OCT 1«. 1923 17216186 ^ u to m o ii/e a n è of this week. Chester Purdy G L O B E ALBANY [ and family will move onto the < 7 r a c t o r ¿ /R e p a ir in g Taylor piace. on which the High Class Photoplays Only Wrights have livea for the past Fisk and Gates T ire s and Tabes.— We now have in stock the Fisk % .,0» W e w ill overhaul your Ford engine for $20 labor several years. SUNDAY— MONDAY fabric tires for $9. Be sure to investigate our lines and get our “ Chevrolet engine for $22.50 labor O c t. 31-22 prices before buying. “ “ reliae transmission band for $2.50 labor F. M. Maxwell of Tangent Automobile accessories, Ford parts, oils. Another Bit; Picture “ “ overhaul rear axle and rebush springs and perches when was a Halsey visitor Saturday, W illa rd battery service station. '* necessary for $7 labor a guest at the home of his Richard Barthelmess father-in-law. J. M. Porter. Trouble calls given All work prompt attention Mrs. L. IL Armstrong was in guaranteed Albany on ousiness and shop­ Telephone 16*5 "THF BRIGHT SHAWL” ping F O O T E B R O S . Props. last week. •upported by Edmund G. Anderson of Al­ Dorothy Gish • bany, 31, with a wife and three- HALSEY RAILROAD TIME * * * * * * * * * * * • year old daughter, was killed by Alford Arrows North South the accidental discharge of a I am No. 18, 11:37 a. in. No. 17, 12:15 p. m. gun in the hands of Charles J. (E nterprise Correspondence) 24, 4:28 p. ni. Lindner of Portland Sunday John Haims and wife and two 23. 4.28 p. m. 22, 4:30 a. m. moring near Corvallis. children of Roseburg visited at on my 21, 11:32 p. m. — 99— 99999999999999 the home of Mrs. Hann s fath­ Nos, 21 and 22 stop only if flagged. The bridge petition will go er, John Will banks over the on the Nov. 9 ballot. way to Jots and Tittles week end. Mrs. Dean Tussing and little SUNDAY MAIL HOURS daughter Ixtts Ann of Trafford, Leonard Ingram and family (Continued fro m page 3 ) The delivery window of the Pa., and Mifig Bonita Tussing of Halsey, I visited Leonard’s uncle, Lee H alsey poetoffice is open Sundays Salem, daughter and daughter- Ingram, last week, as he was from 10:50 to 11 a. at. and 1215 Walter Stephenson of 'Port­ | moving from Carlton to Walton. to 12:30 p. m. land, son donu w. Stepnenson, in-law of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Oregon with his wife visited his lather fussing of this city, arrived Sunday mail goes out only on C. E. Mercer and wife of Eu­ Saturday evening for a visit. here over the week end. the north-bound 11:37 train: gene spent Sunday at the D.I. P. Crume of Brownsville Isom home. John W. Stephenson was in and N. George W„ Crume of Scio Eugene over Thursday night. were Halsey visitors Monday. Mrs. Margaret Starnes, who Paid-for Paragraphs Mis. S. L. Pike and soil has been at Marion for the past Mrs. W. A. Cummings was a three weeks, came back to her Adm ittance Here 5 Cents George were here the last of uie Polk county visitor the first of wees uom Crow, where they the week. son’s home for a few days’ visit a Line before going on to Marshall­ have rented a larin, and visited T. J. Skirvin received word Airs. Pikeg mother, Airs. M. E. town, Io., where she will visit For S a le -P o ta to sacks, 4c «ach Monday of the death of his Hassett. ¡other relatives. C. R. E vans , Rout» 1, Holsey" brother Ernest, which occured ------------------- __ ________ __ _r _ Ralph Danner and family Air. and Airs. Carl Koppe ol I in the hospital at Oregon City Old paperi forarle at 5c a bündle Eugene spent the week enu with Interment was at Scotts Mills j Stock (dimes f ar to Pacific International j spent Saturday at the E. A. Starnes home helping fill the at thè Enterprise office. the la ite r ’s aunt, Mrs. T. 1. Tuesday. silo. Alarks, and family, while Mr Mrs. George Gansle of Eu Warren Newton of Harris­ Koppe went hunting with the E. D. Isom and family visited burg has a fig tree which has gene was a guest at the home of doctor. at the home of Mrs. Isom’s borne two crops this year. Is her son Frank, Monday. She ex­ Among the Halsey people tended her trip to Stayton on mother, Mrs. L. E. Bond, in Al­ this the land of the olive and who attended the 1. O. O. f. Tuesday to be with her brother bany, Saturday night and Sun­ fig ?” day. Linn-Benton-Aiaiion convention there, who is sick. at Saturday were ,, Jetterson , ---------- ----- 1 The new farm home of Mr. Lee Ingram’s four horse team Burglars Caught at Peoria E. Robins and wile, accompam-1 and Mrs. B. M. Miller is assum­ I ran away one day last week, Burglars enicrcd the store of ed by W. P. Wahl, and Air. and ling proportions and will be a cutting three of the horses LaMar & LaMar at Peoria Tues- AdLrs. G. W. Laubner accompam- great improvement in appear- quite severely on wire and the d*y iNgut io their ooufusiau. The 6u by Mrs. McMcihun und Johii|ui\ce and convenience. disc. Mr. Rolfe was driving store had been visited by crooks Bressler. Mrs. “ R. • "• A. Angel and son of more than one# before and ths I them. , . c i u j x v xr I *"*“• John Salash drove to Jeller- Walla Walla, Wash., arrived proprietors had fi ially installed a ■on Saturday and attended the I Tuesday noon and are guests at Mrs. Chester Curtis, with burglar alarm. i. O. O. 1. convention. the home of Mrs. Angel’s About 1:80 the mechanical children, visited her father and F. H. Porter of Portland was I daughter, Mrs. J. H. Vannice, mother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles watchman •‘ h ollered” and the T he Pacific In tern atio n al L iv e Stock a Halsey visitor the first of the fan^ family. The Insert above shows three very Tandy, near Harrisburg, Sun­ proprietors and Dale Lamar, Fred Exposition Is held in Portland, Or., typy Shorthorns th a t are coming to day afternoon. ffason, J. D. M. WMrren and Fred wee^ I F. G. Hadley accompanied by but It is "tru e to nam e." Livestock of Brady responded exposition. T hey are owned by Ben Ryan, Southern Pacific I ^ r- and Mrs. J. W. Miller drove the best herds comes from ail parts our Medford Ingram and wife of Three men ran and dodged be­ H . C. Lookabaugh of Oklahoma They engineer, who lives at R ose-1B row nsville Saturday, where of the continent to figh t out the last w ill help make up a wonderful string, Silverton visited at the home of hind a woodpile. Two of them, burg, and Air. Dysinger of the, Mr. and Mrs. Miller spent the battle for supremacy in Its show ring. but they w ill have to look th eir pret­ Medford’s uncle, Lee Ingram, Robert Bruce of Swc«t Home, who ■ante place were in Halsey th e H ay w‘t*1 their daughter, Mrs. Anim als that w in the purple ribbons tiest and beefiest if they »win against Sunday. Mrs. Ingram accom­ has been in trouble before, and R. at the Pacific In tern atio n al are aa the other Shorthorn herds to be shown first of the week on a hunting, Barold Stevenson, and husband good panied them home for a week’s W Hodge of Pleasant View, were as the best anywhere. this year. f t , ttIid n6re KU.e,SlS the Calvin ° f Portland, caught and the third plunged off The low er panel of the picture | visit there and at Salem. Judges, w ithout exception, w ill be the river hank, under a rain of L Alarks home. Air. Ryans la- owner of the Heilig chain of shows the Thorp string of Jerseys men of national experience, and grea Jay Curtis of Lebanon came builets, and disappeared. They th era number of years ago was | theatres, passed through Hal- from California. They w ill be at the a b ility . The Ju ’ ;ing alone is Wort! Exposition in Portland Novem ber 3 up for a days’ hunt with his had entered the rear o f the build, section foreman for the South sey Saturday evening on his 10 to see If they are as good ar the a trip to see and hear. brother Chester Sunday. iug and tried to break through to eni Pacific here and will be re­ way to Eugene and was detain­ to T here Is no livestock show held any Jerseys of Oregon. W ashington. ;Jaho the front. membered by some of the old ed here for some time by the and elsewhere. T h e y have good Jer­ where in Am erica that surtsjsses the: timers. seys in California, but they w ill meet of the Pacific intern atio nal breakdown of his automobile. And th< Eii 11 of Years, He Rests The idea that our government the best of the W est at Portland. best of it Is that it is nea* Airs. Callie Frum went to Al­ Henry Robert-, 82 nd for fitfty must expend millions in perpe­ W. H. Kirk, who is employed bany Saturday, where she met at Monroe, was home for a I yen re a resident of Br..w..»vi'lc, tuating wild game that certain lied Monday nod was to (>« buried' meP m.Ry have the pleasure of her son Earl, who came up from day’s shooting Sunday. Friday (¡gening from Salem, I tho where she is attending Wiliam-' th ’ 7 lth “° 8,gn of a "e*t- Iu :>v the Oddfellows todav at 1:80 satisfying the savage nature re­ Woodburn, where he is staying o rr , . , - and going to school this winter. , j K- ^mpleton of Port- ette Univrsity, Univraitv. and snonf fho He was the father of Mr«. Frank maining in them by getting out and spent __ Peculiar shape keeps it in place on M u ‘and came up Saturday and was week-end the bare, sloping rock. Even shbulfi Hadley of Halsey and of Charles and shooting it, i« rank foolish­ at her home. M. H. Shook and family were the guest of his sister, Mrs. W. it be accidentally started down hill, Roberts, who arrived Tuesday from Albany visitors Saturday. R. Kirk, and family for a few Roland Marks came home it would not roll straight but would Koseburg, Gray Roberts, wuo ness and a waste of the people’s H. W. Chance and wife and | days’ visit and for some hunt- from O. A. C. Saturday night turn around like a top on its own n Halsey the pheasants Sunday. County Court of Linn County, State of lens' State bank a t N o rth Bend has Oregon, and that the 19th d .y of No­ been sold and the institu tio n w ill open Mi»« Leitnar of th* local high vember, 1923, at the hour of 16 o ’clock it suddenly flew open, precipi- ' About a thousand years ago on» tn . has been duly appointed bv said Miss Ida Mitzner, who is school was a week-end visitor of the Florentine crusaders was a for business Decem ber 1. J. F. G ard­ a, Court tating the child to the pave­ for the hearing of objections to ner of Hillsboro has been chosen cash­ ment. The car was traveling at teaching in the Albany public in Portland. noble named Pazzi, says the Detroit ier. •aid final account and the settlement school, came home Saturday a speed of about twenty miles thereof, at which tim e any person inter Mrs. Albert Miller made a New». He was among the first of Election of W . I . Van Allen of Red- e? . .,n “ ld «»tate may appear and file an hour, but other than a few and visited at the home of her trip to Eugene Friday, where the warriors to enter a breach in objections thereto in w ritin g and con- scratches and bruises the child parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mitzner, she visited her daughter, Mrs. the wails of Jerusalem whan that | rnond as a director, and defeat by a test the same narrow m argin of the proposed $120,- Dated and first published Oct, 18, 192A north of town. teemed to be unhurt. Harry Leeper and family. city was stoned and taken by the 000 bond Issue were the results of the J. F. S c h b d t ib b , Theodore Gaubert of Creswell J. R. Wright was in town Christiana. Passi directed his steps C entral Oregon irrig a tio n d istrict eleo- i Adm inistrator aforesaid, One of the most astounding to the holy sepulcher, where the sa­ tion. A x o a A. Tczsiw c. Atty, for Admr. Monday and stated that he and arrived in Halsey Saturday and his wife would be domiciled in will lie employed at the Al. B crime stories known comes from cred fir» burned on the altar. Here By unanimous vote the Portland A D M IN IS T B A T o a S NO TIC S their new home on their own Harding farm, southeast of Bandon. Alton Coveil, 19, con­ he lit a torch from the flame, sprang city council awarded the contract for place, between Shedd and town. Notice is hereby given th a t the under- the construction of the third Bull Run fesses that he killed his step­ on his horse and started on the re­ of the estate or W. Brownsville, by the latter part pipe line to the W illa m e tte Iron « Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kizer mother by seizing her and hold­ turn journey to distant Florence. IL K irk p a tric k, deceased, has filed his Steel works, the lowest bidder, a t a final saconnt in said estate with the of Rowland were visiting in the ing a cloth saturated with am- Paxzi did not stop until he ar­ sndn»h»C erk ,O> L,B" countr ' Oregon, moi ia over her mouth till she rived before the door of a duomo or prioe of $2,S71,4O$.M. * *********...<**<>******** * Halsey neighborhood Sunday. « hM M o o '^ r. M arion county lays claim to the only f o e 4 th Dr. Shelton of Brown-villa was dead, at the instigation of cathedral, where he deposited the the 5th day of November, 1923, at the * * his uncle, Arthur Coveil, who still burning torch on the high real "d irt fa rm e r" county court In the hoar t,n o'clock . . the foren.cn at was a Halsey visitor Sunday. the tim e, and the cauaty courtroom of planned the crime in all its de­ altar. And here, say the priests of state of Oregon. All members of the said county as the place, for hew ing ob- * Mr. and Graham Steele and oourt. Including the county Judges and tails. Arthur, a bedridden crip­ » im l'lh .’ ,? ,i**1'1 fin’ ’ ,ccou*» if aay, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Laue of Port­ ple and an astrologer, confesses the duomo, it has burned ever since. the tw o county commissioners, are »nd * the settlement of said estate. land and Mr. and Mia. C. T. that he planned that and many In honor of this fighter the city genuine d irt farm ers. Colds and Influenza * * , . „ J 1 M G « a v , Adm inistrator. * McDevitt of Corvallis were other murders that were to fol­ council of Florence decided, a L. L. S w a m , A t t/. for Admr. * quickly checked before they get guests at the J. S. McMahan low it. few hundred years later, that Everett, son of S. C. Hunter - danger»«. w ith home east or town while the Statem en t uf the ow nership, m a n ­ thereafter his family should have and wife of Brownsville, and I etc., of the Haleey E n te r­ men maae merry with the th« privilege of supplying a Miss Gail Forbes of Corvallis agement. m o th k r in s t in c t stronq prise. published at H aleey O regon pheasants. I large three-decked cart to be were married in Santa Ana, se required by the act of congreee of The murre ia by all odd. the com- filled with expioaivas and drawn Ca!.t Sept. 28. Mr. Hunter is Aug 24. t i l l ; M ss Mary Smith, who re­ » Cold and Gripoe Tablets : turned from the hospital at Al­ moiieet bird on the rock* »Jong tha mto the Plahba del Duomo by a head storekeeper for the Pacific Maleev. Oregon. October 18, 192J bany Tuesday, is improving California -i>nat, crowding together team of white oxen. This ceremony Telephone company at Santa ? w “ «r. editor and manager, Wm H. Ana. °f Hateey. Ltan county. Î R I N G O ’S Dmestore te immense coloma« t k .- i__ Ifi fttlll — - —t --- * - - - .''»•■it****«***«******»*»**; I Mias Alberta airivad A. D. S. il!S.