. j . skirvin I BALM Y ZMTKKPKiaX SAMO MXXCMaMT A ll kinds of Fee-1 N e» and aetoaii grain •ttoaa. t l . l t * year la advaooa Adrertteing, 20c an inch ; no discount tar lime or apace ; no charge lor com noeltiun or changea. te T a la - for Paragraphe." 1« a llaa. * • a4»arUaln< «lagulaad aa aawa. A S traightforw ard A m erican Citizen and M achine Politician * Ci^er Ch^-I J 1*« v S 11?**“ * P»7'Krapns, paragraphs, ping done to ran. which shed light on Coolidge the Fncea right. man and Coolidge th e president, are from an article by Harold o « . . . D- Carewe in the Dearborn In- White Mountain 2. 15 dependent, Henry Ford’s paper: “Cal Coolidge is in town to ^ i thf i8theaS l ^ a V h ^ n e u t8Ä v heer n ^ hot a Linoleum Good qaality, 13 f t . Good quality, 4 feat wide Mattress yard , 7 ^ 4 / » • *'IU4r' • O V yard Price»— 50- Bi Sim moo», oil cotttoo, $17 value, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___ $12.50 11.50 .....$11 into a union and applying to 50-lb Simmons, all Cotton, $14 value, f o r ...... ............................ the American Federation of La­ bor for a charter. 3-iach poata, aevea 1-ioch filler», only. See aa when in nerd of When Commissioner Curtis learned th a t a union was being formed, he issued an order dis­ HA LSEY, Linn Co.. Ore.. Oct. 4, l « j | approving th e action and s ta t­ We can aave jou in jn ty I r t h T ing th a t the policemen were T H E IN C O M E T A X ¿hahP^yr r 1 f thu - u We ship- Can you imagine him in a violating the spirit of th e oath . P ink them fast enough at home, fight with Guy Ham ? Why they had taken as public offi­ 415-421 Weat Firat »tract Albany, Oregon Do not invest your money in I and th a t is costly. O ther na- he’ll not even think he’s been in cials. He therefore ordered Oregon farm s. They are liable I tions will do well not to b u tt in the running when. Ham gets th at all such activity cease at once; and when th e patrolmen- city. It was a night of pillage the men and th e removal of to be sold for taxes. Invest it I on the job. through with him.” officers of the union refused to and plunder. Stores were brok­ Curtis. In California or in W ashington.’’ I -------— ------- I The m an who thus addressed Coolidge issued a telegraphic T hat will probably be said in 1 We still hear pleas for the re-f™ e ° ne day in the summer of heed his demand, couched in en into in all parts of the city, repy to Gompers w ithout mine- the form of an official order, men were held up and robbed, Oregon if th e income tax is d e -1 lease of "political prisoners." L ...^ t^®c»lstoric old ing words, and the te x t ”»h*n Commissioner Curtis prom ptly . . , i - j j . house in Boston was accounted feated. I There hre no political prisoners one of th e cleverest political cited the men for trial on women were assaulted gambling it was given to th e press, grip- wonaan were aaaaulted, gambling A Southern Pacific bulletin |m America. If Grover Cleve- prognosticators in Massachu- charges of insubordination. Af­ eotfiti were let op in tbe ntreets. ped th e entire nation— “There is no rig h t to strik e against the ter a hearing they were found says i: “Oregon is the uncut me-1 land Bergdoll should come home setts, Gangs of hoodlums trailed tnrough public safety by anyone, any­ guilty and suspended. of th e ’w estern world. Over land serve his sentence he would 1 n Ion r reutemuerea emembered th ion o i trie -w e s te rn w o n a . v v e r ian a ms uia a t one Calvin the suborbe, falsa fire alarms The policemen called a mass were rung in, and svervthing where, any tim e.” 70 per cent of th e agricultural I not be a political prisoner. He 2 ? ° ^ ge had come down from It was not until September t o d , o r more th an 18,000.000 would bo paying a penalty t o L X n * X ° o i the S l w / l a t o meeting and proposed to strike. that wasn’t nailed down wita ...» 24— two weeks and a day after ad away. 0 ,rb The question was subm itted to the policemen had walked out— acres, is yet unplowed. I treason against the t sovereign representative to the court of th a t Coolidge issued his procla­ Why ? I people of the United States. M assachusetts. T hat was in m ation on which his campaign Because, while the plow and I —— -------- 1907. He had spoken ju st eight for re-election was subsequently other implements cost twice I Henry Ford says he does not words late one Friday afternoon based. w hat they ought to, the farm er J want the presidency. Profes- wb,e n colleagues were tired “The au th o rity of the com­ pays twice his proportion of the 13ional politicians usually denY weekend00 “C a l ^ c^olfd ^ h i t d m onwealth,” said Governor taxes. The homeseeker looks I desiring office while they are arisen and in a high pitched Coolidge, “cannot be intim idat­ ed or coerced. I t cannot be a t the tax burden and a t the I secretly scheming to get it. But Yankee nasal drawl had sa id : compromised. To place the lack of decent roads to those I the boost Henry give Mr. Cool- “M ister Speaker-r-r! I move m aintenance of the public 18,000,000 acres and passes o n l'd g e in an article in his paper, p ^ a t we na-ow adjourn.’’ security in the hands of a body with his cash. I from which we make lengthy ¡n W^ t j e a rd f ro m , h?m of men who have attem pted to W a te r 'Oregon'» a fine place to make | quotations this week, attest® when a press dispaUh from the destroy it would be to flout the Slickers sovereignty of th e laws the I city in the Berkshires announc­ money in. I cleared $5,000 his sincerity. rep ellan t people have made. Every a t­ last year buying and selling ed th a t he had been elected m a in tem pt to prevent th e formation One Brownsville family of I mayor of Northampton by only w heat and did not pay a cent M ackinaw s ( of a new police departm ent is a C lothing seven got nearly $1000 for pick- a n a rro w margin over hid demo- of t a i ” blow a t th e governm ent. That T hat m an’s capital is the kind mg raspberries and evergieen and^the^follow! way treason lies. No man has a Albany Oregon. right to place his own ease or if any, th a t would be discourag-1 blackberries this year. Their ing year he showed up again convenience or the opportunity ed from coming to Oregon by J employer was a Japanese fruit- on Beacon Hill as a member of of m aking money above his duty an income tax. Do we need J grower. A ren’t these Japanese I the state senate. __ ,___ . .to the sta te . it? Did he create th a t $5,0001 ju st awful? A t ,the close of his second I a vote by ballot, and when the Coolidge ordered out the sta te Richard H. Long, nominated by his enterprise, or did it ------------------ b h ilu f° r 8 votes were counted, the decision guard on the eleventh, and late ,t be democrats, announced come out of the w heat grower I Rev. George N. Harness, pas- vening of ’ the 'le tn s la tu re "a Stl?u C| been Sa i7'ied by an th a t afternoon m ounted troops i“ a t if were elected governor or the consumer, or both? tor of the F irst Christian church strange political happening oc- strike w a T S le d f o r ^ « n 'n T were entering the city to r , ” ¡ S £ S “ re" “ ‘*te * * • trikin(t Relieve the farm er of Bome of J at Tillamook, is being sued fo r ¡furred. Calvin Coolidge mus-1 September 9, and the polices On the afternoon of election I divorce. Mrs. H arness wants I tered up courage enough to can- men’s union appealed to every cue it from the reign of anar- his unjust burden. chy. No one who lived in Bos- day, 1919, th e w riter was pres- get out of the m atrimonal LV|“ l vt ^ r^ ep“ b}*^n? amo.n8r his trades union to approve its ac- ton through those two nights of en^ a^ Go to the polls Nov. 6 and U to m republican sta te head- - E E « * £ “ r ' u ,. vote “800 yes.” lawlessness could do other than 9uartors when John W. Weeks It is Charged th a t a lot of he found th a t a m ajority’w ire f e r i t y to S t ^ T t h ^ e v e V S praise Calvin Coolidge for the n fth « * j C ‘ndiYidua,s m anner in which he brought or- if Cbolidge ^ r e t e i v ^ m i o r i t y W H E R E -L A W IS W E A K fictitious names have been w rit- ready to vote for him, probably lawlessness, the m atte r was one Hzht* /"»Ilf’ I /-v-F 1A __ _ * W here the l.w ia w e a k .ljf" ,e e ." p petitions. etition,- 1 | 5 * I for the m ayor of Boston1 - to hand- f t to g I ten on Pierce recall ^ a t **?dent Cal re I am strong,” said the I. ’ . ‘ ¡J ° ubiquitous recallers One . ht three wieks k o v e r o o r should d S m an’s d ik e —was safe when 125,000 m ajority were there W. at at Centralia— but they need th « " ' before the prim ary e le c tio n - a m ayo? had S ed U nrotec tZ th a t m aelstrom ' c,ounted in ^ o r of Calvin Cool- W. W. „ --------“* • * -------- hot August night such as Bos- Z b h c w d fare W ? th ? £ ± C om p.« Get. . Rebuff of the moat ™ m en- were not. le law is weak Governor Pierce is not fol- ton has in, midsummer—I sat ing of darkness thno-u and c i n l u * 3 el?ctlons ever held any- “ Where ♦ » ' lowing R itner’s example He is in a small stuffy room in the thfeves fro ? d t . SaiPuel G010!5«” . President of where, th ey were puzzled to un- there w i»re 1 I am s tro n g ,” sa id th e * \ P . A dam s h o u se in R n X n n! V . ’ / [ F - from th e re" I th e American Federation, sent derstand how the “labor vote” Herrin m urderer»—and they ‘ ’ n8 some of the convicts to f j hj consisted of an old veneered " a 7 tolegram demand- had turned flip-flop iru from the *~-^®*<**«i to w Coolidge uciiiuuu- i-»44Hvu « a * iiip-iiop m ini i... ___ serve out their sentences. a,n . zation, took possession of t the h e ' in mg o - im m edinf»» „g-innth in ,.,k,^k u k - 5 “ l of imm ediate reinstatem ent of Path in which it had been bid- were. Nobody could be convict­ fashioned mahogany bed, two ------ 'd e n by its leaders to go. But ed. straight-back chairs, a bureau there was no m istaking the iere the law is weak, there I A great many costly burdens iind a s jnk- The single window “Where telltale figures. “Labor’ had strong,” said night flog- are ,aid on the shoulders of the ‘"J® This voted for “law and order.” “La­ gei-s in Oregon—and they w«re H ° rid * workers. Strikes a r e L ho m e„ the room \ a e ru p te d bor" had approved a t the bal­ J r i p ¿T icket a n d lot box w hat Coolidge had done. W itnesses disappeared, in fear the most costly of all. while the legislature was in of th eir lives, and there were ----------------- session. Looking back now at no convictions. I “Thus far and no fath er ’’ th at room I cannot but feel th a t "W here the law is weak, «*«! the Pierce recall. ’ WOuldk t __ ________„ .. 'I __________________ I preferred a better one, but the there I am strong, »aid th e J ---- ------------- --------- ~ | tru th was th at he couldn’t af­ Oklahoma Kuklux—and they ford it. His opponent, politically P o rtla n d strong and liked by everyone were. Eight witnesses against and re tu rn . who knew him, had headquar­ them disappeared last week. On sale F riday, S a tu rd a y ters and printed literature and T here are good and loyal men an d S u n d ay , w ith final re ­ [automobiles galore a t his com- in the Ku Klux Kian. But they tu rn lim it o f T ueaday fol­ | mand—the machines of his ad­ low ing d a te oi sale. do not remain in it where it out­ m iring friends. As is custom ary in Massa­ rages Americans and the princi­ Five Million'Children P o rtla n d chusetts, th e lieutenant-gover­ ples of Americanism. ia thia conatry are handicapped by im- and re tu rn norship is considered a stepping- perfact viaion. Children can’t tell you Americanism demands th a t stone to the governorship. When On sale daily, c arry in g a re ­ about it bacauae tbey’ve never aaeu every accused person have the to h is n eig h b o r and through any »yea but their own. Haw it came Mr. Coolidge’s turn to tu rn lim it o f 15 d ay s from can yon ba aura yonr child ia not thua «aid : “ I am going to right to confront his accusers step up, the politicians welcom­ d a te of sale. - pitiably handicapped ? All hia grown­ tho in open court, view the evidence ed the event with disapproval. up year» may depend upon your action now. Hava an exam i nation i m m e d i ­ For “Cal” Coolidge had commit­ R educed R ound T rip Fares and controvert it if he ran. ately. CHURCH of CHRIST ted the unpardonable political to o th e r p oints. Americanism does not skulk sin. He had not fawned a t the Oct. 7 and 14 a t night, masked, and commit feet of H enry Cabot Lodge. tA» fft/»—Saft assault, m urder and arson. to h e a r Lon Cham - Optometriata, Manufacturing Optician» “Cal’s democratic opponent for the governorship was Rich­ Albany, Oregon lee s p o p u la r addres- » » J In the form ation of the lea­ ard II. Long, a Framingham ea. New gue of nations the influence of shoe m anufacturer. Mr. Long F o r lu r th e r p a rtic u la rs ask FURNITURE AND and 1 was a “live w ire” with progres­ the United States forced the [ uaed FARM MACHINERY a g en t sive ideas, and he bellowed self-seeking nation» of the old j •nJ bought, »old and exchanged at all time» those ideas from one end of the JO HN M. SCOTT, world to recognize the rig h ts of state to the other. When the Aaaiatant Paaaaager Traffic Mana«cr, » B E N T. S U D T E L L the weak—the first tim e in the votes were counted, “Cal” had Fortlaad, Oregon t Phone 74-R, 123 N. Br^pdalbin at., Albany history of the world. W ithout! only 7,000 plurality—one of the Hally day is O e t 14, smallest pluralities ever given a the United States the league be­ w hen 99 will be on Republican candidate for the of­ comes a rubber stam p in the tim e a t Bible school, fice. D ELBER T STA R R hands of the more powerful of You b e tte r The Boston Police Strike Funeral Director and Li­ two contestants before it, as along." Where Our lee Cream Greece has learned. T in t m a ­ The Boston police strike was censed Embalmer Served SSc.ent Sarrica. Motor Hearaa, not a sporadic event. Discon­ chine need» a balance wheel. tent had gripped the entire de tharc ia a«ra to ba aatiafaction, For tha Lady Attendant part men t for many months. The fami I f daaaart aothing c I m ia »o da!I- Brownayitta...... ..............................Oregon Sinking American ships w ith men wanted an increase in pay dot»» W ith each aucceadtag apooaful those on board is a costly di-1 had wanted it, in fact, since be­ you'll lik t it more aad more. Let aa vereion. The sinking of th e fore America’s entrance into | aa«d yon aome W » have all flaanra. world war. Maine, cost Spain all her colo­ w . L. W R IG H T Laundry acat Tneadaya W e »all giuta, quart», half galloaa aud The policemen took measures | Mortician ft Funeral Director nies—except Moracco. The P ra ia«