FAG B 4 HALSEY ENTERPRISE sept . 27 um • ^ ¿ u to m o b ife a n d Arrow Garage attending Willamette in that city. G L O B E ALBANY Sunday night literature pre­ High Class Photoplay* Only We will overhinl your Ford engine (or $20 labor datin g the end of the world or “ Chevrolet engine for $22.SO labor N E X T S U N D A Y —M O NDAY some cataclysm on Tuesday “ ** reline transmission band lor $2.50 labor were circulated in Albany. Bi­ ** '* overhaul rear axle and rebush springs and perches when R E X ING RAM ble quotations were given in necessary for $7 labor presents support of the forecast. Tussing was in Browns­ Where the Pavement Ends ville A. A. guaranteed Saturday. with Glenn Frum was a Browns­ Alice . Ramon ville visitor Saturday Terry “ d Navarro T H E Y GET T H E R E Church Rally W. A. Allen went to Corvallis .Z * « /? « b ig ^ ¡ e t u M Sunday and entered a hospital Last week Sunday the officers mid« by the maker of Girl— What’s your opinion of for a course of treatment un and teachers of the Church of “ The Four Horsemen ” der Dr. H. Gamjobst, with the these women who imitate men? Christ Bible school decided on hopes that he will return home Boy—They’re idiots. a great rally day to be hek Girl—Then the imitation ia suc­ Homan Wreckage” »000 feeling much better. Oct. 14 at the church at the cessful,— Royal Gaboon. J. D. Rode was seen on the Bible school hour. The goa streets of Albany Saturday. set for pupils present was “99 C IT Y TO GET PHONES A report hsa gained currency on time”. This is more than Jots and Tittles (bat Mrs. O. W. Frum, who w ti The Mexican city of Tampico, double the summer average, so reported healed at the Prioe meet, one of the largest modern cities strenuous efforts w ill be put inge last winter, is going to Albany without telephone »errice, is plea- forth to reach the goal. There (Continued (rom page 1) twice a week for medical treat­ t win be some special musica Mis» Delma Wahl was an A1 ment. There is no truth in it. ning to install a system. 1 numbers on that day that al bany visitor Monday. The lady ii in perfect health. School district boards, under the will want to hear. They wil Helen Armstrong returned Mr. Shepherd, who hae the Oregon laws as Interpreted by the be announced later. from Portland Thursday noon morning wa*cb at the railroad attorney-general, have authority to Every Sunday until then wil Frum and McMahan shipped I »‘«tloo. made a flying visit to Port- furnish transportation to and from be a special day in the Bible schools for pupils even though they a carload of hogs and sheep to land between shift« Mouday. school with some special feature may live In another district but not at each service. Portland Tuesday. I Thomas F. Gibson married Miss more than one mile from the educa­ The minister announced that Frank Kirk and J. S. McMa-|9ladj* J’ S,hult* °f Shedd yaater- tional 'center. he would give two popular ad d ay. han returned Sunday night dresses on the following sub­ from their trip to the roundup The Thursday night cottage LOST jects: “Adam’ s Rib” and “Eve’s prayer-meetings continue to at­ at Pendleton. A M A N ’S P O C K E T B O O K , con­ Hubby”. The first one will be over $10 in cash—a $5 bill and Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Sneed tract attendance. Last week’s was taining the rest ia silver—and a Ford key, was given Oct. 7 at 7.30 p. m. and and son Ercel were Albany call at P. 0 . Salmon's, lost Saturday. Sept. 22, somewhere ia or the other Oct. 14 at the same ers Monday. Carl Robnett and Claude H»w- close to Halsey. It belonged to Mrs. J. hour. These have been given B. Wsrgener. A reward will be give« S. J. Smith, accompanied by •’* ,"f Sbed‘ ’ who arT*',. ,<1 to finder if returned to owner or left a t before to packed houses and it is certain from the response F. G. Smith and wife and son booze an* *aw »'<>Ution Ealerpnae office with address. with which the announcement Richard, drove to Albany Mon- cbari£e’’ pald 160 aacb 10 fin" was first greeted that many day. M>ss Lois Drinkard of Harris Halsey people will want to hear Misses Donna Robertson and bUj* ia. *'vin8 Douglas Tay.'or’» them. Cleona Smith were Albany Iand “o n< t0 icbot>L The time of the evening ser­ visitors Saturday. Alberta Koontz, Nora Pehn-sou vices will be changed from 8 and Lewis Skirvin are attendiug p. m. to 7.30 p. m. commencing Seth sold last week of « | iu Willamette / jii ..—f» uu.veruty .. ¡~ •. fine calf Mills to Shelley brothers the first Sunday in October, as is. customary. The Christian Montague, Cal., to t place on a lire in the Southern Facltlc yards Endeavor will meet one hour their ranches. at Albany nearly destroyed seven pas­ earlier, as usual. senger cars that were standing on a Mis. Harry Commons’ father -------------------- S J and mother, Mr. and Mrs. aiding near the (ire. The cart were to his neighbor and AGE OF DISCOVERY Sprenger of Shedd, visited* her i"0’*? ou‘ of da",er said : “ I am going td Mondav loua damage waa done, hut 1500 cedar GANSLE BROS. A MAN RUN OVER the ‘ poles and 300 ties were destroyed by the fire. Mary Smith was taken to Al- liany Saturday and underwent) a slight surgical operation from Festus J. Wade Says Anarchy which she is recovering nicely, Disappears With the De­ fier mother, Mrs. Josie Smith, visited her there Monday, velopment of Thrift. John Geisendorfer, who died I in Albany last week, was the When tha savings pass-book conics father of the wife of CbngTeSS- 1 ,B,° • Uisn’s Ufa to stay tha red flag goes out. W hat the country needs Is man W. Cf Hawley. to bring about a condition whereby Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Winni- the man who works with his hands ford were Albany visitors Fri­ shall take the came Interest In hla af­ fairs at the capitalist does In hla day. CHURCH of CHRIST Oct. 7 and 14 to hear Lon Charn- lee’s popular addres- es, “ Adam’s R ib” and “ Eve’s Hubby” Rally day is Oct. 14, when 99 will be on time at Bible school, You better como along.” Probably the beet way to do this would be to turn the workman Into a capitalist And this la exactly what ha becomes when he saves hla money L. E. Walton was at Peoria and builds np a reserve fund. Ha re­ mains a capitalist as long as he bolds Saturday in attendance at the on to that money. T h e satisfaction Homing sale. of seeing bis money reaarva mount will discourage the waster to take Dr. T. I. Marks was an Al­ a np layoff now and then. It will enconr bany visitor Sunday. Dr. B. age him to work a full six-day weak R. Wallace had lieen in Halsey and thereby Increase tha labor hours New and Saturday. , They had charge of applied to production. used The American people can solve any Mary Smith’s case. problem they set themaalvas to. We bought, sold and exchanged at all time* C. H. Koontz and family provided for a sound currency whan B E N T. S U D T E L L drove to Salem Sunday and the greenbackers and Inflationists were routed and the gold basis estab Fbane 76-R, 123 N. Broadalbin a t. Albany visited the daughter of the llahed. The Federal Reserve Bank family, Miss Alberta, who is waa established and solved a problem ************************** for which most people thought there was no solution. A number of years ago, when (here was a erials or when a bank failed, we all used to abut up our vaults tight and let nothing get * laundry seat Tuesdays * o u t Instead of bettering conditions Dyeing, Cleaning and PTeiiing we made them worse. Now If failures occur few people, except those direct ly Interested, are disturbed. Perhspe the most Important problem W a fe r m a n a of nil right now Is to do away with labor waste. It never can be dons by preaching, by agttatlxa or by force it r J ffe a i ,? o u n ta la Î i can ba done by telling the workman * on the idea of becoming n cap.tills! ^en Î j This can be brought about by the right kind of bank advertising. Who la there to say that an advertising dot 1er bringing about thia result would not be a conatructlve dollar?— Foetus J. Wada. W. A. Muller and wife at­ tended the State fair Tuesday. FURNITURE AND FARM MACHINERY A Modern Barber Shop I » * Th© (hink tank of the * world A B E ’S P L A C E FARMS IN NEW YORK C ITY New York city, with its vast area of 300 square miles, still includes a good many farms, according to the last census. They number 800 in all, comprising about 20,000 acres. But this number is less than half the number of farms in the city 20 yean ago, says the Outlook. The value of the 800 farms ia more than $35,000,000, of which only about one-ninth ia credited to buildings. Another generation will doubtless see the transformation of most of these farms into city lota. T A B L E W O R K S L IK E F A N Working somewhat like a fan ia a round table of German invention carrying sectors beneath its top that can be extended to increase its aiaa. Y es; it is almost here means ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * O. W . F R U M H e a tin g S to v e s Exclusivo Auront for See our new and complete line ot Heaters Wefso licit your stovo Repair business. H IL L & <§. Jersey Milk Food Compound lb« economical Iced for calve*, plga and chicken* ••••••» Alai» a complete »lock at 1 * ••♦ ••••••♦ •••••• Any Girl in Trouble FEED AND GRAIN « /L Fisk sad Gates Tires and Tabes.—We now have in stock the Fisk % M x 31^ fabric tires for $9. Be sure to investigate our lines and get our prices before bu. .ng. Automobile accessories. Ford par's, oils. W illard battery service station. Trouble calls given prompt attention HALSEY GARAGE Telephone 16*5 F O O T E B R O S . Props. HALSEY RAILROAD TIME Brownsville Briefs (By Ralph Lawrence) Mrs. J. C. Harrison has re­ signed as guardian of the Camp Fire Girls in Bessie Howe’s fa­ vor. Hereafter Mrs. Howe will be guardian and Mrs: Harrison fssistant. Mrs. Anna Howe is substitut­ ing for the seventh grade teacher, Mrs. Porter, this. week. Jim Burson and Cecil Harri- son made a business trip to Al- bany Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Harri­ son took their little daughter Norma to a Lebanon hospital Monday, where her tonsils and adenoids were removed. Mrs. Goodman and her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Golda Nance, have moved into the White property en North Main it reel. Lou fycer hag purchased the place North Fon tls No. 18, 11:37 a. ui. No. 17. 12:15 p. m. 24, 4:28 p. m. 23. 4.28 p. m. 22, 4:30 a. in. 21, 11:32 p. m. Nos, 21 and 22 stop only il flagged. SUNDAY MAIL HOURS The delivery window of the. H alsey postoffice is open Sunday»* from 1:050 to 11 e. id . and 12:15 to 12:30 p. tn. Sunday mail goes out only on tha north-bound 11:37 train: - Paid-for Paragraphs A dm ittance Here 5 Cents a Line For Sale—Potato sack*, 4c tach. C. R. E vax ?, Routa 1, Halsey. Oak and ash wood for sal*. E. H. H ayes , Halsey recently vacated by Mrs. Good­ Old papers 5o a bundle at the man on Kirk Avenue and is Euterpnee office. moving his family in “to get out of the high water this win­ ter.” High School Notes At last week’s meeting of the W. C. T. U. Mrs. Clara Star was voted a life membership. Frank McFarland was in Al­ bany Monday. The Times had a pretty good snake story last week and un­ like many snake stories it has the earmarks of truth. W. C. Elmore and C. B. Tycer and their wives and at least one of the Elmore boys were enjoying the great outdoors at Canyonville, together with L. D. Tycer of Oakland, Cal., son of the Tycera and brother of Mrs. Elmore. ((Agnes Hayes Reporter) ' With the opening of school two new teachers were intro­ duced. Miss Leitner haa charge of the third room of the high school and Miss Bond takes over the fourth, fifth,and sixth grades. The remaining four teachers are the same as the past year. The enrollment of the high school students is fifty, fifteen of whom are freshmen. The entire school consists of 140 pupils. The seniors held their class meeting the first day of school, choosing as their officers the following : President, Everett An ancient Roman temple to Adonii has been uncovered by delver» from the Armenian Boy Scout* near Beirut, Syria. The ex­ act location ia at Kaasaba. That sounds more like a place where they cut melons. Fancy finding a temple An Elmore youngster who, free to Adonis at Kassabat But the from the superstition which archeologista and other explorers are causes most humane to hate and making some wonderful discoveries fear all snakes, had been amus­ vice-president, Ruth of late. They claim to have found ing himself by picking up garter Corbin ; one of the “Keep Off the Grass” snakes by the tail, made a Frum; secretary and treasurer, signs that Nebuchadnezzar had on jump to do the same with a six- Rllen Vannice ; ripurler, Leoue foot rattlesnake. His uncle saw Palmer. Their colors are blue his lawn. O c to b e r 1 * RINGO’S Drugstore J ¿ T r a c to r ¿ R e p a i r i n g ■say coasaaaicata with Knsiga Lee of the BalvsUoa Army at the White Shield Homs. JAJ Mayfair avsanv. Portland Ovegoa. it and set a dog on the reptile and white. which distracted its attention The juniors elected as class from the hoy till Mr. Elmore officers: president, Rena Walk­ was able to shoot it. The boy er; vice president, Truman had a narrow escape from snake Kobnett; secretary and treas­ bite. urer, Milford MuHer; reporter, Dean Tycer has gone to Oak- Irene . Quimby ; The sophomore* and, Cal., to take a situation officers are: president, Roberta with an electric plant. Yannice ; vice-president, Thomas Miller; aecretary, Phillip Tuaaing ; The Times says E. S. Mars- treasure, Grace Munger ; reporter, ters ard wife are going back George Crosi. to their farm. The class colors are black and Merrill, son of Dr. O. H. Kent orange late of this city, and wife, who Next Saturday the Sopho­ now reside in Salem, married diss Ethel Jones of Albany. mores will give a party for the of the freshmen. Sunday. After their honey­ initiation moon they expect to reside in Tnie being the week of the California. State fair probably accounts for the absence of so ma'^y Carlos Ma raters returned to students from school. hla home at Hanta Ana, Cal., Wednesday, after a visit with iis parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. The weather man did his best Marsters of Brownsville. to g iv e us a fair Monday this Mr. and Mre. Follett, Henry week. He predicted it but he Fields and Mrs. Eva Ruffli, all of must have- forgotten that the open 9 'at day. Crawfordsville, were approaching ?ta*.e .fair was the bridge at that place Tuesday It did, and of course there was in Follett's car when the steering rain about all day, Tuesday gear went wroog and thev all went morning the weather man tri­ into the Calapooia river. Mrs umphed over the jinx and fair Ruffli waa taken to a hospital, weather came again temporarily, dangerously injured. The others >>ut it has b««n shifty all the weak. were more or less bruised. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McWil­ There ought to be a law pen­ alizing the burning of straw stacks, which is occurring in many places in this coun’.y. The Pettibone barn would not have burned if those old hgy- etack bottoms had been distrib­ uted on the land and plowed in to conserve moisture. Such waste ought to be made a crime. liams went to Salem Monday to be present at the meeting of the respective county tax com­ missions which the governor had called for that day. At the county fair this year boys' and girls’ club members won a total of »329 in pre­ miums. Outside of their own classes club members took 14 first places, 13 second places and 11 third places in the open Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mitz- classes. ner and Miss Bessie Bond left Tuesday for Los Angeles, where they expect to prepare them­ The Harrisburg M. E. church, selves for evangelistic work. which during the past year was presided over by Rev. C. T. New brooms sweep clean. Cook, will share with Junction Holloway, the Albany grocer, City the pastoral services of iays so. Rev. W. V. Hutchinson,