LSEY enterprise HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 1923 J --------- ‘ Brief Chronicles of Happenings in Halsey and All Over Linn County. NO. 13 Brownsville Briefs n I 87 " i * ? , Uwrei;ce) Shedd-Snapshots j Bv A n n . Pennell! OREGON NEWS BRIEFS Western Xewspspe? lI„,„„ R"5ioaniDKg Oufaide ()f fins Cjunty A lbert Foote and wife have i bringing them out to his farm. moved from Miss N ettie Spen- Helen Fanning of Portland ; Nelson is working, W 1111» l . Cady, appointed postmaster ' hoiise to th at recently va- He was accompanied by 0 W who will assist him in was m town last week, renew- X nBeaVertOn' “ nntlV* * ° n 01 ,h r l CoVe11'~ was "permitted by Judge K e i- drover R i m « f S S y by thC S> McWilliams t iTum, h e work. mg old«. ,r f t Wednesday for M J h W d | dall at Coquille to withdraw hi» plea. W A. Brock and wife and U’hovn T Y __ _ . A. local camp of the Spanish W ar and lhe court accepted a plea of not Belle Burson, who is working where Mr. Barnes expects to Mr. and Mrs. Lnmsden of daughter Mona were in town 1 eterans has been organized at The guil,y on motion of Attorney Claud Weston Ore., passed through Ihursday looking a fte r business in Lebanon, was home Sunday. work. Danes- | Gllos- counsel for the defense, appolnt- Halsey the first of the week on m atters. Mrs. Brock is spending Her brother Bruce, took her Axel Salvog, who has been O n. of Prineville's landmarks, the , * C W t' th eir way to California, where the w inter with her daughters back to work, Monday. working in Toledo, came over Elkins building, was destroyed by fire Only four states had a lower death they expect to spend the winter. a t the Cosy confectionery in Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Harrison Wednesday to run the steam of unknown origin rate than Oregon for the first quarter visited at Lawrence Dawson’s at fhovel at the Saddle Butte Mr. Wise of Myrtle Point H arrisburg while Mona attends The state fish commissioner has ac­ of the present year, according to fig­ Berlin one day last week. quarry. passed through Halsey Tuesday school. quired 3,000,000 hump-backed salmon ures just tabulated by the bureau of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Quimby Albert Pajme and Jim B ur­ ™ a C0UP)e o f saddle horses All. and Alls. J. E. E rnst are vggs. which will be hatched and the census. The Oregon rate was 12.1 th a t he was taking from Albany came over Tuesday from their son motored to California last the proud parents of a baby girl, Planted planted in various coast streams of per 1000 population. In Idaho the rate to Lakeview, in eastern Oregon. ranen on the Alsea and have week in search of work They born Monday morning. was 7.9, in Montana 9.4, In Washington Oregon. He expected to go over the Mc­ been visiting their parents, Mr. expect to be gone all winter, Al­ 10.4 and In Wyoming 10.8. Oregon About eighteen friends and r A' Je,Ima J r - edltor of the Mitchel) Kenzie pass if the snow was not and Mrs. A. H. Quimby and Mr. bert, having rented his place was backward In Its birth rate in the relatives of Mrs, Henery Freerk- f "enl ne1, dled at hl» home in Mitchell, same period, however, with 17.8 to too deep when he reached there. and Mrs. A. W. D ykstra, and north of town to his brother sen gathered at her home Fri- 84 jr#,rB 0,d and a veteran <* 1000. Only tr-o state» lower, Vermont Ivan. From and McMahan shipped families. £ a £ . celebr“ M h fr ’ «■> ¡ ¡ . i l T " • '°“ d,d s“ “ « • « » " ¿ .T n T Cecil Harrison sold one of his a car of hogs to Portland Tues­ I vAl r ’..and Mrs- W orth Harvey n , I C. A. Howard, superintendent nr ih . ? “ a«reement hae been reached day. oi Cottage Grove, accompanied Jersey bulls to J. J. Koenig of ^ (?nn® r and Roy Com- Marshfield public schools renorts the state highway commls- by Mrs Harvey’s sister, Airs. Lebanon. Jess. Bowers also pur­ Mr. Agee of Swift & Co.,1 mons went deer hunting last total enrollment of 1212 in the citv B i011 Wili re,ocate a of The Dalles- Portland, was in town the first Ernest \\ y a tt of Salem, passed chased some of Mr. Koenig’s W eek' j schools. This I . an incre“. . or r e i iL**“ 0™ * h' . ^ WBy ttround the • “ » schools. This is an Increase of 21« thiough Halsey Thursday even­ one registered Jersey cattle last of the week looking a fte r his the proposed Benham Falls reservoir, Mr. and Mi's. Glenn Hill over last year ing and stopped for a short visit week. company’s business. in which water will be stored for the Petitions are being circulated for moved Monday to Harrisburg. C’ P- Stafford home. Mr. Mrs. Emma Harrison went to North Unit Irrigation district In Des- Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Stalnaker and Mrs. Harvey were returning Mrs. L. G. Thompson went to the appointment of D. C. Ellis as post chut s county. It was estimated that of Corvallis were Sunday guests to their home from a trip to Lebanon last Wednesday, ex­ master at Oarlbaldl. Ilia la seeking the change In the road w ill cost ap­ a t the home of Mrs. Stalnaker’s Salem, and Mr. W yatt, who is pecting to return Monday, “a fte r Albany Monday. the appointment to succeed hie wife, proximately »100.000, half of which parents, Mr. and Mrs. T P special agent for the Standard visiting with her sister, Mrs. K E renst Abrahan was sick who desires to retire. Arnold. will be returned to the highway com­ Patton, in this city. * last week. Oil company a t Salem, had stop­ An increase of more than 200 pu­ mission by the district in case the Mrs. Reece Mallow was a pils in the enrollment of the Salem Miss Cleona Smith, senior at ped in Albany for a conference irrigation project Is completed. t schools for this year was reported by the U. of 0., was home from with other employes of th at business caller in Lebanon last The United States forest service and* Friday. George Hug, superintendent. The Alford Arrows Eugene for the week end, visit­ company and would join them Marion county w ill join in the con­ total enrollment la 3773. ing h e r fath er and other rela­ at Cottage Grove later. Mrs. struction of what Is known as the (Enterprise Correspondence) Miss Lola B. Carothers and tives. R. P. Bonham, immigration commis­ Harvey and Mrs. W yatt will be Miss Lillie Rickard, who is sioner, has completed an Investigation Niagara Detroit highway. The road I' red L. Hughes were m arri ied J. W. Moore went to Salem on remembered here as the Misses a t Albany last week. attending school a t Monmouth of the penitentiary and state hospital Is 12 2 mllea In length and will coat approximately »»£3,700. About 7 5 the early stage Wednesday, re­ Pei kins, who taught school here this winter, and her friend, Aliss will commence deportation pro­ . Gl«nn Loomis of the Browns­ Johnson, spent the week end at and mllea of the ro»d 1» in the national turning later with W. H. Beene, a few years ago. ceedings aaglnat 14 of the Inmates. forest, while 4.7 miles of the road 1» who had gone down with a truck J. M. Porter, accompanied by ville Times got the contract to the home of Miss Rickard’s par­ The council of the city of North outside the forest. The county’s share load of freight. nis daughter, Mrs. Edith Rob- pi int the ballots for this county ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rick­ Bend has designated November 12 as of the oo»t w ill exoeed »»0,000. In Mrs. L. C. M erriam departed nett, and her daughter Louise « 7 o q = /->N o V- 6 election for ard. the date for a special election to vote case the agreement is signed the 7.» $150 ’ ° th er bids ranked up to and son Truman drove to Lowell Tuesday for Medford on receipt J- H. Rickard and family $18,436.38 that the ezpeneea for next mllea of the road will be constructed! of news of the death the day Sunday and visited Mr. Porter’s drove to Tangent Sunday, ta k ­ year may be met without having to next year. Thia part of the road will! before of a friend a t th at place. ->i other-in-law, John Crewse, CO>1 »196,000, according to the eati ing 'Miss Rickard and Miss resort to warrants. and family. Over the Tup Clifton N. McArthur, eg-representa mates of the engineers C. P. Moody and family of <-onnson th s t fa r en thair return Miss Nora Pehrsson, who is In spite of the downpour last trip to Monmouth. five in congress from thé third (Ire- this city have been enjoying a The fact that many Oregon youth» gon (Portland) district has announced must become breadwinner» Immediate visit from Mr. Moody’s parents attending Willamette Universi- Sunday, there were 114 present Miss H attie Dannen of Shedd his candidacy for the republican nom ly after leaving high echool, without ty a t Salem, and her sister in the Bible school at the Halsev of H arrisburg. Pearl, who is a student a t O. A. Church of Christ. The goal th a t spent Sunday with her sister, lnation for United States senator in going on to college, la the considera­ J. S. McMahan left Wednes­ C. a t Corvallis, were both home had been set was 99. This seem­ Aim. E. A. Starnes. the primaries to be held next May. tion that has resulted In many gradu­ day for Cascadia, where he ex­ for the week end. ed a large number when the Report of the greatest season In ates from standard high schools not Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mercer and pected to spend ten days or two Kenneth Cross, Delos Clark summer average was about 30 the history of Cratar lake was brought being prepared for entrance examina­ nieces, D eEtta and Dorris Rob- weeks rounding up his cattle to 40. to Portland by C. O. Thompson, super tions to colleges and universities. Thia; th a t have been running on gov­ G?.’ 1. Hl,1> Wayne Robertson, The program was well a r­ nett of Eugene, visited at the intendent of the park. A total of 52, condition has caused tome criticism IL I. Isom heme Friday night W illia m Corcoran and Ercell ernm ent land this summer, and 017 tourists visited the resort this sea to be leveled at the high school«, and ranged and well rendered. Miss and Saturday. Sneed, all students a t 0 . A. C Vivian W histler was a delight to son as »gainst 33,011 for the previous the situation la explained In a letter were home for the week end that J. A. Churchill, atate superintend­ all with her vocal solo. Veltie Clyde Sidwell of Coburg anc season. Saturday evening a t the city made a deep impression Delbert Buckman and family Coos county banks have received ent. has written to all high school ru a n a were gt Portland guests a t the word from their San Francisco corre principals In the atate. Churchill aaya, hall the freshmen of the local with his vocal solo and violin of ro W e H ave high school gave a party in hon­ number. We are glad because o f 1 Green home Sunday. spondents that their remittances are however, that principals should have a EVERYTHING the assistance given bv these I t ___r l . missing. On checking up It was found knowledge of the college and univer­ or of the sophmores. The facul­ t Lusby of Springfield that they probably were In the mall sity entrance requirements so the high O ptical ty, directors and many former splendid young people “ An offering for the State ?£? d,a ys with his sis‘ on the train which was held up In the school courses of the pupils may be> students were present. Games Bible E Y E S T R A IN school work was6 taken! ! te r’ MrS’ J “ F " Is° m’ last week shaped accordingly. If desired. Siskiyou». were indulged in and all report Is the Cause of Many The state Income tax law enacted at Air. and Mrs. W alter Kickenap amounting to $9.99. This will having had a good time. The federal board of river and har HUMAN ILLS If y»ur eyes give you trouble or A rth u r Foote was home for a be given to the work th a t Airs. of Portland brought Violet Bur­ bor engineers baa disapproved the the last session of the legislature, and your glasses are annoying few days the first of the week Clara Essen is doing throughout nett up for a visit with her par­ recommendation of the district engl not the referendum of the measure. SEE US. We can Relieve You ents, Mr. and Mi’s. John Burnett, neer for a preliminary survey to in Is to be voted on at the special elec­ and reports th a t he has taken a the state for Bible schools? Sunday. Bancroft Optical Co A t 11 o’clock Mrs. Clara Es­ dlcate the coat and extent of Improve­ tion November 8. according to a legal six-months lease on the house 1st St. W Albany. Hione ¡9 ments of the Umpqua river and haa opinion prepared by I. H. Van Winkle., he has occupied for the past sen spoke to a large num ber on Jay Curtis visited his brother, so attorney general, in other words, a the need of preparation. Her notified Senator McNary. year and th a t his family wil C hester Curtis, Sunday. message was well received. In Valuations on public utility proper vote of ’’yea" means a vote for the In­ continue to reside there unti the afternoon a conference was spring. One of the horses belonging ties in Oregon for 1»23. upon which come tax law. while a vote of ’’no" held, when m atters relative to to Ix>e Ingram, which were in­ taxes for 1924 will be paid, have been means a vote against the law. "I Mrs. English and daughter th T’i?ible were discussed. jured in the runaway last week, Increased approximately $41,000,000. would say.” said the attorney-general’s Edna of Eugene were week end The sermons for next Sunday «v ciu p ea blood okxxi poison in one when compared with 1922. accordln? I opinion, “that the supreme court In Its developed guests of their son and brother, will be taken from Heb.l a n d , leg recent decision upon the referendum to tentative figures compiled by Earl and had to be killed. H. F. English, and family. of such measure, held that It Is the> Flaher, atate tax commissioner. Acts 8. Read these chapters, bill which Is to be voted upon and Messrs. A. A. Tussing, C. P. bring your Bibles and come to The new city charter for Oregon not the petition of referendum of the Moody. B. M. Bond and B. S. the services of the Lord’s day City was Indorsed without dissension same. Also, the constitution and stat­ Clark attended a session of the by the members of the revision com- MINISTER. utes provide for voting upon the meas­ , Masonic lodge at Shedd on Sat- I mlttee and a group of business men. ure and not upon the petition Initial ' urday night. An organization has been perfected B. M. Bond has been elected tag or referring the same Hence an Mrs. D. Taylor and son Law­ Superintendent of the M. E. j for the purpose of obtaining the ac- 1 affirm ative vote Is a vote for the rence drove to Salem Saturday Sunday school to fill the piace, eeptance of the document at the elec- measure, and a negative vote la; and visited E verett Standish. ; tlon November 8. made vacant by the removal of against It without reference to the' The regular business meeting D. S. McWilliams to Albany. Three referring the sam e” Many Many- -------- heroic size statutes—one Riaiuiea—one of I petitions reierring me same.” Washington, one of Lincoln and one •»»»• been of the opinion that of the Epworth League, which The Scio hotel was raided by of D r John M cL eu g h lln -w lll be pre » ot '’yes" would sustain th e was held a t the M. E. church stnted to the city of Portland by Dr. ’’« I’ rendum. while the fact la the re- i Wednesday evening, and at Sheriff Richard and deputies in Henry Waldo Coe, the donor of the ' Haleey Church of Christ Oh boy! A good bath, a glowing i wnich Ted Mitzner was elected the middle of Saturday night *x>»«veh equestrian atatu. according Organisation of the wheat grow er. and distillers’ mash and distil­ president of the League, was rubdown. And then »lip into followed by a social evening. ling apparatus seized. Monday Church ^ T p . J * ? ' J L ? 8 CUr D “ l,8d 8 U tM ,n ,° ‘ one o f our union suit». Announcements ^ uncU i Z by’ y T J Z ' clfy o ot p th8 th8 tea •»“’ ‘ association - - Seventeen or eighteen of the ________ C ? r ' commissioner, e r a u:lt8 t i v e d 8,B marketing A rtm an Chandler and ___ We ca n y the following brand»: members were present and re- i L FU,,’t r ’ thS prv»rie- Cbmch of Christ: ‘ Trail markers are being prepared through which they may control the port a very enjoyable time. tors, pleaded guilty of m aintain- r i by the foreat service at Eugene for the flow of wheat to market In an orderly Three Season Beaverknit i Games i«» a - nusiance ---- Charelee, minister. , . 10, . W. H. R .bert Olallle trail, extending from McKenxIe manner and eliminate the danger o f were played and refresh­ uig and paid $250, Bible school. $175 bridge to Horae Pasture mountain, having large quantities thrown on the $2.00 ments served during the eve­ season’ n f l - ^ * u i,ty o i P0*- Morning worship, I I ning. Box Canyon and other points In the market at one time, causing reduction Lord ’s Cascade forest, according to Nelson 1n prices, is the only solution for the P. Q- A. Among the mail on the burn­ “ “ lon of liquor and went to supper every Lord’s d«v F Macduff, supervisor of the for— J Chriatian Endeavor, 6:80 present dilemma of the growers, ac­ $3.50 ed car a t Siskiyou was a letter ,al ln de_fault of $100 fine. The season's apple-packing record cording to a statement made by Eu- I which E. Russ had w ritten to E. t l H “ d na__■ O » r. | gene Meyer, director of the war ft- • U~«^a A n «4srs. .11 weights, all fabrics, ( J. Wickson, for a lifetime con­ H-Afro m eC i$ S ! ^ ir L lW! X e S 5 t k j 1” el',°, c ■eperste garments too and you’ll nance corporation to a large group of nected with the University of •« b , Pr « ,,„ e , nd Uke th e prices. 7 v n u u u i wn packer. Mr». C. C. Caaey, wife of an wheat growers, bankers and grain California. The envelope was morning service a t v the Method- i dealers of Oregon at a conference held upper valley rancher, equaled Mr. I T t n ’t a fo o d health t i p - ^ n a tha considerably burned, but the ad­ JAt church next Sunday. It will come and worship wiib us. I In Portland. Out of the meeting grew Rhuey's record as a sorter. For a six- m u s c /M » n u n d j o u r dress remained. Nearly all of be an inspiration to everyone, /r e e p A iy by iring day period the two averaged 2M boxes the creation of a committee of five the letter itself was burned, but and especially to the young peo- Methodist: Stttpendtra L * f t ua a h o * oi fruit without help and sorted the bankers, which la to be named by tbe Robert Parker, pastor. «MM the date at the top and the sig­ Dle to hear them. In the evening fruit without help, Mr. Shuey lining president of the Oregon Bankers’ Sunday School, 10. nature remained. As a result the pastor will use for his suh- soclatlon. The group Is to form me­ his own boxes. Preaching, 11. Mr. Russ received a reply from dium for cooperation between the .‘, '£ avid and tf»« Giant Go­ Interm ediate League, 6:30. Arthur Covall, crippled astrologer. Mrs. Wickson, stating that her liath. Two helpful and interest­ bankers, business men and farm or­ Epworth League. 6.30. ----------- — who last week pleaded guilty to ■ husband died last June. ganizations in tbe perfection of the ing services aw ait you. Men’s U nderw ear I --------------- M is v a KOONTZC GOOD GOODS (ConUnued on page S) Pastor. Urayer meeting Thursday, 7 80, ’charge ut flret degree murder In cea Preaching, 7;80. | necUoa with the death of Mrs Bhba co-operative marketing system for the batdllng of the wheat crop. . «