(A HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. XII HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 4, 1923 JO T S A N D T I T T L E S H igh School Notes B rirf Chronicles of Happenings in Halsey and All Over Linn County ¡(Agnes Hayes Reporter) Two new freshm en have been enrolled: Helen C arter and Redmond Pearl attended the family, attended the State fair Charley W right. fait at Salem Friday. The high school is very glad Thursday. There will be a civil service to see so m any of the graduates R. W. Tripp of Albany was transacting business in Halsey examination for forest rangers names appearing in college re- gist rs. Those a t O. A. C. are a t Albany Oct. 23. Monday. B. M. Bond and wife and m other were a t the fair in Sa­ lem Wednesday. W. H. Beene took a load of hogs to Salem last week Tues­ day for Falk Bros. There were memorial ser­ vices for Rev. W. P. Elmore a t the Albany B aptist church Sun­ day. Miss Ida M itzner of the Al­ bany public schools was a week­ end guest a t her home north of Halsey. The dairy m eeting scheduled for H arrisburg was not held be­ cause no meeting place had been provided. LMoia W ahl, Pearl Pehra«‘o ii‘ NO.IO Brownsville Briefs O R E G O N N E W S B R IE F S (By Ralph Lawrence) W estern Newspaper Union’s Gleanings Outeide of BROWNSVILLE This County A t the present w riting Mrs. ________ ____________________________ _ Rufli of Crawfordsville is r e s t - i Th_ . . ... o , ’ ' mg more quietly a t the Port- school dlgtrlct aggregata*1^ »269.500 ™ r#UUon* «1«» the required number land hospital. The doctors have of signatures were filed with County Seme hopes for her recovery. ‘ U f'r»“d« Elk« lodge will stage Clerk Bhermaker, calling a special Mr. and Mrs. Smoke Daw- » V “01”'1 D‘ 7* °f ° Ct<,b*r ” 1 *‘*sUo" Hood Rlv,r count’r to ToU son of Berlin spent Sunday with * M1„ M ! i® " propt’" d bf'n<1 <>» »««.ooo Mr. Dawson’s sister, Mrs. Clive ' MarJ° rie Mulheron wtn ,orTB fcr w m a n en t road improvement aa county health nurse In UmstUl* The Marine Product* company at Harrison. county Warrenton has started suit at Astoria Eighteen thousand head of sheep to restrain __________ Bruce and Mabie Burson a rd the sheriff from interfer- Marvel Lawrence attended S Kra,ed <”> the Cascade national forest ing with ite business. The city of church services a t Lebanon ,hu *•»•<». , Warrenton had ordered -the factory Sunday. Unitarians pf Salem here started clo«*d because of the odor arising A large number of B row ns-: worlt on tha »rection of a new church ,rom d»«ayed flak, ville folks attended the me- to co,t ,1500° | Missionary workers' of the Baptist morial services held in honor of I Work of and »carlfylng church of southern Oregon will meet Wayne Robertson, Kenneth Cross, William Carcoran, Ercel Sneed and Delos Clark. Cleona Sfiiith and Helen A rm strong are The W. F. M. S. will meet at U. of 0 . Those in W illamette Friday a t 2 o’clock a t the home are Lewis Skirvin, Alberta of Mrs. J. H. Van nice. All K e o n 11, Nora Pebrssou aud ladies wishing to go, please be Geraldine Cook. at the church by 1.30 p. m. Class officers elected by th e It is expected th a t a mile and freshmen to serve for the fol­ W. P. Elm ore last Sunday at th e ' ?’ erT KraTel ,n ‘1 maca‘,am road lB . ,n Eugene Novembnr 3 to arrange, for . ’ tOUDly waa ordered «terted by the payment of the first half year1» a half of the six-mile road pro­ lowing year are: William Mc­ ~ iptist church in A lbany _ J ’ the county court. portion of the quota of the national ject between here and Irish Bend Laren, president; Currin Miller, Word has been received here i The state game cemmiasion l. plan- *12,000.000 campaign recently Inaugur­ will be completed by the coun­ vice president; Elsie Reynolds, secretary; W ilbur N ortan, treas­ th a t Rev. M. S. Woodworth j nlng to liberate some 3,000.000 game ated by the Baptists. ty before the rains. urer; Kenneth Miner, segeant- would soon be back to fill the I fish in Clackamas county before the Eight thousand firms aa fabric* acTCALtv docslm ran wasn. Yen'll find tb* Oregon City label and the virgin wool guarantee in garments sold at thia store. Oregon Cky Woofes M3:« Copyrfel* ia«J Jacobs Oregon City Virgin Wool Clothing Boys’ S u it!..................................................... $15-00 Overcoat*........................... ..... $12-50 to $ 3 0 .0 0 KOONTZC : GOOD GOODS fered a fractured skull and lacerated face. It is reported that aererai delega ttona from different sections of the state have held conference* with Oov ernor Pierce in an effort to Induce him to become a candidate for United State* senator. Although they will have to run the gauntlet of the county court, the coun ty budget committee and the tax re vision commission, the rancher* ol Coos county hope to have a county agent for 1924. Central Oregon will have a naw city a* the result of construction of tt * Eugene-KIsresth Fall* line. Lonroth. 26 mile* south of Crescent I* it* name. At present tbs "city" consists of one building. Halsey Church of Christ Sidney Hill, 23, of Bandon lost si) finger* of bis left hand, when he Church Announcem ents the went to sleep too near the railroad track and unconsciously allowed hl* Church of Christ: hand to tie on the rail until a passing Lon Chaonlee, minister. train severed the finger*. Bible school, 10, W. H. R obert- ; Governor Pierce within the next few ton. superintendent. Morning worship, 11. Lord' days will Issue a proclamation urging the citisene of Oregon to observe taw »upper every Lord's day. enforcement week. Observance ol Christiao Endeavor, 6:80. this week la ail part* of the United Evening service, 7:30, State* will be urged by the national The ohurch without a bishop, in prohibition force*. the country without a king. When C. E. Mooney, truck operator, If you have no oborch home was fined *26 and received a suspend come and worship with u*. ed 10-day Jail sentence from Justice of the Peace Onthank at Hood River, Methodist: for failure to obtain a permit from Robert Parker, pester. the Oregon pnbllc service commission Sunday School, 10. to operate bi* forbire vehicle and to Preaching, 11, poet the bonds required under the leg Intermediate League, 6:30. i Islatlve enactmenL an association ol Epworth League, 6:30. In that city announced they Prayer meeting Thorsdav. 7:30 , truckmen .. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Beene and son Allen drove to Corvallis 1 Thursday evening and visited W. A. Allen, who was in a hospital there. Preachiog 7 30 •* 7 ’ woaM ta haul ,pp1“ thu I eon unless exempt frpm the law. next 30 days. The movement also In eludes the usual annuel transfer of sheep from summer range to the homo ranges farther north. Waeco county, with a score uf 1018 «, was declared by the Judge* to be the winner In the county agricul­ tural exhibit competition at the state- fair at Salem Douglas county, with a score of 1013.6, finished second, with Jackson county third and Linn county fourth. Jackson county scored 9*5 fi­ end Linn county 973. With the fire season apparently over tor this year. H. L. Plumb, super­ visor of the Deschutes national forest, has given out figures showing that timber losses within his domain are the smallest io at least ten years. Although St fires were reported In the' course of the season, such a close- check was kept ou them that only 18«. acre* of land were burned over. The Roseburg land office he* re­ ceived an application from the Call- fornla-Oregoa Power company for » temporary permit covering proposed power development on the North Ump­ qua river. The temporary permit ta being obtained so the company may held Its priority rights while Investi­ gating the stream for tbe location of proposed power plants. Its applica­ tion covert four unit*. Th* Pickwick Stage company, which recently we* ordered by the public service commission to cease opera­ tion* in Oregon, has submitted ar­ ticles of reorganization to the public service commission The concern, un­ der the new article*, will he known a* the Bollam Stage company, with Mr*. M. 8. Bollam of Portland a* manager. It Is said that a certlHcet® to operate In Oregon probably will he granted Mrs. Bollam. «