t , ” “ '* *
”" k" ’S
the L huen7vhX
^ SO? r
in differen‘ a c tio n s of
nefifk?« ty regardi? g ‘h* m anner in which the bridge
petitions were circulated. It is true th a t those asking tor
i r i k S l o ’iLeSTh8tated
**th bFidgM wouId «« o n ^ P -
J j ™ * * b? ‘ - Th»’ was ‘be understanding and the inten-
X u t fth hOS* dT ? t,ng their “ me in helping to bring
about this g reat improvement for Linn County But R
L®‘L UP? n i t 8trict A“ °™ey L G. Lewelling to ¿isrover
Uh2n*haW th ® Pn,v’8io" ‘b at each measure on the ballot
shall have a separate petition, and this was verified hv
titiin T sh o ik T h "31 L ? ’ Van' Vink,e' of Oregon. Two pe
However, the bridge a t Albany is as badly needed
tbe Ol*e *‘ H arrisburg. It should not be neglected
toZ'LmihT i OITkty 1“ brou*ht f a " to face with agdisas-
S e u iitto
! tragedy a t K/ ,SO' " a s h ., last winter.
county of E a £
J Th® S U te ° f OreRon and the
I e“ " g ^ f’
offering us a bargain in bridges .’
Vote YES for the Bonds Nov 6
oX ° Jit.