k PAGE « HAL8BY B N T K A P 81I The Secret Adversary O CT. 4 1 9 » "Tea. "Sooner er later, the memory w ill return— as suddenly as It went. B a t to all probability the g irl win (C ontinued from pa«e 3) have entirely forgotten the latrrr«Q * "V ery aad. A «layuJerly handsome lag period, end w ill take up Ufa whore I m m m « ah« trae a frt«od she le ft off— a t the sinking o f the • f 7 * v > , «Inc« y «or ara acquainted Lutotaale." with all (bea* datali«" “And when do you expect this to " I am acquainted w ith th« datali« happenr bucasse wait, It was I who found her T he doctor shrugged his shoulders. “Ah, that I cannot say. Sometimes " Is deed." «aid th« doctor, e ta rtln / It to a m atter of months, sometimes “T hia Is vary aad new», but yen will It h ie been known to be as long aa mtcaaa ma U I aay that I do o r tw enty years! Semetlmee another h«w It hear« oo th« sakjact a f yoar shack does the trick. Ono rrstorea leqnlry.'' w hat the ether took away." "It bears oa It la this way. la It "Another shock, e h r said Julius h®< • fact that M ra VandeaMycr com thoughtfully. tnltted a relative of her« to “Exactly. There was a esse In Col­ c h a r te r orado— ” Tbe little man's voice Jollus leaned forw ard eagerly. trailed on. voluble, m ildly enthu­ “T h a t U the case,'' aald the doctor siastic. qnletly. Julius did not seem to be listening. "Under th« name of— " He had relapsed Into his s « n thoughts "Janet Tendtaaeger. I understood aad was frowning. Snddenly he came her to ha e nines e f M r a Tende eat o f his brown study, and h it the toayer'e." table such a resounding bang w ith hie "And the c e a e to y e a r fist th a t everyone Jumped, the doctor “As fa r as I can remember In Jane moet of »IL e r Jaly o f 181»." T e e got I t ! I guess, doc, I*d lik e "W as aha a mental eaa«!" your medical opinion on the plan I 'n "She Is perfectly aane. i f that 1« about to outline. Bay Jane was to w hat you mean. I anderatood from cross tbs herring pond «gain, and the M ra Vandemeyer that the t lr l bad seme thing wee to happen. Tbe sub­ haaa w ith bar en th« L usitaaia when marine, the sinking ship, everyone th a t Ul-fatsd ship was sunk, aad had to toko to the boats— and eo on. auffarod a sneer« akeck la cease W ouldn't that do the tr ic k ! W ouldn't ta a n c a " It glee a mighty big bump to her sab- rooerious self er whatever the Jargoa "We're oa th« right track. I think r S ir Jamas loelred round. Is, sad s ta rt It functioning again right aw ay." "As I aald before, r m a m a tt r* re­ tim e d Johns. 'A very Interesting speculation. M r. T he doctor looked a t them a ll cort- Rersbelmmer. In my opinion. It ettsty. would be successful. I t I t unfortunate “ Too spoke o f w anting a statement th a t there Is no chance of the condi­ from her." be aeld. -Snppoelng «be tions repeating themselves a t you tug- ^ fu to m o b ile a n d Arrow Garage W e w ill overhaul your Ford engine for $20 labor " Chevrolet engine foe $22.50 labor " “ reliae transmission bead for :2.50 labor overhaul rear axle and rebush springs and perches when necessary for $7 labor Al. vori.- guaranteed GANSLE BROS. .'T r a c to r T J ^ e p a irin g Fisk and Gates T ire s and Tubes.— W e now have ia stock tbe Fisk 96 tOx 5^i fabric tires for $9. fie sure to investigate our lines and get our prices before buying. Automobile accessories, Ford parts, o ils W illa rd battery service station. Trouble calls given prompt attention Alford Arrows Shedd Snapshots (en terp rise Correspondence) By Anns Pennell! F O O T E B R O S . Props. HALSEY RAILROAD TIME N orth South No. 18. 11-.37 «. m. No, 17, 12:15 p. m. Miss Lillie Rickard went to 24, 4:28 p. m. 23, 4.28 p. in. Men mouth last week to attend Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schiureth of 2X 4:30 a .m . » 21, 11:32 p .m . school this winter. Denver, who have been visiting Nos, 21 and 22 stop only if flagged. at the home of Jim Taita and Lee Ingram and family and Mr. and Mrs. Rolfe drove to Al­ Agnes Clarke, left Sunday for Long Beach, Cal., where they SUNDAY MAIL HOURS bany Saturday. will visit before returning Th« delivery window of th« Lee Ingram and Chester Cur- home. H«l»ey postoffice ia open Sunday« tis and family went 4o the fair Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Dakin from 10:50 to 11 a. m. and 12:15 at Salem Wednesday of last spent the week-end in Portland to 12:30 p. m. week. Sunday mail goes out only on and' attending the state fair. George Dannen and family the north-bound 11:37 train: Roy Commons, ' Edriifc Mc- were guests at the E. A. Starnes Elvain, Lyman Pennell and the home Sunday. McDonald brothers left Satur­ Paid-for Paragraphs B. E. Cogswell of Portland day night for Triangle lake to spent the week at the ranch. try their luck at deer hunting. Admittance Here 5 Cents E. D. Isom and family attend­ Miss Merle Pugh left Thurs­ ed the state fair Thursday of a Line day for Corvallis, to enter 0. A. last week. C. For Sal«—Potato saeka, 4« «ach. Mrs. Florence Cogswell of Miss Undine Damien has C. R. E vans , Rout« 1, Halwy. Portland visited at the A. E. Whitebeck home from Friday me to Monmouth to join Oak and a«h wood for «alo. 'orothy Satchwell. They are Julius Sprang Up. evening until Monday evening. Is not able to give o n e r E. S. H atis , Halsey both taking a teachers’ training “W h e t! Ton have Just said that "W hy, yea. W hat's tba dtfflcultyl Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Curtis and course. The doctor stared. Old paper« 5c a bundle at the she le perfectly sane.-* H ire s liner—" Curtis and " I beg your pardon. M r. Hershalm- Mr. and Mrs. Jay Enterprise office. "A lin e r!" murmured Doctor H a ll "So she In Nevertheless, I f yoa The population of Shedd anc children of Lebanon visited at mer. I thought) you anderatood." faintly- w ant a statement from bar coaesnlng "Understood w b a t r the Chester Curtis home Sun­ surrounding community, as we “H ire aome passengers, h ire ■ sub­ any «vests p rla r to M ay 7, 1815. she as attendance at school, was con “ T hat Mias Vandemeyer to no day. w ill not be able to give It to yc marine—th a t's the only dIB culty. I Peoria Pointers longer under my care." siderable below normal, as many Janet Tendemayar Is saffering from guess. Qoeernments are apt to ha a Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mercer attended the state fair, last Jnllua- sprang np. (Ent© rprl»e C orrM poc4© no«) bit hidebound over their engines of complete loss of memory." of Eugene visited at the D. L week. “W h a t! When did she leave!" "W h a t!" w ar. They won’t sell to tbo first “L e t me see. Today la Monday, Is Mrs. Pousford and her son of som home Friday evening. comer. Mtltl, I guess th a t can be gut “Quite «o. An Interesting ease, a A petition has been circulate« Orleans visited with her daugh­ B n o t! I t must have been last over. Bver heard of tbo word 'graft,' very Interesting case Not so uacom Jake and Ralph Dannen and and submitted to the county ter, Mrs. Fred Frady, and fami­ W sd nttd sy— why, surely, yes. It was s lr l W ell, graft gets there every tim e! raon. really, as yea would think. T here the aame evening that you— e r —fell their wives called on their sis­ school superintendent, to issue ly Sunday. I reckon that we shan't really need to ere eeverel very wall-known p arallels ter, Mrs. , E. A. Starnes, one Mrs. Jack Dannen a temporary out o f my tree." It's the Oral case e f the klad th a t I'v e Are a torpedo. I f everyone hnstlea Rev. Mr. White preached at 'T h a t evening! Before, or a fte r!" evening last week. permit to teach until December, had under my own personal observe round and screams loud enough that “Let ma tea oh, yea, afterw ard. A Lake Creek Sunday and at when she can take the state ex Ion, and I mast admit that r « « found the ship Is sinking. It ought to bs very urgent message arrived from Peoria in the evening. (Left Over from Last Week) amination. I t of absorbing tateraat.'' T h e ra waa enough fo r an Innocent young girl like M ra Vandemeyer. T h e young lady Jane. By tbe tim e sbe's got a life-belt aamathlng rather ghoulish In ths little Mr. and Mrs. Lester Porter Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Nolan left and the nurse who was In charge of Alford school started Monday man s satisfaction. oa her. and Is being bustled Into a of Benton county spent Sunday her le ft by the night train." Sunday for Willamette, where morning, with Miss Louise Rob- beat w ith a well-drilled lot of artiste« "And aha remembers nothing," i Mr. Nolan’s father was critical with Mrs. Porter’s father, Mr. nett of Halsey as teacher. (T o bo continued) doing the hysterical stunt an dock, S ir Jamse slowly. Kitchen. ly ill. w hy—ahe ought to bo right back “ Nothing prior to M ay 7, 1815. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck • gain where she was to M ay, 1815 A fte r that date her memory Is ea good A girl was bom to Mr. and Merle Farwell spent severa made a trip to Corvallis Wednes­ How's that fo r the bare o u tlln e F as youra or mine.” Jots and Tittles Mra. Baldwin Saturday; This days at the home of his parents day of last week. "Then the first thing she ram Doctor H a ll looked a t Julius. Every is their sixth girl. last week. He expects to return b a rer thins that he was fo r the moment In­ (Continued fro m page 3) Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ingram to Toledo to work. "Is landing w ith tbe eurrlvora. e v ­ capable e f aaylng was la that look. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Gibbs left Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Renninger and daughter Thelma visited at erything before that Is a blank. She "No," said Julius. In answer to It, for Albany a week ago Tuesday L. C. Pennell and son Lyle re­ the Arah Ingram home at Bell­ did not know her own name, o r where T m not craay. The thing's perfectly were Albany visitors Monday. turned to their home in Canby where they expect to make their fountain Sunday. she bad come from, or where eke was. peeatbla I f e dona tea ry day In the F. M. Bond has changed his since operations have closed at home. Mary Gibbs will attend She couldn't even speak hsr own State« for tha movies. Haven't yon high school. Mrs. Gibbs has residence from Halsey to Spring- Talph Dannen and family Saddle Butte quarry. tongue." aeon trains ta collision oa the screen7 visited Ralph’s sister, Mrs. E. been the telephone operator " f c t surely all thio to most un­ W h a fa the difference between buying field. A. Starnes, and family Sunday. (Left Over from Last Week) here for several years and will usual r put In Julius, ap a train and baying ap a I In e rt Mr. and Mrs. Albert Randall "Wo, m y dear tor. Q uite normal un- be greatly missed. Oat tha properties aad yea eaa pa Chester Curtis and family at­ of Albany were guests of friends Mrs. Merle Barnes and chil­ *& • circumstances, fie te re shock rig ht ahead I" tended a family picnic at the in this city Sunday. Miss Clara Carothers is at> dren, Marie and Herbert, visit­ to the nervous system. l x , . . o f mem­ Doctor B a ll foand hto voice. Charles Tandy home Sunday. tending high school at Tangent ed Mrs. Ivan Daken on their ory proceeds nearly always on the "Bat tbe expensa asp daw alp." The subject for the morning same lines. I suggested a speriaJl.t, John Burnett and Alvin Kropf way to Corvallis, Ore., from Cor B it vtoro reeu “The expense 1 It service at the Methodist church Zolla Bayne is staying with e f course, but Mra. Vandemeyer op­ win ba eolosaair* attended the Pendleton round­ vallis, Mont. Mrs. Mary Porter and going to next Sunday will be “The Love "Meaay decen t w s n y ata ear," mt- posed the Idea o f p n M Id ty th a t might of God.” In the evening it will up last week. Mrs. Burnett and Word was received in Shedd Shedd high; also Dale LaMar, piainad Jutlua simply. result from such a course." the children visited relatives in last week of the death of Jdhn be “Jonah and the Whale.” Doctor Ran tu n ed an appealing Tom Logan and Pauline and “I caa Imagine aha would," aald S ir Portland. May of Springfield, eldest son /ieta Baldwin will drive to Cor­ face to Sir Jtaiea who smiled tolghtly James grimly. G. W. Gibson got home from Jim Willoughby, his sister, of Mrs. Grace K. May. Burial vallis to high school. "Mr Bershetosmer !• v « p well e f f - the state fair Monday with two " I fell la w ith her r ie w a T here to vary wall off Indeed" Mrs. S. W. Long, and Misses was in Rose City cemetery, a certala notoriety given to these yearling Jersey bulls bought School commenced Monday at T h a doctor*« glance came bunk to Irene Calvert and Gladys Gra­ Portland, Saturday. Mrs. May cases. And the g in was very young— J'ullns with a new and subtle q uality (r«m McArthur A S t-u f, breed­ ham spent last week at New­ formerly was ’eoria with Mrs. Coleman as nineteen. 1 believe. I t teemed a pity the Shedd tele­ iq it. m a w a * no m n*er aa ecceatrte ers near Rickreal, by himself teacher. that her Infirm ity toiould be talked phone operator. port. young fellow with a habit of falling and Nate Smith. Mr. Gibson’s about— might dam age her prospects. A large number of the peo­ "ff treat. T ba doctor1» apaa bald tba cost $410 Harold Shedd left last week E. D. Isom and family spent and will run with Beside«, there Is no «pedal treatm ent deference accorded to a really rich ple around Peoria attended the to pursue la such ci isaa I t to really eight females now owned by his Sunday at the Chester Sickels for Albany to attend college. state fair. a m atter o f w altlajj home, near Rowland. Mrs. Lt Velma Wright of Washington • Vary remarkable p i t i Vary re­ son. Mr. Smith’s animal cost a IF e ltln g r E. Bond, Lester and Vera Bond has been visiting at the home Mr. and Mra. Austin left Fri- markable." ha mannered. "The bondrsd or »o leas, but both ‘ley . They were looking for movies—o f course! And yea really animals are iieauties and no of Albany and F. M. Bond and of Mrs. Dal Duncan. mean to carry « a t this raraazkabto doubt will raise the butterfat family were also guests at the somewhere to locate. Mr. and Mra. H. B. Sprenger same place. plan o f y on ra" record in their vicinity. 'T o a bat yoar bottom dollar I d a " of Albany spent Sunday with We want law and older in George Finley of Portland Mr. and Mra. W. C. Sickels Mr. Sprenger’s daughter, Mrs. T ba doctor believed htoj—which was our land,” the Brownsvile Times his sisters, Mrs. and son of Rowland visited at C. A. Pugh. a trib ute to hla nationality. I f an was visiting dramatically cries, “—that is Englishman had suggested each • W. J. Ribeiin and Mrs. Eliza the E. D. Isom home Tuesday one of the noble thoughts that evening. Ida Robson and Mra. L. E. thing- ha would hava grave doubts as Brandon, Saturday. to his s a n ity / Pennell were Eugene visitors the klansman pledges himself (Coatiaued In supplement) (Contiaaed ia snpplemevit) " I cannot guarantee a care," be Friday. J). Governor Walton of Okla- pointed o u t T e r h a p e 1 eugbt to loma is a usurper, and a perse­ The begiaalag nt celd weather Rose Connor returned Monday cutor of the "noblest of orders,” make that q alta d e a r." briaga calda aad bronchial afiec- from Albany where she had the newspaper adds. It wants "Sara, that*« all right," aald Julian. tioas. "Tau Joet tro t eat J a n ^ and laava th« been visiting. to know why the governor dar­ rest to m a* ed institute military law, inter­ " J a n e t' fering with the civil law. One Club Winners- a rt popular at thia time "M laa Janet Vaadataayer, then. Gan Ye9; it is almost here. That fining that probably influenced w e gat ea th« long-distance to yoar the Governor was the fact that place right away, and aah them to As winners at the county fair, Drugstore : send her u p ; or shall 1 run down and means the stock judging team compos­ there had been more than one ***ff*#**99(H)*8*966«*«*«»«♦ fetch her in my c a rl" ed of Edith Pugh. Dellis Comutt hundred illegal floggings in one and Ralph Malsom, of Shedd, county alone in Oklahoma, and See our will go to the exposition in Port­ members of the “invisible em­ new and land in November. pire” testified that these flog­ complete line Those who will go to the 0. gings were the work of their or­ ot Heaters A. C summer session in 1924 der; and the civil courts and are: Pearl Averhoff, Lebanon, peace officere did nothing about pork project; Albert Thomas, R.—Albany Democrat. Harrisburg, sheep project; We solicit your stovo Repair business. Edith Pugh, Shedd, dairy cattle; W. A. Muller was »n Albany Opal Mespelt, Scio, beef cattle; visitor Sunday. Lons Zysset, Scio, goat project. AoMtnxBTVATna'e N o t ic « All of these are sent at the ex­ Nebce u hereby qleea th a t tbe nn4«f> pense of the fair board. a4m i«i»trator of th e e«tataaf W . Those who will go to tke sum­ p a tric k, deceased, kxa filed kie W— 8 W 8 8 8 8 8 8 — 0 8 8 8 0 0 9 0 8 8 8 « 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 O O 8 mer session at the expose of • H nal K irk secouat ia eaid e s u e w ith tha merchants are: Irene Quimby, rounty clerk af U a a county. O r a f M . canning; F’eari Averhoff, sew­ h “ * ’ M en4ey. A n y G irl in Trouble the Sth day of Noeember, 19J3, a t the ing; Ruth Fillerhaum, sewing; h