G L O B E AUtAXT H lfh CliM P h o to p b ri Only SUNDAY — M O NDAY S labor “ “ Chevrolet engine (or $22.50 labor ” " relioe IranaauaMon band (or $2.30 labor “ " overhaul rear is l e and rebush spring* and perch«« when •ary (or $7 labor All work guaranteed GANSLE BROS. F is k a n d G ate. T ir e , and T u b e. - We now h . v . in stock l b . »Ink % » , 3 h fatmc t.res (or V» prices before buying. Be s u r. to in v e .tig a te our lines and re t * * ’ ° ’lr Automobile accessories, Ford parts, oils. W illa rd battery service station. ........... ~ HALSEY GARAGE proni pt atteu bou Telephone lé s i F O O T t B R O S . Props. iJkepherd is living a t the Hotel i . , ' a • * « Mrs. Adolph Chialvo returned t ° ° drY, 80 we were advised to to her home in Olympia, Wash., Halsey. r o « w v «. . ! try the ocean, beyond the three- HALSEY RAILROAD TIME Friday a fte r an extended visit Note— •L McMahan has been a t mile limit, as we w ere still North Stiul), with her mother, Mrs. George Coburg a n d h i s family (there near the United S tates line, (Continued from page 2) Maxwell. No. IS. 11:37 a. in. N a 17, 12:13 p. m HOLLYWOOD Soon are two of them now) will p ro b -! . .. ,. . . . . , . / * 1116 ,salt w,at€ r a t high H * :2 t p. m. 2J, <>M T h e r e was a tabla w ith a la m p p n Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bateman ably join him there soon. n 4:30 a. m. T, V v e n . . I tlde Wfia leaa than 100 It la the middle o f the room, and sit­ 21. 11:32 p. m. of Brownsville were Halsey visi­ e c ♦ family went to ,a w a y from our car, we decided Nos, 21 and 22 stop only if flag jr-i tors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Saturday. H. F. camei th at it m ight be feasible, so ting a t th a t table, facing tow ard mo, waa W hittington right enough. He Bateman have rented their children elnA daJr his w ife .! started on our journey about was talkin g to a woman dressed as a Jots and Tittles farm and purchased a home in children and family followed 2>/i miles out. However, we hospital SUNDAY M A IL HOURS nurse. She was alttlng w ith ' • ••• vuv, AAVrTVrVl| W V Brownsville where they expect Tuesday. her back to me, so I couldn't neo her came upon a submerged island «C on tinu al fro m page » The delivery window of tbs to move in the near future. face. I couldn't catch a word of w hat about 500 feet high, which Halsey poatoffico ie open 8unday, School begins next Monday. they said. W hittington seemed to be Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Morrill caused us to give up our trip doing Peoria Pointers from 1:050 to 11a. m. end 1215 all the talking, and the nurne to 12:30 p. m. 8 W . P. W a h l’s niece, Mel» of Hillsboro are guests of their in disgust. We did accomplish Juat listened. H e seemed very em- (Left over last week) Smith, who ba« been visiting here «laughter, Mrs. E. F. Cross of 8unday mail goes out only on one thing—we got our feet pbatle— one« or tw ice be heat w ith aetaraed home Sunday. this city. Mr. and Mr?. Tom Ccon of thoroughly soaked. the north bound 11:37 train: _____ ‘ his flat on the table. Tnd t^ ir d w h - i anouw ‘'Presently, he seemed to get to the Mrs. Horace Armstroo» ar.d Should any of our our~ friends D. H. Sturtevant was a busi­ ter r and her two girls of Spo- send us donations, please advise end o f w hat he was saying. H e got daogbter», JCthelyo Cbaoowtth ness caller in Brownsville Sat­ Paid-for Paragraphs up, and so did she. H e looked and Mr«. A. C Armetroag and urday. towards the window and asked some­ daughter were Albany visitors thing— I guess It was w hether It waa Lawrence Wells returned S at­ Thursday. raining. Anyway, she came right Admittance Here 5 Cents urday from Marshfield, where Miaa Ktbalyn Chenoweth, wh< he has been employed in the across and looked out. Juat then the a Line bar been visiting her aiater. Mr» sawmills. moon came out from behind the O ur new fall stocks are complete, and Horace Armstrong, the last tbre clouds. I was scared the woman For Sale— 40 good Ewus. W. L. Wells and family left would catch sight of me, fo r I wc.» weals, left for her borne in south fn ll In the moonlight. I tried to Tuesday morning for Newport J. W. R oooa , Harrisburg, Ora. we invite you to inspect the new styles •rn Oregon Sunday afternooo. move back a bit. T h e Jerk I gave ior a few day’s outing. Staey Cunningham and wif was too much fo r th a t rotten old Oak and aah wood for sal*. Dr. and Mrs. T. I. Marks and in Men’s and Boys’ clothes. branch. W ith an alm ighty crash, of French Camp, Cal., parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Drinkard E. S. H atk s , Halssy of Mrs. George Taylor and Mrs •eft Tuesday for Triangle lake r red Overton, arrived Iasi for a short outing and hunting Old papera 5o a bundle at tbs week for a visit of a couple o trip. Enterprise office. “ months. Service Miss Geraldine Cook of Sa Quality Brownsville Mrs. C. H. Koontz, daughtei em was a week-end guest of Allx-rta and sons M artin ar.t her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. (Continued fro m png« t> Satisfaction Herman, returned Sunday iron Cook. Mrs. Lillian Howe of this city Newport, where they had beet | received first prize in flower sojourning for several weeks. Mrs. Charles Standish of Sa- ¡painting in oil, and second and em was the guest of her uncle, R. L. Winniford returned Fri third prizes In oil painting in ALBANY O R EG O N day evening from a two-da« H. C. Davis, Sunday. I andsespa painting nt tha county visit a t Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Kimball I I fair. Everything that is new for men and Mrs E verett Waggener ant md son William of Eugene were Although he has more brok- Sunday and visited daughter Verna of Great Falls, n Halsey „ ie | en and healed bones than any t the Stialey and Sturtevant Mont., visited a t the D H u a nnmaa boys. other Brownsville man, Frank S turtevant home Saturday hornes- I has gone ¡to worb with Dr. J. C. Booth and daughters I | a Southern Pacific bridge crew Alvia Leeper and family of — — — ___________ — — J a t Reedsport. Alpine were week-end guests E sther and M argaret were over I —— a t the home of Alvia’s parents, Lbe d^ t ° r ^ ^ is te rd n d ’awV’ M ro I q 8^ s 8^ j ^ ^ ^ j d8^ D' C?J thein t0 nm it in Cand’an cur- I Dr. J . W. Cook is going to Halsey^ Deeper of D. H. Sturtevant, and family. G bb and fam j’y. I quit business as a veterinarian rency, as United S tates gold is and devote his attention tc The W F w c -i. J Mrs' M' M- F ru it’ and Mrs. Ino *ood here. meet J ’ S- ^ M a i were Albany visi-l ------- ------------------ I breeding and raising sheep. d i i f 8' Ji*. Moore went to Friday a t 2 M't h ‘ H Th“ ? d‘ y' ° » ' i * 1' 22 « * * Portland Tuesday to be with her S u W * Dalbert Starr took Mr. T js of son Max who recently under­ friends are invited to attend. A ‘vrc" lbeit ' ««*«»'•» Hughes i ^ hom ^ 19 are thought dead | Mr. and ~ Mrs. ” ~ son> his right-hand man, to Hal- went a second operation on his a life raft, and I “W ith an Alm ighty Crash, Dewn I t sey T hursday to take the 4:28 n„ . .. of Oswego cam» up Sunday and three ,a ad d n rift on ________________ eyes. Cam«, and Jullua P. H srthslm m er tram for Albany on business. u r. and Mre. Henry Gam - returned Monday. Mr Hughes Possibly safe, add 13 injured W ith IL ’ Mr. and Mrs. F M Tirdle i S r e S s fam ‘,y o ? f c ®rvaIlfe was °u r blacksm ith for several .m a hospital j. i , hum an Rev. M. S. 'Woodworth lost of Brownsville and Mrs G w * on Ha,sey fr iends I years. loss resulting from Die disaster down it came, and Julius P. Hers- his tent, bedding and ram ping helmmer w ith It.'“ and Miss Mona' k * * Mr. and Mrs. Glen Studley of ¿ e s t o y e r e ^ w X 0 ^ “Oh. J u llu a " breathed Tuppence. I supplies by fire during his va­ Bond of this city returned Sun- L fre ig h t business on the A stona drove up to Corvallis e cP »OrL the cation in California. He is now “how e x c itin g !. Go on." l h y»r»eVtehn‘n\ f? i m Tidewater. S o u t^ rn Pacific has broken all £ visit relatives and came to s S u r d a y ^ r i i t a t Los Angeles and Rev. W. P. davn* ^ r y had b*en on a few T 50? !8' has ibereased Beona for a call on friends and are believed^tn he n^Vntni6^ 8 (T o be continued) Elmore is su b stitu tig for him «lavs outing and to get some Readily all summer. In Hal- relatives. 8 7?, ,ved 40 he a total loss, M otorists were given quite a a t the B aptist church. “ah. Isey business has increased on I Tin, d «,» ». „ . l i he ‘ iJal w#™ »tartad by the thrill when Dr. Bennette a t­ Rev. C. G. Morris has finish- tempted to keep up with Dad pastorate a t family, N T Sneíd ^nH £he , offlc<‘' Mr. Moody Davis’ seven-speed Ford. . Of the M. E. church. Experim ents conducted by course this was out of the Ereel and M r a n d ^ à rè f T u fbrm er hours and R. Held up at Boundary orest Products Laboratory question, gs one could easily S a lu h all shepherd »»es on a t 2 a. ni. f .— th e U . u 8. . ,uu,cnie indicate m that sawdust see. ---------- . o — at sawdust Doc has a big 1923 A lfo rd A rrow s » •« u n ta,. * n,° rn m i Under date of last Saturday I of coniferous wood can be con­ Studebaker and Dad’s machine eveiting. They report having i'la n k P o rter ordered last verted into a wholesome cattle has not, so fa r as we can leam , (Entarprlaa CorraaponSanea) aeen a num ber of Halsey pe«.- week s E n terp rise sent to W hite I feed. A prelim inary feeding been p u t on the m arket, on ac­ v, u j A- Starnes and family w it ? ’ £ ’ ? nd w rote: ¡tria l, using a product prepared count of its being a 1927 model. visited a t the Jak e Dannen Whit» Rock is ju s t over the from eastern white pine, was It is said Dad had her up to home near Shedd Tuesday af­ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * eeeeeeeeI “ neLa i arrived here a t mid- conducted in cooperation with 2 7 ^ miles per hour and once ternoon of last week. * I ¡?rlght .i?5* night on our way to the Wisconsin college of arricul- had all seven speeds going. ♦ I Mr. sa d Mrs. Will Grimes * New W estm inster and the of ture. With the saw dust feed Doc thinks he could have kept * n f i C S°? ’’yle of Walterville ricere of the law liked our out-¡representing about 25 per cent up if Dad had run out of gas.__ * Before buying your ed, a t / h e J. F. Isom home nt so well th a t they ordered our of the ration, the cows main- Monroe News. household goods or one day last week. SCHOOL DAYS i j C8r’ ca^*® and ourselves | tained th eir production of milk farm machinery until placed on a siding for about and showed an appreciable In­ * ta ll («» J Mi ohb , Roffe of Alford and the K. L. Winniford tw enty-four houi-s so th a t tney crease in b u tter fat production Mrs. Godman of Buena Vista could have a good look a t us. A decided increase in weight * SCHOOL SUPPLIES J SALE, SEPT. 22 I ™ei e- m arried last week and are sunshine hours. was noted during the period in ol larg e mares, yearling n,a 2heir hom< on the Fred * Pen», Pencils, Tablet», I Span About noon today the in- which they were fed the treat- mere coll, tad lla horse and o ther Laundry sent Tuesdays B urkhart ranch a t Alford. items were omitted from sale bill spectors came and looked u s j « l sawdust. The saw dust is Notebook», Ink Dyeing, Cleaning and Pressing Aleo r A . E | Whitbeck w ent to over. Tiiey decided th a t w e . made palatable and digestable Buah A laane No. 12 Piano were 0 . K. except as to a fee. I by chemical treatm ent. I t is Brownsville one day last week. J All at A B E ’S P L A C E Sale at 10 a. ni. b«hth h and a ¡ S ie v e d Oregon fir sawdust A- F. Rob e tt of Eugene 1 m ils south and 3 east of Halsey. path. The bathtubs were all ¡will be superior to th a t from at D‘ I' tsom home too sh o rt; anyway, they were,'P»ne. ^ * * * * * * * * * * e w # w * » e > w * #y. returning Monday evening. eling Bags before P ^ ' 8nd Mrs' Jack Curtia you buy Exclusivo Acent for W . L. W R IG H T r 8^ n t Sunday a t the Curtis ° f nePhew, Chester Mortician & Funeral Director AN ALL-STAR CAST W ait!! Modern Barber Shop : RINGO’S Drugstore J T runks o . W . FRUM Jersey Milk Food Compound Iho económica 1 leed for calves, plgg «Dd ehiekeos S to v e S R anges and Also a complete slock at FEED AND GRAIN Our line of Stoves and Ranges is com­ plete and you can save money by get­ ting our prices be­ fore you buy H ILL & <5 Halsey and Harrisburg C all D T a v to a , H .lsey, or W. L. W m io h t , Harrisburg F. M . G R A Y , p R A Y M A N •V- w - i! lone p ro .n p tlT ä ä d "re?K>ñ~ •bly. Phone No, 26» Prnn*?i' J' £ ISO fn a n d 800 flXt i Z auent Eu«ene the first of the week. s a t ^ t I n8Tam 8nd fan,il>’ »P*«4 R J c k i iK evening a t the J. H . inw MU \ ° ? r ’ occas*°n be- m g M tss Lillie Rickard’s birth- -< ? the AJbany g u - *ge. salesman for the S ta r c a t " a s m Halsey Friday.