A m e ric a n E a g le The liand «He lifted was «¡¡id as . . Mr«. Vandemeyer wquld never ■peek now. . , , Her cry brought the others. A very few minute« sufficed. M n Vandemeyer . Fire Insurance Co. H a y is w orth ju s t as m u ch in sto ra g e y o u m ig h t g et for it in c a se o f fire. Th j ^A m erican E agle l i r e In su ra n ce c o m p a n y Iwill p a y y o u 85% o f th e ca sh v a lu e in e a s e l o f lo ss by fire. C. P . S T A F F O R D , A g e n t “Ami what now?" asked Julius, with • gesture of despair “I guess wa rs down sad out for good." Sir James stroked his chin thought­ fully. "No," be said quietly. “There is still (Continued fro m page 1) the chance that Doctor Hall may be T h is is good advice: " I f you live able to tell us something. The chance in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live Linn took the first prize on la slight, but it must not be neglected. in some other lows, trade in that tow n." county exhibits a t the State I think I told you that he is staying But in these automobile days many re­ fair. • t the Metropole. I should suggest siding slsewbere find it advisable to do that we call upon him there as soon at least part of their baying io tbe The local prune dryer has larger town. Those who go to Albany j i as possible.'' day and night to transact business w ill find the firms been running I t was arranged that Tuppence and named below ready to fill their require­ shifts. ' Julius should return to the Rita, and ments w ith courtesy an-I fairness. celt tor Sir James In the car. Thia T. J. D acaeu won tha first program was faithfully carried out, A Ibany B a ke ry, 321 Lvon street, prize on senior shorthorn bull Best one-pound loaf of bread made. at the S tate fair. , and a little after eleven they drew up , before the Metropole. They asked for S cents. Wedding cakes to order. | Search our advertisem ents, Doctor Hall, and a page-boy went in for in them ye have words of search of him. In a few minutes the ^ I b s n y Electric Store. little doctor came hurrying towurd eternal economy. them. Delo Light products Pavement is completed from “Can you spare us a few minutes. W m . H o r tlC H . Portland to H arrisburg, but the Doctor Halt?” said Sir James pleas Ibany Floral Co. O rder» filled county has a week or two of antly. “Let me introduce you to Mias nl carctully tor everywhere or say work to do on a bridge between Cowley. Mr. Hershelnimer, I think, * A carat! you already know. Can we have a time. Flowers wire anywhere in U. S Sbadd and Tangent. or Canada. Blower phone 458-J. word with you in private?" "Certainly. I think there Is u room A L B A N Y G A R A G E . R. E. Crawford of Albany, “ Stude- here where we shall be quite undis­ - I* - b a k e r" and " S ta r " automobiles. who was thought to have been turbed.” General repairing and supplies. fatally injured when he fell He led the way. and the others fol­ G. T, Hockensnuth.— Lloyd leaipleton. from a scaffold where he was lowed him. They «Ht down, and the doctor looked Inquiringly at Sir James. D lu e Bird Rsataursnt, 309 Lyon working in Los Angeles, is re­ street. Eat here when ia Albany covering. “Doctor Hall, I am very anxious to Open from 6 Io and 5 to 8. And a certain young lady for the pur­ A t the State fair J. C. Brown Mat. BLOUNT. pose of obtaining a statement from & Son of Shedd took second on her. I have reason to believe that abe R U N S W IC K a senior yearling bull. T. F. has been at one time or another in P H O N O G R A P H S Gibson & Son of Halsey were your establishment at Bournemouth. I at hope I am transgressing no profes­ awarded second on a two-year W O O D W O R T H 'S sional etiquette In questioning you on old bull and J. M. Dickson & the subject?" astburo B ro t.— Two big grocery Son of Shedd placed a yearling »totes, 212 W. First and 235 South heifer third. "I suppose it la a matter of testi­ Main. Good merchandise at tha right mony T' Sir James hesitated a moment, then prices. Mrs. Ruffli of Crawfordsville, be replied: "Yes." Epilms deve loped and printed. who was h u rt in an auto acci­ ' I shall be pleased to give you any A We mail them right back to yon. dent last week, suffered a frac­ information in my power. What is Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or­ ture of the skull and her chance the young lady'a name? Mr. Her- egon. for recovery is slight. She was sheJmroer aaked me, I remember—” Eplooci’i dry goods store ia tha best taken to Portland for surgical He half turned to Julius. “The name," said Sir James bluntly, *- place in Albany to buy dry goods, treatm ent a fte r a prelim inary "Is really Immaterial. She would be furnishings and nations. Servios is our operation a t Brownsville. motto. almost certainly sent to you under W. L. Jackson of the Albany an'assumed one. But I should like to P O R D B A LE S A N D S E R V IC E Democrat was in town S atur­ know if you are acquainted with a Tires tad acoessorie» day and visited the E nterprise Mrs. Vandemeyer?" Repairs "Mrs. Vandemeyer of 20 Sooth Aud- K ia x P o l la k M otos C o . office. The Halsey editor was- ley Mansions? I know her slightly.” civil to him, for he is a bloat­ "You do not know that Mrs. Vande­ C V irtu illa r Furnitur« Co., fu m i ed office holder and the e d ito r ture, nigs, linoleum, stoves range* meyer Is deed?" may come before the parole' "Dear, dear, I had no idea of It. Funeral directors. 427-433 west Pirat street, Albnny, Oregon. board of which Mr. Jackson is a When did It happen V member, if he goes to the pen “She took an overdose of chloral itb C leaning W o rks, In c . last night.” Cor. Fourth and Lyon for libel or other crime. “ Purposely?" Master Dyers and Cleaners Linn county's blue ribbon ex­ Made • T o - Measure Clothe« “Accidentally, It la believed. I hibit, which won first place should not Ilka to say myself. Any­ en nud money are best when against keen competition from way, she was found dead thia mom busy. Maks your dollars work in Willamette valley counties a t In«." our savings department. A lb a n y S t a TX and which won H a n k . Under government supervision. the state fair, (Continued an page 4 > / i b a n y=g ) ir e c to r y Jots T itlle s A H A LSEY STA TE B A N K Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SURPLUS $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Mr«, Vandemeyer Was Osad. Commercial and Savings account» Solicited was dead—must have been dead some hours. She had evidently died la her aleep. " If that isn't the crueiest luck,” cried Julius In despair. The lawyer was calmer, but there itiintiiiuiiiiiiitiiiiiutnninniitmttiiic this morning. Tvs known him sllght- was a curious gleam in his eyes. I ly on and off for some years, and this " If It Is luck," he replied. "You don’t think—but, say, that’s morning I ran across him la the street. plumb impossible—no one could have Staying at the Metropole, he told me.” got In." H e turned to Julius. "Didn't he tell "No,” admitted the lawyer. " I don't you he was coming up to town?" see how they could. And yet—she Is Julius shook his head. on the point of betraying Mr. Brown, "Curious," mused Sir James. "You did not mention his name this after­ and—she dies. Is it only chance?” "But how—■” noon, or I would have suggested your "Yes, howl That Is what we must going to him for further information, find out.” He stood there silently, with my card as Introduction.” gently stroking his chin. "We must " I guess I'm a m u tt" said Julius, with unusual humility. “I ought to find out," he said quietly, and Tup­ have thought of the false name stunt.” pence felt that I f she was Mr. Brown A silence settled down over th» she would not like the toue of those simple worda. party. Little by little the magic of Julius’ glance went to the window. the night began to gain a bold on "The window's open," he remarked. them. There were sudden creeks in "Do you think—" • tha furniture, imperceptible rustlings Tuppence shook her bead, la the curtains. Suddenly Tuppence “The balcony only goes along ta far eprang up with a cry. as the boudoir. We were there." "I can't help IL 1 know Mr. Brown's Riiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiniimninnimiuiii “He might have slipped out—” sug­ somewhere in the flatl I can feel (Cannickt B«44. Msa4*( gested Julius. him." But Sir James Interrupted him. “Sure. Tuppence bow could he be? (C ontinued) “Mr. Brown's methods are not so This door's open into the hall. No one crude. In the meantime we must send could have come la by the front door ’ 'Lock tEe door on the outside, for a doctor, but before we do so, Is pleeee, Mies Tuppence, ead take out Without our seeing and hearing him." there anything in this room tBat might " I can’t help IL I feel he's herel” the key. There must he no chance of be of value to us?’’ She looked appealingly at Sir James, anyone entering that room.” Hastily, the three searched. A who replied gravely: The gravity of his manner impressed charred mas« in the grate indicated "With due deference to your feel­ them, and Tuppence felt leaa ashamed that Mrs. Vandemeyer had been burn­ ings, Mias Tuppence (and mine as * First-Class Work of her attack of "aervee." ing papers on the eve ef her flight. “Now, Mias Tuppence,” said Sir well, for that matter), 1 do not see Nothing of importance remained, Agent for Eugene Stenin Lanndry James, “you know this place better hew It Is humanly possible for anyone though they searched the other rooms Sent Tnetilavs. then I do. Where do you suggeet we te be la the flat without our knowl­ as well. edge." should take up our quarters?” J . w . S T E P H E N S O N . Prop. “There's that." said Tuppence sud- The girl was a little comforted by Tappence considered for a moment deniy, pointing to a small, old-fash­ lila worda. > or two. ion« d safe let Into the wall. " It’s for "Sitting ap at night la always rather “I think Mrs. Tandtmoyor*« boudoir Jewelry, I believe, but there might be Jumpy," she confessed. would bo the most comfortable,” she eomeihing else in It." The hours drew oa. With the first „ _ . , said at last, and led the way there. The * key lock, * and Julius faint gllmmertags of dawn, Sir James . Th y was ” in the ,ock' nd Jallus Sir James looked round approvingly. drew aside the curtains. Somehow. ’ * ° pen the door' ,n d In­ aside the curtains. ___ ____ , “This w ill do very well, and now, side He was some time over the task All work done promptly and reson- With tha cooing ef tha light, the dreads my door young lady, do go to bod and “'Veil,'’ said Tappence Impatiently. irad fenctee of tha past sight seemed got aomo sloop.” ably. Phone No 269 There was a pause before Julius an­ Tuppence shook her heed resolutely. absurd. Tuppence’s spirits revived te swered, then be withdrew bis head and tha aermaL *T couldn't, thank you. Sir James. I shut the door. "Hooray I" she «aid. " It’s going to should dream of Mr. Brown ell night 1" “Nothing,” he said. be a gorgeous day. And we shall find “But yen'll be so tired, child." In five minutes a brisk young doetqr Tammy. And Jana Plan. And every­ "No, I shan’t I'd rather stay uj>— arrived, hastily summoned. He w ai thing will ha lovely. I shall ask Mr. really.” deferential to Sir James, whom ba rec­ Carter If I can't be made a Darnel” The lawyer gave in. Best and largest line of ognized. At seven o'clock Tuppence volnn- Tuppence related her adventures. “Heart failure, or possibly an over-- "There's one thing I don't get clear­ teered to go and make some tea. She dose of some sleeping-draught." He ly." said Julius. “What put her ap te returned with a tray, containing the sniffed. "Rather an odor of chloral la gespot end four cup«. clearing e u t r Hcsdqusters for Camping Outfits the air.” “ Who's the other cup for?” Inquired ”1 don't know." confessed Tuppence. Tappence remembered the glass she JUUus. Heavy Sir James stroked his this, thought­ had upset a naw thought drove her T h e prisoner, e f course. Perhaps fully. D PRINT LINOLEUM to tbe withstand. She found tbe little "The room we« la great disorder. you'd both coma. In csss she springs bottle from which Mrs. Vandemeyer f l per square yard. on me, er anything. You sea, we don't That looks as though bar flight was had poured a few drops. know what mood she'll wake up In.” unpremeditated. Almost as though 422 West First si.. Albany, Oregon. It had been three parts full. Now— Sir Jama« and Jullu« accompanied •be got a sudden warning to go from It was empty. bar to tbe door. some one.” Where’s the key? Oh, of course, "Mr. Brown. 1 suppose," said Julias CHAPTER IX I've got It myself." scofflngly. The lawyer looked at him deliberate­ lor esnning A Consultation. . | Quarters of flhe put It In tha lock, and tnmed ly for a minute or two. Nothing wee more surprising and purposes at canning pnees IL then paused. “Why nott" he said. “Remember, “Supposing, after all, she’s es­ bewildering to Tuppence than the eane C. H. F A L K you yuuraeU have once been worsted and simplicity wjth which everything caped?" she murmured in a whisper. by him.” C. L. F A L K JR. "Plumb Impossible." replied Julius was arranged, owing to Sir Jsme« Julius flushed erlth vexation. skillfnl handling. The doctor accepted reassuringly. ”1 feel Just mad when I think ef H A LS EY quite readily the theory that Mrs. Van But Sir James said nothing. how I banded out Jane's photograph Tuppence drew a long breath and demeyer had accidentally takes an to him like a lamb. Oee. If I ever ley overdose of chloral. Ha doubted baada on It again. n t freer» on te U entered. She heaved a sigh of relief as she saw that Mrs. Vandemeyer was whether an Inquest would be neces­ Ilk»—like h—1!" Cash paid tor sary. Sir James and hla young friends lying on tbs bed. “That contingency la likely te be a had been paying a call upon her. when Cream, Poultry, E ggs and "Good morning," she remarked remote one,” said the other dryly. cheerfully. T v e brought you some she was suddenly stricken down sad *T guess you're rig.it," eeld Julius they had spent tha night In tha flat Veal. tea." M .H . S H O O K . frankly. "And. In any case, ft's the not liking to leave her alone. Did Mrs. Vandemeyer did not reply. Tup­ original I'm out after. Where do you pence put down tha cup on the tabla they know of any relatives? They did think ehe cun bo. Sir Jemes?" by tha bad sad want across to draw sot, hut Sir James referred him to The lawyer shook h it head. •p the blinds. When she turned. Mrs. Mrs. Vandemeyer'« solicitor. Second st, opposite Halsey Garage "Impossible to eay. But I've a very Shortly afterward a nurse arrived Vandemeyer still lay without a move­ good Idea where she has been. At the Short orders st all hours up to 11 p. m. ment. With a sudden fear clutching to take charge, and the others left the scene of your nocturnal adventures, Ul-omeucd building. at hsr heart, Tuppence ran to the bad. the Bournemeuth hospital" “There? Impossible. I asked." T “No, my dear elr. you asked I f any­ one of the name of Jane nun had been T h e re ’s a su ro cu re for there. Now, i f the girl had heea placed h u n g er at th e there It would almost certainly be un­ j I can make both F A R M and C IT Y der an assumes] name.” ' L O A N S »t • » •'< row rate of intcieet 'Terhsps the doctor's In It too," sug­ From $ te I t years. W rite me for par- gested Tuppence. BeM s w e e ts and so ft d rink s, ! trculars. O. W. L a n a s , JaHue ebook his head. a t th e I Salem, Ore «10 Oregon Bldg - I don't thSik eo. I took to him nt oocu Mo, me pretty e v e Doctor Heli a B e s t c u is in e an rig h t” Amor A. Timaing P le a s a n t s u n o u n d in g s "Han. did you au yF naked Sir Jaaaso. "That Is curleue realty very rutleua." LAWYER AND NOTARY "Why?” demanded Tuppence Albany, O t|« « H alsxv , O mxook . “Bare nee _ I happened te