■ m j and then shut It again. Sir Tommy that stood aw __ ________ James’ words sounded la her car»: a the ether tlm table in a shabby frame. For a i s » e keeper who had 1st htm ln. T h . X "Merer tell all you know—not even to merit »he struggled for salf-contrai, the person you know beat.” And like . . . -a r e grouped together at a Uttia and then abandoning all pratanaa, aha a flash there came Into her mind an- distance away. But Tommy missed held it to her lipa and b a n t Into a btlier memory. Jullua before t h e ___ fit of sobbing. one face. The man know* as Number In the flat her own question and tha "Oh. Tommy, Tommy," aha "I O naw aa ne longer of the campen/. pause umore before his reply. “Nothing." Ul» reply. -Nothing." do lova you so—and T rn .T .- - - ' ^ o a l better?" asked the Was there really nothing? Or haft he you agam 1 “* * * as be removed tha i found something be wished to keep ta • • • "T« At the end of five minutes Tupp«»ca himself? If he could stake a eatery>- « .« M ,. - aat up, blew her nose, and puahnd pon, so could sh e back her hair. W m t M U . K la “Nothing particular.” she replied. “That’s that" she observed Stanly. for you your akun la so thick. The She felt rather than saw Jullua Let a look facta m tha face. I seem good Conrad struck herd." He Indl- throw a sideways glance at her. to have fallen in love—with an '-*-1 " »M «««! doorkeeper by a i "Say, shall we go for a »pin in the of a boy who probably doesn't care T lu man u< your conversation w as to Inter, gee together somehow—but he's pretty hXe*to*' ° h' " ’’V * ftX>I 1 f**H 0 1 ’ ’ -w * “V scruples.” cute, and I guess he wouldn’t q u T lf » J * ° "How did you get — Inr* ■Dwr old Conrad bare." Tommy there was sny chance of raccrito- be1L lMl>t upon success— having a reason. I wonder If he did smiled deprecatlagly at him. "I heal- now, would he?” find anything in that safe—" tate ta suggest pensioning off a falth- Tuppence felt rather uncomfortable, Tuppence's meditations went off on "8rT*nt. but yen really ought to but clinging to her belief that Julius also had withheld something from her another tack. She reviewed the events have a better watchdog.” of last night carefully and persist- Conrad snarled lmpoteotly, and said she remained firm. He suggested advertising for the ently. Somehow, they seemed bound sullenly, as the man with the beard up with Sir James’ enigmatical words. swung round upon him: nurse,” she reminded him. He gave the ward. How was I to Yes, with a forlorn hope’ flavor to F arm er a Business M < RALLY D A Y ■x WALTER W. HEAD, PJrat Vleo-Prasidsnt Amsrlcan Bank* era Association TMo farmer today la mors than a ■liar of the solL He la a business Raising crops Is only a part of Mist , his bualneaa. If he la sad a real up-to-date Twentieth Century farmer. Problems of marketing, distribu­ tion and financing are equally Impor­ tant. The complexity of onr modern eco­ nomic organization Walter W. Head makes It necessary â U iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin m iiiiiiiiiiiiii for the farmer to «karrtshi M g . M—1 « Qnwaa,) understand and assist In solving «Bess problems If he la to succeed. (Continued) In this new role—as a business man —Khe farmer steadily has advanced Julius •ank back again Into bis ba a better position. chair. There was a time when the fanner "Nurse E d ith -le ft with a p a tto n t- was dependent wholly upon private I remember,” he muttered. My marketing agencies, whose interest O—d, to have been so near!” was not always Identical with bis own, Doctor Hall looked bewildered. Whose greed for profits sometimes out­ *i don’t understand. la the young matched consideration of the farmer' lady not with her aunt, after a l l y need. Today there are many great Tuppence shook her head. She was •P-operatlve marketing organisations •bout to speak when a warning that handle a large part of the farm glance from Sir James made her hold ns's crop and win for him more U tsral her tongue. The lawyer rose. v estm en t from the private agencies Im much obliged to you, Hall. which still handle the bulk of his pro­ ’ * " v* 7 rT'tefnl toT • » you’ve told duction. ua I’m afraid we’re now in the posi­ Today tha farmer also has his own tion of having to track Miss Vancle exonerative agencies of credit. If not meyar anew. What about the nurse satisfied with the terms upon which don’ t "k7 mPBuled h8r: 1 *UPP° ie his local capitalist Is willing to ad­ S ’. x a- “ e“ '” % ,n don t know where she Is?” vance money upon a land mortgage, The doctor shook his head. the farmer can go directly to the Fed­ "Oh, nol" cried Tuppence. "We’ve n o » . X T l TI*•” ’ ’’i n,nrn’° r<‘d- “Im- P™1- f*»°w . His hasty action has Best and largest line of _______ “We’ve not heard from her. as It hap- eral Land Bank, which, by reason of -------------- P P «ce. “We’ve w a v e I possible I I must be going mad even J” « » • the pleaaura of seeing you P«ns. t I understood she was to remain got to find Tommy." sax-exemption and other advantages F T o x v J V . "x | P»na | to face." J "I sure forgot Beresford," said Ju­ to think of mich a thing. . . .• Incidental to its governmental char- y 1“ * a » * - * f «’ for « w hn,. M onstrous-yet it explained every- H e fancied that his words canoed "I Buf w,’»t can have happened? Surelv lius contritely. "That's so. We must thing. Mter, can loan money at a rock bot- u . ’ •ome discomposure among the group, tam rata of in terest H.adquaters for **d not been kidnaped." * find him. But after—well, I’ve been After a moment’s reflection she aat but the watchful O enren stalled it day-dreaming ever since I started on la addition, tha federal government That remains to be seen." said Sir this trip—and these dreams are rotten down and wrote a note, weighing each with a wave of hta hand. baa established another group of Heavy James gravely. poor b u sin «,: I’m quli of th’ ” X " £ T t " „’ ’V * 5 "" F,n*1'7 Dmd men tall no tales,” he said banks which permit the local bankers D P R IN T L IN O L C U M The other hesitated Miss Tuppence, there's something I'd .iT* "* thoutny, "but rm not $1 per square yard. 1 " •" ” the farmer credit for hit current oper­ addressed to Julius. She went down aead yet I” 4 2 iw e st First st„ Allmay, Oregon, “Y e a r ations on a more favorable basis than "No, no. In all probability tbs aver before. It he thinks bis local •Tfou and Beresford. What about It?" the passage to his slttlag-roem and h*' mz 7onar friend,” young lady is with other relations." bank la not sufficiently responsive to “I don’t understand you," replied knocked at the door. As she had ex- »aid tbe Oennan. i » ? O<-t° r * “ Bot completely sat- ported, the room was empty. She toft his need, thia same legislation eaablaa An assenting murmur came from l«fied. but he saw tin t Sir James was Tuppence with dignity, adding incon- the note on the table, tbe others. him to Join with other farmers In a ,Aad' any'nlJ’’ Y°u*» ^ r rn>t“* 1 “ 7 no mor’ Accord- wraneg ’’ly: A small page-boy waa waiting out­ oa-operatlva marketing aaaoolation J*01® Y®® «» any reason why ingly. he wished them good-by and sad arrange for credit direct from the "Not got a sort of kindly feeling for side her own door when she returned we should not put you to death r they toft the hotel. For . few X to It. government banka. ••ked the German. one another?" utes they stood by the car talking. "Telegram for you. you. Mlsa.” Miss.” Several," repltod Tommy xmegram for "Serersl.- “Look Naw Credit Faellltlea Certainly not," said Tuppence with “,,ddw ,ln».'’ cried Tuppence. Tuppence took It from tho salver, “* « . fo u ’ve been „ k in g m e'a lo t ef Tor years It kaa bean tha farmer’s To think that Julius must have been warmth, "Tommy and I are friends— and tore it open carelessly. Then she questions. Let me OM f()T nothing more.** complaint—with considerable Justlfica- actually under the same roof with lier a change. Why didn’t yea kill me off Uou that he, alone of all producers, "Now, let’s get down to this. Sup- î ï ï ü , 0 7 , The te’ehis more true thta in the can’s face grew grave ».Id Jullua -W h .t -------- particular figure call, the farmer cannot charge or evoa **re *nd ,h* • “ •■tiou given the eves of i took « e Tuppence's hand i > . ------ k ? w -’ th" 70,1 ln "d» d r i X V i " 1* * 17 way’ * IM to do him harm. lif., tw , C1. U<>1 u X * ’" ’ ‘ . X * ¿ ““e“ f° J ,f h t LM,er' «n Mk*d T®PP*nce. » .—* ib* ,r *?-?,rin *r tokM advaa- liv e vision. C,' | A'^ 7* b" forwarded." | "Dn y o u ^ e a n t .l l or short? puzzled. i. r Mld Tomn»y scornfully, fight- Tnpponce stared at him blankly. No. Sum—Incom«.** “ »*A*utorty unpleasane fool- “Tou are going away?” lB P»« iewrier, •nd sljtuad , h. ia m , „ _ "I «uppose you’re right. ” she said and fix up the ring business.” frAT?J7?7\ ? * “ k 70,1 T,r7 B,och "J. ‘‘■ n't” gasped Tuppence. tor*« signature appears Sw s r i trying to help us. Good-by." Because of Beresford "No, no, no!" Julius was banding over the car. A U,*"*h 1 ‘h80«** there were "Well, th e n r is not dated ahead. If dat«d the least chance o f your killing m a r momentary pity came into Sir James’ Efficient Sarrica. Motor Hearse. ahead It becomes a promise to pay keen eyes, as he gated Into the girl’s He looked confidently round, and Lady Attendant. downcast faew the same as a note or acceptance p .£ J ? dJ b7 Bot the per- able on soma future data, u'.had ..................................... ... " D o n ’t be too disconsolate Miss h * * 1“« •* h1» heart which 8tatos revenue stamps are required "Mt J ! i* * " " * T* ’ ” • '" • * • < a i» v e tha Ha to hto words T^ppw ce" he said In . low vo.ee on a check dated ahead, at the rate of Remember, holiday time Isn’t always Voice Very Near Tommy’s Ean , ' 7 * J Admitted Boris at last aul- cents per hundred dollars, or frac­ i’o 0 ^ 1 ° * # ’■’ “’"""’'W Manage« l«Hy. “you do n o t - tion thereof. ** “Enl’icd It at ones for that ©f tha to pot io «ome work «« w«II." w . L. W R IG H T hrt • mlBd bearded and effldeat German, and toy In ease a check carries two dlff.e. Something In hla tone mads Tup- to TornniF- Aloud ho Mortician & Funeral Director artistically inert Painfully ha tried oat figures, that I. »1 00 | B ths flturw T d be obliged If you’d do me the P*nca gi,n co np sharply. Ha ahook and “Two Hundr.d Dou*r.~ , ‘ * to puzzle eut what had happened. Ob- pursued hto advantage: llslsey sad Harrisburg hto head with a smile. A“ 1 88 confident? Be- written part of tho body of the short? 51 ° “,ly ■»mebody must have crept up ’ "ITs r. Ink”t °T*r “Btn t o w it b no oRp Call I). T.VI.OB, Halsey, or ’’No, I shan't My any more. Great to ° t L ^ W." Mlt,thlB* tbB‘ P™« t” „ „ „ „ „ „ • Mm i 2 * b* U,ten* ’ A»d »truck L,. W a ioaT , Harrisburg “RHII. I guess b e r 'X ’. l° v U ' , “'UCb we'll leave It like Mm down with a blow on the hesd " A ” T * * * b ,rk8ln " ber th a t Never tell all yon know— that" took Th* mi A check made out to a parson to” n1 “ n0W * * 7' Bnd Î Ï S . ’ Î » “ " " ” ‘ T- took him up sharply. not even to the person you know bc«t order," requires Ideatlflcatloa. and th . would In all probability give him tnderatand? Good-by." ''T a a -a bargain. My Ufa and llb- »hört ahrtft Nobody knew where h™ party presenting the „ He strode away. Tuppence stared «rtji against—” B n panned. sure the bank that ha Is tha payee I waa. the- «tore he need expect no out qh? 3P^ C* WeBt BP®L»lrs to her A gain« whatr check to a parsoa "or bMrar" is . . . caa make both F A R M and CITY after him. sh e wee beginning to un­ She felt morally battered room. »Ids aaaiatatCA and must depend derstand Sir James’ methods Once c o o T it ’ ’T ? p , " l ,d torwerd. •hto to the o n . prossnfng it al t t , L O A N S at a very row rate of in teiest •otoly on hla own wits. Tou before ho had thrown hw a’ h in tin *ftW' b w «“ ¿ « « w ith JuUua* bank, but a cortala amount at tdaatt- From 3 to 1« yMr. Write me fer par “ pin ^ P - "Well, here goes." murmured Tom- the tamo eareleee fashion Was th's t* r,on*»t7- 81ttlag down m fi cation la ascoaaary, for tha beak r . trculara. o w «peka. ,u “■ ■* • ” rt'7 ,B7 k*1’1'’ ’ S a ^ “ servos ths right to know that ha 1s •v rtfJ J S T ’T™.2*** D“ ’* r» hreught Salem, Ore 4!0 Oregon Bldg titled to receive tha funds. - i x « ¿ • « ’S r i , m k J w T Bvaryoan wan ■ On 8Td« CRT A LINK ON BRiOg trical hto was feat elec­ the c m ; that, «acratly. ha would be making a grimace. “Little In a minute tha Garman eterm.i 0 * n » » n w .M d thmn back. h TI m ^ working on It still while— f?? thing you want—ev en « d p U cri . O w advice to berg « not to marrv hv W" * lB'*"uptod « hop0d for’ «Bd ymt *■ w » «■ h th« brief commiQd ‘TMnfr ** by Julius, • m . o w een b'Mt out like . “ . ,