A X' HALSEY VOL. XII HALSEY, LINN COUNTV. OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPT. 17. I92h ---------- --------------------;-----------— ----------------- r-------- ■------ :---------------- JO TS A N D T ITTLES Bonds ________ for Bridges W. P. Elmore Dead ________ » J E * - w \ V O R EG O N NEW S BRIEFS- V y . V C ' l'i t " ' è----------- - * ’k ' ** ** Brief Chronicles of Happenings in Halsey and All Budget Committee C uts1 Father of Prohibition in : Westerçf»Newspaper Uniort’s Gleanings O utside.ó f S Over Linn County. Countv Agent Acrent ! D m ««, Passes T hiiÇ tbunty 1 A ' Out County Oregon Some time *go the Enterprise j Miss Helen Armstrong was The oounty court decided to let ( By Ralph Lawrence) us vote Nuv, 3 on issuing $115,- Brownsville, Sept. 27—The 000 hoods for a new bridge at A1- whole town was shocked a t the C lifford Carey, recently returned bany and $67,856.30 as one-third from C alifornia, spent the week of the cost of one at H ^ rriv ltu rg , news of the sudden death last the state to pay h a lf fur the A l­ Elmore. He was end at borne. apparently bany bridge and th at city or.e- Monday forenoon of Rev. W . P Moraahan'Mfc.orô000 spring chlnobk ecutlve Department at Saisie.'. The report f*x August. 1»83,\ placee the ' Oregon bate he«$ÍPTh¡il iSjSeasqa eutiry earalrgs at $10,807.1«, and' ex- The city iff North Bend Is ready to penses at $8628.53 start the municipal dock for which Guarded by bis faithful Airedale $30.000 were Wt?d some time ago. dog. the body' of Cbarlgs A Stark. A sawmill near Foster, owned by Sutherlin postmaster, t^as found about Thursday night’s showers fourth and Lane county and the id Mon­ a half mile east pf the city, where be were not heavy, but they gave state each one-third of the cost Well the evening before and had Mr. Maeley, burned to the ground preached both morning and day. The loss was estimated at JIO.- evidently had gone to commit sui­ the air a sweeter flavor. at H srrieburg. Then t i n st>ie cide because of his failure to make evening a t th e B aptist church. ' °°°- Lespite a steady program of build good a shortage of more than $1509 In L. L. Swan of Albany was here road commission, last Tuesday, He gave a testim ony Sunday lng carried on during the last twelve J-he postoffice funds Tuesday looking after the K irk p a t­ voted to pay one-third the cost of the Albany bridge, and thare yon night in his sermon about “b e -, month, Bend „ exp„ , enctB, the most Roy B. Corson, who was $14,000 Night overtook day last week rick estate god transacting other are. ing ready” for the coming Oi acute housing shortage In her history, ihort In hts accounts as cashier of the end and now is leading—giow­ kuiineae. I f the bonds are voted they w ill the Lord.” | H. M. Chadwick of Medford has First National bank of Bandon, walv- ing steadily longer while day Miss Cleona Smith came home not be issuable unlees the state Monday morning he W ’as in been appointed assistant secretary of Ml preliminary hearing when arraign­ decreases. And a bit of fire from Eugene Friday. Because pays h a lf for the Albany bridge the desert land board to succeed ed before United Btates Commission­ seems pleasant in the morning of practice teaching, Miss and it and Albany and Lane county Mr. U ber’s second-hand store, Joseph McAllister, who rocently . re­ er Dodge at Myrtle Point and was and sometimes in the evening. Smith had to begin her school pay the other shares specified. Mr. Robertson was present signed. released on a bond of $10,000 furnish­ The county budget committee ed by friend* In Bandon. when he asked Mr. Uber if Many im m ature fruit trees two weeks early. A bull calf valued at $500 haa been Tuesday cut out the $2800 asked whose owners neglected th at Charges filed by the Oregon State Roland Marks returned Tues­ (or the county agent and extension they couldn’t have “a word of offered by Dr. W. T. Phy of Hot Lake cultivation which would con­ day from his summer’s employ­ work fund, reduced the county fa-r prayer.’ Mr. Uber gave his as first prise in the grade dairy cattle Bar association against Joseph serve m oisture have died this ment at Tacoma and is making appropriation from $1,750 to $625, consent and they departed to an class at the Union county fair, Sep­ Woerndle, Portland attorney, demand­ ing that he be disbarred from prac­ year in Linn county, and many preparations to again enter 0. increased the roads and bridgea upper loom to pray. In his tember 26-29. ticing law In thia state, were practical­ apples have shriveled with the A. C. at Corvallis. One of the greatest cleanups In funds and those o f the sheriff mid prayer he said th a t if God heat before they were ripe. county d a rk and cu t down the p y wanted to take him home, he Illicit liquor trade of the state la draw­ ly all substantiated In the findings of A. C. Armstrong drove to his of recorder, assessor, surveyor and was ready. It seems his heart ing to a close in Lincoln county under Judge Begley of Hillsboro, which were Despite thtf- fact th a t Linn ranch in Douglas County Sun­ superintendent o f schools. 11 e was bothering him th a t morn­ the direction of Stats Prohibition Of­ filed with the supreme court. county has had no club leader day taking two sheep to place budget calls fo r $16,742 more thao ing. Elbert Dyer'a offer to the state gam« ficer Cleaver. during the last year, the total on the ranch. He will return last y e a r._____________ Injuries Incurred on the Old Ore­ commission of a site for a trout hat­ They had only got down chery on Ferry creek, near Bandon, of club exhibits a t the State the last of the week. Mesdames A. C. and Horace stairs when he fell. Mr. Uber gon trail, about 15 mtles east of Pen­ fair equals th a t of any previous Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Moore A rm strong weie shopping in Al­ and Mr. Robertson laid him on dleton, In an automobile accident, re­ has been accepted by the commission on recommendation of M L. Ryrkman. year. While the number of went to Portland Friday and a t­ a m attress, where he expired sulted In the death of Ernest H. superintendent of trout hatcheries, children engaging in club work tended the funeral of Mrs. bany Tuesday. Adams of Baker. before anyone could be called. and work will be started on construc­ this year is not as great as last Moore’s father, J. W. Keeney, Truly a man of God was call­ A few hours after taking two drinks tion about the first of October. year, a fa r greater num ber com- th a t afternoon. They were ed away and it is the fam ily’s of moonshine whisky, which It was Peer shipments from Medford to the parativel, & completed th eir pro- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred and comm unity’s loss we mourn. said he purchased from a bootlegger eastern markets number 1438 cars, e stock exhibits were W right in Portland until Sun­ jects at Flavel, Peter Lindquist died at his We can’t begin to tell his good and there are from 160 to 300 more 16 pork production ’, showing 51 day. deeds. The whole state, almost, home In Hammond. cara of the commercial crop yet to hogs; 7 sheep club members, 12 knew him. Surely he was al­ Preparatory to starting work clear go. The apple crop shipments to east- Miss Laura McBride, accom­ sheep; 9 dairy calf exhibits, ways “about his F ather’s busi­ lng right of way on the Eugene era markets are In full swing. It 1» four exhibitors of calves, 5 panied by Mrs. Dave Froman, ness,” a friend to the widow and Klamath Falls line, camps are being estimated that the commercial apple calves; 4 of goats, 6 goats; 7 both of Albany, drove to Halsey orphan, a zealous worker in the erected hastily. The work Is being crop will ba from 800 to 1000 cara. cooking club exhibitors, 15 sew­ Saturday, where Miss McBride chdrch and out of th e church. started from Kirk north. Governor Pierce has announced he ing cluo, 4 vegetable club and was the guest of her aunt, Rose Aa allotment of $28,000 for work will tutor call a spatial meeting of five canning d u b exhibitors. Powell, while Mrs. Froman. visi­ on the Coquille river haa been made The funeral wa§ from his be­ the state emergency board, for the There were 109 d u b members ted her mother, Mrs. M. M. loved B aptist church. Rev. Mr. by'the war department from funds purpose of authorising an appropri­ Halsey Church of C hrist Ward. with exhibits. provided for river and harbor main­ Cline preached the sermon. He ation for the reconstruction of the In- “Hollywood” was advertised Church Announcements lies a t rest in the Masonic tenance In the army appropriation bill. luatrial plants at the Oregon state A. C. Hopkins, since August. 1921. penitentiary. These plants were re­ cemetery, and the whole town in last week’s Enterprise as the « gas* secretary of the world war veterans' cently destroyed by fire with a lose mourns. screen attraction a t two movie Church of C h ris t: Mr. Elmore was a drinking state aid commlsalon, with headquar­ of approximately $185,000. W e H ave houses. The editor saw it Mon­ Lon Chamlee, minister. man in his earlier ycats. In ters In Salem, haa submitted his resig­ The fruit crop grown In tbe south­ day at the Globe in Albany. It EVERY THING B ible school, 10. W . H . R obert­ 1892 he was living on his farm nation to the commission and will re­ shows how Angela W hitaker ern and southeastern part of Baker O ptical superintendent. near Brownsville when he was tire October 1. longed for and strenuously son, county this year la especially heavy M orning worship. 11. L o rd s The Oregon Co-operative Grain and producers are obtaining satis­ elected to tire legislature. E Y E S T R A IN sought a screen career and how supper every Lord’s day. la the Cense of Macy In 1896, while mayor of Growers have started legal proceed­ factory prices. The ripening period her elders in the family, who C hristian Endeavor, 6:30. HUMAN ILLS i Brownsville, he joined the Bap­ ings against several of Its members (or apples and peaches this season had no such ambition, were Evening service, 7:30, who have failed to make deliveries If year eyes give you trouble or drawn unsuspectingly . x XV * and t I The church w ithout a bishop, in tis t church, and took a stand according to the terms of the market­ haa been prolonged, giving growers your glasses are annoying an opportunity to handle and market for prohibition. And Browns­ against their wills into th a t r o e c o u n lrj w ith o u t a king. SRB US. We can Relieve You ing agreement. ville went dry. With the ex­ the greeter pert of the fruit. and won success before Angela I f you have no church home Bancroft Optical Co. Senator C. L. McNary haa returned ception of two years when Ferdinand Danielson, 18. of Lowell even got a start. come and worship w ith us. 3M lit SL W. Albany. Phone North B. wnsville was wet, it to Salem after a three week's Investi­ and Marie Liles. 18. of Goshen were (Continued page 3) — has been dry ever since. And gation of the foreata and the problem choeen at the Lane county fair as j Elmore led the fight th a t first of reforestation. Senator McNary la winners of highest honors In boys’ a member of the so-called senate re­ club work In Lane county and won the i made “Oregon bone dry.” forestation committee. annual trip to the state fair at Salem. Mr. Elmore wag sent to the > legislature. In a recent article Construction work on the weat end Girls who won the trip are Loretta 1 on Mr. Elmore in the Albany of the Eugene-Klamath Falla line of Zahm. 16. of Wendllng and Leone ( Democi a t E. E.Stanard quotes the Southern Pacific (Natron cutoff) Templeton. 14. of Junction City. There were two fatalities due to In­ R. P. H utton of the Oregon will be started thia tall, according to Anti-Saloon League as saying announcement at Eugene by Oscar dustrial accidents In Oregon during Ellis. Southern Pacific engineer the week ending September 20, ac­ of tbe election of \V. 1’ . Elmore Brown rot haa attacked approx! cording Io a report prepared by the to the legislature: “He was not a candidate of mately 25 per cent of the prunes In a state Industrial accident commission. , any party^ but w a T ’elected b y !aurab,r of May‘1®“ COUB' y orchar<” The victims were William Queitnell, logger. K nappe, end Roy Sturns, team- the VGtes of all. Voting against the '« • »"> b‘ •" * « » iter. Enterprise. A total of 710 Seel Mr. Selling for speaker, he was I ° |O W w ill they W E A R ? How Grower«' Co-operatlvs association. ients were reported during the week. | yet honored with appointment long w ill they look wellT The financial statements Issued by Bandon high school students have on the ways and mean» com- the Astoria banks showing their coa­ saved a fund of $600 for construction Thee* are queationa you aek when i m ittee, the most powerful of all at tbe close of business on Sep buying clothe« for your l>oy. Oregon 1 committees. He did not speak Of a rymnaslnm and a campaign has lition been discussed among the public- ember 14, shows that the amount of C ity boys’ suit», coat» and mackiD- ! a dozen tim es—a half dozen splrlted rttlsens of that etty to furnish feposlte In the five local Inatltntlons , would be more correct—yet he the remainder of sn estimated cost Sad been Increased by 8802,012 26. or awa answer them w ith b u ilt-in s tr r - carried the day for a bill or of $2500. tce. m per cent since the former etafe- against it every time he spoke.” Interest In the amount of $1.298, menfa were Issued for June 30 of The fabrios themaelvee are woven Stanard adds: 5?S, flue on highway and world war his year. The total amount of de­ on th e Oregon city loom s— woven “Mr. H utton said th a t he veterans' state aid bonds, will be paid posits at present Is $7,777,878. from pure virgin wool. Thia n new fleece J wondered if Brownsville and Monday by the state treaeurrr. Inter In tbe final session of tbe annual from the sheep's back with all ita natural 1 Linn county appreciated their eet on highway bonds aggregates invention of the Oregon State Phar­ hl», its strength and great wartnth. Dis­ i grand old man as do the big $$«8,326. Welle the tntereet due on the maceutical assodatUm at Pendleton. tinguish between vibgin wool aod ALL i men of affairs and moral force« world war veterans' state aid bonds Engene was chosen as the meeting wool, because all wool often means wool i cf the state a t large. He said totals $440.500. place for nest year. The following cloth that has been worn and then reworked. th a t Brownsville should erect a Receipts of the state corporation >ffleers were elected by the assocla- , fountain with the figure of n commission for the year ending June $oa: L. L. Coleman. Portland, preel- If you're anxious to make the budget for 1! pioneer, and th at the fountain $0. 1928. aggregnted 1341.812 52, or tent; A. E Croeby, The Dalles, vlce- your boy's clothe» balance thia fall, try fit­ ting him out with jacoha Oregon City. See 1 should commemorate the work an Increase of $24,173 67 over tbe pre preeident; L. B. Russell. Portland, how virgin wool fabric» actually doubl M I of W. P. Elmore, who while vlona year, according to the annual second vice-president; W. F. Cbap- Tug w i l l . You'll find the Oregon City I mayor gave prohibition its in- report of the department. Expenses asan. Roseburg, third vice-president; label and the virgin wool guarantee in I ittal tryout and proved th a t it for conducting the corporation depart A. W. Allen. Eugene, secretary, and garment« sold at this store. ment during the rear totaled $22. leek Lane, Portland, treasurer. I was practicable,” Oregon Cky Wooles Malt Copyrigta. m l J O. P. Coahou was the mag s- 111.78, leaving $226,873.7$ avallabla Active preparation tor the logging ’ tra te and A. A. Tussing, now of for transfer to the general fund of >f Its flret unit of more than 300,00«.- • Halsey, the city attorney, who tbe etate. * 100 font of timber acquired by the I made the law a terro r to its Mrs John J Fallln. fromerly a resi­ Western Lumber company In the Oak­ dent of Cenyongllte, but at the present ridge region In the Cascade national I violators in those days. Stanard says: “When he be- «me living in Belem, was «elected a* forest baa been going forward, and Boys’ Suits.............................. ............... ^$15-00 I gan the fight he wag laughed the representative of Oregon gold etar the mill, with a dairy capacity of I,- Overcoats .................................$12-50 to $ 3 0 .0 0 at and ridiculed as a fanatic and mothers to attend the war mothers' 990.000 foot, will ho ready probably to and dream er, but he lived to se e convention which will be held In Kan begin cutting next June. Meanwhile a temporary sawmill with s capacity the day when the legislature tas City 'luring next week, For the first time since ite crea- of 10.099 foot Is neerlng completion waa proud to give him the honor of presenting a resolution tlon the state grain Inspection depart and will he used to saw timbers for GOOD GOODS th a t Oregon’s vobxd/c in fav >r meet last mouth, showed a profit a* tha mala mill aad other development of a prohibition gM ftdtnent to Oordlng to » report tiled la the ex work. announced the engagement of Albert Foote, the girage m in , and Mie* Frace Robinson. Last week they »ere married witho it saying a word to the editor. They will bare their home in Miss Net­ tie Spencer’ a home «n first street, which has had a new cement sidewalk laid, a new roof put on 'and other improvements made this year. ■ in Eugene Fliday. Virgin Wool Doubles the W ear~ in Oregon City Boys ?s’ Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws H Jacobs Oregon City Virgin Wool Clothing K00NTZÖ the national consBttion. salmon egpn wilt 6'jg taken from Htb *