E—— i lim u n Why the High Cost ? globe ALBANY High Clau Photoplays Only The Dearborn Independent Henry Ford^s paper, quotes some interesting figures from S U N D A Y — MONDAY *« » T . 23-24 a report of an investigation made by the treasury depart­ The Gigantic Picture m ent to the United States Sen­ of the Season ate committee on finance, prin t­ ed more than a y ear ago. We copy the following from the ar­ ticle m the Independent: with An agent of the treasury de- b o u g h t. from Roth- Real Screen Stars child & Co. of Chicago a pair of J*********** A A * * A » A A * sixteen-button ladies’ kid a attbwd i a s M A T iN sa * gloves, tw enty-four inches in ★ AMD AVOID THS CROWD» * ■ength, for $6.95. Investigation ★ AAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAA showed th a t the gloves were inade m Gel-many and sold to ^ im porter for 79>/2 cents. Transportation, freight, insur­ Jots and Tittles ance and sim ilar charges cost — ■ ■ — ? ? <£ n& /dutF ' 8 7 */2 cents; to­ tal, $ 1 .2 0 ^ , Profit, 477 per (Continued fro m pay» j) cent of the landed cost. R - A W inniford was in Salem Six table knives were bought t‘ ay last weelr. . rrom from Ulmbel Gimbel Bro{ Bros- of New York • • ? rl Branwell was an Albany I for ^°r 30 cents each. each The original visitor Thursday. I cost, nlnn P!us ir«;« f reight, duty, etc., M rs- F. G. HadJey was c t h i e . c . n t . .„ d 'eigbiFfive-hun- 1 redllig. Profit 079 per ceut. Bio writs vi lie visitor Thursday. A. J. Hill and wife made i . Ghiss lamp chimneys were business trip to Portland Fn' iJ™dar,F loaded with a profit of 258 per cent and a glass lamp day. iome with 280 per cent by R ^ ntz »«a and uaug.'i. daugh- **• Macy « & VO. Co. oi of mew New York a il 1 / York. A lh«ni v ^ Were Passenffers tc L ™ The « Zuckerman Electric and Albany Friday. Machine Company of New York N ettie ett io Spencer s>w>n«— h l as - gone I a n electric flatiron May 26 t Miss N teach K h i , ? ' “ 1' " " Ore' l’n' k for $5.50, which was 617 per cent profit. June 10 an iron ex­ it was by y the the G le n n M i ll . . I actly “ like n c 11 w a s s sold o ld b c a lle r^ M l ^ as a business same company for $6 50 a nro f f h ro ^ " l C d tUn,ay f '° m P ' 7 '7 Hollywood 02046781 Arrow Garage and t r a c t o r ¿Repairing Fisk and G ate. T ir e , and T u b e a .-W e now have in .tock the F i U 9a v, $ 4 fabric tire , for $9. Be sure to investigate our lines . . L prices before baying. and < *1 «nr W e w ill overhaul your Ford engine for $20 labor “ Chevrolet engine for $22.50 labor reline transmissioa ben J for $130 labor overhaul rear axle and rtbush springs and perches when necessary for $7 labor Automobile accessories, Ford parts, oils. W illa rd battery aervice'atation. All work H A LSEY GARAGE C N Iil n o n f.le p h o n e 14x3 F O O T E B R O S . Prop,. 40 Peoria Pointers »•«A 20 REAL STARS 30 SCREEN CELEBRITIES s».^ra’ ^i’ 2 ' g S / McMahan attended « ¿ fm b b “ ’ I ' 1' « ' ’ « X y Coats and Sw eaters. Will please the boys. A CAcicat Servfaa, Styles that Quality and P r ic e d AifiANY ——— [ j w . ' CLOnmrocol «B W ! for the gum s Wore than a tooth * PRsto'— checks py. ♦ orrheo. : RINGO’S Drugstoru * U Motor Hears». J A I , W . L. W R IG H T I Mortician & Funeral Director «S «...r. u , « “ nslsey and Harrisburg T aylor , Halsey, or RESOURCES ,t o i w >>d 3 U. a rt ,tvei222i 10d un*C"»id.7‘'*“ .................................... ... 4. Otier“ ’^ ? ■ f X ri‘W-. °WBed; m » - 'J PouUM • t the *“ * n t slate, municirui *T n T runks . and Exclusivo ¿Virent for Jersey Milk Food Compound feed and grain 1,950 *eCHr*l *e*’ including foreign covera* 1J.J39 6.90S Total . . Al»o a complete elock af *" • ..........................................a w - L. W R ight . Harrisburg B|)(, D I. Isom and wife, Mrs. r . Isom and sons and E Isom and fam ily attended a union of th e Troutm an fam Sunday, which was held at 1 big auto park near Woodbui o th e rs atten d in g were A. Kobnett and wife and daus te r and Mrs. C. E. Mercer Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. To Cooper, Roy Cooper, Hom Cooper and wife and daught and Mrs. Sam Cooper of Ta Rent; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bu 2O,\ and C. A. Troutm an, wil and d a u g h ter of Albany, an Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troutmai Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Boosingei Mr. and Mrs. John Troutma “ d Miss Jo>’ “ STA TE BANK A ny Girl in Trouble >- W . 1 R I 1 1 (E n terp rise CorrMponaencs) S'»". »1 the close o f basinets S ep t 14, 1913 L I o a n s .n t j Call D Alford Arrows ° f COBent the *2 bX a Heavy truck fatoer - h.°me of her brealung the decking. I^ n n ri.’ F'Ien8^ Fugh, returning School Days are Near Modern Barber Shop N orth M n. Gibbs and her three By Anna Pennell! No- 18. 11:37 g. m . No J2 children, Dalton, Howard ant Mrs. Bud McElvain is visit- f i' j :2i p “ • 23, 4.2s n. Mary, were in Albany Saturday. ¡ng her daughter, Mrs. Ivan Da- w *• *’• H:32p t 21 »»d 22 stop o«i, if Mr. and Mrs. George Githens kin. and son Merle left for Califor- Miss Dorothy Satchwell re­ , nia Sunday. They had a sale turned home from Albany Fri- T *“ d e h v e r y w in d < '" of | Wednesday and expect to make d \ y; . ‘ California their home if they Miss Parathena W hite of “ a ,i«y « open Sund, J like it down there. Idaho is going to spend the I *r0“ A:06° to 11 and h Mr. Rose and George Baynes w inter with her aunt, Mrs. Ida toJ 2:3.° P- m- Brasfield, and attend high . bund«7 «»«il go« out only are owners of new Fords. §^riool In® n fir I li. H ah «,/4 11 • , Mr. Hodnett and family have Miss Edna Gregory left Sat- gone to Wingville, where Mr. Lakview, XVI for LfOAVICW, Hodnett will be pastor of the urday morning Methodist church. Rev. Mr. where she ha& a position teach­ I White will be the new preach­ ing school. A dm ittance Here 5 Cet er here. He is a single man Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Slerth of a Line and comes from Coivallis, Mon­ Denver, Col., are visiting Mrs tana. Agnes Clark and Jim Tait. of Thanka Mr and Mrs Austin and nep- Mrs. Clel Thompson and Mr I v Card " ra 01 rft* n k i Mre F ^ d g F,lrfen’l F?dr Mrr a r.d H t - NelfiOn’ who were | 1 w‘“t> to thank the n.i4h 1 o j dy left for Lake Picking hops near Corvallis r e - l and Mend« who heloed n s e X d a T a 5' l° hUnt turned Sunday. |p u t out t n . Sunday. Clarence I,asley , „ d t a l l y rpe^d“ « c ite ’ J. D. Roni were Albany Saturday. M r,. E. E. t a n ^ a r e p # «8‘¿’ ~ Pol“ ° ‘aok' ' 4c •• L. K. E vans , Routs 1, Hsls Miss Cleone LaMar has re- LPi"!e L ^ r ty J unday’ the occa - turned to Medford after spend- ' " being M r Coon’s birthday, for sals. mg the week-end at home. I Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mears o f . Oak and - ash M wood „ E. S. H ayes , Halsey MrMr' a „ n , r R? ; X , S „ d W * L „ d“ tu n a ,, a, ------ - — v - « a s a a 6 w»’I°« H rd u.- Jenks of Tangent r(‘Pot't l was printed in the as attending to business in I congressional Record and cover- Halsey »Isey Saturday. | *d 251 separate and distinct S. S. Hogue of Seattle was i jurchases of articles on which w eek688 V18it° r *" Halsey las( meh profits were being made. Why does it cost the 85 cent wheat fan n e r so much to live ? o f * i£ .an?, M rs- °- B- Stalnake. of Corvallis came over Sunday The potato grading and in- A treat for film fina. and S U i spent f c E the Z - e day Z with WM Mrs r ^ J ^ effect Mini t i> n AAIlts’ and I oept. 15. There is no msner- naker m t i Mr’ StaI I tion re m in g .J ^ " 8 therc m ust be state ins- uncle of the two ladies. I R55 4 on ° f the grades. Cer- Dr. Marks and Jim Drink I i>enr Potatoes m ust ard and their wives «rot h ‘m, 5» wh / he ^ ‘fleatwn tag Monday ni«rht fmm n, • ” onJ( I the Oregon Agricultural Col- got a deer and had a im• com- píete and you can save money by get ting our prices be- ‘ fore you buy hill & <§. ti? « £ *¿ 7 33,457 ______ ................................................. Capita, stock p .,d ^ A B IL IT IE S - * •- 24 Detn.n t°f ° r? on- couaty. cities n r * ' ,? nc,0<*inR deposits dne the » C a s h ie r,” ^ . “ ' ; de’* " » ‘’ » ‘ • t a n d ,^ .P“ b' ' C/ U D ,U ................... « ^ . » 6 to r»T ° U I ° f d ,ln * " ‘1*’, « F M tta , o i " <,lV S to v e S R anges aa.l ’ • f * * ’ « on demand 1 J3J ¥.2" a x « » * » * « s . - - - « I » . » T .m T S u fa .S ^ r1, “ •■■I 28. S trin g ! deposits nar” ’ , **nd ing Total of t,’H , ? : X v m S ,l # no,ic< - - - — “¡ W is s i ; «■ . -‘ 7 7 ................... ....................................... ............ ■ W W ’ ............ M y com nil ssi on miMion e x p ire . 3 $.24. L September. 1923 1. W’, i to. , N o U r f P a b lit •- <»> A«, «