Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, October 11, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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Big Profits are a Jack-o’-Lautern
ULT. I l , 1923
Albany-Brownsville Stage Line
Daily Schedule
The Advice of Honest Men Who Know, and Wlflmflne« to Be Con-
Ik I
Brownsville hotel. B ro n a e rille _______
Road to Assured Income.
0 L > '
depends, “pon th» investments made of
tm ~’ . ?ays an »rticle on investing prepared by the
a'octeHtki»** ®2s?ublic Education of the American Banker« As-
J h i Ui n v a - ^ \ Ure i ^ u™, wil1, b* «»“ or low, according to
n ft*tmenta- That ia a law of life which controls in-
»««tmeat of money, juat as it controls investment of talents."
l & e article, which is particularly timely in these days when
so many are being robbed by fake investments, continues:
A. M.
8; 00 I.V. B R O W N S V IL L E Ar.
8:25 HAl.&EV, Clark Coo levi toner y
8:25 SHEDD, Thompson • Grocery 12
T A N G EN T. Mother's Ion
9.15 Id*.
Stages arriving at Albany connect (or Porlleed stages.
S ta v e *
Ifif iV IB »
Dozen Shows at Pacific International |
St Francis hotel, Albany
P. M.
’ 2:1U
tent With Reasonable Return, Declared Only Safe
A lh a n v
iv a s a a r t
«m é tte
5 4Ó
P n r ti.e d
Farm Bureau Program
Deadhead Advertising
Among measures favored by
Harry Woods of the Welling­
legislative committee ton (Kans.) News went to a
la the business sense, tbe word la- perlence to undertake to make lnvest- national
vestment relates to tka uea at money meats of their money without guld of the farm bureau are:
i church supper a few years ago
ia acquiring ownership of property. aacu by those who know. Many com
Acceptance of Ford’s Muscle to which he had been given a
Ownership may sepresewt entire pos- Ponlea are constantly being organised
An expoaition 1s a collection ef one of the splendid featuree of the
aaaatoa ot property aa of a home
"free" ticket. As he neared the
to promote unsound schemes, referred Shoals offer,
more or leaa related by nature. Exposition.
partial ownership na holding stack In to as "wlld-caL" There are always
portals, he heard one good sis­ •hows.
The Pacific International Live Stock
a corporation; or conditional owner solicitors ready to relieve people of
The latest show to come to the Pa­
Waqe increase on the farms if
Exposition, held at Portland, Or. cific International is the fine North­
aklp aa In the case of buying a mort their savings by the promise of big
( M e er a bond. When a parson makes returns. The lure of great wealth is possible without increased cost
west Grain and Hay shew, hitherto
aa investment In bonds, he is really always a temptation by which thou­ of crop
production—that is, Refectively he ate his chicken wings a doien of them, and there te held In Pendleton. Thte Is going to
be a 1923 feature.
loaning Mis money to the government sands of thrifty people are deprived through increased efficiency of wing and returned to his office
The Industrial Exhibits department
or corporation lasulnr them. Ha will of hard-earned savings every year. mechanical helps,
and got out his trusty pencil. them.
It has a beef cattle show of great affords a show that for beauty and
saeelva the lntaraat which they earn Widows and orphans who have lt^
He found that he had given that Size.
value would be hard to surpass. This
aa le a f as ha owns them, or until herited money are frequently sought
No government price fixing. particular supper just $8.45
Its dairy cattle show 1a second to great department is filled with fairy-
they are paid off.
and made the targets of these fake-
worth of advertising and in re­ none anywhere In numbers and qual llke booths, showing costly furs and
Ownership of great corporations is stock salesmen. Misery and suffering
turn therefor had received one ItF-
other raiment, beautiful furniture,
rested In Individuals who hare In rest­ are the usual results.
chicken wing and the name of
Tha sheep and goat show Is regard every convenience a housewife needs,
ed money In their etock or bonds.
Greed Defeats Safety
“deadhead.” Since that day he ed by experts as on a par with any machinery of every sort to save labor
Many people regard the ownership of
Many people with small means also
and Increase profits. Everything has
the United States Steel Corporation,
has collected cash for all church like show In America.
Laundry sent Tuesdays
The hog show has always been ex Its demonstration for the public. T h *
tor example. as differing from the lose money because they Insist on a
cellent, and this year will be bigger sense of sight and the sense of emelt
ownership of. say, a small workshop. high rate ef interest on their Invest
Dyeing, Cleaning and Pressing
has never accepted a free ticket than
are both appealed to, for the flour
Tet Investors In shares of Steal Cor­
Safety of principal should he
to anything and he also gets the
The draft horse show is represents aad other food products companies
poration stock are entitled to the same considered above large returns In In
A B E 'S P L A C E
tlve, with five breeds of heavy horses are doing their best to shew tha
rights, under the law. aa tka owner of terest or dividends. Small Investors
merits of their goods.
The rule of the Enterprise is and jacks.
the workshop, in the corporation, the should never buy klgh-rate, specula
The Night Horse show Is ont of tha
to give a reasonable amount of
The Western W inter poultry and
owners hold certificates ef stock as tlve investments, la which there it a
evidence of tkelr Investment, whereas
rabbit show attracts thousands of In­ four great horse shows tn the United
States. It is brilliant, exciting and
the dwaer of the little workshop holds great risk, but should stick to those
religious or charitable doings to terested spectators.
which pay a fair rate and which are
delightful. Horees are coming from
a dead as title to h it land.
come, unless those doings have Is the least spectacular and one of the Eastern states thte year to show
known to be safe
Capttalletle Law« Protect 1 sweeter«
as an object the taking in of the
their paces in the arena aad struggle
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
most important.
Because the lews , tand for the
money. The publisher spends
The boys' and girls’ clubs make a for the big prises offered.
egnal protection of all Investors. It is worth buying the Investor should go • • • • • • • • • • • • •
good money in printing these show that Is the outcome of work des­ One kind of a show Isn't nt the Pa­
pcaalhlo and proltable to make good to a banker, or a successful business
international, and never will be
fiee notices. Where an enter­ tined to make this country a better cific
-n la whom he has confldence. get
lnveetmenta. It gives an Incentive to
—the gambling concessions and other
tainment is given for profit the place to live la. Don’t miss seeing the questionable
work hard aad to Invest. The person his opinion and act In accordance with
amusements that rob'
who wishes to invest maat first work IL In all probability this will mean • • • • • • • • • • • • •
object of an announcement in work they have done.
children and sometimes grown people'
aad accumulate funds with which to the difference between successful In • • • • • • • • • • • • •
the paper is to increase that fruits and vegetables, gratae and and leave nothing but a bad taste.
do so.
vestment aad total loss of his money
and the publisher de­ grasses, county and other exhibits. 1s The Exposition does not need that
loads ore always secured by mort-
The banker dealt with Investments
kind of shows.
for his services.
gagas on the tends, buildings or other every day and desires to give all the
Mr. Wood’s course is the
property of the corporation for which help and information ha can, and the
correct one. Charge for your CO NFERENCES to aid A G R IC U L T U R E
*ke money has been used. When a business man baa learned by experl
bond matures the money must be re­ sacs tbs need of caution and careful
work and pay for what you get.
Barber Shop
• • • • • • • • T I L_jrr
n te e te
»»BR O W N »*
•* m ouse
paid to the owner of tke bond.
AH Investors are a ^ a rt of a great
financial system which gathers up and
puts to work the wealth ef the coun­
try for the mutual baaaflt, preeperity.
end well-being ef all. In Amerlea, It is
possible for any one who la willing te
pay the price ef self-denial aad hard
work, to bo an inveetor. Good invest­
ments made la early Ufa by saving
sack small sums as may be possible,
ley the foundation for providing the
comforts ef later years, when It Is
harder te earn a livelihood end when
poverty often becomes the condition
of those who have aet practiced
thrift la youth.
h is not wise for these without ex-
judgment They believe one should
have a clear understanding of an In
vestment before it Is purchased. They
knpw the seed for avoiding stock pro
motion schemes end got-rlch-qulck
propositions which in many cases
have brought poverty and suffering
While many states have passed laws
aimed to protect the public agalest
promoters of fake Investments, thou
sands of people annually rail victims
to their wiles, because they fail to
seek advlca of those experienced In
making investments.
Oeod advice aad temperate expec
tatleaa mark the only road to safe
Investment and aa assured Income
There Is no other certain way.
“He bought that house aad joined
tka bated landlord class. Some years
Later wbea it was reported that a
bane of strikers wars advancing to
abut all tbs factories, Otto rushed
late my eflee at tke head of as ex
cited group of man from tke shop
" *Oet us a lot of shotguns sac we’ll
keep those follows sut of bore! Those
The boot ite ry of the taming of a fools expect a man to work and save |
radical I have ever read is teld by A. aad then walk in here aad take what
B. Farquhar in bis book “The First be has got without paying for It ! '
"And that,” Farquhar concludes, “1
M illian the Hardast." It throws more
think, la always tke way to develop a j
light on the meaning of capitalism
aad the futility of socialism than a li­
brary full of hooka aa sociology, eco­
nomics aad polities. Here it is ns GROWING RECOGNITION
Farquhar tells It:
"The best antidote for acute eco­
nomic insanity Is ownsrshlp ot prop­
erty. My favorite example Is Otto
Advertising ffrst established Its place
fftetnlnger. He was one ef my flrst as aa sceaomle factor as a sales aid,
employees and was a rip-roaring an­ but as understanding and use of It
archist. He Insisted that all wealth have Increased, its possibilities la oth­
came from the workers aad therefore er ffelds have developed until today
fhould ge back to the workers. Hs we find it employed la many forms
wga particularly bitter against bis of service hitherto untbougbt of. Ad­
landlord and hardly a week went by vertising has loag been hampered In
that he did not announce that he had Its use by precedent, tradition, eon
deffnitely decided that ha would Ilka ventlona, aad prejudices, which, an
to shoot tke landlord the next time der analysis and experience. And lit
he came around for the re n t Finally tie to warrant tkelr existence. Gradu­
1 asked him sselllngly after one of ally the falsity ef their claims Is be­
these outburst»:
ing proved.
Boy, D e n t «bool
W j wore told for many years that
-•W h y don’t you buy your own It was undignified for a beak or fldu
house instead ef shooting your hurd­ clary Institution to advertise, and this
ler d? The» you would not have to •diet, bora of some superstition of the
pay any ra n t If you do shoot him you past, was accepted without question
may got Into trouble.'
until finally it was Intelligently chal­
-H s did not think meek of the Idea lenged and It was discovered nader
apparently but la a day or two he analysis that there was no suOcleat
asked me how he could buy the bouse. reason (or Its support. The Inevitable
1 answered: That house can be conclusion of logic te that, whatever
bought for MO«- Y<XJ
S’ 10“« S®°« 1s of genuine use to human beings,
wagon. I will bug that bouse Cor you. whether it be goad« or services, can,
take |4 a week out of your wages, with truth aad dlgrity. be advertised
aad la lass than four years you will aad sold, aad that it te Juet as proper
te merchandise forms of service as
have It paid for.’
-H e went off again. The next time various kinds of commodities.
seme back it was with kin wife.
I * the logical development of thia
He eald: We are goto« tc buy that saw understanding of I he power of
bouse but slaee we lav e no children advertising during the last decade,
you can take
Instead of (4 » v a r t we have seen many of our banking
out af my pay envelope.'
fiduciary aad investment Institutions
*T bought tie bouse sad then Otto’s actively employing the sales value of
chief concern wee to get It paid for, adverilsiag in the marketing of their
which he did in a little more than a serriees. Ia this latelllg .nt use of
r ear. There was saotker bouts Bust publicity they are not only Increasing
door to him- Is * ,hert TkIla a n ,r tkelr own tmmedl.te beets«,, r H urn,
he had paid for bis ffrst home, hs bet they are also heipfeg to spread a
better understanding ef financial serv
sidled up to me aad said:
- • I can bay that bouse next door lee aad economic fact aad theory up-
tor a thousand dollars. Now that wv, ea which »olid busineae relations can
have v.o rest to pay wo are going 1» b u ilt— F re u d . H. Staeon. Journal
along good
What would you think of the Americas B
about ma buying th a tr
I in n ln n m
auIflOlv Llill
1 A
Special M ie (or « lim ited tim e
a square
Good quality, 12 feet w id e........ « p l a i U
QK/»* bquare
Good quality, 6 feet wide ................... I t i l yard
Mattress 3 ^ 2 ? ..“■’.-“ ■ . i ' . ,$12.50
50-lb Simmons, all Cotton, $16 value, f o r ........ .........................
Ivory Bed 2-inch posts, seven 1-inch fillers, only ... ,...$1 T
See us when in need of
We can save jon mosty
Bartcher & Rohrbaugh Eumiture Company
415-421 West First street
Albany, Oregon
-Z/ SR ounè U r ip Uicfiet
<2?O Q f l
to Portland
and return.
On sale Friday. Saturday
an d S u n d aj, with final re­
turn limit of Tuesday fol­
lowing dato of sale.
to Portland
and return
On sale daily, carrying a re­
turn limit of 15 days from
date of sale.
Reduced Round Trip Fares
to other points.
$ 4 .4 5
In tern atio n al
Portland, Or.,
Nov. 3-10,1923'
rZee F4e
£ a m fo r /a i/t
C o n v e n ie n t
U )e p e n d o b (e a n d S « 9 H 9 /n ic a t
For further particulars ask
Assistant Passenger Traffic Manager,
Portland, Oregon
S o u t h e r n P a c ific L in e s
Where Our Ice Cream is
there is sure to be satisfaction.
W ith each succeeding spoonful
you’il like it more and more.
send you some.
Four lines of aetton to Improve the business of farming-
stead out la the discussions that beve occurred et a «erte»
of farmer banker conferences now being held throughout
the United States. They are colleeUve marketing, di­
versified farming, the promotton of agricultural education
and the use of the more economical bank credit rather
thaa mercantila credit. At many points active steps to-
foster action along these linee have bnen taken.
The conferences were initiated by the Agricultural
Commission of the American Bankers Association to tha
end that the condition nf the man on the farm be Improved.
The flrst conference was held in eoajenctlen with tbe W is­
O. H. Otis
consin College of Agriculture at Madison. An Importonr
point of contact for the work of the Commission was aatabllshed a t t h ls
meeting la the form of co-operation with the agrleulturnl colleges.
In live other states— California, Many termers, It was brought out, sew
Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Utah depend entirely on the cotton crap,
—It was agreed at subsequent confer­ end buy the products named for th eir
ences that bankers* agricultural oom- own tables.
mlttees would meet at tbe state agri­
Mere leenem leal Credit
cultural colleges and, ta co-operation
A t tbe conference at Ithaca. N.
with tbe collage officials, work out a
program that they would recommend those participating felt that « better
uadcrstaadlng between farmers and
to the banks.
bankers would be beneficial to both.
The Texas Plan
A t preeont a largo amount of the cred­
It * • » at the Texas conference that it used by farmers Is |B tke form of
It was developed that the eBolals of mercantile credit. Which, It was point­
both the bankers’ association and of ed out. Is mueh more expensive for
tbs state college felt the big problem them than bank crddlL It was felt that
for that state was tbs establishment a campaign ot education Is needed to.
of a system of ooUective, orderly mar­ acquaint farmers with banking facili
keting. In order to bring thte prob­ tie». The conference, therefore, ree
lem effectively before tbe farmers and ommended that the Agricultural Com
tbs bankers It was agreed to hold a mlttee of tbe State Bankers Associa
banker fsrmer meeting In December. flou, the agricultural college aad rep
Efforts will be made to get from (00 reaentatlvea of the Farm Bureau andl
to 260 bankers to attend, eaoh banker the State Orange get together for the
to bring, with him several representa­ purpose of working out programs and'
tive farmers ot kte community. The plans for further meetings to be held:
program and demonstration will em In the rarlout counties of the state.
phaslse the need ef meeting the mar­
At a conference held at Amhensr.
keting problem and point ways te a Massachnsetts, there were represent*
satisfactory solution.
»Ives from Vermont, New Hampshire
At Athens, Oeorgla, tbe conference Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Con
recommended that tbe State Bankers necticut. Emphasis was placed on the-
Association take stops to raise s fund Importance of the Boys’ and Girls"
for assisting dsaervlng students te Club work. The New England eon’ er
complete a eotlege ceoree ta agri­ enee also felt that the Importance of
culture or home eooaemlcs.
Thte bank credit over mercantile credit
eenferesce, recognising ths valuable should hs stressed. A resolution was
work being done by county agricul­ adopted and te being ent to agrlcul
tural and boms demonstration agents, turai ccmmlttees In each State urging
also went oa reoord as favoring the that they get la touch with their agrl-
employment of agents la each county. culurel colleges aad map out a pro­
At the Raleigh, Nerth Carolina, con­ gram for educating the farmer la re­
ference the pressing problem. In addi­ gard Io the importance and ths econo­
tion to loans for worthy students, was my of bank credit over mercantile
held to be enoouregemeot ef the farm ­ credit
er to practice greater crap dlrsrstSca-
The emphasis on this resolutlcm
tion. The oouftrees fait that the flrst earn» not so much from the bankers
big step was to get farmere at least present aa It did from the representa­
(o produce infllcleat vegetables, fruit, tives of the agricultural colleges and
milk, meat and poultry te live dn. the formerà.
For the
(amity dessert nothing else is So deli
By D. H. OTIB,
Dtroetor, Agricultural Commission, American Benkers Association.
Visit the
Collective M arketing, Diversified Farm ing, Promotion o f
Agricultural Eoucation and Use of Bank Instead o f
Mercantile Credits Chief Lines of Suggested Action. *
Let u<
We bave ell flavors
W a sell pints, quarts, halt gallona and
Clark’s Confectionery
The important information
has been telegraphed over the
country that Chairman H ill of
the national democratic com­
mittee has discovered that con­
designated law observance end ditions are bad in the republican
law enforcement « . i t be the party
and the democrats are
governor. Ministers hate been sure to win. Mr. Hull is cruel
requested to preach upon some to thus destroy the hopes of all
aspect of Law Enforcement,
members of other parties.
Upon the request of the Anti-
Saloon league of Oregon and
the Woman’s Christian Tem­
perance Union the week i>egin-
ning next Sunday has been