HAIUUKY E N T E R P R IS E tn . I. IT O The Plain City ( 0 .) Advocate *aya of “ The Brown M oose” : “ The several high schools iu and about Plain City will do well to require this story a« supplem ent­ ary reading in connection with their agricultural courses. This will be no new thing, as this same story in book form has been mads s sort of text book in a number of 'grioultural colleges throughout the country.” Hungarian Vetch Seed o. w. hu m Cash paid for grain. (¿rain chopping and cleaning done at any! time. r t gUOM i U»e Wont. They're got her.” " W h a tr "Sure thing! They , 1, ned yonr .“ ’ “ ‘oh - * • “ * 'Bt,> *” » “ * • ¿ iiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiin n n iifa ® —41 T O » t rttali we d o r no? * go » « I Rigkt now I There’s ne time to waste It's almighty luck that rite didn't take the wire with her. I f ah . had we d prot^ ably never have traced her. But we've i h l w r hU' Ue' The energy eg Julius was Infectious. Left to himself. Tommy would prebab- ly have sat down to think things out for a good h a lf hour before he decided on a pian of action. But with Julius Hersheimmer about, hustling w u In- e n table. Peoria Pointers (Too late for last week) Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ellsw orth | and Mr. and Mrs. H arris Ells­ worth drove to Portland Wed­ n iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif iiiiiiiiu (CwrrWhl Dodd. M«ad A Omeeny) nesday and returned Thursday, j The Ellsworths opened the saw- (Continued) H ungarian vetch is well suit- Suppose, you are a farm er , _____ _____ mi» and business called them CHARTER X I ed to the soils a little too heavy, A fter you have deducted the to Portland or too sour, or to cold or w et for . cost of your seed grain your ur a u The Telegram. common vetch. The Hungarian I taxes, rep air, on the fence nr K Wadc has Purchased a Baffled for the moment. Tommy vetch stands stands the the more more severe s e v e r, h„iwi„X J L . , ..Ie.n c e o r I new btar. car. vetch >ther building, except your res-1 «trolled into the restaurant, and w inter conditions in the lower dence m achinery repairs, horse) Dalton Gibbs of Albany visit- ordered a meal of surpassing excel W illamette valley counties. eed, in fact everything connect-1e“ *n Pe<>ria Sunday, lence. His four days* Imprisonment ed with running the farm , in- Mr. and Mrs. Ed G um oand had taught him anew to value good The dairy industry should be Ju d in g the wages and board of family are staying a t Mr food. the foundation on which a div­ toOUth flf,ri ^ d p ’ a ? d j " uaddition Logan’3 whiI* l i k i n g for a He was In the middle of conveying ersified fanning system is built to th a t 10 per cent of the value place to locate. They are from » particularly choice morsel to his mouth, when he caught alght of Julius in Oregon. Poultry, swine, farm of your machinery and buildings I near The Dalles entering the room. A t the eight of , , • flocks of sheep, legume seed, set aside as a replacment fund, , 3 . lggett of Portland was loouuy, Julius' eye« aeeiued as though breeding stock, fru its and vege and you have, say three children they would pop out of hie head. tables, constitute im portant under 18, you find a t the end of « business visitor in Peoria "Holy snakes 1’* he ejaculated. "Is secondary features of such a he season you have cleared batultlay- It really you? Say, man, don't you >400(h You would then be le- Clara Carothers, who attends know you've been given up for dead? program. luired to pay the enormous high school in Tangent, visited I gudss we’d have had a solemn ■ium of $8 income tax, 1 per her parents over the week end requiem for you In another few days. "Who thought I was dead?" de­ ent on $800. For every dollar ’ — J. G. Githens of Corvallis manded Tommy. jf income tax paid the tax on "Tuppence." real estate and chattels will lx> spent Sunday a t the Sm ith "Where Is Tuppence?" ¡•educed.—Junction City Times. home. He came out to hunt "Isn't she here?” I pheasants. "No, the fellows at the office laid DAWN OF A S C H E M E E dgar Kitchen, who goes to she’d Juat gone out.” "Clone shopping, i guess. But. say. ••How ,h , i “ » can't you shed that British calm of Where’’ 0181 Brad w. " * • Ebnry- Torks. From King's Cross. O r St. Pancras. (Boy “ a i8 * ■ ’« * * • • I» wa. King's Cross, not O a rin g Croaa) 12:50 that a the train she went by. 2 -io' that's gone. 8:20 le the next" T eey, Julias, what do they want her for. anyway r “ I Heard Her Tell the Driver Charing Croes ssè te Look Sharp.” hl« hand for thé litte r, bui Juiiui folded It up and placed It in his pocket He seemed a trilla ambarrassed. "Eh? I don’t get y o u r "W»»«t I mean l . that I dont think It s their game to de her any harm ’ “ Ef?81” * d Tommy, puckering his brow with the strain of hla mental prots eases. "She's a hostage, that'e what she la. Aa long as they've got her. they re got the whip hand on ne. See 7” "Bure thing." said Julius thought­ fully. “That's no." ‘ “B««ldes.'* added Tommy, as an af­ "1 guess this le nothing to do with it. It's about something else— some­ thing 1 asked her that she was to let me know about. See here. I ’d better put you wise. I asked Mias Tuppence terthought, •T vs great faith m Tup- pence.” to marry me this morning." The Journey was wearisome, with 'Oh I" said Tommy mechanically. He felt daxed. Julius' words were many stops, and crowded carriages. totally unexpected. For the moment Ebury was a deserted station with a solitary porter, to whom Tommy ad­ they benumbed hla brain. . I'd like to tell you," continued dressed himself: “Can you tell me the way to the Julius, “that before 1 suggested any­ thing of the kind to Miss Tuppence, I Moat house?” M ° 8t h0u’ * ’ U ,i • tldf ««P made It clear that I didn't want to butt In In any way between her and from here. The big house near tba you—“ •« •. you mean?” Tommy assented brazenly. After Tommy roused himself. "That'e all right." he «aid quickly, listening to the porter's meticulous but tu p p en ce and I hare been pals for Perplexing directions, they prsfyared te years. Nothing more." He lit a cig­ lea ie the station. I t was beginning to I hey are resilient enough, re- p yours, and get down to It? What on «ponded her husband. "Next quea- L r J ih W^ lte went to Lake God's earth have you been doing all arette with a hand that shook ever se rain, and they turned up the collars of little. “That's quits all right. Tup­ their coats as they trudged through the t t a .w -„ c they durable? I C' “ k «> P ^ach . this time?" pence always said that she was look­ halted rO a i SuddenJy Tommy " If you're feeding here," replied them up a little more and we’ll try 1'. W. Robinson of Junction | Tommy, "order now. f t ’« going to be ing out for— " "W alt a moment." He ran back to He stopped abruptly, his face crim­ them as tires.” City was in town the first of the a long story." soning, but Julius was In no way dis­ anew*U t l° n " Dd f8ckl,d th# Portw week. Julius drew up a chair to the oppo­ composed. N E E D E D A T A P E L IN E site side of the table, summoned a "Ixiok here, do you rememl'ier a 'Oh, I guess It'll be the dollars hovering welter, and dictated his that'll do the trick. Miss Tuppence young lady who arrived by an earlier wishes. Then he turned to Tommy. Across the smoking room at the put me wise to that right away. There's train, the 12:50 from London? She'd "Fire ahead. I guess you've had club a member noted for his powers no humbug about her. We ought to probably ask you the way to the Moat I can make both F A R M an.l C I T Y some few adventures.” house." gee along together very well." as a raconteur could be seen seated "One or two," replied Tommy mod­ L O A N S at a very row rale of inte es He described Tuppence as w d l as Tommy looked at him curiously for on a sofa with his arms extended, From 5 to 10 years. W rite me for par estly, and plunged Into his recital. he could, but the porter ahoo.Y hla He had a fair audience. The group I trculars Julius listened spell-bound. At the a minute, as though he were about to <1. W. I.AFCAR, speak, then changed hla mind and said head. Several people had arrived by end he heaved a long sigh. at the bridge table was mildly inter- j Salem, Ore. nothing. Tuppence and Julius! Well, the train In question. He could not 410 Oregon Hldg "Bully for you. Heads like a dime ested. why not? Had she not lamented tlie can to mind one young lady In par tlcu- novel?" fact that she knew no rich men? Had I sea Flubdub has his arms He. In hla turn, assumed the role Tommy rejoined Julius, of narrator. Beginning with his un­ she not openly avowed her Intention stretched out,” remarked one. “Must plalned. Depression was settling tlr wu successful reconnoltering at Bourne­ of marrying for money If the ever had on him like a leaden weight. He 1 felt be telling snake stories.” mouth, he passed on to his return to the chance? Why blame her because "Fish stories,” suggested another. convinced that their quest was ¡je ing Laundry sent Tuesdays London, the buying of the car. the she had been true to her creed? to be unsuccessful. The enemy 'had "Hey ?” Nevertheless. Tbmmy did blame her. growing anxieties of Tuppence, the Dyeing, Cleaning and Pressing over three hour,' s ta rt Three b* urs He can’t stretch his arms far cell upon Sir James, and thè' sensa­ He was filled with a passionate and tional occurrences of the previous utterly Illogical resentment. Tuppence was more than enough for Mr. Bro wn. enough to illustrate snake stories. He would not Ignore tlie possibility ef night. was utterly cold-blooded and selfish the telegram having been found. "But who killed her?" asked and ha would be delighted tf he never The way seemed endless. I t <*aa •aw her again I And It was a rotten Tommy. " I don't quite understand." past seven o'clock when a small boy world! "The doctor kidded hlmaelf she took w . L. W R IG H T Julius' voice broke In on these medi­ told them that " f Moat house" -was it herself," repiled Julius dryly. Just past the next corner. Mortician & Funeral Director "And Sir James? What did he tations. A rusty Iron gate swinging dlsi nally think?” “ Tes, we ought to gee along to­ Halsey and Harrisburg on tta hinges! An overgrown drive gether very welL I've beard that a "Being a legal luminary, he la like­ all D. T a y l o r . Halsey, or girl always refuses you once—a sort thick with leaves There was lome- wise a human oyster." replied Julius. W. L. W r i o h T. Harrisburg PODTLAND, “ • about th* P'»«« that e t n ir ir a of convention." 1 should say he ‘reserved Judg­ \\ chill te both their hearts OREGON Tommy caught his arm. ment?" He went on to detail the A turn of the drive brought thm a In “Refuse? Did you say refuse?" «venti of the morning. • 0 0 , 0 0 0 In P re m iu m « "Sure thing. Didn't I tell you that? •Ight of the house. T b it, too. see med | "Lost her memory, eh?” said Tommy with Interest. "By Jove, that explains She Just rapped out a 'no' without any empty and deserted. Was It lm lead why they looked at me so queerly kind of reason to t t But she'll come te this desolate epot that Tup» ence Laprwt livestock exposition under one roof in America. 10 acres of purebred had been decoyed? It seemed h u d to when I spoke of questioning her. Bit round right enough. Likely enough. I Mnn ,1,elry «Wine, sheep and aoata. Combinina the believe that a human footstep had Western Winter Poultry and Rabbit Show. Western Dairy Product« 8how Best and largest line of hustled her some— '* of a slip on my pert, that I But It S.aT , f » urwriv Mnd land Show. N o rth w est U ay and Grain Shaw N iih t Hon» Show; Industrial Exhibit*. But Tommy Interrupted regardless passed this way for months J 1 jllus wasn't the sort of thing a fellow Jerked the rusty bell handle A Jan­ R E D U C E D F A R E S A L L R A IL R O A D S e f decorum. would be likely to guess." “W het did she aay In that note?” he gling peal rang discordantly, ec being .. Ther* * * • » moment's pause, and through the emptiness within. N » one Hesdquater. for then Tommy reverted to Mrs. Vendo- demanded fiercely. The obliging Jullue handed It to him. cams They rang again and a j (Mo­ meyer's death. Heavy Then The note. In Tuppence’s well-known bil t there was no sign of life. “There’« no doubt It was chloral? they walked completely round the schoolboy writing, ran aa follow«: Let a go round to the scene of the D P R I N T L IN O L E U M », »ml house. Everywhere silence, and i shut­ erim«. I wish we could get hold of “Dear Julius: f 1 P«r square yard. tered windows Tuppence. The Bits would enjoy the Tt'a always better to have thing. In “Nothing doing," said Jullue 422 \%est First st.. Albany, Oregon. spectacle of the glad reunion.” black and white. I den t feel I caB They retraced their steps alow! ly to Inquiry at the office revealed the ba bothered to think of marriage until «act that Tuppence had not yet re­ Tommy le found. Leg*, leave It till the gate. "There must be a village hai idy." turned. then. continued the young American. •* We'd “All the sanse. I guess I I I have a "Tours affectionately, better make Inquiries there, n isy'lt look round upstairs," said Julhis. •TU P PEN C E." know something about the place, and "She might be in a y sitting-room." Tommy handed It hack, hla eye« wb«U>«r there's been any oKh 1 there Etlicieiit Service. Motor Hearse. He disappeared shlntog. Hie feeling, had undergone lately." Suddenl r a diminutive bey spoke at a sharp reaction. He now felt that Lady Attendant "Tee, that'e not a had Idea." Tommy's tlbow: Brownsville................................. . .Oregon Tuppence was all that was noble and Proceeding up the road, they soon "Tho y.ung lady-—she's gone away disinterested. Had she not refused came to a little hamlet. On the out­ by train, I think, sir," he murmured A d m in is t r a t o r « N o t ic k ’ " 81606 ‘ nt hesitation? True, the skirts of I t they met a workman r ring­ uiyly. of Hearing ol Fin«! Account i isd signs of weakening, ing hla bag of tools and To mmv I Notice is hereby given that the final I excuse th a t I t read al- stopped him with a question. account o f P S c h .d tl.r, a , adm .nii- , I ribe to Julius to spur him 'The Moat house? If g empty. I leeit trator of the estate of M ary E Sche.il. ‘T h e taxi. ety. I heard bar tall the c orta to find Tommy, but empty for years Mrs Sweeny's got Her. deceased, has been filed in t | „ 1 she had not really meant U>e key tf you waat te go over It—, ( jx t County Court of Linn County, State of driver Charing O oee and to look * •harp. II Darling Tuppence, there to the post office.” ! Oregon and that the 19th day of Tommy stared at him, hla eyes a Tim ber, 192J. at the hour of 10 o'clock rl In the world to touch thanked hlm- They s o o n a. in . has been duly appointed bv sai.1 opealng wide In eurprtee Emboldened, h io naw hai^-HIs thoughts found the post office, and k n o c k e d l.it » I court for the hearing of objections to the small hey proceeded “So f up with a sudden Jerk, the door of tho cottage next to t t .1 satd final account and the «etllem e.it thought, having ashed for en A B C . y." he remarked, pulling clean, wholeeome-looking wo taai i ____ - , r V I 0* “ '"ih,Ch ,lm e ,nJr P*rson niter and a Bradshaw—” h«v. “there's not a hint ..She r*8d,ly the Tommy Interrupted him; 'hat bha'a up to. Hl— key of the Moat house. “When did she ask for an A.B.C. "Though I doubt If It’a the k!, m P r • ........................ w c . K a and a Bradshaw?” boy cam« obediently, Piece to suit you. air. In a te rrtbte ' When I took her the telegram mr." mors Do you remember * 8t* leaking . . d “A telegram?" » ang lady «id with the all. Tw ould aaed a let of nosey “Ten, air." ts spent on I t " 7 “When was that?" sd and speks a rZ M S t? ’ We,n haT* a ’ « * s : s. •“ - » ............. ... — "About half-past twelve, air." led It up late a ball and •round thia evening, anyway. By the the gruts and made a At that moment Jullue came hack. th w»y. you ve not had a young lady here, He held an open letter tn hie hand. SO ike •Whoop r Mr." ••kin g for thia key today?” T 1, v u i H IP e u a t t A f \ V x i T i . ' r j f » - ’ » •’ • » • • » . 1.1 » .. I my. Hersheimmer” — Tommy fin.? L t ~ . r . ck’ h«« filed bis sd upstairs Tuppence The woman shook her head turned to him— “Tuppence has gone key In her door. Tho off Sleuthing on her own.” •ho had left It. 1» the t lfu l Industrial Eahlb'ts divisions 7JM You *"d C|OM at hom* * " d ” ,e « » » » Y jmtge has m i u ^ Î 0 “ ’ "Shucks !” • crumpled halt of "Thanks vary much." S i Ï Â X L S ? . S Ä . r 5 r ’ .“Ä S ? 1 ‘ “ 3 • • • ""■“’ " “ X " « “ ï î ï & T s ¡S L S ..J .1 ? * '/ ? * fc* r 9h* w* Bt • h its Tommy dlsentaa- They retraced their steps to tho taxi to Charing Croee in the deuce ef f t A . the front d ^ . w x S (bed out the telegram a hurry after getting a telegram." Hts ics Moat Basse, «bury. JuBa.° L J 2 w hIn<* 8- protM tln« loudly. u „ . ... x , ; - : ; ’,: “ yaet development, — hand. Jullaa struck a match and examined O h . she left « aote for you. That's T ( the floor cvufuiiy Then he shook hla L L ¿ a s t a * * * •U h e air e f f t t o e r - r - ig B h . , t , Whew . - h o t s , e sne • M • • eeoh « * otto other la stupe- •W ® » ancomw.lou.alj, hq hat« oqt1 Jtafeajrft I d swear ao one« passed thia w^y. S u it s for Men and Young Men This fall wo have an ex­ tra largo nlimber of suits tor .young men and men. J‘Iain or sport models, in plain or ianev materials. Stripes are very popular. FARM LOANS A Modern Barber Shop ABE S PLACE Nov. 3 -1 0 Furniture Exchange GREATER ANO GRANDER THAN EVER Used F u r n itu r e , Camping Outfits Don't fail to read “ T he Brown Mouse ’’ I'ac fic International Live Stork Exposition ä r ' ' B ~ ?•" « ä to , :: ä D ELBER T STARR Funeral Director and L i­ censed Embalmer s ä -S?» -F s -