c H alsey enterprise VOL. X I I HALSBV, LINK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPT. 20. 1923 NO. 8 JO T S A N D T I T T I F.S O R E G O N N E W S B R IE FS Brief Chronicles of Happenings in Halsey and All Over Linn County. Helen A rm strong went to Portland Friday noon for a week's visit with friends and relatives. M yrtle Mills came home S at­ urday evening from Penn Col­ lege, where she is a teacher, for a short visit with her father, Seth Mills. She will re­ tu rn th e first of October to take up teaching again. school at the Eugene Bible Uni­ versity. Chester Childers and family of Lebanon were Sunday guests a t the home of Mr. Childer’s sis­ ter, Mrs. Quimby. The A rm strong threshing machine finished up Wednesday. It was out almost six weeks D. H. Sturtevant left for Portland on the 4.30 tra in Tues­ L. H. A rm strong was at day morning. Brownsville on business S at­ Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McWil­ urday. liams were Albany callers Mon­ Mrs. George W orkenger was day. a visitor a t the H arry Commons Mr. DuMond of Albany visit­ home W ednesday a fte r noon. ed a t the A. H. Quimby home Mrs. S. J. Chenowith, m other Sunday. of Mrs. L. IL Arm strong, has A. C. A rm strong and wife returned to her home a t Oak- were in Brownsville Saturday. The bam on the Pettibone John Veatch of Cottage Grove place w est of town was burned to the ground Sunday a fte r­ was a week-end guest of his brother, Curtis Veatch, and noon. J, Suiter bad been burning family a t th eir home southeast some s ta c g bottoms and the fire got of town. away and ran in the grass to the Mr. and Mrs. John Salsh Pettibone place, occupied by J. D. Itode, who lost quite a bit of feed. transacted business in Albany A num b.r of Halsey people joined S aturday evening. the neighbors in quelling tba Mrs. L. IL A rm strong was to blase, which might have taken Albany Saturday. the lake Ogle bridge. land, Or., a fte r four weeks visiting and helping her daugh­ te r through sickness. A S A Western Newspaper Union's Gleanings Outside of This County G r a c e K H all . There’s a land of level prairie The city of Coquille la gathering a fund for a new community building I d boldl. -------- -------- that city. There are approximately 30,660 The municipal tax at Hood River voters In Multnomah county who w ill next year w ill be at least 6 per cant not be properly registered for the heavier than thia year. election tn November unless they at­ Mora than IT,114,000 teat tn lumber tend to the matter In the next three and log cargoes crossed the Coo« Bay weeks. bar last week, about half of It des­ Twenty tons of Hungarian vetch tined for Japan. seed grown in Lane county were ship­ W. M Quenell, a logger employed ped by W illiam Klussmxn. merchant at the Big Creek Logging company's of Irving, to Baltimore. Md. The seed camp near Knappa. waa killed when was grown by F. O Lafke of that com­ a tree fell on him. munity. The Washington county school fair The Blue Ledge mine, 30 miles will be held at Banks. September IS southwest of Jacksonville, one of the to 20, tn connection with the Banks largest bodies of copper pyrites In Hog and Dairy show. the world, has been sold by the Robert Oregon's official part In the open r. ... \ . . -------------— - s Tow»« estate to the Guggenheim tng of the Pacific highway thiough Interests to Vancouver. B. C„ w ill take place' _ In Salem October 2S. I 1 “* “ r* w of th* bridge over the . ... . I north fork of the Sluslaw river be- A postoffice Inspector is now in tw o ., North Bend making the final survey I ° k * #nd r ,o r * nc*- fell for the establishment of .X X ’ ' " “ ht J“ “ “ W here the bobwhite’s call is heard, A nd the song birds hold high carnival ea W here a zig-zag fence outlines the road, Most rakish and absurd, As it follows past the fields o f waving com; ^ -7 There’s a singer on the topm ost rail * A-trilling out his lay To his haughty, muffed-up lady sitting nij Time on time I’ve paused to listen A nd to watch his loving way, A nd afar I’d catch a rival’s raucous cry' "¿.V m W »<1 ’ Trudging onward dow n tne beaten road •» — Made hard by driving rain, , I have listened to those songsters o’er and o’er, / ’Til I’d reach the old brown schoolhouse « a heavily loaded gravel passed over It. ery system In that city. truck had. After a lively contest for queen of i the 1923 Clackamas county fair at Canby. Mias Ruth PreSsey Roblnscn of West Linn, waa chosen. The Oregon public service commis­ sion In an order has Instructed the W hen the teacher closed the clumsy, creaking door. Portland Railway. Light A Power com­ pany to extend Its electrical system Now, the years have brought me many a tune, The city of Bend will file on Fall to provide current for residents oa river. Spring river. Soda creek and Alder Crest road in Multnomah coun- Sung in a thousand keys, Green lakes as possible future sourcea I t f ' fX n d I’ve tried to get the "cultured” view and sense, of municipal water supply. C. V. Curtis and family, who Conditions In Oregon during the Louis Nelson, an aged and retired week were favorable for harvest and have been on th e P. J. F orster But I vow I never yet have heard Columbia river fisherman, committed threshing, says the weakly crop sum­ farm east of town for the past j suicide by banging himself tn the mary of the weather bureau. A very Such music on the breeze w e ip in wn M on- two years, were in w town Mon basement of his home la Astoria. » • » . .«■«? w®re small acreage of small grain remains As the meadow lark trilled from that old rail fence. Bert E. Haney, commissioner of the to bo harvested, and threshing Is w ell moving to town the first of shipping board has left Washington advanced. October and would occupy the CopyrUhi b, Dodd, XUwl e> Ca. lae. for the Pacific coaat. He w ill go direct G rant Reynolds house in East Making a perfect score over each ef to Seattle and later to Portland. Halsey. the 100, 100 nad lOOOyard tlow flre The Hammond Lumber company Is r»Bg»s. Sergeant W. Hayes of Mrs. Sophia Bass and daugh­ accumulating Its winter supply of Inga Portland. Oregon national guard, won Hall of C harity Grange No. ter Lena and son, E. V. Bass at M ill Cltv. now b-»»«- 5iS2V?*?:zir with his family, and daughter 103 H arrisburg, Or., Sept. 15, 23 1 T ht Oregon Society. 8«ua oi Iy i.w d.W J fret stored at the log the Leech eup at the national rifle sssoeiatlon tournament at Camp ’ A nd be robbed o f their refrain ' visited a t the Seth 'Mills home Saturday evening and took in some of the concerts over the radio. Opposed to Recall Clifford Carey came home Prize» Offered Students Friday night from Mericopa, Cal., where he has been work­ ing in the oil fields, to return to in-law, Mrs. W . C. Bass, were The following resolution Was American Revolution, dlera prises in Albany Sunday, where they unanimously adopted a t th e totaling f.50 to the pupils of high attended the wedding of Mrs. regular m eeting on this date; j schools of Oregon for essays on the Resolved: T hat we, the mem- subject : “ The Causes Whicn Bass’ daughter Frost to Eldon bers of C harity Grange, view Brought About the Anierioan Rev J. Bonar of Corvallis. W e H ave with disfavor the proposed re- olution.” every thing R. A. Templeton and family call of Governor Pierce and It will pay $25 for the best, $15 O ptical left with their household goods lereby pledge ourselves to op­ for the second and $10 for the for Coburg Sunday. There pose the same by every means third. E Y E S T R A IN they will make their home while in our power. And we fu rth e r The essays mutt not exceed 1» the Came of Many 2500 words, must be written on Raleigh continues his work a t recommend th at this resolution H U M A N ILL S the rock quarry. The H. F. je handed to all papers in the one side of pspur and must he ao- I f year « y n p T « you trouble or English fam ily immediately county th a t will publish the companisd bv a at a lenient from < !« ••*• are aaaoying 5 BE US. We can Relieve You the writer’s teacher that the writer moved into th e Huston home, same’ Lorena Kizer. is a pupil in a high school of Ore vacated by the Templetons, and . Bancroft Optical Co. Chancy Sit kelp gon. will live there the ensuing year. J13 let S t W. Albany. Phone B. M. Miller In swsrdjng the prizes the cum (Continued pace I) Committee on Resolutions mittee will be governed by coutid t erstions o f : 1 O riginality. 2 Accuracy of statement. 3 Manner of treatment. 4 Orthography, syntax and punctuation. 5 Neatness and legibility. Essays should he sent to If. L Bates, chairman of the essay com mittee, Forest Grove, Ore., to reach him not later than F*b. 1 Virgin Wool Doubles the Wear in Oregon City Boys’ Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws O W will they W EA R? How long will they look well? Tbeee ere questions you ask when buying elotbes for your boy. Oregon City hoys’ amts, costs and nasokin- •ws auswer them with built-in serv­ ice. H The fabrios themselves are woven on the Oregon city looms—woven Halsey Church of Christ from pure virgia weal. This is new fleece from the sheep's back with all its eeleral life, its streegth tad great warmth. Ihs- tiageish between vtactw wool tad ALL wool, because all wool often meant wool cloth that hat been worn and then reworked. ( hurch Announcement» I f you're aazioua to make the budget for yeur boy's clothes balaece this fall, try l t - beg him out with Jacobs Oregon City See hew virgia woo* fabrics a c t u a l l y d o u b u t u b wbao . You'll ta d tbs Oregon City label and the virgia wool gaarautee la garments sold at this store. Oregon City W ao la Mills Copyright. i , j j Jacobs Oregon City Virgin Wool Clothing S u i u ........................................................................................Î 1 5 OO OvercoRta.................................... $ 1 2 -5 0 to $ 3 0 . 0 0 KOONTZS GOOD GOODS Nf Church of C h rist: Lon Chamlee, minister. Bible school, 10, W. H. Robert- «on, superintendent. Morning worship, 11. Ixird' -upper every Lord’s day. Cbristiao Endeavor, 7. Evening service, 8. The chnrcb without a bishop, in the country without a king. I f you have no church home come sod worship with us. Fine Grovs church : Sunday school, 10. Preaching, 11 and 7.30 Sepl. 30. Glenn Barker pastor. Methodist: Sunday School, 10. Preaching, 11. Junior League, 8, Intermediate League, 7. Epworth League, 7. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. Preachiog io the evening. ». O. The Oregon apple crop this year Is estimated by F. L. Kent of the United States department of agriculture, at 6700 cars, against 4266 cart shipped last year. The new stretch of the Pacific high way extending from Capitol street In Salem north to what Is known ns the Fair Grounds road was dedicated last week Governor Pleroe has segt out a coll for all tax supervising commissions la the state to meet In Salem Monday. September 24, the opening day of the state fair. The Oregon public servi«« commis­ sion has Issued an order Instructing the Southern Pacific company to maintain n watchman at the point where the tracks of the transporta­ tion corporation cross the Pacific high­ way tn tha city of Creswell. A plea that railroad managements be given greater freedom from reatrio- tive legislation was made by Ralph Budd, présidant of the Great North­ ern Railway company, In an address at tha annual convention of the Amer­ ican Association of Railroad Ticket Agents In Portland. W ith about SO delegates and their The standard price for ploklng wives present, the tenth annuel con­ prunes In Lane county this fall w ill tention of the Pacific Coast Asso­ be I cents a box. according to an­ ciation of Port Authorities was held nouncement of tbe board of directors at Astoria of the Eugene Fruit Oruwers' asso­ After deliberating all night, the Jury ciation. The growers w ill pay a bonus In the trial at The DeUet of 18 Grass of 2 oests a box to ths pickers who Valley residents on a riot charge, ro stay with them throughout the seaton. ported that It was unable to agree and Production of I I per eent above nor­ was discharged. mal was recorded during the past It will require approximately SOO additional pickers to handle the hop and prune harvest In Marlon county, according to reports of growers re­ ceived In Rslem The Salem city council bat voted a license of 1100 on taxicabs operating in Salem until the close of the state The action was taken to protect local taxicab operators. Establishment of a certified public market for the disposal of used auto­ mobiles was approved at a meeting attended by more then 30 motor ve­ hicle dealers of Salem week by the mills reporting to tho West Coaat Lumbermen's association. These 121 mills, for the seven days ending September 2. manufactured 161.066.212 feet of lumber, sold »7,- 127,66» feet, and shipped 87,647,276 feet. There were a total of 764 Industrial accidenta In Oregon during the week ending September 12, according to a report prepared by tbe state Industrial accident commtlsloo. Two of the ac­ cidents were fatal. They were 0. W . Richardson, watchman. Oregon City, and Herman 8chlelf. ditch walker. Hood River. The taking of spring chlnook sal mon eggs Is proceeding at such a Parasitic animals to prey upon tha pwea at the McKenzie river egg taking earwig have been promised to Oregon station of the fish commission that by the United States bureau of ento­ present Indications are that between mology. according to notice received 10.000,000 and 12.000.000 will be ob­ from that office by H. C. Atwell, com­ tained this season, according to an­ missioner of the state board of bdrtl- nouncement by Carl D. Shoemaker, cultnre. These animals must be secretary of the commission. brought fcpm Europe and will be ship­ The Housewives' council of Port­ ped at the earliest possible date. land has filed with tha public service commission s petition demanding that the gas rates of the Portland Gas A Coke company be reduced Bend a water hue been declared 1m pure and the schools are being eup piled from Tumalo creek, the water being hauled In barrels and placed at the disposal of tha children Twenty-nine deputise headed by State Prohibition Commissioner Cleav­ er raided the Abbey hotel, two pool halls and several residences at New­ port. and arrested several citizens. The demand for lumber from Cali­ fornia and tha middle west has In- cresed to such proportions that the W hitney company has decided to oper- ■to another shift at its mill at Qari The Fermera' Irrigating company of Hood Rives, hat called for bids on a 216 foot tunnel, which It proposes to build to carry Its water through a solid rock cliff on tho west gorge of Hood river near Bloucher. Ths tnnnel will eliminate n section of flume 4M feet long. Flood damage to the flume has been a heavy Item of expease. W ith the eneeption of the Oregon state penitentiary and tho state tret«, lag school for boys, all of tba state fastltutloas bare reported to the state board of control a lower per capita coat of operation daring tbe month of Augast. 1921. than In August. 1632. Ths moat marked Increase In the cost of operating the state Institutions wan at tht state penitentiary. ,,y