Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, September 27, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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    A m e ric a n E agle
Fire Insurance Co.
Hay is worth ju st as much in storage a/j
you m ight get for it in case of firo. Th 3
^American Eagle Fire Insurance compan
■will pay you 85% of the cash value in case
of loss by fire.
C. P. STAFFORD, Agents
H a ls e y , O reg o n
Commercial and Savings account! Solicited
With a shriek of terror she sprang
to her foot. H er outstretched hand
pointed ower Tuppence's bead. Then
she swayed to the ground In a Jtad
fa in t
Tuppence looked round to see what
had startled her.
In the doorway were Sir James Peel
Edgerton and Jnllus Herahelmmer.
The Vigil.
Sir James brushed past Julius and
hurriedly bent ower the fallen woman.
"Heart." he said sharply. “Seeing
ue so suddenly moat hawe given her a
«hock. Brandy— and quickly, or she'll
Blip through our fingers."
Julius hurried to tho washstand.
Not thera," said Tuppence over her
shoulder. "In the tantalus In the
dining room. Second door down tbo
Between them Sir James and Tup-
pooce lifted Mrs. Vandemeyer and car­
ried her to ths bed. The lawyer An­
gered her pulse.
"Touch and go," he muttered. “I
wish that young fellow would hurry
op with the brandy.”
A t that moment Jullns re-entered
the room, carrying a glass half full
of the spirit which he handed to Sir
W hile Tuppence lifted her
heed the lawyer tried to force a little
«f the spirit between her closed lips.
Finally the woman opened her eyes
feebly, Tnppenc« held the glass to
her lips.
"Drink thia."
Mrs. Vaademeyar compiled. The
brandy brought the color beck to her
white ehaaka, and revived her In a
marweloua fashion. She triad to alt
BP—'than fell back with a groan, her
hand to her aide.
" ire my heart.” she w blo ered. "I
mustn't talk."
Sha lay back with closed eyes.
• l r James kept bis A i< er on her
wrtwt a minute longer, th to withdrew
It with a nod.
"Shell do now."
All three mowed away, and stood to­
gether talking in low wopee«. One and
all were conscious of »« certain feel­
ing of anticlimax. Cles rly any scbkme
fee crosa-quewtioning tf ie lady was eat
of tka question for t> e moment. For
•ha time being they 'were baffled, and
could do nothing.
Tuppence related .how Mrs. Vande-
roayar had declared Ihsraelf willing to
4(qqb*t«ie the Id en tity of M r Brown,
»»dd how she had consented to discover
and reveal to them th » whereabout« of
o o y o c o u t C a m p “CAPITALISTS”—AND
It Tends to Develop More
From the report of the Fish
lake Boy Scouts’ Camp by
Scout Executive Harold F. Cook
we quote a few item s:
We are L. especially
H i k i n ’ e indebted
f Browns-I
n lle whose classes m wood- their brains into a new product which
craft and nature study and while it helps them, is helping thou-'
whose inspirational talks about “ “d® of Others, »very one of them
the evening campfire were I J* * capitalist as most of ns are— nn-
features of the camp th a t added
7* *7 lr*D,p* or pa««w® °r
T h ia ia good advice; " I f you live
in Albany, trade iu Albany ; It you live
in some other town, trade in that tow n."
Hut iu these automobile days many re­
siding elsewhere find i t advisable to do
at least part ol their buying in the
larger town. Those who go to Albany
to transact business w ill find the firms
named below ready to fill their require­
ments w ith courtesy an 1 fairness.
A Ibany
Bakery, 321 Lyon street,
V * Best one-pound loaf ol breed made.
5 cents.
Wedding cakes to order
J o ,s
(Continued from page 1>
M ill L ily had (rest Friday night.
English, the prufuaaur’a
■o th er, has returned to her home
in Eugene.
C. V. Curtis baa moved into tha
Grant Reynold« house from the
Pforster farm.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. H enry
(Dad and Mam) spent th e
week end a t Newport.
and Citizenship training pro- instead of being the devilish Inven-
Mrs. Chester Purdy was in
giarn around which camp life Uon of a few selfish Interests, la the ^ I b a n y Ebctric Store.
town Saturday from the South­
wa.s moulded.
great material force that has lifted
Delo L ig ht product.
ern farm aud called on Mrs. M .
Every scout, in camp proved ' mllIi0B® from poverty, degradation
W it u n n ic a . B. Southern.
himself a gentleman. On two i an,d)fc*1*T,ehry’ u
A lb an y Floral Co, Orders filled
F. M. P orter left his fair­
for everywhere or anv touring
herd a t Canbv and
the compliments of .ign , Bd heBllh Bnd education 7nd time. carefully
Flowers, wire anywhere in U. S.
made a visit to Halsey the last
Visiting scout officials, for the love. Part of Americas great Job Is or Canada, l’ lower phone 45«-J
of the week.
fine spirit shown and co-opera- to remedy and prevent aucb abuses
tive feeling manifested. One oc- S ane p # op 1#. however, do not cut off A LBA* v \ G A R A G E, " Stude-
T a b a k e r" and " S t a r " automobiles
casion was when H, A. Scullen, thl lr
to ,e t rid, °* their coma,
repairing and supplies.
ery announces th a t he has
scout commissioner of Corvallis, ■ .h?,
*urplu*' >» to O. T. General
Hoekensmith.— Lloyd Templeton
again cut the price of one-pound
a fte r having been at the camp
X “ ’?w ^ d o n V 7.7.
a week, made the statem ent it, we don't have it. and when we D lu e Bird Restaurant, 309 Lyon •oaves of bread to 5 cents.
th a t he had never had the have it, it la uaaieaa until n i« put to J-* street. Eat here when ia Albany
A. R. McCall, T. J. Jackson
Open from 6 to I and 5 to «
pleasure of being with a more work-
and W. A. Ewing, budget com­
Mas. BlOVWT.
congenial gioup of boys w h i l e ',.1* thrift ,*.rt*kt' then B la right
m ittee for the county, began
on camp,
.t^ , t P*°Pla ®kou*d acquire funds as
It U N 8 W I C K
wrestling with th eir problems
Mr. Haskin, a fte r being in den™ “ But money" u '.'t^ i.“ ^ " ' /
P H O N O G R A P H S Tuesday.
the camp for two weeks, con- boarded Is like water that becomes
W O O D W O R T H 'S
Ei'ed Jackson’s big Belgian
gratulated the scouts on the Stagnant; it Is harmful, not helpful,
co-operative attitu d e toward When mon®J’ i® put to work, it ia haj C 'u s tb u rn Bros.— l'wo big grocery stallion went to the state fa ir
the camp and toward one j wa,er power; it turns the wheels of A^ Mores, 212 W. First and 225 South on a Ford truck. So the horse
Good merchandise at the right brings his rival, the truck, into
He fu rth er stated !
w»pl7'»®ot and Main,
his service.
th at he hM never had the « -
’«„“ “ S .
developed and p rin te d .
penence before of being With surplus and that surplus can be gath- A p ’ llina
A Halaey corespondent of tha
We mail them right hack to you.
a group of boys where profanity ered into a common fund and put to Woodworth
Herald says that a mule on J. L.
Drug Company, Albany, O r
and personal enmities were so work t0T tbe common good we shall ego«.
Palmer's place picked up a calf by
little in evidence.
haTe touched an Ideal condition—
tho neck and carried it around,
It was a custom of the camp
,.The Oreatest Family in the Ip lo o d ’ s dry goods (tore ia the be»i dropping it ocoaaioually to fight off
A ptace in Albany to buy dry goods,
for the scout officials to alter-
stlacka by ita mother and other
furnishings ami notions. Service is our
cattle and a horaa. The calf waa
nate in supervising the boating
D E L B E R T S T A -------
fatally injured.
on the lake. Members of the
d“' J Tuneral Director and Li-
censed Rmbalmer
¡VI'”1 a,1‘*
Mr. Jem ison, were a soucre of
inspiration and m erri­
ment to the scouts. Could we
have had you present when the
scouts sang, a? only scouts can
sing when on camp, and th tn
could have had you see them
listening intently
worthwhile story of experiences
ts related by a member of the
staff, and could you have seen
the expression of reverence
luring each t-v -Ding’s devoton.
*1 pq-iod you would undoubt-
■dly have determined that the
campfire alone wa? w orth the
entire cost of the trip.
Barber »hop ?? Baths I
First-Class Work
Agent for Eugene ‘ tevu Lvundry
Sent Tnesda s.
Headquarters for good tirea
First and Lyc.
Prop. I Phone 65
F .M . G R A Y ,
A ll work done promptly and reason­
California fire. The second and
third houses from her residence
were ablaze and a t one time i t
Supplies and accessories
First ami Baker Sta.
Albany. Oregon was thought she would be burn­
ed out.
orton A Speer Set vice Com­
I^ T ille r M otor S a le j
Oakland and Jewett cars
Phone No. 269
Soma time ago tha Eutarprlaa
inuouucaiL.Mie engagement of
e man.
M o r p h y Motor Go. Bmqk and
L re l
* ’ A Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and
ly WffTT Iflfifrled without
| accessories.
aiying a word to (he editor. They
‘ Albany, Oregon. Phone 2*0
w ill have their home in Mies Net­
Mon«y to loan. Al tie Spencer's lions« an first atreet,
Aw kinds of insurance written.
which has had a naw oemant
Call on J. V Pies.
laid, a naw roof put on
Albany State Ilauk Building.
and other improvemente made thia
oscoe amks hardware ? year.
[ I QT|[r Furniture R WIXCtIBftTUR STORK
Li L i Ullrr E x c h a n g e
g 8. G I L B E R T & S O N
Appareni.'/ M m Vandemayer filapt
If we could get rid of our
A t the public hearing Sep­
tember 5, to investigate prices
. ind m arkets of grain and grain
products, the millers admitted
' th at the m arket quotations on
Train were “merely bid prices
I and do not mean anything” ;
¿hat “you can’t go by the
prices in the newspapers,” and
“buyers are not revealing what
¿heir private deals are.’’ There-
ore it would appear th a t the
newspaper m arket prices as
luoted by th e Merchants Ex­
c h a n g e are not reliable and do
lot represent actual sales or
I prices.
Since we published th e item
complaining of the fellow who
called on a girl in- our neigh­
borhood waking u» up a t 1 P.
M. by the backfire of his Ford
while trying to s ta rt it, three
young ladies have accused us
i f “bawling” them out.
never realized before how many
girls there are with fellows who
own back-fire Fords.—Hermis-
ton Herald.
Jullua stored at 1 ia .
Mis. Geo. Alford of Irving,
false modesty, if in the home,
"Too think he' A (get after her? Be­
with two children, was in town
tween now and tomorrow morniDg the church and the school boys
could be taught th at their bodies Friday, the guest a t the home
How could he kn rw . e v e n r
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
have a var. V formidable edver- are the living temples of the E. E. Gormley.
! ® T I believe, i f ww exercise all due *Holv Ghost th a t should not be
Harold Stevenson of the
care, that there 1« a i y * r y good chance profaned, then the juvenile de­
hl® b**“g ddl<er< « into our hands linquency problem would cease Stevenson
But we must neglet t nA precaution to be a problem.
A bad boy Brownsville was in Halsey a few
We have an Import; »t w t ’neaa. but means danger to a good girl. lays the first of the week, a
w o b u m be safegnc rded
i would The sooner we learn th a t we Tuest a t the home of his par-
*M*< **t that Mias Tup pnn.«e «hrtCli f°
are our brother's keeper, the ?nts, Mr. and Mra. J. A. Steven­
to bed. and that yon i tod t, M r. fv r w
sooner we appreciate th a t the son.
belmmer, should share the vf, * L
Tuppence w >. abou- re pro- W . * * welfare of every boy concerns
J. B. Cornett of Sbedd, secra-
happening to glance a t the bed . * • • « » os. Then we shall have a bet­
ter. cleaner and brighter world. tarf-treaaarer of the Pacific Ca
Mt». VaadeaMyer. her eyas ball
iperativa W oolf rower«’ aasocia-
««eh an expraealoD of ml t® « * — Eugene Register.
fr r
®alevr.|encq on her face
ioti, aaya that bad/ w ill hand'«
" quite frose the words ea her Upt t
| Guy Layton ha« moved to ivar 2.000,000 pound« of wool
¿bis year.
7 3 1 3>oment_ aba w p p ^
•Salem. _
v. .
^ b a n y ^ e c t o r y
whether the faint and the heart attack
had been a gigantic sham, but remem­
bering the deadly pallor she could
hardly credit the supposition. As she
looked the expression disappeared as
by magic, and Mrs. Vandemeyer laj
Inert mid motionless as before. For a
momeut the girl fancied she must have
dreamt It. But she determined never
theless to be on the alert.
She hesitated a moment by the bed.
The Intensity of the expression she
had surprised had Impressed her pow­
erfully. Mrs. Vandemeyer lifted her
Tha Shedd correspondent of
lids. She teemed to be struggling to
Tires aud accessorie»
included Scout Executive Cook,
he Democrat says ; Mr« Lyman
apeak. Tuppence bent over her.
K i r k -P o l l a k M oto * C o .
Pannell and Mre. Ida Robson of
“Don't— leave— " she seemed unable Deo McClain, C. H. Stew art of
Motor Hearse.
to proceed, murmuring something that Albany, Mr. Haskin of Browns­ Efficient Service.
Shedd and Mra. Charles Troutman
l.adv Attendant.
pounded like "sleepy.”
ville, L. 0 . Jennison of Salem,
A lure, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. •f Albany attended tha funeral of
Tuppence bent lower still. It was and Mr. Scullen, A. S. Good and Brownsville.......................................Oregon Funeral directors. 417 414 west First
ohn Maya, ll-year-o 'd son of
only a breath.
street, Albany, Oregon.
J. D. Wells of Corvallis. A r­
Mra Grac" Maya of Springfield,
“Mr.— Brown— ” The voice stopped. chie McKinnon,
forest ranger,
Friday. Mra. Maya waa formerly
["ub Cleaning Works, I tic.
But the half-closed eyes seemed who was in the employment of
the Shedd telephone operator.
Cor. Fourth and Lyoo
still to send an agonized message.
W . L. W R IG H T
tlie forest service and in charge
Master Dyers and Cleaners
Moved by a sudden Impulse, the girl
Mortician & Funeral Director
In a latter to Lawyer Tussing
M a d e -T o -M e a s u re Clothes
of construction work, als6 as­
said quickly;
Ilalsey and Harrisburg
Mrs. Norton, late proprietor of
" I shan't leave the flat. I shall alt sisted in this way.
mon#y • f * best when
Call D. T a y l o r , Halsey, or
The evening campfire pro­
up all night."
I A’ A busy. Make your dollars work in the hotel Brownsville,
W. L: W r ig h t . Harrisburg
A flash of relief showed before the grams, under the diractiou of
our savings department A l b a n y S t a T I th at she had a narrow escape
B a n k . Under government supervision. from loss in the big Berkley,
lids descended once more. Apparent
ly Mrs. Yandflnieyer slept. But her
words had «wakened a new uueasl
ness In Tuppence. W hat had she
meant by that low murmur, "Mr.
Brown F* 'Appencd caught herself
nervoualy looking over her shoulder.
The big wardrobe loomed up In a sin
Jane Finn.
"Well," aeld TuppeiSce. with an at­ later fa.sldon before her eye«. Plenty
tempt at Qheerfnlneea, "w e must wait, ef room for a man to bide In that.
. . . HaJf-aaftamed of herself, Tup­
that's a lt But I don't th in k we oiqpbt
pence palled It oped and looked Inside.
to leave the Sat."
Ifo one—o f coarm I She stooped down
w"h®* about leaving th at bright boy
of yours on guard T"
and looked under the bed. There waa
"Albert 1 And suppose she came no other poeelble hiding place.
round again and b o ^ e d It. AJbert
I t waa absurd, thia giving way to
couldn't stop her. I be seemed Very nerves I Slowly she went out of thq
frightened of 'Mr. B ijy m .’ Said men room. Julius and Sir Jamea were
walla had ears ''
talking In a low voice. Sir James
"Mias Tuppence *
right." »aid Sir turned to her.
Jamaa quietly.
must not leave
(T o he continued)
the Mat—I f only fog Mrs. Vandemey-
er’a aakt
A good many people who rail
against capital are beating their own
backs. Some are sawings bank deposit
ors; tome have shares in kulldin« and
loan associations; some kawe bought
a liberty bond; some haws ordered a
stock of goods for their store All of
them, without knowing It, haws per
formed a great miracle, for they hawe
W orthy Manhood
.122 W. First s t
PA^st and largest line of
Used F u rn itu re,
Headqnatera for
Camping Outfit»
$1 per square yard.
Cbinawarc and g ift shop
S TE fruits,
produce. 215 Lyon street.
We sell graecnes and
Buy cream.
Phone 26JR
^-2 Second street, apposite Ham ilton's
Tha Harald reports that Mrs. J .
B. G ift, who want east a month
or two ago with Sheriff Dunlap's
widow, has writtau jrorn Wash­
ington, D C-, to an Albany friend.
The two ladiea had been at tbo
capital a few days. They visited
Runs aod Gertruda Aehegon at
Columbia university in their trav-
Mrs. Dunlap expects
make her home with a brother at
W«at Poial.
Through financial help from
the Red Crors of Aliiany, Olga
U / ’aldo Aodnrsoii <k H o ii . distrib- and Augusta Wruck, sisters of
* * utors and dealers for M axw ell, Chai
William Wruck and Mrs. A rth u r
niers, F.seea, Hodson A Hupm obile cars,
of Scio, sailed from
Q uartan of B E E F
lor canning | Accessories, Snpe'.iea. 1st A Broedalbie. Huntley
Bremen for this country last
purposes at canning prices
week Wednesday. The fath e r
C . H. F A L K
of the girls was killed in Ger­
C . L. F A L K J R
many in the w ar and they and
m other were later exiled
SHOE § to Siberia. On the way there
the m other died from hardships.
SERVICE z The girl» got back to Germany
Shoes that cost leas per month of wear but were unable to raise money
Cash paid for
for th eir fare to America w ith­
______ , ______
_ Eggs and
out help.
v M l
i u i i _ i
o u n r iL r
V eaL M. H. S H O O K
The first visitors a t the En­
terprise office Saturday morn­
were two sign painter»,
We arc m akin g five-year loans on ing
Linn county farms st 5X W pins oommlo­ touring by auto and camping
Second s t, opposite Halsey Garage
tio n . Call on
with th eir families and doing
Short orders at all hours up to 11 p. m
Ream l.awo Co.,
jobs of painting when found.
I l l Lyon St.. Albany, Ora
One of them had once been a
“printer’s devil.” in Canada.
Next came a colored native of
the West Indies who had also
Why s u f f e r ____
camped out on the way here
I can make both F A R M and C IT Y
from Eugene, Junction City and
L O A N S «t a very raw rate of inteiest
Have vour eyes
H arrisburg.
He is soliciting
From S to 10 years. W rite me for par-
funds to carry him throujfh col­
G. W . l.avLAB.
lege, preparatory to missionary
Salem, Ore.
410 Oregon Bldg.
Hi« sincerity in th is
Optometrist with
was indicated by a request
th a t contributions be forwarded
Amor A. Tunaing
F. M . F r e n c h a, S o n s
to the college. Soon the rains
will put a dam per on such
camping tripe,
Albany, Oregon
H a u s r , O r ig o n
422 Wesl First at.. Albany, Oregon.
“ Sodden Service.’ *
Fresh and Cured Meats
Cream and Produce Station
Dad's and Mam's Restaurant
Square Meal, 50c
(Continued on p«»a 4)