P ierce on P ro h ib itio n Albany-Brownsville Stage Line Governor Pierce says : The Oregon legislature at its last session enacted drastic Brownsville hotel. -Brownsville st laws for the enforcement of F. M. A. M . srAiiùWs M iles A M - P M. prohibition. It created the of­ 2:10 8;00 Lv- B R O W N S V I L L E Ar. 11:45 1 5:45 0 2:35 8:25 H A L S E Y , Clark Confectionery fice of prohibition commission­ 7 11:20 5:20 2:45 8:25 SHE D D , Thompson's Grocery 12 11:10 5:10 er. It has taken time to or­ 3.00 T A N G E N T , Mother's Inn 8:50 17 10:55 4:55 3:25 4.15 __ ALBANY Lv ganize the forces but in. the six 26 10:30 4 30 months last past there have ••Being Albany connect w ith Portland stages. been 197 arrests. 182 convie tiens, and a total amount of $51,657.54 in fines, 8,505 days in room w ith I I * lohg tabla, but nowhere the county jails, for the viola­ you're a marked men naw, end take wan there a trace of paper*. Bvery- tion of the law. Twenty-four reasonable care of yourself." thing ot that kind had either been “T hank you, sir." stills and» sixteen .automobiles destroyed or taken away. And there H ailing a taxi briskly Tommy was no sign o f Annette. have been confiscated. stepped In, end wee sw iftly borne to "W hat you toll me about the girt I find that the strongest de­ the Rite, dwelling the w hile on the p m ile s me," said M r. darter. “You pleasurable anticipation o f startling terrent for violators of the pro­ believe that she deliberately went Tuppence, bat hla enthusiasm received hibition law is a jail sentence. backr a check. H e was Informed that Mies Almost without exception, “I t would seem so, d r . She ran Daily Schedule OCT. I«. 1123 A Golden Jabilee /7 F ifty-year D em o n stratio n of Dignity o f F arm Life H A L S B Y E N T E R P R IS E ( /\ lbany ¿//¿recto ry I “ AGE J W ANTED Sheep on Shares 60 OR 65 HEAD One more is added to the M. E. S t o n b . h is is good advice . " I f you live number of fanrlies who have in T Albany, trade in Albany ; if yon live Twin Buttes— Halsey Postoffce. prospered on farms in th’s in some other town, trade io that town.' Hut iu these automobile days many te F O R SA LB OR T R A D E vicinity and have come to Hal­ tiding el»«where fiud i t advisable to do i t least part of their buying in the sey to enjoy the autumn—the for Cows or Chickens larger town. Those who go to Albany Indian summer—of life. to transact business w ill find the firms ssnied below ready to fill their require­ Because they were still un­ ments w ith courtesy and fairness. Oakland “ 6 ” Touring Car settled in the new home in town Box 223, Halsey, Oregon into which they had just moved, A I ban y Bakery, 321 Lyon si reel, the relatives and friends of Mr. -pound loaf of bread made Best one-pound and Mrs. C. C. Jackson postpon 5 cents. Wedding calces to order Jots and Tittles ed the celebration of their gol­ A Ib n n y E le c t r ic S to re . den wedding one week and the (Continued fro m page 1> Delco Light prodi c.a affair occurred last Friday even­ ing. J. Rainwater, arrested "Tor W m . H ö f l ic h . liquor selling, was dismissed in At the prompting of Rev. A Ibany Floral Co. Orders tilled the Albany city court Friday. Cawley had gone eat a quarter of an upstair* while I was getting the door l have, ai> governor, refused exec Robert Parker of the M. E. Aa carefu carefully for everywhere or any hour ago. church Mr. Jackson took a vow Rainwater isn’t barred by the open.” time. Flowers, wire anywhere in U. S i. booze uive clemency to those justly to cut the wood and milk the or laws. Canada. Flow er phone 458-J, " H ’m, she must belong to the gang, tried and sentenced for the vio- (T o be continued) then; but, being a woman, didn’t feel cows and Mrs. Jackson to dam For four months the Harris­ ation of the prohibition act. GARAUK. Stud«- like standing by to see a personable his socks, fry the mutton, mend ALBANY toker * anti b a k e r" * and " “Star** S t a r " i automobiler. burg ferry has been operated Alcoholic liquors clog the young man killed. But evidently she's Next Sunday Rev. W. S. Richie his pants and sew on his but­ General repairing and supplies. day and night and carried an In w ith them, or aha wouldn't have of Shedd will preach at the Pine brain and prevent the God-given tons. G. T, Hockensmith.— Lloyd Templeton. average of 650 cars a day across gone beck.” right of human beings to think, Grove church. fifty people enjoyed “I can’t believe ehe'a really one of the Willamette. We want a t is more necessary now to use the Nearly D lu e Bird Restaurant, 309 Lyon proceedings and the ban­ them, air. She—«eemed so differ­ street Kat here when is Albany. bridge at Harrisburg. How to keep the boys on the our intellect as human beings quet which was served. ent— “ Open from 6 to i and 5 to 8. than ever before. It is an age To stock Linn county streams ••Good-looking, 1 snppoeef" said M r. farm. “The Brown Mouse” will Mr. Jackson has resided in M bs . B l o u n t . of machinery which men cannot Linn 60,000 rainbow trout have been Chrter w ith a smile that n ad e Tommy tell you. county since he was a safely direct on the roads and yearling and Mrs. Jackson, who R U N S W IC K flush to the roots o f his hair. H e received from the McKenzie elswhere unless the brain is was Miss Mandy Bilyeu, is a na­ B V 11 O N O G R A r I I S latchery by the Santiam Fish admitted Annette's beauty rather Furniture nt shamefacedly. clear. What America demands tive here. Coming to Halsey and Game association and turn­ W O O D W O R T H S "By the way." observed M r, Carter, today is an active brain, because forty years ago from their Exchange ed loose. "have you shown yourself to Miss .tK ib u rn U r o * .— T w o big g ro cery America stands at the head of fonner home near Scio, Mr. Tuppence y e ti She's been bombarding Kenneth Cross was home IlFst and largest lin e of stores, 212 W. First and 225 South the world in almost every hu­ ind Mrs. Jackson have resided me w ith letters about you.” from O. A. C. over the week Main. Good merchandise at the right man activity. •Tuppence? I was afraid the might their farm in the Lake creek prices. end. He brought a well-de­ Used F u r n itu r e , As governor of the state of oft get a bit rattled. D id she go to the lection, with the exception of C’lluis developed and printed. veloped set of muscles to bear Oregon I ask all law-abiding police r Headquatera for Camping Outfits years when Mr. Jackson A We mail them rig ht beck to you. on the problem of turning out citizens to suport the law en­ two M r. Carter shook hla head. vas sheriff they made their Woodworth Drug CpuipAny, Albany, Or- 1000 posters on the Enterprise “Then I wonder how they twigged Heavy forcement officers of their com­ home at the and county ‘«on. seat. press Saturday afternoon. me." munity. D PRINT LINOLEUM Good management and indus­ p i rst par ge going north. M r. C arter looked Inquiringly at Miss Eileen Baldwin, now of 51 per square yard. try have enabled them to him, end Tommy explained. The Tires, accessories, oils, gasoline FARMER AND LABORER Portland, has filed suit against other nodded thoughtfully. repair work. ichieve a fair degree of pros­ 422 West First st.. Albany. Oregon. Dr. J. E. Bridgewater of Albany (Portland Telegram) "True, that's rather a cartons point. W. H . H ft lb t’XT. perity on the farm, and week __________ for $50,000 damage^ for having Unless the mention o f the R ita was Mr. Gompers thinks of the >efore last they moved to town Eplood’s dry goods stern in th e best lured her into indiscretions D ELBERT STA RR an accidental remark?'' farmer as a class. This is be­ to spend their declining years * place in Albany to buy dry goods, 3vhich ruined her reputation. " It might have been, sir. B nf they Funeral Director and Li cause he has thought and iess strenuously. furnishings and notions. Service i* our must have found out about me sud­ Let us remind our correspon­ Among those in attendance motto. fought all his life in terms of censed Embalmer denly In some way." dents once mote that there is “W all." said M r. Carter, lonhlng Efficient Service. He has declared before were two sons and one daugh- PORD SALES AND SERVICE Motor Hearse. class. no such English word as “sump- round him, “there’s nothing more to Tires and accessories the labor convention in thia city t t : Fulton Jackson of Harri.*. l.adv A ttendant Repairs tious” and that “sumptuous” ba done here. Good-by. Remember that he wishes labor as a class >urg, with his wife and daugh­ B r o w n s v ille .....-----------------------Oregon K i k k -P o l l a k M oron Co. means extravagantly expensive to lock arms with fanners as a ter; T . J . Jackson of Lake class. 3reek with his wife and Mrs E V irl m ille r F u r n it u r e C o ., f u i n i- and does not describe any de­ T innlmim Special sale for a lim ited tim e d - 1 1ft a square in Halsey. "Stren- A ture, directors. rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. cent feed U yard Ajlllvlvlllll Good quality, 12 feet w id e ____ q )JLa L The cost of farm labor, the George Hockensmit'n of Lake Funeral 427-433 west First ious” is another word often cost of labor that goes into farm 7^/»* *qu.*re equipment and supplies which Creek, with her husband an< dreet, Albany, Oregon. Good quality, 6 feet wide . . . . . . . . . . . • tkv yard found in local manuscript but. laughter. Fred Jackson, anoth­ not in the dictionary. » ub Cleaning Works, Inc. be must buy, the cost of labor er son, is a guard at Salem peni­ Mattress $12.50 that Cor. Fourth t n f Lyon goes into transportation to tentiary and he and the other Master Dyers and Cleaners Two mysterious characters it is to the farmer’s in­ ton, G. S. Jackson of Harrio- M a d e -T o -M e a s u re Clothes 50-lb Siminona, all Cotton, 516 value, for . . . . . ........................... 11.50 market, whose identity many readers terest to hold down, since his >urg, were unable to be present. are trying to guess have been ELECTRIC CO. Ivory Bed 2-inch posts. seven 1-ineh fillers, o n ly ... ......... $11 own margin ia eaten up by an C. C. Jackson was a delegate MAGNETO frequently referred to in the Ad kinds ot electric apparatus re­ increase in these items. -o the national democratic con paired. Conservative prices A ll work chapters of “The Secret Adver­ See us when in need of The problem of labor is very •ention in St. Tonis in 1916, fully guaranteed. 119-121 W . Second. sary” which we have published. F U R N IT U R E different. Labor requires cheap when President Uiljon was re- ! y f en a ° d m o n ey are best w hen Let us whisper to you: Both farm products in order to keep -wminated. In the election of We can save j ou money busy. Make your dollara work in of them have already appeared down the cost of living and la­ lelegates he received more a»A >ur savings department. A l b a n y S t a t b under other names, in the por­ bor demands increased pay for votes than any of the others H a n k . Under government supervision. tion of the story already pub­ Bartcher & Rohrbaugh Furniture Company work because its livelihood de­ who were elected, and of the lished. Can you guess who 415-421 Weet First street Albany, Oregon M o to r Sales pends upon the margin between jeventeen counties in his dis­ l y j t l l e r Oakland they are? Try it, and as the and Jewett ears the cost of living and the mar­ trict he carried fifteen, tied in Supplies and accessories story unfolds see if you are ketable value of labor. The >ne and was but twelve votes First and Baker Sts. Albany, Oregon right. Who ii Jaoe Finn and, veVy condition that makes farm­ behind a resident candidate in who is Mr. Brcwn t orton & Speer Service Com­ ing unprofitable today makes the other. He had for his slo­ pany labor profitable. The farmer is gan: “For Woodrow Wilson ant Headquvrtera for good tires E. O. Stewart, after mourn­ Firei and Lyon to a large extent groaning un­ ?eace; for efficient preparedness Phone 65 3 i o u n d Cfrip ^Ticket a n d ing for some time over the der the burden of the high cost for defense.” M urphy Motor Co. Butck and death of his wife, disappeared of labor. The prosperity of the A granddaughter, Miss Ida Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and last July from the place he was farmer will in the end be re­ Jackson, makes her home with accessories. » farming on the Halsey-Browns­ A lb an y , Oregon. Phone t#0. flected in the prosperity of the the couple. ville road and has not been laboring man, but in this re­ D e a l estate. M » n « y to lo a n . A l l heard from since. He left a spect capital and labor are one as Aw kinds ol insurance written. note requesting J. L. Hayes to < th Q Q A to P o rtlan d FARM LOANS' C all on J. V A lt P way if b , truly as farm and labor are one dispose of the valuable stock and retu rn . State Batik Building, I can make both F A R M and C I T Y and farm machinery on the On sale Friday. S a tu rd ay An example of the wide pub­ L O A N S »tw very row rate of iu te ie s t OSCOE ames hardware , place. Mr. Hayes waited, hop­ licity being given Oregon by From 5 to 10 years. W rite me for par and tsu n d a j, with final re ­ the ing to hear from Stewart again, W IN C H E S T E R S T O K E the Southern Pacific company is trcnlarn. G. W. L a f l a b , ' tu rn lim it o f T uesday fol­ hut now advertises the property 322 W. First st. seen in the current issue of the Salem. Ore. 410 Oregon Bldg. for sale at auction next Wednes­ lowing dato of sale. Southern Pacific Bulletin. Not s 7 g î V b h ì T t & s o n day. Mr. Hayes proposes to let only does the publication con­ dM J R to P o rtlan d people know the sale is coming Chinsnare and g ift shop tain a lengthy article on the Modern and retu rn 3.10 West First Albany for he has had 1000 bills print­ territory through which the Enterprise office. On sale daily, c arry in g a re ­ Barber Shop QTRNRKRO BROS , groceries, ed at the railroad’s new line from Kirk (Continued on page 4) Ltnndrv sent Tuesdays tu rn lim it o f 15 days from to Oakridge will pais, but it is fruits, produar. 235 Lyon street. We sell groceries sad Dyeing. Cleaning and Pressing well illustrated with pictures de­ d ate of sale. Buy cream. Phone 363R In Italy they are planning to» picting many salient features of R educed R ound T rip Fares the country. The cover page A B E ’S P L A C E CTJM8ON THE SHOE DOCTOR award a concession to print ad­ V isit th e to o th e r point«. Second street, opposite Ham ilton's vertisements on postage stamps. shows a view of one of the many store. Over here, though, we have beautiful lakes in the Cascade Pacific "Sodden Service.’ ' TZee M e trai* Saft proved that you can’t lick a mountains. An interesting fea­ w . L. WRIGHT Camfaetabla — U b a ld o Anderson A Hon. distrih. good advertiser.—Eugene Regis­ ture of the publication is a de­ In te r n a tio n a l ’ ’ utors and dealers tor M axw ell. Chal­ ter. scriptive article on Crater Lake Mortician & Funeral Director SDwutablu aab Halsey and Harrisburg mers. Essen, Hudson A Hupm obile cars. Livestock by J. A. Ormandy, general pas­ Aceaasc'ies. Supnltes. 1st A Broadalbin. T a y l o b . Halsey, or The pressmen’* strike in New F o r fu rth e r particu lar« ask senger agent for the company Coll D. W. L. W BIGHT. Harrisburg E xposition, York city which prevented the at Portland. agent publication of the daily news­ »Portland, Or. J O H N M. S C O T T. papers there for the past week Assistant Passenger Traffic Manager. brought home to New York Nov. 3-10,1923» z Portland. Oregon merchants the fact that news­ papers are indispensable. The films which advertise extensive­ ly declared that their trade fell than one-half when Shoes that cost less per month of wear off more there were no newspapers carry­ ing their announcement. The E xclusive A gent for She’ll Accept Your Mr». Bullock, housekeeper store* were practically desert­ l or I,eiilie Miller, on the shore of ed. The expensive circular let­ Jersey Milk Food Compound Gift Gladly «land Lake, near Shelton, ter system was tried as a sub­ i f it's A hex of our delicious candy It tbo economical feed for calvta, pig* and chickens stitute for newspaper advertis­ is as wholesome as it is dtlicioas. and Wash., fell Into the lake while ing in placing the store news after eating it yo u 'll went more E very­ fishing. Her cries for help were in the hands of the buyers. But Aleo a complete stock of one dotes upon our choice confections, not heard by men working m they found out that nothing tfasy a rt always *■ pure, fresh and d eli­ the bam, but a parrot excited­ gets the results like the news­ cious. FEED A N D G R A IN ly repeated the calls with such paper which is read by every member of a household while effect that the men responded letters and circulars are only . Clark's Cnfectianeij and swam to the woman just in read by one or two in a home time to save her life. and often not read at all. * ------------—— - • a we u a i l U I t a g li LL E H ASK FOR M S A V E M ONEY R g A Southern Pacific Lines O. W . F R I M