person can decide that.“ ~ bonne rt j e l l the t in e it was a bluff ! Itla fl iYoe u n ir a i i C K r K is r ; •'W hor asked Tommy. But he “I do the service, monsieur.“ know le u than a kitten. But your n um ­ knew the answer. 1 see," said Tommy. “You know ber » up now, you b— swine.” “Mr. Brown—” what I asked you Just now. Have yon ^ ^ b a n v j ^ / ) i r e c t o r v One Registered Pure Bred “Shall I see him?“ (T o continued) ever heard that name?*' '•Perhaps.” “1 have heard people speak of Jane “Oome,” said Conrad harshly, Finn, I think.” Tommy rose obediently. Outside the “You don’t know where she laY’ T h is is good advice; " I f you live T don't know where the papers are door his Jailer motioned to him to Sunday evening, to a crowded in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live about one year eld. W eight about JM Annette shook her head. mount the stairs. B e himself followed — but I believe I can find them, if She's not In this house, for in­ house, Lon Chamlee, the minis­ in some other town, trade in that tow n." , *•, In good health and ready to be I produce the papers—you give me my close behind. On the floor shove Con­ stance T* P- A. P gaiM ow t e r , preached his first of a Jut in these automobile days many re­ bred rad opened a door and Tommy passed life and liberty la exchange. Is It a "Oh, no. monsieur. I must go now— series of popular addresses at nding elsewhere find it advisable to do it least part of their buying in the Into a email room. Conrad lit a his» they will be waiting for me.“ bargain ?" the Church of Christ. This larger town. Those who go to Albany “And If we refuse T* said the Ger­ la» gas burner and went out. Tommy She hurried o u t The key turned la to transacr business w ill find tbe firms one was entitle^ “Adam's Rib”. named man quietly. beard the sound of the key being the lock. below ready to fill their require turned In the lock. .The men wrote letters on the ments Tommy lay back on the couch. with courtesy an 1 fairness. He set to work to examine his T o n , J I ° n d e r K w h o , , h e r ’ , r e " ®ubje®> ‘ My ideal Woman,” and “Tb« 28th,” he said thoughtfully, (Continued from pegs 1) prison. It wag a smaller room than to im i ?, as he continued to make in- these were read from the pul­ A U ’a n y B ak ery, 321 L yon street, “la less than a fortnight ahead__” Ruffed grouse may not be le­ Best 1 one-pound loaf of bread made. Tor a moment the German heid- the one downstairs, and there was roads on the loaf. “With a bit of pit. Generally speaking, the 5 . cents. luck, that girl might help me to get gally killed this year. ta' e<)- Then be made ■ slen to Conrad, something peculiarly airless «bout the ideals held up by the men were Wedding calces to order atmosphere of It. Then he realised out of here. She doesn't look like one him Into the other room.” fairly high. Open season for quail and of the gang." For live minutes Tommy sat on the that there was no window. He walked lbany E lectric Store. China pheasants begins Sunday. At one o'clock Annette reappeared Next Sunday evening the bed In the dingy room next door. Hla round IL The walls were filthily dirty, Delo Light products heart waa beating violently. He had n s everywhere else. Four pictures »1th another tray, but thia time Con­ next in the series will be de­ The D. S. McWilliams family livered on “Eve’s Hubby,” when risked all on this throw.' How would hung crookedly on the wall represeSb. rad accompanied hs?. W m . h ö f l ic h become Albany residents th is That evening Tommy sat on the lng scenes from “Faust.” Marguerite they decide? the women’s letters on “My A lbany Floral Co. Orders filled week. bed. and cogitated deeply. Would At last the door opened, and the with her box of Jewels, the church Ideal Man” will be read from carefully for everywhere or any Conrad again accompany the slrl? If Mr. A. C. A rm strong was on German called Imperiously to Conrad scene, Siebel and hla flowers, and the pulpit. Now’s your chance, time. I lowers, wire any where in U. S. he did not, should he risk trying to Faust and Mephlutopheles. The latter to return. the sick list the first of th e or CxnadZ Flow er phone 458-J. ladies; w rite the preacher a let­ week. The German was seated once more brought Tommy's mind back to Mr. make an oily of her? He decided that he must leave no stone unturned. H is ter this week and address it to A L B A N Y G A R A G E . behind the table. He motioned to Brown again. In thia sealed and Stude- the Halsey postoffice. Tell U3 The county tax commission closed chamber, with Its close-flttlng position was desperate. balcer" and " S t a r ” automobiles. Tommy to alt down opposite to him. At eight o'clock the familiar sound General repairing and supplies your conception of the ideal m et yesterday a t its office fn We accept,“ he said harshly, “on heavy door, he felt cut off from the G. T. Hockensinith.— Lloyd Templeton. Albany. world, and the sinister power of the of the key turning made him spring man. arcb-crlmlnal seemed more real. Shout to his feet. The girl was alone. Sunday evening, Oct. 21, the D l u e Bird R esta u ra n t, 309 L yon The county agent question 'Shut the door,” he commanded. T as he would, no one could ever hear last in the series will be given 4 4 street. Eat here w h in in Albany. will probably go to the voter» him. Tlie place was a living tomb. . . . want to speak to you.” on “How to Get M arried.” This Open iroiu (i to i and 5 to 8. She obeyed. Nov. 6. With an effort Tommy pulled him­ Mas. H l o u n t . is for young people especially. Look here, Annette, I want you to self together. He sank onto the bed ~ Lee Brown of Plainview, re­ Every pupil ja the high school and gave himself up to reflection. His help me get out of this." P R U N 3 \v I C K She shook her head. tiring from the business, sold should be present. head ached badly; also, he was hun­ p h o n o g r a p h s 1100 sheep a t auction las» week “Impossible. There are three of There were 55 on tim e last gry. The silence of the place was at them on flic floor below." dispiriting. at an average price of $8.75 Sunday a t Bible school. Boost, W O O D W O R T H 'S “Oh 1" Tommy wus secretly grate­ apiece. “Anyway,” said Tommj, trying to folks, boost for 99 on time, ral­ cheer himself. “I shall see the chief— ful for the Information. “But you ly day, Oct. 21. Listen: Two I? a s t b u r n B r o s .- - T w o big gro cery Bolton & Landers, who have a »tore», 212 W. First and 225 South the mysterious Mr. Brown, and with would help me if you could?” splendid young people from the Main. Good merchandise at the right 100-aere poultry farm near Al­ "No, monsieur.” a bit of luck In bluffing I shall see “Why not?” Eugene Bible University will be prices. bany won everything in sight the mysterious Jane Finn also. After The girl hesitated. present on rally day with some C ’llni» d evelop ed and p rin ted . on White W yandotte poultry a t that—” “I dare not, monsieur; I am afraid m ighty fine musical selections, * We mail them right back to you. After that Tommy was forced to the state fair. of them.” admit the prospect looked dreary. you will want to hear them. Miss Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or- She turned away. egon. W. A. McCart, 62, who kept The troubles of future, — the — — . . . . how­ "Wouldn't you do anything to help Vivian W histler is a vocalist of a small store at H arrisburg, ever, soon faded before the troubles note, having sung in the Happy I p ir s t gar ge g o in g n orth . of the present. And of these, the most another girl?" cried Tommy. “She's committed suicide by shooting x Tires, accessories, oils, gasoline, too. Won't Immediate and pressing was that of . about ' “L ' your ° Ur, age. are' too> Wo- you save Harmony Q uartet for several himself last week on account of repair work. hunger. Tommy had a healthy and j h" Yo ^ , tbel#I c lu tc b e ,r years and being also a graduate despondency over the death of W. H. H u l b u r t . vigorous appetite. He regretfully rec- ! “v««„ Jane F ln n r of voice in the university is now his wife last June. tpiood’e dry goods store ia the beat instructor in voice in th e Eu­ ognlied the fact that he would not “It Is her you came here to look gene Bible University. Veltie 4 place in Albany to buy dry goods. mnke a success of a hunger strike. At Lebanon a 3-year-old for? Yes?” larniahiqga and notions, Service is our daughter of Fred S truber had He prowled aimlessly about his P ruitt is well known to Halsey motto. "That's It.” prison. Once or twice he discarded —------------------- vwM l the i n g e r first s o j two n e r fingers of her The girl looked at him. then passed people, having led the singing — ------- ■' dignity, and pounded on the door. But LX1RD SALE« AND SERVICE n ght hand chopped off by h e r for the evangelistic meeting last her hand srross her forehead. nobody answered the summons. Tire» and accessories brother while a t oalv "Jane Finn. Always I hear that spring. He is also an excellent * Finally a bright idea flashed across Repairs violinist and will bring his in­ his brain. Conrad waa undoubtedly name. It Is familiar." K j r k -E o l l a k M otor C o . Miss Beneta Stroud will e r - “We Accept," He ¿aid Harshly, "on the tenant of the house. The others, Tommy came forward eagerly. strum ent with him. L V u m ille r F urnitu re Co., fu rn i- amine all pupils in Linn county Terms. The Papers Must Be De­ with the possible exception of the ‘‘You must know something about ____ Pastor. 4 ture, rug«, linoleum, »loves range». schools fo r signs o f tuberculosis. livered to Us Before You Go Free." bearded German, merely used It as a her?” Funeral director». 427-433 «est F ir*t She represents the Oregon Tu­ But the girl turned away abruptly. terms. The papers must be delivered rendezvous. Therefore, why not wait street, Albany, Oregon, berculosis association. “I know nothing—only the nnrae." In ambush for Conrad behind the door, to us before you go free." The Woman’s Study Club U u b Cleaning Work«, Inc. She walked towards the door. Sud­ and when he entered bring down a Mr. and M is. McAdoo have? "Idiot I” said Tommy amiably. denly she uttered a cry. Tommy held the first meeting Thursday •"*" Cor. Fourth p«J Lyon leased the Scio Tribune to “How do you think I can look for chair, or one of the decrepit pictures, stared. She had caught sight of the afternoon with the new presi­ Master Dyer» and Cleaners them if you keep me tied by the leg smartly onto his head. One would, picture he had laid against the wall Charles E. H unt and wife fo r M a d e -T o -M e a s u re Clothe» of course, be careful not to hit too dent, Mrs. Sidney J. Sm ith,< here?” three months so they can to u r the night before. For a moment lie presiding. Mrs. T. J. Marks was hard. And then—and then, simply “What do you expect, then?” en aud m on ey are best » b e n the east till new year's. caught a look of terror In her eyes. "I must have liberty to go about walk out If he met anyone on the As Inexplicably It changed to relief. elected vice-president and Mrs. busy. Make your dollar« worn id way down, well— Tommy brightened This is. fire prevention week, the business In my own way.” our saving» department. A l b a n y S t a t u G. W. Laubner was appointed Then abruptly she went out of the at the thought of an encounter with H a n k , tinder government supervision. by proclamation of the gover­ The German laughed. chairman of the finance com­ room. Tommy could mnke nothing of “Do you think we are little children his lists. Ruch an affair was Infinitely IL Did she fancy that he had meant m ittee to fill vacancies caused nor, and we are all building fires IVI tiler M otor tìale» to let you walk out of here leaving us more In his line than the verbal en­ to attack her with It? Surely not. by the removal of Mis. G. T. •*-’ 4 Oakland and Jewett car» to keep ourselves warm. It is counter of this afternoon. Intoxicated a pretty story full of promises? One He rehung the picture on the wall Kitchen to Portland and Mrs. also anti-rarcotic week in AI Supplie» and acccascries of our number will carfy out your In­ by his plan. Tommy gently unhooked thoughtfully. First and Baker St». Albany, Oregon bany, by proclamation Df M ayor D. S. McWilliams to Albany, structions minutely. If the operations the picture of the Devil and Faust, Three more days w fnt by In dreary and settled himself In position. His The names of five applicants orton & Speer Servie» Com- Young. ere complicated, he will return to you Inaction. Tommy felt the strain tell­ pauy with a report and you can Instruct hopes were high. The plan seemed ing on his fierves. He saw no one but were presented by the member­ Jacob Kutch, from south of to him simple but excellent Headquarters for good tire» him further." Conrad end Annette, and the girl lied ship committee to be voted upon i'bcn" 65 Halsey, moved his family to Al­ Time went on, but Conrad did not First and Lyon “You’re tying my hands,” com­ the next meeting, 'hie bany Satuiday. His brother appear. Night and day were the become dumb. He gnthered from Con­ at plained Tommy. ‘It's a very delicate urphy course of study, “Travel in rad that they were waiting for orders . „ M otor Co. Bniolc and Charley moved to the ranch to same In this prison room, but Tom­ Affair, and the other fellow will muff Ch«» v ro from “Sir. Brown." Perhaps, thought Scotland and Ireland” promises Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and take charge of it for the ensu­ dt up as likely as not, and then where my's wrist-watch, which enjoyed a Tommy, he was abroad or away, and accessories. certain degree of accuracy. Informed to provide interesting programs ing year. shall I he? I don't believe one of you ¡Albany, Oregon. Phone 200. him that It was nine o'clock in the they were obliged to wait for hla for the year’s work. has got an ounce of tact. George Maxwell and wife autf evening. Tommy reflected gloomily return. The lesson for the day was D e a l estate. Money to loan. A ll 'Those are our terms. Otherwise But the evening of the third day that If supper did not arrive soon It 4 4 kiods ol insurance written. Mrs. Ida M. Cummings of Al­ death I" given by Mrs. Laubner, Mrs. would be a question of waiting for brought a rude awakening. Call on J. V P ip r , bany have gone to Newport to Tommy leaned back wearily Stafford and Mrs. Mornhinweg It was barely seven o’clock when be A lb an y State Bank Building. enjoy an outing when the rush ‘•I like your style. Curt, but at breakfast. At ten o’clock hope de­ covered “the country,” serted him, and he flung himself onto heard the tramp of footsteps outside and tractive. So be It, then. But one oscoe , am es ~ h a kd w a rk _ there is over and the fishing the bed to seek consolation In sleep. In the passage. In another minute “Scotland”—“the people” and a thing Is essential—I must see tbe good the the door was flung open. Conrad en­ reading from “Penelope’s Pro­ In five minutes hla woes were for- girl." WINCIIES1ER STOKE gotten. tered With him was tbe evil-looking gress”—Wiggins. The form er .122 W. FTi E. S. Hayes has sold practical­ irst s t , "What g tr ir The round of the key turning In Number 14. Tommy's heart sank at talks were illustrated with ly all of the oak and ash wood "Jane Finn, of course." the lock awoke him from hla slum­ the sight of them. g . 8- G I L B E R T & S O N he advertised. Mrs. W aggener beautiful scenic views. The other looked at him curiously “Evenin', guvnor,” said the man, ber». Not belonging to the type of for some minutes, then he said slowly, Mrs. F red Smith, Mi's. Inez advertised a lost purse with $10 Chinaware and gift »hop hero who la famous for awaking In with a leer. “Got those ropes, mate?” and as though choosing his Words I' reeland and Mill Leitner were 330 West First in it and it was promptly retu rn ­ Albany full possession of his faculties. Tommy The silent Conrad produced a with care: ed by the honest finder. Chancy merely blinked at the celling and won­ length of fine cord. The next minute guests of the club. "Do you not know that aha can tell Mrs. D. S. McWilliams, who C T E N B K R G B R O S., groceriei, Sickels advertised a cow for' dered vaguely where he wag. Then Number 14's hands, horribly dexterous, yon nothing?" produce. 2.3J Lyon Street he remembered. were winding the cord round bis has been an active member of We fruita, sale in our last issue. The pa­ sei) groccries and Tommy’s heart beat a little faster. limbs, while Conrad held him down. The door swung open. Too late. the club since its organizatioiFin pers were placed in the post- Buy eresili. Elione 263R Would he succeed In coming face to "What the devil— T began Tommy. 1907, and who will be greatly Tommy remembered his scheme of office Friday morning and early face with the girl he was seeking? Q T IM S O N T H E 3 H 0 k " D 0 C T 0 Ì But the slow, speechless grin of the obliterating the unprepossessing Con­ missed, was complimented by a in the morning, although it was “I «hall not ask her to tell me any Second Street, opposite Ham ilton'» rad. A moment later he was glad that silent Conrad froze the words on hla thing,” he said quietly. “Not to so dainty shower of handkerchiefs. sture. raining, a would-be buyer was. he had. for it was not Con rati who lips. many words, that la." Mrs. B. M. Bond was a grac­ inquiring the way to Sickels’. "Sudden Service.“ entered, but a girl. She carried a Number 11 proceeded deftly with "Then why see her?” Advertise z your w ants in th e tray which she set down on the table. his task. In another minute Tommy ious hostess. W f a l d u A uder-un A ^ i i n . diatrib- Tommy paused. ’ ” iilors and dealers for MaRwell, Chai- Enterprise. “To watch her face when I a»k her _ In the feeble light of the gas burner bun"‘r was a mere helpless bundle. Then at A Reminescince le question," o n e a d n n " he » . replied at la st » To“ ®y bllnked « b e r. » • rterrtded last Conrod spoke; iners, Usses, Hudson A Hupinobile cars. one The Terminal Taxi company “Thought you'd bluffed ue, did yon? Again there v u a look In the Ger­ at once that she was one of the most Among the Indian girls who Accessories, Supnliea. 1st & Broadalbin. of Salem started cars on the With what you knew, and what you beautiful »Iris he had ever seen man's eyes that Tommy did not quite participate in this week’s cele­ Albany-Brownsville line on th e There was a wild-rose qnality about understand- bration a t Klamath Falls to her face. Her eyes, set wide apart, 1st. The time schedule appears "She will not be able to answer mark the beginning of work on were hazel, a »olden hazel that again among our advertisem ents. your question." recalled a memory of sunbeams. the N atron Cutoff are the great Three predecessor» have tried “That does not matter. I shall have A delirious thought shot through j grand daughters of the famous seen her face when I ask IL SHOE g the game and quit. The new Tommy's mind. Indian woman, Winema. She The German looked at him search ■ i / SERVICE § people propose to give the line 'Are you Jane Fton?" he asked Ingly. "J wonder whether, after all. , was active during the trouble- a tryout. If patronage enough breathlessly. you know as much as we think?” he j some years in ending tribal war- Siine» Ibat cost le«« per month of wear is given to w arrant it, a reduc­ The girl shook her head wonder- said softly. I fare and, a t the risk of her own tion in fares will be made. T he logty. Tommy felt bis ascendency less sore life, tried to save the lives of “My name la Annette, monsieur." service is a great accommoda­ than a moment before. Hla bold bad General Canby and a number of 8he spoke In a s o ft broken English. tion and we wish it success. clipped a little. But he waa puzzled. his soldiers. •O hr said Tommy, rather taken What had he said wrong? Ha spoke This is narcotics week in Al­ shack. "F rancalser he hazarded. Canby led a party th a t was to out en the impulse of the moment. "Out monsieur. Monsieur parte bany by proclamation of the meet Modoc chieftains. Winema ‘There may be things that you know francaJse?” mayor. In the early days of reached them before the meet­ erhlch I do not. I hare not pretended "Not for any length of time." said j the week the Globe th eatre ran to he aware of all tbe details of your Tommy. "Whafa that? Breakfast r ing, informed them the Modoc I “Human W reckage,” Mrs. Wal- show. But equally Pre got something chiefs planned a massacre and The girl nodded Tommy dropped up my sleeve that you don't know off the bed and came and Inspected j lace Reid’s exposition of the pleaded with the white soldiers atflrat And that's where I mean to the contents of the tray. It consisted | terrible results of th e use of to a t least arm themselves be- •cere. Danvers was a d—d clever fel­ of a lo s t seme margarine, and a Jug i drugs, and in the window of I fore going to talk peace with low—" He broke off aa If he bad said of coffee. ! one of the drug stores sat a the Modocs. The w arning was too much. "The living la not eqnal to the Ritz.“ ; grinring human skeleton la­ 1 not heeded and only one white The German's face had lightened a be observed with a sigh. “But for beled: “ W hat you are, I was. (man returned alive. what we are at last about to receive | W hat I am you will be,” su r­ •Danvers." h« murmured. “I _ the Lord has made roe truly thank­ rounded by samples of narcotics Ha paused a minute, then waved to ful. Amen." Mr. and Mrs. C. G, Gulliford Oosuwd. “Taka him away. Vpstairs— _ and of instrum ents employed in of Woodburn spent the week He drew up a chair, and the girl psu know." i^ s F —' j their use, with pistols, knives, . end with Mrs. Gulliford'« turned away to the door. •W ait a urtante.’ said Tommy I etc., logical implements ol the They ™™ _■ _ “Walt a sec," cried Tommy. “There “Thouakt You'd Bluffed U r , old YeuJ- brother. W. L. Norton. ^What about the giri’“ advanced dope fiend. are lots of things I want to ask you. dlda t know. Bargained with u» ' And I a,re on t h e ’r w a y to I"onF Beach »111 non about JL Only om Asasati WW n o ynu Mag to this (Continue» on page 4) ~ __ * Cal., to make their home. •Then—then—’’ angry and baffled, the word! failed him. Tommy looked round. He saw an­ ger and bewilderment an every fare, but hla calm assurance had done its work—no one doubted but that some­ thing lay behind hla words. Church of Christ Poland China Sow Jots and Tittles Ladies’ ¿study Club M M M R THE BROW N 22