A m e ric a n E ag le Six Fire Insurance Co. HALSEY-STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon SURPLUS Wait ! ! $35,000 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited down on the table wtth a banc. “Von can count on me, I f necessary, for one million dollar*. Tea, air, one million dollari !” Sir James sat down and subjected Julius to a long scrutiny. "Mr. Hershetmmer.” he said at last, "that Is a very lerce sum. At thè present rate of exchange it amounts to considerably over two hundred thousand pounds." •T h a fa so. Maybe you think I ’m talktnc through ray hat, but I can de­ liver the goods all right, wtth enough over to spare for your fee.” Sir James flushed slightly. “There Is no question of a fee, Mr. Hershelmmer. 1 am not a private de­ tective." "Sorry. I guess I was just a mite hasty, but Fve been feeling bad abont thia money question. I wanted to offer a big reward for news of Jane tome days ago, but your crusted In­ stitution of Scotland Yard advised me against I t Raid it was nndeslrflble.” 81r James considered fer a moment. "There is no time to be lost The sooner we strike the better.“ He turned to Tuppence. "Is M r * Van- demeyer dining out tonight do you know?" "Tes, I think so, but she w ill not be out late. Otherwise, aha would have taken the latchkey." “Good. I w ill cell upon her about ten o’clock. W hat time are yon sup­ posed to return ?” “About nine-thirty or ten. but I could go back earlier. "Ton must not do that on any sc-1 count. I t might arouse suspicion If you did not stay out till the usual tim e Be beck by nine-thirty. I will arrive at ten. Mr. Hershelmmer will welt below In a taxi perhaps " “He's got a new Rolla-Royce ear" said Tuppence with vicarious pride. “Bren better. Tt I succeed la ob­ taining the address from her, we can go there at once taking Mrs Van- demeyer' with us I f necessary. You understand?" , "Yea.” Tuppence rose to her feet with ■ skip of delight. “Oh, I feel so much better I” r «“Don’t build on It too much. Miss Tuppence. Go easy.” Julius turned to the lawyer. “Say, then. I'U call for you In the car round about nine-thirty. I t that right r “Perhaps that will be the best plan I t would be unnecessary to have two cars waiting about Now, Miss Tup­ pence, my advice to you Is to go and have e good dinner, a really good one, mind. And don’t think ahead more than you can help.” He shook hands with them both, and a moment later they were out­ side “Isn’t he a duck?” Inquired Tup­ pence ecstatically, as she skipped down the steps. “Oh, Julius, isn’t he Just a duck?" “Well. I allow he seems to be the goods all right. And 1 was wrong about Its being useless to go to him. Say. shall we go right away back to the B l t x r " I must walk a bit, I think. I ’ll meet you at the Ritz at seven.” Tuppence walked briskly along towards the Serpentine, first glancing at her watch. I t was nearly six o'clock. She remembered that she had had no tea, but felt too excited to be conscious of hunger. She walked as far as Kensington gardens and then slowly retraced her steps, feel lag Infinitely better for the fresh sir and exercise. It was not so easy to follow Sir James’ advice, end put the possible events of the evening out of her head. As she drew nearer and nearer to Hyde park corner, the temp­ tation to return to South Audley man- alone wea almost Irresistible. A t any rate, she decided, It woqld do no harm Just to go and look at the building. Perhaps, then, the could resign herself to waiting patiently for ten o'clock. South Audley mansions looked ex­ actly the same aa usual. What Tup­ pence had expected she hardly knew, but the sight of Its red brick stolidity slightly assuaged the growing and entirely unreasonable uneasiness that possessed her She was Just turning •w a y when she beard a piercing whistle, end the faithful Albert came m n n b it 6*001 thO hw 1(41 ng to Join Before buying your household goods or farm machinery until the R. L. W inniford SALF, SEPT. 22 F. M . G R A Y , DRAYM AN Alluringly Attractive The Newport “ F a s h io n ” Frame I The dark or cherry lone on rhe crystal frame. Ask to see the samples f I QTICC Furniture Li L i Unit Exchange I Best and largest line of JOHN M SCOTT. Assistant Panraiger Traffic Manager. Southern Pacific Lines Second street, opposite Ham ilton's Camping Outfits "Sudden Servie».’ ’ p a l i l o Aiidervon A Hon. d istrib - ’ utora and dealers for M axw ell, Chal­ mers, Essex, Hudson A H a muotit I » cart. Accessories. Suprliee. 1st A Broadalbin. D P R IN T L IN O L E U M ** Loaf lake,” which the state stocked with (i»h six year« ago and than was unable to find, has been Recovered, full of landlocked sal. mon. I t ia seven miles southeaat of Casoadia. The Democrat is of the opinion that young saltron ware planted for trout. I l per square yard There are those who hare made a profit in raising wheat this year. SHOE ¿5 Their land h a t been so managed < SERVICE g In the pail that it is aa fertile as ever. They prepared it properly Shots that cost lets per month of wear for the seed. They sowed clean Quarters of lor canning •oed of an improved variety, They purposes at canning prices had it so far advanaed that those C . H. F A L K hot daya did not shrivel the ker. "7 FURNITURE AND C . L. F A L K JR. utis much. They used brains. 422 West First at., Albany. Oregon. Fresh and Cured Meats BEEF V For further garticular« ask agents 8. store. Used F u r n itu r e , •Sa/em, Septe-m ber 2^~2Ç) ALL TRAINS DIRECT TO FAIR GROUNDS g Meade & Albro, Oregon State Fair Oo sale September 22-29 inelosiye ; return lim it October 1 , R G I L U E K T & 8 Q N thi« month. The Irish Bend ferry boat, Cbinsware and gift shop 330 West First Albany doing substitute duly at Peoria in Optometrist*. M anufacturing Opticians the absence of a promised new Albany, Oregon C T K N B K R O B R O S , groceries, one, baa what the H trritbu rg Bul- fruits, produce, 235 Lyou atroci. etin calls “ sinking spells,” in We sell groceries and one of which it lay on th ; river Buy cream. Phone 263R bottom for some time the other G TI.M S O N T H E SHOE DOCTOR day. Heavy f f a r e a n d G n t-^ 7bilrd f o r tk e ¿ R o u n d ¿7r ip H M Headquaters for rOU SHOULD see this exhibition of products from every section ot our state, a revelation and a lib­ eral education to everyone. Agriculture, Horticulture, Livestock. Special attrac­ tions day and night. Horse racing, amusements, stock and poultry shows, etc, etc. $75,000 in prizes and parses Yearling Jots and Tittles C. P. STAFFORD, Agent AND Registered Shropshire Rams Hay is worth ju st as much in storage ay you m ight get for it in case of fire. Th 3 ^American Eagle Fire Insurance com pany. ^will pay you 85% of the cash value in case| of loss by fire. C A P IT A L rignt— ano i aont think you will. " I «ay. mis* she’s « going 1« You're a clever girl. You deceived me. "W hos going?” demanded Tup­ all right. I hadn't a su sp k .n of you! ^ / j ^ b a n y ^ / ) i r e c t o r y pence sharply for sale So I ’ve no doubt that you understand “The crook Ready Rita Mrs perfectly well that this la where I'm Vandemeyer. She's a-pscklng up, and on top and you're underneath. Now, •he's just sent down word for me to then—sit on the bed. Put your bands get her a taxi. I thought maybe as This is good iidtice: " I f you live above your bead, and I f you value you didn't know about it." In Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live your life don't move them.” in some other town, trade ia that tow n.” •‘Albert,” cried Tuppence, “you're a Tuppence obeyed passively. Her But in these automobile days many re­ Harnthary. brick. I f it hadn't been for you w t’d good sense teld her that there was siding elsewhere find i t advisable to do have lost her.” nothing else to do but accept the sit­ at least part ol their buying in the Albert flushed with pleasure at this uation, and every minute of delay larger town. Those who go to Albany tribute. to transact business w ill find the firms gained was valuable. “There's no time to lose," said Tup­ named below ready to fill their require­ pence, crossing the road. "I've got to (To be continued) ments w ith courtesy and fairness. (Continued fro m page 1) stop her. At ell costs I mutt keep her here until—’' She broke off "Al­ Did the Indian ever have a mors In Los Angeles there are 206,- A Ibany Bakery, 321 Lyon »treat, bert, there's a telephone here, IsnA 800 dwelling», more then 36 per i * - Best cne-pound loaf of bread made. glorious summer (ban tbis year. 7 cents ; J for 20c. Wedding cakes to there r cent of which are owned by the order. Queue« of landed wheat wagon ■ The boy shook his bead. occupants. The figures for other hive waited at Halsey warehouses "The flats mostly have their own. A Ibany Floral Co. Oidere filled miss. But there's a box Just around , large cities give Cleveland 85 1 a * carefully for everywhere or anv I daily for a couple of weeks. per cent owned by the tenants’ time. Flowers, wire anywhere in U. S. ' the corner." H . E. Davis has traded for 100 "Go to It, then, at once .and ring Cincinnati 28.7, Pittsburg 38.3. or Canada. Flow er phone 458-J. acres at the C. C. Jackaou place up the Ritz hotel. Ask for Mr. Hers S m Francisco 26 4, St. Louie 28.g "Stude- and expect« to get settled thate helmmer, and when you get him tell s n l Boston 18 6. Home owner­ A L B A N Y G A R A G E. him to get Sir James and come on at s' ip goes with real prosperity. I.o- a * h ik e r " and ' S ta r” automobiles. this mouth. repairing and supplies. once, as Mrs. Vandemeyer Is trying Augelee is the most rapidly grow­ G. T, General Mi«« Delora Welle ir here from Hockensoiitli.— Lloyd Templeton. to hook It. I f yon can’t get him, ring in g c|ty on the coa t, if not in the Junction city to live wilh her up Sir James Peel Edgerton, you'll D lu » Bird Restaurant, 309 Lyon grandmother, Mre. L. A. Fray, United States. find his number In the book, and tell street. Eat here when in Albany. and attend school, him what's happening. Yoa won’t Open from 6 to I and 5 to 8. forget the namea. will you?” Mas. B lount . Mies Frort has« and Eldon Albert repeated them glibly. "You Bonsr of Corvallis were married B R U N S W IC K trust to me, miss, it’ll be all right. Their homa U P H O N O G R A P H S in Albany Sunday. But what about you? Aren’t you will be in Corvallis. at afraid to trust yourself with her?” W O O D W O R T H ’S "No. no, that's all right. But go Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott, who and telephone. Be quick." E^astburn Bros.— Tw o big grocery have been vi«iting at A. K. W h it- Drawing a long breath. Tuppence .tores, 212 W. First and 225 South beck’s, left Thursday for their entered the mansions and ran up to Main. Good merchandise at the rig ht home in Oakland, Cal. the door of No. 20. How she was to p rice* W. L. Jackson of the Albany detain Mrs. Vandemeyer until the two lulling developed and printed. Democrat has been appointed to men arrived, she did not know, but We mail them rig ht back to you. somehow or other It had to be done, the «sate parole board by Governor Woodworth Drug Company, Albanv, O r­ and she must accomplish the task Pierce. Hope he w ill go slow egon. single-handed. What had occasioned about joining in paro'ing chronic this precipitate departure? Did Mrs. p ’ lood’a d ry good* store ia tb e best criminals, Span ot large mares, y ta ilin g Vandemeyer suspect her? * place in Albany to buy dry goods, A fine crop of clover seed See mare colt, saddle horse and other Tuppence pressed the bell flrmly. furnishings and notions. Service is our motto. She might learn something from the been harvested this f ill. J, H . items were omitted from sale bill. cook. Vannioe took 3800 pounds from >n Also PORO .SALES AND SERVICE eight.acre field whiob had already Nothing happened, and, after wait­ Sale at 10 a. m. Tires and accessorie« ing some minutes, Tuppence pressed 1 m ile south and 3 east of Halsey. yielded a heavy crop of hfcy ear. Repairs the bell again, keeping her finger on tier iu the season. K ixk -P ollak .M oto a Co. R 1_ W IN N IF O R D the button for some little while. At last she heard footsteps Inside, and a E V rtm ille r Furniture Co., fam i- Carl Robnett and Claude How- moment later Mrs. Vandemeyer her­ turc, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges all of Shedd were arrested at that Funeral directors. 427-433 west First place Sunday, charged with bav- self opened the door. She lifted her street, Albany, Oregon. eyebrows at the Sight of the girl. iug moonshine iu their auto, both “T o u r ub C leauiu g W orks, In c . inside and outside of themselves, “I had a touch of toothache, Cor. Fourth and Lyoo and with illegally having a pair ma’am," said Tuppence glibly. "So Master Dyers and Cleaners of pheasants. A ll work done promptly and reason­ Msde- T o - Measure Clothes thought It better to come home and have a quiet evening.” K Pirchau of the Albany bakery ably, Phone No. 269 IM e n aud money ara best when Mrs. Vandemeyer said nothing, but busy. Make your dollars work in Itaa bought, for 128,000, the lot on she drew back and let Tuppence pass our savings department. A lbany S tats the Willamette river I etweeu Retry Into the ball. B ank . Under government supervision and Broadalbiu »trots and will “How unfortunate for you," she build a big one-story fireproof said coldly. “You had better go to J^Jib'er Motor Sales warehouse. bed.” Oakland and Jewett cars Supplies and accessories "Oh, I shall be all right In the R. W . Tripp and fain'ly a ri First and Baker Sts. Albany, Oregon kitchen, ma’am. Cook can— " bacg in Albany after their long “Cook is out,” said Mrs. Vande­ orton A Speer Service Com eastern auto trip, having speut meyer, In a rather disagreeable tone. pany much time in Mmneapalis and in “I sent her out. So you see you had Headquarters lor good tires better go to bed." Phone 65 First and Lyon ■Rort Dodge, la ., M r. T rip p '* old home. They traveled 12,000 Suddenly Tuppence felt afraid. M u rp h y Motor Co. Buiok and miles. There was a ring In Mrs. Vande- Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and meyer’a voice that she did not like accessories. A A. Tuising hat leased iha T . at all. Also, the other woman waa ¡Albany, Oregon. Phone 2fl0 P. Pelton dwelling on West I slowly edging her up the passage. Tuppence turned at bay. oscoe ames hardware street and expects Mre. Tueeing “I don't want—" <>v. rfrh m Browusvilie, which hae the Then, In a flash, a rim of cold steel W IN C H E S T E R STO K E bean their borne for noarly a third .122 W. First at. touched her temple, and Mrs. Vande- of a century, to reside here after In a Plash the Cold Steel Touched Her Temple. meyer'e voice roe» cold and menac­ ing: “You d—d little fool I Do you think I don't know? No, don’t answer. If you struggle or cry out, I ’M shoot you like a dog.” Tha rim of steel pressed a little harder against the girl's temple “Now, then, inarch,” went on Mrs. Vandemeyer “This way—into my room. In a minute, when I've done with you, you'll go to bed as I told you to. And roti'll sleep— oh. ye* my little spy, you’ll sleep, all right 1” There wee a sort of hldeone genial­ ity In the last words which Tuppence did not at all Ilk * For the moment there was nothing to be don* and the walked obediently Into Mrs. Vande- meyer'e bedroom The pistol never left her forehead The room was In s state of wild disorder, clothes were flung shout right end left, a suit case sod a hatbox. half packed, stood la the middle of the floor. Tuppence pulled herself together with aa effort. "Oom* now," «he said "This Is nonsense You can't shoot me. Why everyone In the building would bear the report." "I'd risk thal.” teld Mrs Vande­ meyer cheerfully "B u t ae loag ae TS9 JooJLs'Bf oat f or help, you're All „“ d FARM MACHINERY H A LS EY Cream and Produce Station Cash paid for Cream, Poultry, Eggs and Veal. M .H SH O O K . Dad's and Mam's Restaurant Second s t, opposite Halsey Garage Short orders at all hours up to 11 p. A t the thirty-tbirJ annual eon. veotion of the county W . C, T. U. at Oakville Friday Mrs. Em m * B E N T. S U D T E L L Archibald waa re-elected president. I'hone 76-R, 123 N. Broadalbin at., Albany Other officer« are M r*. D H . Bo­ dine vice-preaidant, Mr«. D. G. Clark recording secretary, Mrs. Prank Pearson corresponding aec- retary. Mrs. Cecil W ilhelm treas­ We are m a k in g five-year loans on urer sod M r*. John Owen Y. P. B. Linn county fartusat 5Ji% pins com m it tecretary. sion. Call on K. M. Boed»k«r and Ralph Trask B ia m L and Co., of Lyou« owned an airplane that 133 Lyon St.. Albany, Ore did a passenger butine«! at the county fair. Friday night it was wrecked and Bo deker und bia pilot, F. De Fiore, Into of tha W hy suffer from army nir service, were considerably headache? bruised and scratched and tho latter lost several teeth ne they Have vour eyes crashed through a treetop. examined bought, sold and exchanged at all times tn Square Meal, 50c FARM LOANS I caa make both F A R M and C IT Y L O A N S *t ■ very row rate of inteiesl From 5 to 10 year* W rite me (or par trculars c . W. I.a rL as . Salem, Ore. 410 Oregon Bldg FARM LOANS S. T . F R E N C H Optometrist, with Amor A. Tiusing LA W Y E R AND NO TARY H almy , Onsooa F. M . F r e n c h •> S o n s J E W E L E R S - O P T IC IA N S Albany, Oregon eAAAArwaAAAAAAsi Barber Shop Firat Ciane Work Agent for Eugene Steam Liundry Beat Tuesday* J . W . S T E P H E N S O N . Pro^