y » Í tk PAGE 2 H A LSEY E N T E R P R IS E / M ì k , VX. A SEPT 20. 1923 It transpired that when seven T. J. SKIRVIN United States destroyers wars M E D MEECBAMT HALÄEY ENTERPRISE Of co-operation State Market Good quality, 12 feet wide'____ yard wracked in a fog in southern Cal. A ll kinds of Feed »«■Irai— MW« pector 3?t.i) i aayi : VfcaraMay Good quality. 6 feet wide iforoia, with the loss of nearly g e e and secoad grain yard With the twu-thirdi middle ex- • r W a . ■ . WUIUCLCR sacks. Sack twine. twoscora lives, four more vessels PrjceaY 50' 16 Simmon«, all cottton, $17 ___________ jease cut to the barest necessary Clover wed. Chop­ ping done to suit. rlotleoe. »16# a year la advance 1 ddl,r*. ai«J *ith perhapi both pro- were damaged. If a Heat can do Prices right. 50-lb Simmons, all Cotton, $16 valui for Advertising, 20c an inch ; no discount | tlacaM »« d coasutnere being their as badly as that when it is trying for lim e or space ; no charge for coni- own middlemen, price control no I to bs good what would happen if FLO UR auaition or changea. 2-inch posts, seven 1-inch fillers, only. ihs pari of the farmer to tliej |it started out to “ treat ’em Golden Loaf— -$2.00 ■ "F eid-fo e Paragraphe," Sc a liâ t W hite Mountain 2.15 xtent of a fair return for bit labor, rough "T See us when in need of ’• advartlalng dlatrulaad as new a vou Id not add to tbe high retail jriees against which the homes guees I'd tike to look him op when I HALSEY, Linn Co.. Ore.. Sept. 20, 1923 «re now protesting. ¿ Illllllllllllllllllllllfin U tlllfU lilflflin ilU f get back.’ I (lnn't know h l. address. We can save you money _ § I can write to Nurse Edith for It If J. B Neff, the veteran Califor­ 3 you like.’ I thanked him. TDon’t say FARMERS’« CO-OPER ATION nia walnut-growing expert, now who it Is wants it. I'd like to give retired, writes to tbo California 415-421 West First street Albany, Oregon him • little surprise.’ The farm bloc in congress it but [Cultivator : “That was aboot ell I could do for one manifestation of a spirit that | wheat is now below >1 per tbo moment. O f course. If the girl ly relinquished the Idea of appealing “Well, without prejudice, then, if I was really W hittingtons niece, she to Sir James Peel Edgerton. Indeed, has long been working, but work lUshal in Chicago with a large j had a young sister forced to earn her might be too cute to fall Into the she bad gone so fa r as to look up ing eery slowly, amoag the farm ;rop in sight that has cost the trap, but It was worth trying. My his address In the Red Book. Had firing, I should not like to see her In iarmer $1.25 per bushel to grow Mrs. Vandemeyer’s eervlex I t fa do •ra of tbe country. foot soon got ell right. I said good- be meant to warn her that day? I f place for a young and Inexperienced aid get into the elevator at the | by to the little doctor chap, asked Unions of employes and uuiour railroad. When the freight to so, why? Tuppence decided, with her him to send me word If he heard from usual shake of the shoulders. It was girl. That la all I can tell you.” of employers bad been in exist- Chicago is deducted from the Chi- “I see,” said Tuppence thoughtfully. Nurse Edith, and came right away worth trying, and try it she would. once before the grange movemeut |eago price the farmer will receive bock to town. Say, Miss Tuppence, Sunday was her afternoon out. She "Thank you very much. But I ’m not really Inexperienced, you know. I you’re looking mighty pale?” started, away back near the mid not more than 80 cents a bushel would meet Jollux persuade him to knew perfectly that she was a bad lot “I t ’s Tommy,” said Tuppence. her point of view, and they would when I went there— as a matter of die of tbe last century, but it was for his wheat. The immediate “ What can have happened to b lm r :auae of this seems to be the Isrge beard tbe lion In his den. fact that’s why I went— ” She broke claimed that a union of farmers .-arry over from last year and the “Bock up; I guess he’s all right When the day arrived Julius needed really. Why shouldn’t bo be? See a considerable amount of persuading, off, seeing some bewilderment on the waa impossible. They would not •villingnees of Europeans to grow here. It was a foreign-looking guy ho but Tuppence held Arm. “I t can do lawyer’s face, and went on: “I think “ stick,’* Their unions would (heir own breadstuff*. This con- went off after. Maybe they’ve gone no harm,” was what she always came perhaps rd better tell you tbe whole iition is not likely to improve, as crumble, abroad— to Poland, or something like back to. In the end Julius gave In, story, Sir James. I ’ve a sort of feel-' iiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiii lng that you'd know In a minute If I that?" Tbe grange came, and for half the tendency ef foreign nations and they proceeded In the car to didn't tell the truth, and so you (Ccpzrtabt Dvdd, Uwd A Campan?) seems to be to return to I be pro­ Tuppence shook her head. 'T y e Carlton House terrace. a century it has been a power in duction of their own bread and might as well know all about It from I seen that man, Boris something, since. The door was opened by an Irre­ the beginning.” (Continued) the laud. It grappled with the meat. Wage, of almost everyone, I He dined with Mrs. Vandemeyer last proachable butler Tuppence felt a "Tee, tell me all about It,” said Sir • night.” biggest economic problem io Amer­ except tbe iand-owning fanner, little nervous. She had decided not James. “Well, luckily for me, I pitched “Mrs. Who?” are almost at the highest peak of down Into a good soft bed of earth— ica—that of transportation. to ask I f Sir James was "at home,” Thus encouraged. Tuppence plunged ’’I forgot. Of course you (don’t but to adopt a more personal attitude. Into her tale, and the lawyer llatened RailroeJ corporations claimed recent years. Coal ehovelers are but it put me out of actio n .fo r the know all that.” “W ill you ask Sir James If I can with close attention. that wo power nn_ . , could . i ii $7 50 carp, for eight hours’ that no legally curb i |8 elli lh# Dg »minM * |a to |2 work 26 time, sure enough. The next thing I T in listening,” said Julius, and see him for a few minutes? I have knew. I war lying In bed with a hos “Very Interesting,” fce said, when their policy of charging “ all that [an hour, i lasterers $1.76 Ito $2 an pltal nurse (not Whittington's one) gave vent to his favorite expression. an Important message for him.” she finished. "A great deal of what “Put me wise." The butler retired, returning a mo- you tell m x child, Is already known the traffio would bear." W b a tp our- while the farmer has, in on one side of me, and a little black- Tuppence thereupon related the meat or two later. to me. I ’ve had certain theories of ware called “ the grauger laws ’’ ," ” t ca,eg’ beeo workin8 »t » *O4i bearded man with gold glasaes, and events of the last two days. Julius* “ Sir James will see you. W ill you my own about thia Jane Finn. You’ve . I for the last three years, although medical man written all over him, on astonishment and admiration were step this way?” done extraordinarily well so far. but . .P •]* “*t,r ,t,te his labor ie surely worth as much the other. He nibbed his hands to­ unbounded. He ushered them Into a room at the It’s rather too bad of— what do you aud io oengraaa, and were carried La unskilled labor in other mar gether. and raised his eyebrows as I “Bully for you I Fancy you a me­ back of the house, furnished as a know him as?—Mr. Carter to pitch- stared at him. 'A h!’ be said. ‘So our through to the courts of last rs- J kets. This is a condition Ilia* I fork you two young things into an young friend la coming round again. nial. It Just tickles me to death I” library. The collection of books was sort and the grangers won. Rater [cannot loug exist, for if the Capital. Capital. I think that’ll do Then he added seriously: “But say, a magnlflceut one, and Tuppence no­ affair of this kind. By the way, where now, I don’t like It, Miss Tuppence. ticed that ail one wall was devoted lor fares aud freight, and even the «• a claas arB kpP‘ °'->l <>» for the present, slater,’ and the nurae did Mr. Hershelmmer come In origi­ I sure don’t. These crooks we’re up to works on crime and criminology. «..mu. i . • I k 1“ w ® ujurket buyers because wage, of employes, are .«eject priceg o, as , h, jr orop% # |J of left the room In a sort of brisk, well- agslnst would as soon croak a gtrl as There were several deep-padded nally? You didn’t make that clear.” Julius answered for himself. trained way. But I caught her band­ leather arm-chairs, and an old-fasb- today to control by stale and na- J grorkers will soon ahve their own ing me out a look of deep curtoalty a man any day.” ”l'ra Jane's first cousin,” he ex­ “Oh, bother m e!” said Tuppence loned open hearth. In the window plained, returning the lawyer's keen tion. Henry Ford has even be« u I warehouses full of unsold good? as she passed through the tleor. Impatiently. "Let’s think about what was a big roll-top desk strewn with gate. ‘‘That look of her« gave me an Idea. denied permission to reduce rat«»|l‘nd must **• i,lle- “Ah 1” ‘Now, then, doc,’ I sold, and tried to can have happened to Tommy. I ’ve papers at which the master of the house was sitting. on the road ha owos and coni pa­ “Oh, Sir James,” broke out Tup­ alt up In bed, but ray right foot gave written to Mr. Carter about It.” she Roy Qarduer, a robber who be- me a nasty twinge as I did so. ‘A added, and told him the gist of her He rose as they entered. ulaa have been forbidden tc build pence, "what do you think has be­ letter. “You have a message for me? come of Tommy?" USW br.uches when tbsv wish. 1 to C‘ œeMher0 in th® e7*a of gome slight sprain.’ explained the doctor. Julius nodded gravely. Ah”— he recognized Tuppence with a I psople ttannla i in Oregon .. — _ J elsewhere ___ 1- _ . I ‘^siYfhlna? _ "H ’m." The lawyer rose, and Nothing io?Inna serious. Vccn'll You’ll U* be about a . s In and " I guess that’s good as far as It do so. The Southern Pacific has a couple of days.'” paced slowly up and down. “When when he made several sensational goes. But It's for us to get busy and Just finished a ten-year legal fight you arrived, young lady. I was Just “I noticed you walked lame,” Inter­ do something. I guess we’d better packing up my traps. Oolng to Scot­ for the right to run the Central, •acapst from oftkers of tbe law, polated Tuppence. get on the track of Boria. You say land by the night train for a few days’ Julius nodded, and continued. although it owns the property out­ want south and committed some he's been to your place. Is he likely fishing. But there are different kinds "•How did It happen T I asked more crimes, including an inde­ to come again?" right and submits to government of fishing. I ’ve a good mind to stay, “He might. I really don’t know.” •gala. H e replied dryly. «You tell, and see If we can’t get on the track control of fare«, freight rates, cent assault on a woman. Ha with " I see. Well, I guess rd bettor a considerable portion of one of of that young chap." was sent to prison on a new sen­ wages and other condition!. my trees, Into one of my newly plant­ buy a car, a slap-up one, dress as a “Oh 1” Tuppence clasped her hands chauffeur and hang about outside. ecstatically. Latterly tbe grange h i. failed to tence ei 75 years and is a gray, ed flower-bed.' Then If Boris cornea, you could make " I liked the man. Ho seemed to "All the somx as I said before. It’s expand as fast as the country has headed and kroken*dowu convict have a sense of humor. I felt sure s o « j kind of signal, and Pd trail too had of—of Carter to set you two grown and there hrs arisen au- uow. Elmer Bartlett was a hero that lie, at least, was plumb straight. him. How's that?” babies on a Job like this. Now, don’t “Splendid, but he mightn't come •iber organisation of tbe farm e l­ last wsek in the eyes of aome of 'Sure, doe,' I said. T in sorry about get offended, Miss—er_" . for weeks. "Cowley. Prudence Cowley. But ement—the farm bureau. It does the dime-novel-reading class. H# the tree, and I guess the new bulbs "W e'll have to chance that, will be on me. But perhaps you'd I ’m my friends call me Tuppence.” ie an Oregoo boy burglar and he uot supercede the grange. Il sup- Uke to know what I was doing In your glad you like the plan.” H e rose. M l ?’ T u p p * nre ' m » « l •» rm escapes. Friday , «ardenT ‘I think the facte do call “Where are yon going?” o , made . several .. , plejtuuts it. It is respousible for had certainly going to be a friend. Now, 'T o buy the car, of course,” replied about this young Tommy of yourx the fact that the farmers of the rortland police polled him from I ,or explanation,’ be replied. ‘Well, to I ’ll be round In It under a bed w here he was h id in g I be * “ ».n either you fact, I ’m afraid I only said that to The day this is written tbe Ore­ is no la w a u th o rin g th e use of the the patients at the home, hence my or Miss Tuppence know. I f this boy "W hy should be? See here, we be quite sure of getting in. Oh, by L ' - ’ ; , b* m ,r haT* ' • T valuable gonian heads a Chicago mat kt I n avy a g a in s t ru m runners and it is noc,urBal adventures. don't want any lawyers mixed up In the way, this Is Mr. Hershetmmer, Sir Information to give ux Therefore, we this. That guy couldn't help us any." diapatoh: “ Lack of (Selling reported th a t C o o lid ge will net ask James Peel Edgerton.” wm must find him. There’s on. person “W ell, I believe be could,” reiter­ Pressure on Whiat io Chicago ’g, congress to remedy the defect. O u r|m a n c x ’ he said genially, when I d “Pleased to meet you,” said the quite BM r at hin<, wbo )n r1| ated Tuppence obstinately. American, shooting out a hand. ability knows where he lx or at all If the country’» wheat orop can navy ia an expensive ornament. finished. ‘Now, Doc,' I went on, ‘will "Don’t you think It. So long. I ’ll “Won’t you both stt down?” asked you be frank with m et Have you be back In h alf an hour.” events where he Is likely to b e - M r x be kept out o, the hands of specu­ Sir Janies. He drew forward two Vandemeyer.” Thirty-five minutes had elapsed The one caramendable thing in had here at any time a young girl chxlrx lators and passed to the oven and called Jane Finn? He repeated the when Julius returned. He took Tup­ “Yex but she’d never tell ux” Str James,” said Tuppence, plung­ aud the dialog table with only tbe connection with Hie prise fight name thoughtfully. ‘Jane Finn7* be pence by tbe arm, and walked her '* wh*r* 1 com* r | ing boldly, “I dare say you will think think b , nlte , , ke , y fh > t j ghaU to the window. legitimate coat of that transfer, which fools piid a million and a sold. ‘No.’ It lg most awful cheek of me coming able to make Mrs. Vandemeyer tell half dollars to see last wyek is ‘T wae chagrined, and I gums I T h e r e she lx there will be left to the producer here like this. What I really want to allowed It. ‘You are surer ‘Quite me what I want to know.” "Oh I” «eld Tuppence with a note know Is what you meant by what vou that the United Stales got $160,000 j or the consumer, or divided be­ sure, Mr. Hershelmmer It Is an un­ of reverence In her voice, as she ”How?> demanded Tuppence, open- ' said to me the other day? Did you in taxes on the eel« of tickets, tnr ber eyes very wide J common name, and I should not have gazed down at the enormous car. tween them, the sums that other- — . mean to went me against M rx Vsnde- been likely to forget I f "Oh, Just by asking ber quee- Friday aud Saturday passed un­ wise would go to the pockets of Having spent,in resisting French meyer? You did, didn't you?” “Well, that wae flat. It laid me eventfully. Tuppence had received • ’•Tbl’»-. »^ PUM W r J* mea *aaDy ' My dear young lady, as fa r as I speculators. attempts to collect promised repa­ out for a space. I ’d kind of hoped brief answer to her appeal from Mr. T h a ts the way we do IL you k n e w * recollect I only mentioned that there end. T hat's Carter. In It he pointed out that tho W' th Wg * • All this will not be achieved at rations, enough to have paid those I "7 T**rch w” were equally good situations to be ob­ e la im s o n In 1097 , h ,t ' 1 aal<1 at ,a’ 1- 'Now, "ow , ineres tablx and Tuppence felt again the In­ last. there's Young Adventurers bad undertaken tained elsewhere.” ooe stroke, so there is used for the sis n s up to 1D27. Germany ae- another matter. When I wee hugging tense power that radiated from the the work at their own risk, and had Tex I know. But It wee • hint Di an. darned branch I thought I rec- been fully warned of the dangers continuance of the grange auj th m i t i t h a t resist a no« is * fa ilu re . I wasn't I t r —- —.I— "And If she ognlzed an old friend of mine talking I f anything had happened to Tommy bareau and tbe bloc. "Well, perhaps It wax" admitted Julius suddenly. wont toll?” asked Mayor Baker of Portland is a to nno of your nureex' I purposely be regretted tt deeply, but he could Sir James gravely. A fair price for his products will candidate for the United States dldn - mention any name because. of do nothing. ”T think she will. I have one or 13 ell, I want to know more. I nut be sufficient to right the farm­ _ . Thia was cold comfort I t seemed lB want to know Just why you gave me unlikely event, there Ie gun- i, always tbe quite different to the girt th a t for the Arat time, she a hint." er’s wrongs. He and the rest of publioan party on a knowuothing J down here, something but the doctor uns» ere,! i realize,? the sinister character of the possibility of bribery ” Sli James smiled at her earnest- , ue pay loo niueh for many of the platform. at once. 'Mr. Whittington perhaps * mission they had undertaken so light " ' L . ’* " d that'a where I come That's the fellow,’ I replied. ’What a henrtedly. It had begun tike a page i.n fried Julius, bringing hie fist products of labor. When plaster- If an eueniy'a navy should he doing down here? Don’t tell me of romance. Now. shorn of Its glamor. •rs get from $10 to $20 a day rents his nerves are out of order? It seemed to be turning to grim real­ will be too high. When anthra­ damage ours as much as it dam­ "Doctor H all laughed. ’No He rnrne ity. Tommy— that waa all that mat­ aged Itself In southern California down T h ere A r e T w o to see one of my nurses. Nurse tered cite coal posses through the heads Many times In the day Tup­ the other day ,h9 enemy would Edith, who Is a alece of his.’ ‘Why, pence blinked tbe tears out of her of four wholesalers, each tnekiug teucy th at!’ I exclaimed. Is he still eves resolutely. celebrate victory. Kinds of Sweets " U tile foot" she a profit, before tbe retailor gets it, here? •N<\ he went back to t««n would apostrophise herself, “doot It eoste too much. Federal invest- ■ u g s n e D ib s says tbe poor g o | a,nK** Immedtetely.’ ’W het • p ity ’’ snivel O f course you're fond of him he kind you cas be sure coetaies tbe Linoleum Alattress IVOry Bed $1.10 • _ 75C * *^uart $12.50 11.50 . ..$11 F U R N IT U R E Bartcher & Rohrbaugti Funuiure Company The Secret Adversary «¿‘¡T , k ,.. tgatora found such a condition ex­ t« w a r and the rich s ta r at home D ..X _ v T . nome, isting. r«thap a be excepts noh O C * *Ja™,a,* ‘’ Bu‘ Erhepä I wuid You’ve known him ell your llfx But there’s no need to be sentimental about I t " B e rg d o ll. I “But the doctor shook hit bead In the meantime, nothing more was _ ------------------------- T m * fr ,id that* ,a lupoewi x , ___________ _ . He . . ,.,u seen of Borlx did um not come to G o v ern o r Pierce fa ile d lo please N’Dr»* E<$t»h left with a patient to. the flat, and Jnltns and the enr wait , peak h„ Dl#ce_ N n rw you say her name was? For a ray of light on the sub- Jeet of profiteering read an aiticle oodar tbe head : “ Why the High the pie hunters aod »hey are after u i ___ with ,.v — . .. L'oetf ’• io thia paper. h i____ i. scalp reo.ll petition.. | I I’ coy- I remarked. M ua‘ ' •* ,B ra,B Tuppwce ’Have you “ Mr. r- 1 over to new tO’ R ’ I i mining tbe truth I g ave h e rs e lf •* of Julius' objec gjjL iifid ae t arti^igg^gflj fiWfck finest quality r f ingredients sad the doubtful kind Cast doubt aside at C latk'x I f anyesM ever tried to u s anything but pure, fresh fruits and fla­ vors in our spotless eaedy kitchen there d be «uch a commotion you'd hear 1» all ever town. Clart's CMfectioncrj