| Walton and the Kian A m erican E agle j Tai©» of Floggings in Ok­ lahoma Sworn to ^/^banv.^)irectory ^ots anc^ J (Continued fro m paga 1» Fire Insurance Co. T h is is good advice; “ I I you live Aldrich Blake, executive L Cuil was here from in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live counsellor, has made public an in some other town, trade io that town. “ Albany on business Friday. Hut in these automobile days many re­ account of some of the brutal Miss Nettie Spencer gave a Hay is worth ju st as much in storage as siding elsewhere find it advisable to do floggings that led Governor at least pari of th e ir buying in the I well-received talk on her trav­ you m ight get for it in case of fire. Th 3 larger town Those who go to Albany els at a recent meeting of tho Walton to invoke maitial law in to transact business w ill find the firms Corvallis Evangelical church. ^American Eagle Fire Insurance company, Tulsa county, Oklahoma. He Alluringly Attractive named below ready to fill th eir require­ says: ments w ith courtesy and fairness. ■will pay you 85% of the cash value in ca«e There is now paved read all Through the 1200 pages of of loss by fire. The Newport Ibany Bakery, 321 Lyon street, the way from Portland to Hai- testimony runs the same brutal Best one-poand loaf of bread made, risburg on this side of the Will­ “ F a s h i o n ” 7 c * cents ; 3 for 20c. Wedding cakes to amette except refrain. It’s always the klan or between Shedd Frame order. some members of the klan. and Tangent, and that may bo The dark or cherry tone on the crystal In every case thus far frame. Ask to see the samples. A Ibany . Floral Co. Orders filled completed this month. A m cA r^fn for everywhere or any examined, except two which carefully F. M. Gray, administrator of time. Flowers, wire anywhere in U. S. have not proceeded very far, or Canada. Flow er phone 458-J. the Kirkpatrick estate, has a>>d the evidence has led straight to the doorstep of the Invisible Optometrists, M anufacturing Opticians A L B A N Y G A R A G E. " Studs- lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 in block 2, Albany, Oregon b a k e r” and “ S ta r " automobiles. ' Hayes’ addition to Halsey, to Empire, known as the Knights Mrs. Amelia P. Smith, mother General repairing and supplies. of the Ku Klux Klan. Not an G. T. Hockensmith.— Lloyd Templeton. of the Halsey-Sweet Home mail alien has been accused, not a Furniture D lu e Bird Restanrant, 309 Lyon contractor, for $400. breath of suspicion against a single Tulsa citizen except mem­ Li L i U i Ils Exchange Thomas McLain tried to cross street. Eat here when in Albany. Open from 6 to i and 5 to 8. bers of the imperial organiza­ the raiload track at Harrisburg Halsey, Oregon Mas. B l o u n t . Best and largest line ol tion. the other night and bumped in­ No arrests had evti bsen to a car of a freight train that D R Ü N 8 W IC K made until the military court *-* P H O N O G R A P H S was standing still. He can’t be C A P IT A L A N D SU R PLU S $35,000 at convened. Except in »,ne or two H ead.,u .ter. for Camping Outfits accused of having laced with a W O O D W O R T H 'S train that time. instances were the police called Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited and immediately returned to Heavy EGstburn Bros.— Two big g ro cery Harrisburg ard Junction City- the station, no investigation has stores, 212 W. First and 225 South D PR IN T LINOLEUM each want to be the Junction Main. Good merchandise at the right ever lieen made of any of these (1 per square yar<’> prices, point of the Natron cut-off, in­ dozens of other cases now un­ stead of Eugene or Springfield. 422 West First at.. Albany, Oregon, der investigation. I tpilins developed and printed. Why not bring it to Halsey? " I haven't « mb Mm either." replied ou tbe top of the cliff. I was there, We mail theia rig h t back to yon. Tbe average m ,n is pretty have lots of room for Tuppence ImpaMaaUy. "Go on about too. you understand] W e walked Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, O r­ We opt to change his address af’ci growth. egon. Waterloo. Whet were you dolus maybe, for half an hour. There's ■ Fresh and Cored Meats his skin ha3 been whipped un­ there?" lot of villas all the way along, but by One of the Brock sisters who C ’ lo o d ’s dry goods store is tha best and then he is •H e rave me a call. O rer the degrees they seemed to get more and til it is raw if he Quarters of B E E F ' lor canning . ■*- place in Albany to buy dry goods, owns a confectionery at Harris­ phone. Told roe to get a more on, more thinned out, and in the end we 'n renter ed with death furnishings and notious. Service it our burg was reported not long ago end hustle. Said ha w s i trailing two got to one that seemed the last of the tells. That is exactly what hap­ purposes at canning prices motto as having under gone an opera­ rroete." pened in Tulsa, not once, but bnneh. C. H. FA L K , _ "Oh 1” aald Tuppence, her eyas O R D SALES A ND S E R V IC E tion for appendicitis. Now an­ times, or perhaps 200 "It was a pretty black night, and many C . L. FA LK JR. , opening. "1 see. Oo on ” other one, Miss Marie has been Tires and accessories the carriage drive up to the house was times, in a little more than a Repairs " I harried along right away. Ber­ dark as pitch. married without the knowledge I could hear him year. HALSEY K ia r-P o L L A K M o tos Co. esford »1» there. He pointed out the ahead, though I couldn't see him. I of any of her friends at home. The wet rope is out of style. crooks The big one was mine, tbe turned a curve and I was Just In time In Tulsa they use a leather Cream and Produce Station EV rtrn iller Eurniture Co., forni Ths occurred in Portland and guy yon bluffed. Tommy shored to see him ring the bell and get ad­ * ture, rugt. linoleum. stovaa raugei. the bridegroom is Lee Lowrey strap. It is about three inches ticket Into my hand and told me to mitted to the bouse. 1 Just stopped Cash paid for Funeral directora 427 433 west First of that city but well known in wide, perhaps four feet long. get aboard the care. H e wae gulag where I was. Street, Albany, Oregon. Harrisburg. to death the other crook." Jallaa "Whittington didn't come out again, The end of the strap is cat-tail- Cream, Poultry, Eggs and LTub Cleaning Works, Inc. paused. " I thought for sure you’d end by and by I got kind of restive, ed—sliced into three straps. D. O. Woodworth gave a $200 Cor. Fourth and Lyon know all thia.” and begun to mouch around. All the Fifty lashes will tame the Veal, m . H S H O O K . purebred bull calf to that mem­ Master Dyers and Cleaners "Jullua," «aid Tuppence flrmly, «it ground floor windows were shuttered stiongest man. String men ber of a cow-testing associa­ M a d e -T o -M e a s u re Clothes down la that armchair'and tell mo the tight, but upstairs, on the first floor stagger away, ruined for life. Dad’s and Main’s Restaurant M e n aud money are best when tion who guessed nearest to the ’’ ’hole story with as few fancy tu n s (It was a two-storied house) I noticed A mother roughly dealt production of three of speech as possible." busy. Make yonr dollars work in butterfat a window with a light burning and Second it ., opposite Halsey Garage with when a band of 20 men "Wall." began Julius, " I gpt into the curtains not drawn. our savings department. A l b a n y STATK cows with records at the fair. aided her home and beaL her Short order* at all hours up to 11 p. ni. B a n k . Under government supervisioa Col. M. Miller of Knox Butte one of yonr dear old-fashioned first “Now, Just opposite to that win­ dees British compartments. The train dow, there was a tree growing. It xusband—a child was born pre­ won the prize against a number iller Motor Salsa was Just off. I did a bit of p ro je c t­ wee abont thirty foot away from the maturely as the result; a mem- of other guessers and he was Oakland and Jewett cara ing along the corridor to tbe next hones, maybe, and I sort of got It ier of t township school board 53 pounds too low on one and Supplita and accessonea coach. Whittington was there right Into my head that, if I climbed up that l’ irat and Baker Sta. Albany, Oregon 67 and 158 too high on the oth­ lbducted by floggers and coerc­ eoongb. When I saw the skunk, with tree. I'd very likely be able to see ’d into voting for a school his big sleek fst face, and thought of Into that room. So I started up. ortou A Speer Servioe Com­ er two. That’s a pretty good head whom he opposed; an eld­ I can make both F A R M and C I T Y argument for cow testing. pany poor little Jane In hie dutches. I fait “I t wasn't ao easy by a long chalk I Headquarters for good tires reel mad that I hadn't got a gun with The rain had made the boughs mighty erly man lashed because he op- L O A N S at a very row ra te of inteiest Ex-County Commissioner Phi ne 6.5 First and I.y tn me. I ’d hare tickled him op tome. slippery, and It was all I could do pcsed the way the school was From 5 to 10 years. W rite me for par Butler argues strongly for the « "We got to Bournemouth ell right. to keep a foothold, but bit by bit I run; e man and a woman reu - trailers. G. W. L a f l a b , A fu ip h v Motor Co, B iiig I c aud building of the Harrisburg Whittington took a cab and gare the managed i t until at last there I was I 'd out of their beds and tak»n Salem, Ore. 410 Oregon Bldg Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and bridge in 1924. name of an hotel. I did likewise, and level with the window. | accessories. -o the whipping field where we drove up within throe mbantes of ‘ Albany, Oregon. Phone 240 The biggest grain crop in re­ ‘Bat then I was disappointed. I the ru a p was applied to both, each other. He hired a room, and I conld only see sideways Into the room. cent years in the Willamette Amor A. Tussing because the* whippers charged o sco e ames h a r d w a r e , hired one too. So fa r it was sB plain Just as I was going to give It up, and valley is practically all thrash­ that they had been selling Peei the ■suing. Well, ha Juet sat around In climb down lgnomlnloutly. someone ed and stored. L A W Y E R AND N O TA R Y W IN C H E S T E R S T O K E —these are among the cases re­ the hotel lonnge, reading the papers Inside moved and threw his shadow 322 W. First at. and m on, till It was time fo r dinner. on my little bit of wall—and, by gum. lated by Blake from the testi­ Halsey still has fine fresh H alsky , O r ¡eoo n mony. " I began to think that th-tre was It was W hittington! strawberries this week. They « “ - B E R T 4 8 0 S nothing doing, that he'd just ooroe on A Klansman testified: “I “After that, my blood was up. I'd came from the Winniford farm tha trip for bis health, but I remem­ Just got to get a look Into that room. think there were about 150 men Chinaware and g ift shop and retail at 15c. Coming to Albany 330 West First Albany bered that he hadn’t etmnged fo r din­ I t was up to me to figure ont bow. I >ut there. They were all dis­ Peter Whitney, 33, of Albany ner. though It was b y way of being noticed that there was a long branch guised with old hats and old C T E N B E ItO B R O S ., groceries a slap-up hotel, so It seemed likely running out from the tree in the right was drowned Thursday when a Mats and with handkerchiefs fru its, produce, 235 Lyon street enough that he’d be grdng out on his direction. I f I could only swarm tied over their eyes. They had l»oat from which he was fish­ We sell groceries and reel bnslnees afterwecH about half-way along It, the proposi­ Buy cream. Phone 263R ing near Harrisburg upset. Specialist two prisoners there standing "Sure enough, about nine o’clock, so tion would be solved. Very cautiously. »ear a telephone pole. The one The tax commission organized he did Took s ear senes« the tow«— Inch by Inch. I crawled along. At IM S O N T H E SHOE DOCTOR in Internal Medicine for the C T Second street, opposite Ham ilton's with C. H. Stewart as chair­ last I got safely to where I wanted that was whipped first was told mighty pretty place her the way. I | «tore. ; past twelve years -o leave the country. A man to be. man and appointed Mrs. D . 8 . rueas T il take Jane there for a spell Sudden Service.” McWilliams as secretary. The from some other town, talked wba« i find her—and then paid It off ®Bd off along those nine-woods to the prisoners. I didn’t know U b a l d o Anderson A Sou. d .s trib - McWilliams family talk of mov­ (Ceatianed en pegs 4) D o c h N o t O p e r a te urn, you see, they usually have ’ ’ utors an>l dealers lor M aaw ell, C h al­ ing to Albany. D . S. is one of mers. Esees, Hudson A H u pm ob ilt cars. the commissioners. i man from some other klan. a Accetooriea. Supnliet. 1st A Broadalbin. W ill be at stranger in the community take It cost John Enhrenich $100 i charge. It is well arranged.” in the city court and $250 be­ A woman who was lashed tes­ fore a justice of the peace to tified : ' They took the quilt jell liquor in Albany last week Frriday, S;pt. 21, away from around me and I and a ninety-day jail sentence C S.-e hoars 10 a. tn. to 4 p. m. I“ 3 , just had on my nightgown and was added for good measure. they began whipping me and I 5 SERVICE g Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott, legan screaming and they put S'loes that cost lets per month of wear from Oakland, Cal., arrived their hands over my mouth and Thursday for a visit at the A. I fell unconscious. I didn’t OU SHOULD see thia E. Whitbeck home. Mrs. Scott know any more until I was back exhibition of products and Mrs. Whitbeck are sisters in the car and when I came to No Charge for Consultatiou New FURNITURE AND and I was ail wet with blood and from every section ot our u” d FARM MACHINERY years. had not met for thirty-two someone had hold of my pulse IJr. M ellenthin it a regular graduate state, a revelation and a lib­ and someone asked if my heart in medicine and surgery and is li bought, sold and exchanged i t all tiaies (Continuad on pasa 4) was beating. They blindfolded censed by the state ol Oregon. lie eral education to everyone. BEN T. SU D TELL me again and brought me back visits professionally the more important 0. A. C. reports he home. I was sick at the time towns and cities and offers to all who Phone 76-K, 123 N. Broadalbin at., A llw ay July productions of butterfat Agriculture, Horticulture, call on this trip free consultation except and haven’t been well since. by tested cows in July 3.7 the expense of treatment when desired Livestock. Special attrac­ rounds more this year than According to b it method of treatment last. Some of the boarder tions day and night. Horse he does not operate for chronic append cows have been sent to the iritis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, ton racing, amusements, stock W e are m akin g five-year loans ot> slaughter house. • i l t or adenoids. A C. P. STAFFORD, Agent Meade & Albro, f I QTICC HALSEY STATE BANK Used F u r n itu r e , X P Square Meal, 50c M FARM LOANS M R |S. “• Dr. Mellenthin Oregon State Fair HOTEL ALBANY ■Sakm, •Septe.mèer 24-29 ONE DAY ONLY! Y FARM LOANS Hungarian Vetch and poultry shows, etc, etc. $75,000 in prizes and parses 8 c per L B . Quantities at less O rder N ow < 7art d a d f o r tA e & . o u n d ¿ T rip On eale September 22-29.ia«laei*e ; return limit October 1 I f you have been ailiug for any length of tim e and do not get any better, do not fail to call, as improper measures rather than disease are very often the canae of your long-standing trouble. ALL TRAINS DIRECT TO FAIR GROUNDS Per forth« f particulars ask tg -ate JO H N M. SCO TT. Aseisteat I aaeenger Traffle XVaaager, Southern Pacific Lines Linn county farms at plus oom mis He has to h it credit wonderful results n o n . Call on B i a m L a n d C o ., in diseases of the stomach, liv e r, bow­ 133 Lyon 84.. Albany, Ore els, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidneys bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rec­ tal ailments. Barber »hop W Baths First Claas Work Agent foe Eugene Steam Laundry Sent Toeedavt. Remember above data, that con. aultalioa on this (rip will ba free and that bis treatment ia different. M arried womeu must be accompanied J . w . S T E P H E N S O N . Prop. iUge,„, CaJ 211 Broadway bldg., Optom etrist, «vith F m . french & sons J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S by their husband« Address. W hy suffer lrom headache? Have vour eyes examined S. T . F R E N C H Loa Albany. Oregon Thursday afternoon the Rick­ ard Garage at Corvallis was turned, with forty-one auto­ mobiles. Ixisj about $60,000. ITie Beaver laundry was damag­ ed one-tenth as much and some othei damage was done. Texas rangers have brought About the indictment of a number •A floffgsrs. Perhaps ths acousod can ssesps conviction by spiriting sway witQMSM or dispiriting offi­ cials as they have done in Oregon. Each I. W. W. strike turns out to lie more of a fizzle than its predecessor.