HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. X II HALSEY. LINN COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. OCT. 11. 1923 JO T S A N D T IT T L E S Brief Chronicles of Happenings in Halsey and All Over Linn County. Shedd Snapshots Brownsville Briefs By Anna Fennell* (By Ralph Lawrence) O R E G O N N E W S B RIEFS ¡W estern Newspaper Union’s Gleanings Outside of, Harold Pugh has a new S tar Frank Newland, Bruce and Thia County roadster. I Jim Burson and Marion Har­ The Harding 2-cent stamps of the form er’s parents, Mr Mr. Fred S p re n g e rh a sa new rison departed for Alsea Wed­ Joseph H R oberts h at been appoint 3 have arrived a t the postoffice. and Mrs. A. H. Quimby. nesday, to fish for a few days Maxwell car. ed postmaster at Roberta. Plans for two brlgdes across the Gretia Harrison had her ton­ Several stock-judging team« ara Willamette river In Portland, one at Jim T atit spent the week-end Mrs. T. B. Sprenger of There will be special preach­ Purselde street and the other at Rose sils removed the fore part of planned for Grant county schools Shedd, Mrs. H arry Common’s ing next Sunday a t 7.30 by in Maishfield. island, have been approved by the the week by Dr. Irvine at Leb­ m other, is quite ill. More than 250 persons attended a war department. Rev. F. H. McMeekin of Oak­ Mrs. L am es and children are anon. Since then she has been home coming of the Artisans at Salem ville, Or., at the Pine Grove living in Shedd. A shortage of care for tbe shipping •Mis. Albert Foote was the church. a patient a t the local hospital. Macaulay Porter Sr., Oregon pioneer of livestock exists in the eastern pan victim of a slight attack of flu Raymond Shedd came home Mrs. Emma Harrison return­ of 1848, died at the Porter country of the state, aocordlng to a statement Thursday was moving day for from Corvallis Saturday and re­ th e last of the week. ed from Riddle last Thursday. home near Corvallis. made by Mac Hoke, secretary of the Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jackson anc turned Sunday. She reports th a t Crawford Ed Norton of Blxchly spent H. E. Davis and family, whgn More than 800 persona registered at Cunningham Sheep company, of Pen­ Clyde Rand, who has been peaches are selling a t 50 cents the Cottage Grove auto camp during dleton. T hursday night with his in accordance with th eir recent brother, W. L. Norton. deal, whereby they exchangee driving a truck in Shedd, drove, a bushel and good watermelons »he season up to October 1. In recognition of tbe rapid growth to Portland Monday. 6 or 8 for a dollar. J. C. H ar­ The annual budget for Polk oounty Portland la making In business vol­ Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wah places, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson rison is planning taking a load Mr. Al. Nelson left last week estimate« the running expense« of the ume and population, the postal de­ drove to Corvallis Friday to moved to town and Mr. Davis of potatoes down, as potatoes partment hat authorised tbe a c t i o n bring Delma home for the week and family took up th eir resi­ for W ashington to work fo r the are a t a premium down there, county for 1924 st 3432.(53.33. of 23 regular letter carriers, 17 regu­ There Is a possibility that the Bend end. She returned Sunday on dence on the farm in, the Lake Long-Bell company. and bringing back a load of Creek neighborhood. th e train . Flour Mills will be operated again lar clerka and one regular laborer to Mr. and Mrs. Grover Barnes peaches. ___ ‘ the local force. after being idle for five years. The subjects for the services went to Portland Friday and Mrs. A. C. A rm strong went The Oregon Washington Railroad A The Medford auto camp was patron­ The ladies’ auxiliary to the returned Saturday. to Albany Saturday shopping a t the M ethodist church next ised by 822 care and 2717 persons dur­ Navigation company must proceed, American legion is proving ef­ Sunday will be “The New Bud McElvain and Lyman and visited h e r sister, Mrs. W. ficient. It has rented quarters ing September and the receipts were with th© Installation of an automatic W. Stuart, until Sunday even­ B irth” and “Pauls L ast Voy­ Pinnell were business visitors on Spaulding avenue and invites 3419.60 for the month. traln-atop or train-control device on the aoction of its line between Port­ ing, when Mr. A rm strong drove age.” Next Sunday is the be­ in Eugene Saturday. Clackamas county la building a nine- the auxiliary to share them. ginning of the law enforcement down for her. land and Pendleton, the Interstate* Irvin Rogers went to Al­ foot steel fence about the county. Jail week, a time appointed by the The city is still inadequately commerce commission has ruled. bany Monday to work in the not to keep the prisoners In, but to On account of the storm y governor of Oregon for creating supplied with w ater for fire pro­ keep their friends away. The recent rains have about finish­ w eather, the W. F. M. S. met greater sentim ent for the en Nebergall packing house tection. The present system is ed the prune harvesting season In Two organizations, the Oregon State forcement of laws, and especial Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Dakin left with Mrs; J. C. Standish Friday also not adequate for domestic Yamhill county. Owing to the large afternoon instead of a t the y the prohibition laws. Our Monday for Portland to visit water supply. T hat is why Coroners' association and the Oregon crop and short season the drying ca­ • home of Mrs. J. H. Vannice, service will be held a t th e close Mrs. Dakin’s parents. voters are asked to authorize State Undertaker»' ««»ootatlon, will pacity was not half enough to handle southeast of town. Mrs. D. S. of the week, on Oct. 21, to make more w ater bonds. Money meet In Portland this week. the fruit. Fully 60 per cent of the Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Carstens it possible for A ttorney Tus - McWilliams led the devotional judiciously spent for fire pro­ The city of Warrenton has adver year’s crop will rot on the ground. and family of Seattle are visit­ service. Mrs. F. G. Hadley sing, who will give an address tection is always a good invest­ tlsed for bide fer the construction of The state fish commission has au­ approximately 175 feet of additional thority under the laws to close any- gave an interesting outline of on our prohibition laws, to be ing Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Coates. ment. docking In Skipanon harbor. the year’s work. Mrs. B. M. present. Make your plans to be stream during an open season, but If. The Times tells of the cele­ Mrs. W. J. Ribelin who has Miller was elected correspond­ present in these services. Enrollment in the Corvallis city does not have any authority to open, bration last week of the fortieth ing 'secretary to succeed Mrs. . Pastor. been very seriously ill a t her wedding anniversary of Mr. and schools Is the largest In their his a stream closed by an act of the leg­ home in Halsey since last F ri­ tory, the grade enrollment reaching islature. la the substance of a legal! D. S. McWilliams, who is mov­ Those 967 Last Sunday afternoon a day, is considerably improved Mrs. Lester Walker. and the high school 666. ing to Albany, Great interest opinion handed down by I. H. Vam present were Mr. and Mrs. was m anifest in the new year’s beautiful wedding ceremony and her friends and relatives Hugh Vincent, Mrs. M argaret A prune dryer and equipment val Winkle, attorney-general. A protest to the secretary of the do- work. New names presented was solemnized at the home of now have hope^ for her recov Vircent, Mrs. O’Mara and ued at 25000 and 32500 of prunes be­ partmeht' of agriculture against th e for mem bership were Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Quimby by ery. longing to J. F. Braley and E. T. La daughter E sther, Mr. and Mrs. Salle were destroyed by fire near Al propoaal to establish a quarantine A lbert Foote and Mrs. Parker. the m inister of the Church of Christ, Lon Chanilee, when against alCalts bay aed alfalfa pro­ “Christm as seals” the penny J. F. Venner, Mr. and Mrs. Aud­ bany. Miss Ethel Quimby of Cove, Paul N. Bierly and Miss Hazel stickers which finance the en­ rey S. Tu3sing, Clarrisa Tindle, ducts grown In the states of Cali­ Ore., accompanied by h e r cou­ Dorothy Quimby were united in William H. Bushey, since July 1, Mr. and Mrs. Connie White and sin, Miss M arjorie Chisham of marriage. Lawrence Wells act­ tire fight waged against tuber­ little son Carrol, Mrs. Eva Erd­ 1908, county Judge of Marlon county, fornia, Oregon. Washington. Idaho and Montana has been sent to Wash­ Union, a re visiting a t the home ed as best man, while Mis3 culosis by state and national man and Willard Malloro. All lied at his borne In Salem after an ington by tbe Umatilla county farm organizations, will be sold thru- 'Unass of three days. He was 7# years bureau. F a lt ’i D vkstra w i i bridesmaid. out the state, startin g about ,of Mr. and Mrs, W alker’s chil­ of age. dren were a t home except Mr. A. H. Quimby, fath er o f the December 1. Inspired by the success attained by and Mrs. A rthur Lind and little A temporary school building to at- appearance at the Portland Rose feat! bride, gave his daughter away. commodate the 26 or more pupils un- daughter , Helen M arguerite, W e H ave There were a large num ber of The sta te tuberculosis hospi­ sble to enter classes at Oakridge, on val and other fates as a marching clnb-.. EVERY THING the immediate relatives of both tal a t Salem has a new w ater and Mrs. Louis Walker and account of lack of room. Is being erect­ members of tbe Oregon City chamber daughter Dorothy. parties present and all partook system , a new pavilion for of commerce are planning on tbe or­ O ptical ed there. heartily of the wedding dinner children and a complete radio ganisation of a ragularly uniformed Burl Callaway, E. D. S tarr Andrews, government banter E Y E S T R A IN served by the m other of the outfit, furnished by the Wo-, and W. L. Uber are appraisers if Alfred body of men who will represent the Fort Rock. Lake county, broke the Is the Cause of Many bride. The young people will m an’s Progressive league ofj of the W. P. Elmore estate. The ecord tor a government hunter when oUy at various community activities HUMAN ILLS make th eir home in the Black- Portland. Tuberculosis patients personal property amounts to Be bagged 88 predatory animals dur­ over the northwest. If yenr eyes give you trouble or shire district, where they will who have resided a year in Ore­ about $5500. In lieu of the customary genarali yonr glasses are annoying ing September. be a t home to a host of friends, gon may, upon proper applica­ county teachers Institute, which In SEE US. We can Relieve You Representative Hawley h is recam Henry Sheldon was fined $25 the past has proved too expensive for who wish them m any years of tion. through county officials, . Bancroft Optical Co. and costs Saturday on his plea mended that Arthur C. Wahl be ap­ the results obtained. O. H. Byland, JI3 lit SL W. Albany. Phone jf matrimonial bliss. receive free treatm ent and care of guilty of having untagged pointed postmaster at Banks sad that Clatsop county sohool superintendent, (C ontinued page 8) a t the sta te hospital. Willis L. Cady be appointed postmaat- deer meat. t Virgin Wool Doubles the Wear in Oregon City Boys* Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws Lillian 0. Baskin ig idmini«. trator of the estate of S W. R»v, late of Albany, her brother. Mr. a rd Mrs. J. S. McMahan .spent the week end with friends in Corvallis. o w will they W EAR? How loug will they look w ellf These are queetione you ask when buying clotbee for your boy. Oregon City boye’ sum, coete and mackin­ aws «newer them with built-in fe rr­ ic*. H The fabrioe themselves «re woren on the Oregon oity loom«— woven from pure virgin wool. This it new fleece from the (beep's beck with ell it« ntterel life, its strength aed greet warmth. Dis­ tinguish between vinous wool end all wool, because ell wool often means wool cloth that ha* been worn end then reworked. Halsey Church of Christ ÛrtCBB City W oUse tfUb Copyright. Jacobs Oregon City Virgin Wool Clothing Boys’ Suits........................................... ..............$15-00 1 Overcoats.................................. $ 1 2 -5 0 to $ 3 0 . 0 0 K00NTZG »r at Beaverton. Of 20 school districts submitting budgets to the Clatsop county tax :ommlBtlon, 14 are asking for leas money than last year, and six are in­ creasing their estimate. Hugh E. Brady, a member of the Union County Bar association, has been appointed Justice of the peace in La Grande to fill a vacancy left by the death of Arthur C. Williams Harold W. Young, second engineer charge of construction on the Eu- (ene-Klamath Falls line between Kirk >nd Crescent, shot himself st bis room n the White Pelican hotel In Klamath Palls. After oom pie ting three miles of sur btclng, motor truck and crusher crews >t the Lost Lake road gang in Hood River county have been called In for he winter, according to W. A. Lang- lle, superintendent of the work. Convicts employed on the state fair {rounds at Salem prior to and during he recent state fair will be paid at ■he rate of 3: a day, according to an sgreement reached between tbe fair nanagement aod penitentiary offl In complying with tbe provisions of he recently-passed Oregon state law, til tbe fire hydrants and hose of the Church of C h rist: Astoria fire department have bean j Lon Chamlee, mioiater. ' »quipped with coupling threads as­ Bible school, 10. W. H . Robert- sorting to the national standard sped- ¡son, superintendent. i 'icatlons. Morning worship, 11. Lord's To fill vacancies in forest ranger , supper every Lord'« day. j positions In the forest service, exam- Christian Endeavor, 6:80, nations will be held October 23 in Evening service, 7:30, 13 towns In Oregon for qualified I The church without a bishop, iu ippltcante, according to an announce- the country without a king. nent of the United States civil serv- I f you have no church home ce commission. , come aod worship with us. Only one measure will be referred ! o the voters of the state at tbe spe­ Methodist: tal election to be held November 6, Robert Parker, pastor. «■cording to notices sent to county Sunday School, 10. lerka by Sam A Koser, secretary of Preaching, 11. itgte This measure, if approved by Intermediate Leagne 6 30. be voters, will annul tbe so-called Epworth League, 6:30. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30, tUte laoome tax law wblch was en seted at tbs list session of the legla- Preaching, 7:30. «W K . _________ Church Announcement» If you're ennout to meke the budget for your boy'« clothe« balaace this fall, try fit­ ting him out with Jacob* Oregon City. See bow virgin wool fabrics acruaLLV dooblb Tun » M i . You'll find the Oregon City label and the virgin wool guarantee in garment« «old at this store. A V GOOD GOODS The women’« club« will push the Red Cross Christmas seel sales un­ der the directorship of R Wheal­ don. Headway has been made in the war against the white plague in America and the «eale are iold to furuivh sinews for that war. has decided to hold tone Institutes this year, when matters of partioulsr Interest to the scheols In the respect­ ive tones will be considered. How much of the 1923 grune erwp. will be salvaged depends to a large extent upon the capacity of driers to- handle the fruit, according to an­ nouncement made by Willamette val lay growers. Most of the prunes are deed ripe and the driers are swamp­ ed. No damage to prunes has n suited thus far because of rain. Stephen Mayhood, agent for the In­ terstate commerce oommteslon. has notified tbe members of the Oregon public service commission that ba will: Investigate complaints filed with the commission with relation to a ehort- sga of care on the Tillamook branch of the Southern Pacific railroad. There were three fatalities due to> Industrial accidents In Oregon during the week ending October 4, accord Ing to a report prepared by the etatei Industrial accident commission. The* victims were: Arthur Chester Adsma. hook tender of Bandon; A. L. Carlson., laborer. Seaside, and Wyatt 8. George, teamster, Huber. A total of 780 acci­ dents were reported during the week. The city of Astoria has no legal baaia tor Its claim against Clatsop county for more than 8400.000 alleged to have bean levied daring the last five years as a speotal road tax on. property within the city, under Ihe provisions of section 2800 of tbs Ore­ gon Itvs. aocordlng to a Joint opinion, submitted to the oomty ooert by O. 0. Fulton, special counsel, and J. Q. Krlcksost district attorney. Klamath Palls was chosen as the text meeting place for the Oregon Ir­ rigation congress. wblch closed its an­ nual session at Vale. James M. Kyle- it Stanfield wee unanimously re-elect­ 'd president. The other officers arm A. L. Wish ward of Klamath Fslle. Irst via*-president; B I Lags of Hook River, second vlowpreeldent; H. O. Kennard of Vela, third vies president; A B. Schroeder of Silver Lake, fourth vice president, and W. E. Meacham if Baker, secretary treanurer