PACE i HALSEY E N T E R P R IS E OCT. 11 1923 Arrow Garage D o u b le -H e a d e d R e c e p tio n ALBANY G L O B E ____ A reception attended by the members of tbe M. E. chnroh, complimenting their new pastor SUNUAY- -M O N D A Y and fam ily, and tbe many friends OCT. 14-1J of D. 8. McW illiams and fam ily, A Fred Niblo Production who left today for tbeir new borne in Albany, was given Wednesday evening. Tbe church was beauti- Z ful in autumnal colors, vine maple • and aalvia forming tbe chief deco­ rations. THE C A ST A program of piano and vocal Marguerite De La Motte ..Carmel music end short addresses was M y era . . . . . . . . — M yrtle Stedmaa Cullen Laadia ..................Huatley greatly enjoyed. The I. 0 . 0 . F. Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ward Crane orchestra also played a number of selections. COMING An attractive reading lamp wa* T I I E B R IG H T S H A W L presented to M r. and Mrs. .McWil­ • SOON liams by Rev. Mr. Parker, a gift from the Bunday school, M r. McW illiams having served ar superintendent for the past eight years. Mrs. MoWilliarns was for years a teacher. fiotb M r. and Mrs. McW illiams w ill be greatly l missed in the obureh and social Oae thing that baa to ha given up life of our oity and tbe beet wiebee b the Idea that cheap money la al of a host of friends go with them. Wegre good tor business. Parmer* Refreshments were served by v a s t cheap money, business men tbe ledios of tbe chnroh. want cheap money, stock speculators The program, under the super­ want cheap money, the U. S. Treasury wants to float government leans on vision of Mrs. B. M. Bond, was ar aheap money, socialists, anarohltsta follows: Selections by orchestra, sad old-line greenbackers want vary piano solo— Grace K irk, vocal aolo vary cheap money. Everybody feels — Mrs. Glenn Stsveosoo, piano that whan the money rate la shoved duet— Ruth and Alice 8tnrtevaut as It la an arbitrary damper on pros­ address— Rev. M r. Cain, piano perity. solo—Georgina Clark, piano trio— But wa cannot have both a low rate as money and a stable level of prices Misses Veanice, address—Rsv. M r W a can have one or tha other— not Barger, vocal solo— Edna Vannice, piano solo— Mrs. H . F. English, both together for any length of time A low rate of money means an In vocal solo— Mrs. C. P. Stafford, Mated price level. A stable price piano solo— Donna Robertson, level means a fluctuating rate of die selections by orchestra. High Class Photoplays Only “The Famous Mrs. Fair” J Î u t o / n û i l l t a n t) t r a c t o r ^ ie p u l r in y Flak and Gates Tires and Tubas.—We now have in stock the Fisk 96 Jo* iV , fabric tires for $4. Ba aura to investigate our uae* and gat our prices before buying. Automobile accessorial, Ford parts, oils. W illard battery service station. W e will overhaul your Ford engine lor $20 labor “ Chevrolet engine for $22.50 labor ** “ reline transmission band for $2.50 labor “ “ overhaul rear axle and rebusb springs and perches when necessary for $7 labor A l l w o rk g u a ra n te e d NO BOON IN CHEAP MONEY A. Trouble calls given prompt attention GANSLE BROS. TEN AC I T Y ¿S'" Grace E. Hall So long as mind holds fast you shall not fail. Though great the task and seemingly hard-pressed Y o u stagger 'neath the weight; but once you quaui In thought, and all your strength can never wrest A victory from the struggle, fo r your force Comes through your mental grip— no other source. This simple fact explains w h y some men w in W h ile others lag and lose at last the game: Through dogged perseverance, and his fame » A s 'tis the drive o f faculties possessed Hold I Though the storms o f life may madly surge. Though thunders crash and all about you fa ll T h e victims o f the gale; still firm ly urge eount. That la, the public must leara Is look at tha price level Instead of T o use your mental force, and over all the bank reserve«, t i their measure You shall prevail; that is your secret power. of expectation for a rise or fall of tbe value of money. A nd destinies are shaped by it each hour. New thia fact makes me feel that a (Continued from page 3) mistake la made If we do not tally ex­ Covvnslu, DoAJ. MsU 6 C*. 1 m . A. A. Tussing was an Albany plain Io tha publlo the power already exercised by the bank rate and tbe visitor the first of th e week. They will be joined in a couple Federal Reserve Board and Raaarva of week» by the husband and SMALL WONDER HE PAID UP Mr. and Mrs. Elm er Munson banka. Our bankara and economists father, Glenn, who will spend sea the bad use that la likely to be were Albany visitor» Tuesday. his vacation w ith them. Almost Anybody Would Have Farted made of political control i t banking Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill drove and currency and tbay try to make the With Two Dollars After Reading to Portland and back Monday Mrs. Gerty Pentland of B erk­ people believe that so Intricate a ques­ Thia “Dunning" Letter, tion must be left to experts. — J. W. Moore and family spent eley, Cal., arrived Tuesday to be ' As a matter of tact our present the week end with friends in with her mother, Mrs. W. J Duns may come and duns may go, methods encourage tbe very thing we Ribelin, during her illness. M rs’ but a oertain publishing company Salem. wish to avoid. We let everybody be­ cntland was one of the m any lieve that low rates on money are nec­ Hugh Cummings of Albany sufferers of the recent fire in has an effective “please remit” let­ essary for prosperity and then when was transacting business in Berkeley, where she lost her ter. In at least one Instance, the bank reserves run low on account of Halsey Thursday. letter had the effect of causing the home and all the contents. the effects of this belief, we are sud­ debtor to have a terribly guilty feel­ denly compelled to Jump the rates to D. S. McWilliams and wife, ing until he placed in the med -the protect the reserves. We get both s accompanied i Mrs- Glenn Crewse by Mrs. C. P. cycle of prices and a cycle of bank left Monday for th eir home in $2 which he owed them. Stafford i spent Monday a fte r­ rates, whereas, If the public under Alaicus, Wash., a fte r spending The letter follow« stood that the rise of bank rates noon in Eugene. several days w ith Mr. Crewse’s “Dear Friend—Tou remember should not wait until bank reserve* Mrs. W. H. Robertson was a m other west of town- and Mrs. are low, but tha rates should ha ad Eugene visitor Sunday. how Abraham Lincoln walked many Crewse's cousin, Mrs. C. P. vanced several months ahead tor tha weary miles from th» grocery «tore vary purpose of preventing a fictitious Mrs. Adda Ringo, Jess Cross Stafford. where he earned a marts pittanoa, io prosperity with Its Inflated price level, andi Miss Donna Robertson Mrs. G. T . • Hockenamith of order to bring to a poor woman the then the public might be satisfied to spent Sunday w ith friends and u n B * l,iU d her mother, Mrs. t w cents change she, had forgotten support tha administrative regulations relatives in Cottage Grove. M. C. Bond. and her eister-infaw, and left on the ownf o which raise tbe ratei at a time whea there seems to ba ao asad of doing Mrs. Opal Higbee, accompani Mrs. B. M . Bond. Thursday “And how Mark Twain, because ft.—John R. Commons, University of ed by Mrs. A. F. Albertson and Mrs. J. L. Palmar ia recovering his name happened to be MaOdtnbed Wisconsin. Jots and Tittles Honors for Club Members The annual convention, Wisconsin Bankers Association, presented diplo­ mas tn fifteen boys and flve girls successfully completing four years cbih work, the first time any state bankers association has taken such action. Howard Reeves of Eugene spent the week end w ith his little sons Willis and Charles, and th eir grandparent« Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rector of this city. W H. Robertson returned Sunday from Eugene, w here he had been for a few days to have his tonsils removed. E. G. W ard and son Ferris of Eugene were in town Sun­ * i day calling on Mr. W ard’s ★ 9 mother, Mrs. M. M. W ard, and * * sister, Mrs. A lbert Miller, who * have recently moved back to * 9 Halsey. ---- I * * * * and w a a ♦ * 1« jo u r hair as thick fluffy as it used to bo ? tifv . Save and b i ( c a a u u tir > it with daughter Ione, drove to Eugene Thursday. w j, Mrs. C. E. Osburn came up from her home in Portland S at­ urday on account of the serious iilness of h e r aunt, Mrs. W. J. Ribelin. from tbe flu. Eugene Freeland visited his mother here over the week end. Mrs. Mildred McMahan was in tha southern part of tba stats Jut week on Rebekah business. A lectors is advertised on page 4 oa “ How to Get M arried.” The beat wav la to get married for keeps. There ia too muoh of the other kind of marriage. There was a rousing community meeting at Riverside Tuesday evening. Funds were raised to •nish paying for tha $8000 com­ munity building. A move wsa started to federate tba rnral c lu l« in tba county and increase thair number and efficiency. 9 ♦ Henry Clay Powell, a Linn * 1 Mrs. Glenn Stevenson, who is eountv pioneer, died Tuesday ii * a form er member of the choir Albany at tba home of his dsugb * t h e ,M- E - church, favored ter, Mrs, E. B. Cornett, aged ♦ the audience with a solo a t the He had lived in tb it county 83. 73 ♦ ' ; evening services Sunday. years. * ★ 1 B_ Glenn Stevenson and Oleoua Sm ite spent tha week eud o of f Beaverton HIT at home. ****************♦***♦*♦» *: Stevenson’a s Stevenson’s narpM parents, Mrs. J. A. Stevenson o. w . 1 1 (0 1 Exclusive Agent for Jersey Milk Food Compound th . economic.l leed for c .lv M, plga , Dd cbl.ka0. HALSEY RAILROAD TIME military dispositions of known if- North • South visions of Egyptian troops, and g in references to neighboring dties on No. is, l u ; *. —. No jy 1J;1J p 24. 4:2« p both sides of the Jordan. Buisan is 23. 4.2« p. a . 22, 4:30 a. m. 21, 11:32 p. a . a small town near the Jordan, 66 Noe, 11 and 22 stop only if flagged p iles north-north-east of Jerusalem. Seti I was king of Egypt of the nine­ teenth dynasty, about 13«« B. C. H t SUNDAY MAIL HOURS was the father of Rsmsoea H . The delivery window of the Halaey poetoffiee is open 8uudave qn0 5° U 11 nj‘ ,n d to p. xu. “The most difficult thing I knew Sunday m ail goee out only on of,” said the attenuated man, “la to • he nortb-beund 11:37 train: w hy he *» u p trr wear a looee-fftting summer suit any kind of material, a «oft shift with a turndown soft enH*» gad appear unconcerned. T know that the suit fits me ae a shirt would a Admittance Here 5 Cents bean pole, and that my ae C, Jackson and wife had their golden wedding Friday • A well-earned reduction of farm tivity ia theira. (Knterprl«« Cerroaponaaiue) It ia a curious fact that the wives of two of the most distin­ guished novelists have both written rookery books. The two women were Mrs. George Meredith and Mrs. Joseph Conrad. In each case the distinguished husband wrote a pref­ ace to the book. For some reason, however, Mrs. Meredith's cook book was never published, though the manuscript was long for sale at a London booksellers. „ Mrs. NEWBRO'S herpicioe * little I RINGO’S Drugstore : Ä v rd F O O T E B R O S . F*op^ Paid-for Paragraphs One d ra w * the final ounce o f pow er w ithin. Is not so much a gift above the rest, HALSEY GARAGE Telephone 16x5 The eity eouecil met Monday, Aayaae iaterested in a Mayor Clark and Oouncllmea Fruta, Gordon and Mornhinwe« prêtant, bat there wae no hualosa« wo»14 de well to ere ». S. bursters. He la the baby of moment up. Milking Machine L ittle May—MOmer, made of rubber? Mother—Why, n o, dear, Why do yon aok T L ittle M ay— I he ard CnciatJoha say he's a bonoclng b jy. UNCOVER E G Y P T IA N TtOWN Falestine excel étions cerned cot at Beisan. the Bethshean of the Old I r«tameuL have nesulted- to the die- of 'ub etan ti/i Egyptian budding with .»vi^mre of five centuries’ occupation, t md two large, dear mtmtnneotal ta scriptlons of S e n I and Sammee I | , respectively. • « o H m g to a dispat« h from Jeru- ***a a *— T i® iM S n s f 9E« Ind icate greet eecrlfice. T r" M ilker - at a Would exchange for Tbe state load commission has In­ chickeaa eowa, etc. vestid lie.a a o of segregated aacldaat tNme, we w ill make e tatirfeetor, her- c e m t e f t a a - tao«» la sob eoi «Istrlet (B it. At a y farm, Halsey, Oragea. 8- S. M abstbbb . SMNrtttaa. _ . .... Following a meeting o( tba L ias County AssooUtdoo of P tooew e at Al­ bany. tbe aunonaeement was made that oollettatloae wool« be started at once far tha faad of from tlt.o a a to Hhdoo with which a m aaaaaat Mil ba erected oa tha efte of tha that seat sf goveram ent ia Lian county, which at that tim e w as made op of meat af 'toe part of tha state The site af -ha m oauaant la about oue mile from BfowaavlUe on the Calupoola rtv « . ADMivisTaaToa's NoTtca Netice ia hereby glees that the uader- tigaed. odmiaittrator of h e estate ef W. H. Rirkpetnck. deceaeed. kas Sled hie eoel account ia eaid estate with the couxty clerk ef Linn county. )regea. • ? * .* * • “ "’■’ F h»» •*< Monday, the Stoday of November, 1923, at the boar of tea o'clock in the fertneee. ae the time, and tbe eonaty conrtroom of