\- FAG It 2 H A lJ S f. , h alse y EvrEurmsK E M .-: í ;?RISE I I r ^ ’ OCT. 25. 1923 , _____ ■ > -----— z r T. J . SK IK V IN ■— — W « T ■ •» « ra l— acmi e u b ll.a » . .v e r y Tkun4a, Ir Wn». M. W l m u t k\ EthicaiBusmess Service Financial Injustice j » w trovuv^ i J HALSEY STATE BANK sitali mekch • XT ■Y J. H. PUELICHER Unsound Currency Gives Sellers A ll kind» of Feed Freaidfwt of the Amarlcan Bankart «olMcrlDUoas. «I H a year la advance. New and »ecoail grain Unfair Advantage Over the Aasociation •»ck». Sack twine Adverti.injr. 2««c an inch; nodiacoun, Clover seed. Chop I sometimes think we lay too much »or liuic or »pace : no charge for cou, Producers. ping done to »nit. ooaihon or change». «treaa on the technical efficiency Prices right. or our buslneia instrumentalities and *■ “Fald-fur Paragraphe.'* (c a Une. EXPERT EXPLAINS MONET I I C A P I T A L A N D SU RPLU S $ 3 5 .0 0 0 advertising disguised as newa. too little on their flo ur moral services Golden L o a f .... $2. (Ml White .Mountain 2.15 Is It enough to say IIA LS E Y , Linn Co.. Ore.. Oct. Î2 19.. Com m ercial and Savings accounts Solicited to our radical oppo­ Points Out Dangers in So-Called nents of the present --Energy Dollars—Other capitalistic order that STRAW S An ail-state agricultural econ- it effectively feeds Plans Exposed. .mic conference will be held at and clothes and C. N. M cA rthur is a candi­ , A\ c - the th *rd week in Jan- houses and furnishes ^ . 1 j ,» ° ^ . organized com- date for nomination to succeed ■ — — - » on — « a ■ wm - How demagogues are using false us with physical com- - n t ^ x i e it y of basis with cach each m a,or ajor J. H. Puelicher iort* «nd pleasures doctrines of so-called “sound money” McNory >in th e United States l ph and therefore it I« .. 0 give themselves or the class they Senate on an - - anti-klux piatfoim | Fruit --------- ------— --- H u it «rowers, growers, wheat growers' good? That 1. not enough. They can •epresent unfair ..¿vantages at the The duys and wets have beer, S lryinnn’ *lvestock breeders. rightfully tell us that, even though a sxpense of real producers Is exposed may minister to our physical trying to smoke out Mr. Cool­ • r ^ i 'ï; » eaCt.h T eet with college system well-being, if it stunts us morally. If ¡n the Journal of the American Eank­ idge on the prohibition issue racialists, bankers, repreicnta- It does not positively make us better ers Association by H. Parker WllUs, It le an Inadequate system. expert on the money question. The opinion prevails th a t he it ivcs of commercial bodies, and ethically. The general answer to this asser­ "There Is no subject In whose name fthers interested in their partie- dry enough to enforce the Vol liar blanches of agriculture. tion la obvious. The very fact that more crimes against truth have been H a y is w o rth j u s t a s m u c h in s to r a g e a i our Industry, commerce and finance etead law strictly. Meanwhile committed than that of 'sound cur­ serve us so im ply with the materials rency.' • M r W in i. says. “The term y o u m ig h t g e t f o r i t in c a s o o f fire. T h > GilTord Pinchot is groomed foi and means for physical wellbeing *‘ , al7 ay8 resorted to by demagogues. gives us the opportunity to build and k A rn e ric a n E a g le E ir e I n s u r a n c e c o m p a n >• the presidential nomination as At the present moment there seems support our churches, to foster the ju st a little dryer and the pro jw il p a y y o u 85% o f t h e c a s h v a lu e in c a s e w be a danger that It w ill he used ¡«coud I t , opposite Haliey Garage arts, to develop our great educational hibition party is flirting with ibort order, at ,|) |lou„ Up ,o „ p ( system, to be kind to one another. ' oy a potential presidential candidate o f lo s s b y fire. “ , r®p! esenanF the ‘platform’ upon Cut need we deal In generalities’ Henry Ford. j ~ which he exp»:ts to run. There Is Do we not find In the direct effect of no question that more nearly and di­ Wet or dry is a touchy ques-1 our business upon the Individual rectly touches the Immediate welfare tion with leading democrats uun w iu i le a d 1 n g d e m o c r a t s I ~ -------------- 1 ------ much to Improve his ethical stand­ ° every class In the community.” and they have trouble finding I ( { ‘t r h p r S h n n D ilhr ards? To toughen hie moral fiber? Purpose of Money tonga sufficiently long to har.dk | ° d r O t r O H O p ...» BaiRS 1» It not good for the personal char Primary funclJcrus of money and acier of the race to do business as currency, it is exp alned. are to serve it with. McAdoo is mentioned First-Class Work we are now doing It? as a means of exchanging goods and ofU nest a» th eir candidate. Let us *ake the business of bank Agg the value f . * ° ds- M r’ continues: In«, for example. is It a mere mech- Sent Tuesdays. Demagogue.», and those who are anlsm or is It a vital moral force? M ilto n A. M ille r , who *ii*|*ti(i yard I- w . S T E P H E N S O N , r rop. Does it do more than, by facilitating disposed to mislead the public for • u t in fife in L in n c o m ity and I n , various ulterior reasons Save n u j , Good quality, 6 feet w id e .___ 7 5 C " ,7 r d * ” production, raise the physical stand filled num erous p ub lic position S e n t ^ v l ' e 1“ 6“ ^ ““ •rd of living, or Is there anything in the w orld , ia a c a n d id a ta fu inherent In the manner and methods “ ° Dey- Som* of t'nem conte^d^tbSi th e ilem o cralic n o m in atio n {> Q uarter, of B E E F ««r cann.ng of banking that raises the moral ..aasesv»“ », ail which ° r b6’ ” c,lrrency *• that TwvI'nn,,onA ''" j o,t0D’ ,16 value< for.......................... 1 1 .5 0 standard of living as well? the U n ited Status senate. S itu o » ,'iirposes at canning price. •M a e tenths of our business Is done C a ria titi, a so of this co u nty, ha- 2-inch posts, seven l^inch fillers, o nly.............. $ 1 1 by means of credit. The great bulk c . H. F A L K al o been named fo r th e place See us when in need of of that credit is obtained from the C . L. F A L K Jr? and he has a tine leg is la tive rev banks. It Is obtained from the banks because men have character,— be < r j . E ith e r uiau would d o u b lles i HALSEY opoo b «her price. 1n terms q{ cause they are honest, because they do orudit to thè county and state We can save ,o u money the Produccr from keep faitn,—because they can be whom L h PT i f elected. less it tV °Ab U ? ed tbem ,e" aad trusted. T H A T t h u ¿ n u £ TRANOB TH ,N G did n°‘ not baTe have theM these ’ qualities ‘♦15-421 \ \ «at First street r / Cash pH paid Nov. 6 we vote on income tnv Ca,b “1 for f,;r the If they * .1“ uall’la8 , IS TOHAT d o f ‘ currency O THIS F T k F i n V OF c u r r e n c y Albany, Oregon they could not do business with ir n » ™ PRAISED Halsey, Oregon A m e ric a n E ag le Fire Insurance Co. lad’s and Mam’s Restaurai,! 50 c ^ Q U c lF C M e a l , C. P. STAFFORD, Agent Fresh and Cured Meats Mattress 50 Ivory Bed f u r n it u r e Cream and Produce Station M. H. 500, yes; county agent, 502, V e a l- SH O O K y- s. We want to see the prof­ prof- --------— — ycs. Heeia pay profits, A A m m or A A. - T 1 u USSing ssin g iteers pay taxes taxes on on their their profits, we need the H arrisburg bridge L A W Y E R and notary and ¿hall soon need one a t Al­ bany, and the county agent is ____U a i - s e v . Q k gon\* worth much more to this county than his cost. farm loans Newberg’s commercial ciub opposes the state Income tax. We didn’t know the big profi­ teers were strong in Newberg. , ”K*N I * NO Co., 13.» Lyon St.. Albany, Ore The organization fighting the " ir e n u o u g ly r.du*. ing to exhibit its records which show where its funds come fiom. II ads of the state grange piopose to invoke the law to let in the light. inaoiiMi tax I» Bartcher & Rohrbaugh Furniture Compaiy X i t ““™», u \ ’.ay banks dea! ,D the? desHn’ ^ o r ^ n : hX.Vy 7 S t i J a / hp ,« ^ 2 rWlTHSTANDiNC A S l V ? ° REATEST ness*ei l ^ r t t.bank,n^ N ‘ y* ° ur bu8‘- th . ,h , i* « rowln« That means that the faith of men In each other . f [ 0WiiDg' Tbe more men wbo come tltlthe»hbank" W' tb character« that en­ title them to credit.— the more men banksreath,e tba‘ l ° Ka'D credlt at ’ be Jbey “ USt P08’ « « themselves with characters that win them un Ue’ a E l tb6 h‘gher becon’ 88 I . no. , m d # rd 8 ° f tbe natlon - 18 " ot, ’ bl» a great moral service that banking renders? It 1» a areata» iystem *^0“ f° r ° Ur prc8en‘ »nanclal system than even Its wonderful effi- tenaTfh? Proy,,dln,t » • with the ma­ terial things of life No greater serZ !<• could be rendered the nation Enero-T C u r r e n t i- ER<,,By 'Surrency There is ano ther popular view ol sound currency which alms to base It upon "natuiMl producta" or “nat ty in g nro’d ”7 ' * ’Ua3Iy “ ,s ,n w ' 8PecI producta or forces which have troneamh0nT B le ,i 6r can be con- rency T hu . X- * ’’ ’rocaie of 8Uch cur have h Z n am n to t,me tbers renew h J,che,nes «»»»e a farm nròa , UP° D or Prot®c’ cd or I r n r,» ?dUC„’ "t0™d 1,0 warehou.e. A S K FO R ehe business build the bu3)ne„ structure ltructure" with Fith tha • faith of man In mao. ,Z y ) Meade & Alb™, C*3 9 f ) t<> P o r tla n d a n d r e tu r n . O n s a lo F r id a y , S a tu r d a y a n d S u n d a y , w ith fin a l r e ­ t u r n lim it o f T u e s d a y fo l­ lo w in g d a te o f sale. to P o r tla n d a n d r e tu r n O n sa le d a ily , c a r r y in g a r e ­ t u r n lim it o f 15 d a y s fro m d a te o f sale . 4 bough,. cause the large interests who »mt . ♦ *P€d I Uit t more of R a opponente w ijp be ° f ,aw* det€rrnination of Russi, before th . '0D€ ,n come ta x p a y e ra , « ¡ | | y „¡U y . < « p lo‘",,,r° „ ^ ',UO,' w''‘k''>"°srpo“ i man“ Three supposed Siskiyou train w .th ^ I £ i . bu; aoythin< i ^ t U heOnkSF£i , fical,F denounce- robbei-s have been arrested so ing the Ru klux Kian. The So" n ? " k,Dd ° f the c imi lro,„ ,|le peil„Ily ,|e We con- Oregon and Oklahoma delega­ often, and in so many towns, •tantly paying v X l ’ - . T o S ,D‘y .? ovel; ,“ ,‘br tion voted solidly Ku Klux. th at it is time for Halsey to do •’ « X J d ^ M y '«T " ° * be' n« mad* ■" .something to save herself from k v fllU fU , » . S » s ^ S , ° U‘ bt >eing called a hack num ber foro.Homath.ts, Manufacturing Opti,’««, Sodatol, a reliable explosive not finding them hero Albany. Or»»,«, has ^ « made available by congress for d,s- throu^h" th ° ° / eg° n farn »crs More than 2000 prisoners are ibiyugh the extension service W h y s u ffe r I r o n t on a hunger strike in Dublin, nf a A C’ " ’ay £ headacho ? f they are allowed to continue placed with the nearest countv H nvo y o u r o y e s dt i 6 .u ntil “ fpW of thei” agent. Only the cost of prepare- e x a m in e d tion and 1 reight is paid bv the »fh Off n he MpPetite« Of the others will probably return. h = n,er- P 10 PrePaiation and S. T . FR E N C H ia w 2! in Orc»°n is Optometrist, with ■;3J0 Pei 50-pound box and the T he ex-kaiser e not a.? warlike freight rate for carload ship­ » r - M. F r e n c h a, S o n s m ents vanes from 8oc to >2 S “ dUpatches j e w e l e r s - O P T IC IA N S state that he is a t peace per hundred weight. Shipment even T h is fall w e h a v e a n e x . with his wife. 1 ' Albaoy. Oreg