Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, October 18, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    H A L S B Y E N T E R PR I SB
The Secret
A ll kinds of Feed
New and second gram
Sack iw ine
Clover seed. Chop­
ping lone to suit.
Prices right.
•skecr'etlons. 11.10 a year in advanoa
Advertising, 20c an in c h ; no discount
lor tim e or space ; no charge for com­
position or changes.
t e "P a id -fo r Pai ngrapha.*' te a Use.
■ e advertising disguised as nswa
Halsey, Oregon
Golden I-oaf ...$ 2 .0 0
W hite M ountain 2.15
$ 3 5 ,0 0 0
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
HALSBY, Linn Co.7 Ore.7 Oct." 187*19?.
>eer. That isn’t the only unat*
'finable thing it wants.
One indication of prosperity
s the fact th a t both our county
fair and the state fa ir show
arge surpluses of receipts over
-■xpenses this year.
Many a half-starved lawyer
doctor or store salesman
ight have been a prosperous
rmer. "The Brown Mouse”
A m e ric a n E a g le
. Fire Insurance Co.
Tommy fay silent There was noth­
ing to say. He had failed. Somehow
or other the omnipotent Mr. Brown
had seen through his pretensions.
Suddenly a thought occurred to him.
"A very good speech, Conrad,” he
said approvingly. ‘But wherefore the
bonds and fetters? Why not let this
kind gentleman here cut my throat
without delayl”
“etarn,” said Number 14 unexpect­
edly. "Think we’a as green as to do
you In here, and have the police nos­
ing around? Not ’att 1 We've ordered
the carriage for your lordship tomor-
H ay is worth ju st as m uch in storage a'«
you m ight get for it in case o f fire. Th 3
I Am erican Eagle Fir© Insurance com pany
[will pay y o u 85% o f the cash value in case
o f loss by fire.
sion, confined in the tunnel,
forced them to flee. The cat
caught fire and burned up.
Posses of Oregon, California
and United S tates officials are
scouring the surrounding coun­
opposite Halsey Garage
try for them. One of them is
>t all hour« up to 11 p. in.
believed to have been identified
as A. A. Hodges, a paroled con- J
One more added to thousands
row mornln’, but In the meantime
of argum ents against the parole
1 w* re not taking say chances. gee I
Talking as though you were «till at
the blooming Ritz, aren’t you?”
A move is on foot to have all I
Tommy made no reply. H e wee en­
parole and indeterm inate sen-1 Agent for Eugene Steam Laundry
caged in wondaring how Mr. Brown
Sent Tuesdays.
had discovered big identity. H e de­
tence laws repealed. The ju ry I
rided that Tuppence, in the throes of
and judge who hear all the evi-|
anxiety, had gone to the police, and
Chat hls disappearance having been
dence in a trial are in a better!
made public the gang had not been
position to impose a proper!
alow to put two and two together.
penalty when an offender is I,
I Tlie two men departed and the door
«or canti
convicted than a Daro Imnrri I Quarters o f, B E E F
•lammed. Tommy was left to his
Barber sh o p » Baths
purpose» at canning prices *
C . H. F A L K
C . L. F A L K JR
"High income taxes tend to
drive otherwise productive capi­
tal into tax-exem pt securities.”
This argum ent m ight be used!
Cash paid for
by the advocates of a stiff in­
Eggs and
come tax instead of by its op­
ponents. The money “driven I Veal. M . H. S H O O K .
into” those securities is s e t a t
Am or A. Tussi ng
work on public ¡m n m v p m o n f u I
Cream and Produce Station
I To M arguerite!”
Tommy had run beck te the stain
, But Zh v*1 ? lm
* ° aBd ,M T t ’»•»' r.
• w r t ' - i r * / , t w,th fc,m- Then h|'
' 7 . T ”*' c<*ur,d WM leaping dowi ls
. 1
* “ ' * < • cry at thi
X ra
A ftM h*m
th< B
| meditation«. They were not pleasant
enea. Already hit limbs felt cramped
end stiff. He was utterly helpless,
and ha could tee no hope anywhere.
About an hour had passed when ha
heard the key softly turned, and the
door opened. I t was Annette. Tom­
my’s heart beat a little faster. He
had forgotten the girl. Was It pos­
sible that she had come to his help?
Suddenly ha heard Conrad’s voice:
“Come out of IL Annette.
doesn’t want any supper tonight"
"Oul, oul, Je sals bten. But I must
take th^j other tray. We need the
lawyer and notary
H a lsiv , O rkoon
John L. Engbretson of Butte
smoked a pipe in bed. He went
to deep and it fell from his
mouth and set the bed on fire
and he was fatally burned. He)
was 88 years old and left a wife
and two children, who ought to
fight tobacco as Mrs. Wallace
Reed fights narcotics.
farm loans
« are making five-year loan* on
.county farms at 3>i% PIU1 commis-
Call on
B eam L a n d C o .,
1JJ Lyon St.. Albany, Ore
A system of rural credits
backed by the nutionai treasury
has afforded tem porary relief to
some farm ers but w hat agricul­
tu re needs is relief from the ne­
cessity for such credit. Real
prosperity comes with keeping)
o u t of debt, not with g etting in.
It Is touching to see the solici­
tude of men of large incomes
for the Oregon wheat grower.
They fear he will make more
than $2000 profit and therefore
have to pay an income tax if
th e law isn 't beaten a t the polls
Nov. 6.
H ill every farm er In this val­
ley who is making more than
$2000 profit per year please
stand up and be oounted, so we
can know whom to congratulate
if the income tax is defeated?
Fliea flee and fleas fly from
oil of Tansy or almost any of
the essential oils. Try a few
»•prigs of tansy in a flea-infest­
ed room or bed.
The American Federation of.
Labor w ants the Volstead act
Blackened to allow wine and
I f,inrke»h 1U5
Sh* «"ranged It care
fully, then turned to Tommy.
“T e e ” T* ’1 th* keT ° f * * d 0 o ,r
• 7 77'.
vonvicis a t Salem are dis­
pleased a t the removal of W ar­
den Smith. TTiey will be md-
derate, however, and allow
Governor Pierce to rem ain in of­
fice if the re a d ie r* fail to getj
his scalp, which they threaten I Carefully Conducted Sur-
V h,<’ W• ‘ h• , W * °* «" children be-
to attem pt again in the sweet t ,'2r
e S lr a
and «‘ a“ « b . v .
by and by.
coffee. W hilst he ate, be read a morn-
Ing paper propped np In front of him.
Suddenly he stiffened. There was a
long article on Kramenln. who waa de-
scribed ea the “man behind Bol­
aheTlsm" In Russia, and who had Just
arrived In London—some thought as
an unofficial envoy.
In the center of the page waa his
° ^ r«d'« rush w ith . i
a‘ 7 ‘,b t
* 1th hl* fl«‘ - » cu g hl
“So that’s who Number 1 Is," said
.< f Z u * L * " thT polM “f th aJaw and I
Tommy. “Not a doubt about It; I
t °r
The M,,ond “ •»
'f*pp«d over hla body and fell. From > must push on.”
H e paid for hls breakfast, and be­
higher up the staircase there was a i
took himself to Whitehall. There he
. aah’ Z Dd * b nlI,t « r«z,d Tommy's
sent up his name, and the message
L - * ,r * aIUed ‘ hat It would be
»kat It was urgent A few minute«
h o ^ . ,# r bi* h* " lth 00 , e t ° Ut
later he was in the presence of the
J 00” M P®*lhle. As regards
man who did not here go by the name
I Annette he conld do nothing.
e f "Mr. Oerter.”
toT th* doori «lamming I t
And ee. briefly and succinctly aa
Th* »quara was de­
possible he detailed the experiences of
serted. 1« front of the house waa a
the last few days.
[b ake rs van.
Evidently he was ito
Half-way through, M r. Carter inter­
♦A 7
T i / * * * “ 0,,‘ *
Leodon *
rupted him to give a few cryptic or­
and hla body found many mlliis
ders through the telephone. AU traces
from the house In Soho. The driver
of displeasure had now left hla face.
Jumped to the pavement and tried »to
Ha nodded energetically when Tommy
bar Tommy’s way. Again Tommy’s
bad finished.
drl’ * «Prswhed
"Quite right. Every moment’s of
on the pavement.
value. Fear we aball be too late any­
Tommy took to hie heels and ra n ^ -
They wouldn't w ait.
nooe too soon. Thu front door opened
clear eut at onee. Still, they may
and a hall of ballets fallowed him-
have left something behind them that
Fortunately nreie of «»era h,t hlm a ,
w ill be • clue. Tou aay you've recog­
turned the corner o f the square.
nized Number 1 to be Kramenln?
h l r n ^ V “ thta’ "" h* ' hOU<ht “ »
T hat’s Important. He handed a photo­
himself, they can’t go on shooting,
graph to Tommy, and smiled at the
they* d o ”" ' * th* P’ Ue* after them lf
other's exclamation. “I ’m right, then.
Whe Is ha? Irishman.
H e beard the footstep« of his pur­
Unionist M.P. AU a blind, of course.
suer» behind hinx and redoubled hla
We've suspected It—but couldn’t1 get
any proof.
Tee, you've done very
welL young man. The 29th, you my,
le the data. That gives us very little ,
tim e—very little time indeed."
. «
"But— " Tommy hesitated.
Mr. Carter read hls thoughts.
“We can deal with the general 1
strike menace, I think. It's a toss-
up—but we’ve got a sporting chance!
But l f that draft treaty turns up—
we're done. England w ill fc* plunged In
anarchy. Ah. what’s that? The ear?
Come on, Beresford, w e ll go and have
a look at thia house of yours."
Two constables were en duty 1«
front of the house In Soho. An In­
spector reported to Mr. Oerter In a
low voice
The letter tnrned to
"The birds here flown— as we
¿bought. We might as well go aver
naTa n* d "«m up well
"Give ft to mo."
Hs Is like a trussed chicken!'
H o handed It to her.
IHs frank amusement In her tone
I am going down. Do you think
m l ? / .°"k.the b° y: but at that mo
you can go halfway, and then swing
r / t0 h** amaxeme“ t, he felt her
7 ► . t
d0Wn behlDd thB ladd»r. «o
hand running i|gi„iy over h„ b<m(^
that they w ill not see you?"«
and something small and cold was
Tommy nodded.
P7 7 ed lnt0 th* palm of W» hand
1 . P 1* r* a a big cupboard In the
Ooroe on, Annette.”
° f tha ’« * ” “<• Stand behind
"Mala me yolla.”
hZndT ,k Z ^ h* *.“ d ° { th,a atring *" J’our
rad w y * >r ’ hUt T0“ n l, haard ° * B
iu U T '
* ,#t
° ther* out-
Lock It and give me the key"
The footsteps died away. Tommy
ay petrtfled with aronxement The ob-
J t Annette had thrust Into hls hand
,kiBefore he had tlu,a ts
ber sny-
thing more, she had
,lfh t,
dr Z k ’adder * Bd wag ,n
“ ld«t
or the group with a loud cry.
F rX o ih ." P* nknlfe-
blade open !
Tbe German turned os her with an
,be had «»udlously ! oath.
Most of these children are being
V h,m- and har actl° “
Get out of this. Go to your room !"
d k ? .'1 ? d° *Ch° ° l work “ "rf*’’ ,he h *«B ’ 1th the light, he caffie to the eon-
se lf*d L r7’’.k 0”f lT J 0“ » ? *» ™ g him­
) ? 'C,p °.f * c«»»U nt nervous straw esnsed The 7
rOCm " a* ‘>verl0«ked.
by M g le c t of eves thst need help. And h?ra
7 a peePho1« «onmwhere self down the back of the ladder. 8o
long as they did not turn round . .
the p itifn l part Is thst the parents' lx
how guard
all waa well. He crouched behind the
eorsnee of the condition does not save L
H 'he had ..w a y , ^ en |n
the child Iroro the penalty he is con­
” ’Pbo«zd- They were still between
7 W ' hat h’ ” ad prob^ F been him and the etalrs.
stantly paying.
uader observation all the time Had
"Ah 1” Annette appeared to stumble
over something. Rh. stooped. - M ou
sm n rthl t a h f
rn*u, viola la clef!"
h . 7 proved
a that he was peraonH||y
«• Annette
Optometrists. M anufacturing Opticians had
The German snatched It from her
Albany, Oregon
naI' * l‘«d the door. Conrad stum­
Pr* ,” nd* d
bled ouL swearing.
"He's get away."
• really ,
i In tend­ ^ ’Impossible, Ha would have passed
on that
point he could come to no c
At that moment with an ecstatic *
But there was a more vita
•m ile Tommy pulled the string,
that drove out all others,
crash of crockery came from the attic 1
bound aa he waa manage I
«bore. In . trice the men we“ . pu7h
bonds? He essayed cauiiom
ind ^ d a?
” P ,h* rickaty Iadd*
the opan blade up and dow
¡M v e
lppftarsd tots the darkneaa j
cord that bound hls two i
O pto iu etri.t, w ith
gether. It was an awkward
‘ fla3h Tom“ y
fro » J
and drew a smothered "OW
F M. F r e n c h a S o n s ;
hls hiding place and dashed down th . f
from him aa tha knlfo cut
Stairs, pulling the girl with him There S
J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S ;
wrist. But slowly and dog
X £ / 2 e l , , t 7 han " • ' * » « > £ ; <
Alltaay, Oregon
[ i
wont on sawing to and fro. He cut
' ndc1««'» At last they i
the flesh badly, but at last he felt (lie
’ ^,d7
rtoor «WUD< «Pen. H < >
r t r t slacken. With hls hands free, the
turned Annette had disappeared.
reht was easy.
Tommy stood «pell-bound H a * aha /
run upstairs .gain? Wh, t
ra™ Waa ,o hind up h l.
b l ^ m , wrist. Then he sat on the
£ S .\h ? t
” " n t Cy,Br«d had
ktn the key of the door, so ho could
it told anJ exchanged at all times
« P e rt 'It t l . more s .- s t .n c .
The only outlet from the
B E N T. S U D T E L L
d(W ’ «msequently h .
n o R, 13JN Broadalbin s t, Albanv
ould perforce have to wait until the
twa men returned to fetch him But l
't ^ ? n ? * r Hh'S
' Tt'ra“ y «wiled :
loving with Infinite caution in the 1
7 7 a*'
M eade & Albro
‘ T ,,< # ' ” ,"“I
iVotsg over tha deserted house
seemed te Tommy to partake of the
character e t a dream.
was Just as It bad been. Tha prison
room •with the crooked pictures, the
broker^Jus Jn tjie attic, the meeting
W hy sufTor from •
Have your eyes <
exam ined
Y e s; it is
m eans
8. T . FR EN C H ;
k clone ptom ptly and rtaten
Phone N s . 2t>9
nara room, be found and unbooked th«
famoos ptetura. Ha f a t so economical
pleasure that h l. * r , t p„ n woold
he wasted. There was now nothing to
bnt te w e lt He waited.
M»»«< >l*wly. Tommy
Ik* _ai»hj
alm ost here.
See our
new and
com plete line
ot H eaters
V’ e
so licit your stove Repair business,
HILE & <§
A ny Girl in Trouble
m»y (wcmrWncats with Saaign Lee ol the Salvation Army at the
Wh ite Shield Home. Sfc5 Mayfair aveaoe, Portland, Oregon.