f >\ V FAGR 2 HALSEY B N T E R P tlS B HAL8ZY ENTERPRISE im OCT. il W hat a S p re a d ! D an g ero u s F allactes T. J. S K IR V IN _ __ ____ -N O T M r. M k l U t e « » r e r r T b u r .d * / ■ r W e e . a . W H E Ï I .E H 4EKI> M K acaiM T erlptlons. f i t« a yser sdvsnc«. Advertising, 20c an inch ; no discount •or lim a or apace , do charge for com- A!) kinds of l ead Mew acd xcoed grain aecks. Slick lunne, Clover »red. Chop­ ping done to suit. Prices right. L in n C o u n ty O n c e C o v ­ FintT C u r r e n c y L e a d s e re d H a lf th e S ta te . R u in tt HALSEY STATE BANK H a lse y , O reg o n The road from Albany to H o * the United 8totes would be Brownsville was the first of­ iwamped, under a greeter volume of poaiuon or change». ficially laid out in Linn county, j worthies» paper money than hai C A P IT A L A N D S U R P L U S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 ruined Germany and R a u l» , by the ! • -P a id -fo r Paragraphs,- to a line, and Linn county was a t first Edlson FLO UR Ford commodity currency plan a drertlain g disguised as news Golden Loaf___$200 about half of Oregon. L ast la pointed out In the preient article, Com m ercial and Savings a c c o u n t Solicited W hite M ountain 2.15 Sunday’s Oregonian said: concluding the reviews, prepared by H A L S E Y , L io n Co.. Ore.. OcL 11, 192. The proposal to establish a the American Bankers Association memorial at the original seat of the recent exposure of the folly ol of government of Linn county the whole scheme by W illiam T. Foe INCOME TAX ON WHEAT takes ua back in memory to a ter. Director of the Pollack Founds First-Class Work tlon for Economic Research. Mr time when government flourish- Foster says: “The fa n n e r m ust pay on tht Agent io« Eugene Steam Laundry .-d less because of the traditional “ •The snpply of money.' aaye Mr Sent Tuesday«. w heat he grows, and pay every ‘long arm ’’ of the law than by Ford. *ts inadequate. There Is more J . W . S T E P H E N S O N . Frop reason of the inherently law- wealth than there le money to mow year,” says the negative argu­ abiding character of the people. It.' He draws a vivid picture of Th» m ent of the Income Tax Refer­ County authority, which, as golden dam to the stream of pros endum league in the voters perlty.* From a hundred quartan Mi. C. H. Stew art, a painstak­ comes the demand for the govern pamphlet. ing student of the history of ment to epeed up the printing presses lor canning That is not the tru th . T ht Quarters o f j B E E F " Linn, has pointed out, was cen­ In order to crush 'the money monopo I purposes at canning prices tered near Brownsville on the ly.' reduce Interest rates, end makt H a y is w o rth j u s t a s m u c h in s to r a g e a? farm er who has a net income Calapooia, as early as 1849, It easier for everybody to get money C . H. F A L K a fte r all expenses are paid, ol y o u m ig h t g e t fo r i t in c a s e o f fire. T h ) “ Inflating the currency, however reached out over a vertiable C . L. F A L K J R . ?2000 or more if m arried 01 |A m e r ic a n E a g le F ir e I n s u r a n c e c o m p a n y plough It enables people to get more empire.” units of currency, does not enable 11000 or more if single, must lw ill p a y y o u 85% o f t h e c a s h v a lu e in c a s e The northern line, beginning them to obtain more purchasing HALSEY The Oregon I pay. m e average uregon l at tne the moutii mouth of the Santiam , power, and It does not reduce Interest 'o f lo s s b y fire . farm er would be m ighty glad I {463111 30(1 rTOQUCB StUuOfl I '? ,lowed the meandering» of rates. In ell her history Germany never had so much money or as high | that stream to the and sum its m northern h fS balance, Bhet:i , Cash paid for tributaries it of the I ’ »tereet » te a as In l M t Money, un tributaries to the sum m it of the Interest rates as In 1922. Money, un I f°r aho'*'in£ I Cream, P o u ltry E r g s and Cascades and thence extended 1Ike. 0t‘18r ,of ,we»lth- “ 12000 profit less on income tax tax. | SH OOK ?2000 east to the summit of the Rocky total «upply la lacreaaait. On the “ eon Under the present law land pays mountains. The w estern boun trary. Increasing the supply of money dary ran south from the same ordinarily increases the demand for 90 per cent of the taxes. Un­ point to the Spanish possessions, money, and Interest rates depend not der an income tax the greatei now California. The enormous on supply but on the relation between WOULD NOT BE POPULAR QAME TEACHING OF SUMMER SCHOO. p art of this burden would be Second a t, opposite Halsey Garage approximate rectangle which snpply and demand. Mew Tw e Yeetoa (tare ■ “ Fearful an< shifted to m en who are making Short orders at all hours Up to 11 p. ni. aad as other two sides the A Dangerous Fallacy Yewngeter Oeuldn*! Bee Marble Rap Wonderful" Oeuree In English "We are assured, however, that th< incomes of $2000 or more, and tlnsa ae Explained to Him by Hie northern boundary of Califor­ Lite rature. Edison plan provides money foi , , ____ Fend Mother. nia and Nevada and the sum m it Ford a very small percentage of these the farmer at virtually no expense tc of the Rockies, which m arked I am tore that my fin t rammer are farm ers. Take some of the the government or to anyone else Jamas R. is eight years old, and school TSttture waa unique, writes the western boundary of All the government has to do Is tc tax burden off the farm er’s land A m or A. T ussing Louisiana, was large enough to print the money. W hat could be slra a native of a amah city. Stanley T. William« in the North and put it on the speculator’s Tha other day ha came home with lave constituted several good- pier? Here we come to the most das American Review. In * email Con­ gerous fallacy In the whole project profits. LAWYER AND NOTARY sized states. How lightly ¿he a box of aw mayfci«, and aftei necticut town another youth and It Is dangerous because of the anl power of authority rested on versa! desire to get something foi hunting up hia old one*. announced The affirm ative argum ent in my*elf engaged * hall and sold sea­ H alsky , O bbgon the region and how infrequently nothing. that ha had Juit 13S. the pamphlet says: “Millions of son tickets for a lecture course in there was demand for its exer­ "Here Is the gist of the matter: The next day ha mm» home ««4 dbllars of our own money, in­ c is e rs eloquently told in the Money will buy whatever Is produced shook out the empty bag• hie m oth« Engliah literature. We descanted stead of being invested in Ore­ upon worthies who, because of death not a particle more by any trick ol 3tories of the early pioneers. We are m a k in g five-year l o a n s _ law him aad asked: ‘‘Where are and distance, were unable to deny alchemy, or legislation, or finance gon’s natural resources, her [jnn.county Linn lost a huge area to farms at 5/4% plus oonnals- Russians, having multiplied theli your marbles F* our libels. We filled the room with farm s, mines and tim ber lands, •ion . Call ou Lane when* the la tte r county The money 257,000 times, cannot buy ai “I lost ’em, l&ct ’em to Gene, he B ba m L a n d Co.. was created in 1851 and the matrons prominent in charitable are being sent to other states much with It as befors. When w« won *wa.” 133 Lyon St., Albany, Ore setting off of Wasco in 1854 work, depressed business men and print more money there are no more because the tax rate (here) "Why, Jinknie boy, how did you completed the divorce of east­ goods for money to bny; not a slngl« satirical friends. Bill lectured one would be too burdensome. SLOVAKIA’S TIM B ER ern from western Oregon. Out additional plow, or hat. or potato play r «he queried. day, I the n ex t When off duty he Add the speculators’ incomes 'Some of those wbe get the newt; "W’eO, Wo put down a box, and h« of th a t which it lost east of the printed money can buy more goodi throwad ona, and I tbtowad one, and or I aat in the front row and sig­ At tho opening of a timber sec­ mountains a num ber of coun to the taxable total, thus les­ naled a running Morse code to the than before; all other people can buy sening the tax on tangible pro­ tion in connection with the Bratis­ ties in eastern) Oregon, southern fewer goods than before, because theli when one of uj missed w > the other, ae the interest of the audience perty, and more money will go lava bourse last month the chairman Idaho and w estern Wyoming money has fallen off In pnrcbaslnf other one took all they i n i In the ebbed and flowed. The lecturer have since arisen. power. Since there are no mori box, s e e p into the development of our of the bourse referred to the wealth never dared look at his victims, so The trails made by the immi­ plows, and hats, and potatoes. an< of the timber possessed by Slovakia. T h | aetaniahad mother saw, and overoome waa he by hie own fatuous wonderful resources. so on. to distribute, if some people grants a? the valley was settled Of the total forest area of the w ahe uiet the methed of eubititu- ness. Hie knees clicked audibly and get more, others must get less. Czechoslovak republic, which is up­ were evolved w ithout conscious "Inflation under the Edison plan ft to n In tha rearing of her children, hia expression was that of a man If the Germans had expended ward of 10,000,000 acres, or about matoori, b u t io obeeidnee 1» nat limited mainly because, on account ol then proceeded to toll him how he proposing marriage. as much effort in m eeting their I one-third of the total area of the re­ u ral la w *’ Its Indefensible discrimination, most w g h t to pl*y, ualug each terms aa reparations payments as they I recall that the last day wag Much may be implied by a groups of producers of goods and have put forth' in resisting the public, some 5,000,000 acres are in modest m arker. Linn, county’s services are not allowed to partlcl "taw" and -man" aad "gpaa o u t” riotoua. A brawl arose concerning When she had finished, thia was the distinction between senauouc R uhr invasion, they would be Slovakia, which is forested to the ex­ resolution not to let the work pate. If all groups were Included, u about half-way out of debt by tent of some 35 per cent. Of the languish sets an example th at In fairness and In politics they would the answer aha itcoived. and sensual Bill had aaid we ought have to be eventually, the posibiUtlei Slovakian forest« 25 per cent are now.— Eugene Register. “ other, If I ptoyed xnarblas to stir up diecusaion. (“ Get ’em m ight well be generally follow­ of Inflation weuld be vast oak, with an annual growth of Bke that I wouldn’t ever find any- talking” were hie words) Well, we The Deadly Spiral And if they had spent for 1,600,000 cubic meters; 42 jier cent ed It is desirable th a t the work body In thia town to play with but did. Evil glances, aniffa, exits, The total Income of the Vnlteei » » j , reparations the money they have beech, with an annual growth of sliall be carried forw ard while —Indianapolis New it can have the guidance of States Is now in excess of fifty bll J blighted that July morning. J be­ used in training soldiers they 1,000,000 cubic meters, and 33 per those who know the facts at lions of dollars. The total money Ir lieve that in the little manufactur­ circulation. Including bank deposlti had covenanted to do without cent fir and pine, with an annua] first hand. W h y th e H ig h C o s t? ing town our course is etill die- subject to check. Is not far from they would be still farth er out. growth of 400.000 cgbic meters.— cusaed. twenty-live billions. It follows that Recently a large au to truck Czechoslovakia Trade Bulletin. WOMAN ENG INEERS the annual producUon, If used as s w ith extension rack, waa basis for new issues on the Edlsot | , . ----- ----- — side - A HA NDICAP The scheme of a “scientist” ONE OCCASION IN PARTICULAR The patent office at The Hague i plan, could at once greatly Increase I driven down Fourth Street, in to have him self shot from a the volume of money In circulation Portland, fullv loaded un«, employe two woman engineers. Every addition to the monetary snpplj L ^ , . 1? W t h fF U lt About two years ago I began to cannon to the moon, proclaimed would tend to raise prices. The hlghei | —- L 100“ th a t th e public would a year or two ago, has gone loee the hearing in my right car. JANE KNEW T H E ANSWER prices became, the higher would b< not pay the high retail nricpq from the front pages of news­ The defect has caused me embarrass­ the loan value of a given volume of I for an d rntho»- sv, „ ., ment several times. r a ln er th a n sell the A seventh-year class in School 29 goods since the size of the loans t> papers, and now a Dr. H erbert About six months ago I was mar waa reading the ordinance of 1787, based on values and not voinme. Th. Products a t prices consumers Chatley proposes to go by mean» ried. Tho miuister spoke in a loud, and came on these words; "The free greater, therefore, would be the vol W ou ld pay, th e big load was de. of some sort of electrical con­ dear voles when speaking to my of new money that eonld be Is stroyed. There w p n wofot—„1* nlale inhabitants." When asked the ume sued on th . basis of a g iv.n annn. ons, cantalorX Wer® J » ter®el- trivance. A consoling feature husband-to-be. Then when he turned meaning of the phrase, Jane producllon. Prices would become sUl o ra n g e s b n n d ^ A c ra te s of of these plans is th a t they do to me he lowered hi» voice and I promptly replied: higher; end to on np an endlesi b re a d ° f ,o a v e s S“ 811613 of peaches and not include return trips. couldn’t comprehend one word he "The unmarried men.”—Indian­ •P'r«L “Even In Russia, where flnanda • Ihese w ent to the dltmD waa saving. He waited for me to re­ apolis News. printing presses hold the world’s rec w h ile hundreds o f P o rtto n d Day by day the ground slips peat the words. Then he made an­ ord for volume, where new issaei oi families went w ithout •To ar Injured kn“ rouat be a handi­ from under the feet of John other start and again waited. Still BELIEVE IN ODD “ RE M E D IE S ” two hundred trillio n , of rubles pe. Too many month stagger the Imagination, th. oDerafc. ® lBeB A n y G irl in T ro u b le r e m m n .^ .,, w lth EB„