• a VO BALMY ÏNTEHPEISK leyville, N. H., is 45 years-old engineering skill, economy and smxd M M C H an r Deed quality, 12 feet w i d e ' and her husband, a farm er, is I • •• d a w « — M OT n s e t r a l S C S I efficiency. yard A ll kinds of Feed » •U la O » , a v ory T k a rsd a y “ Who built the five-mile New and second grain 55. They have ten sons and ten W H C M I.ÏH Good quality, 6 feet w id o _______ yard sacks. Sack twine. daughters, all robust, and noti stretch of Tillamook road a t a Clover seed. Chop­ a twin nor a triplet among cost of >102,098 which had to 1» value, f o r __ _. . . . „ «fictions, |l . M a yoar la advanee ping done to suit. them. Three of the girls are Advertiaing, 2üc an tocb ; no discount rebuilt within three years a t an Prices right. married. Their m other hasn’t) 50-lb Simmons, alt Cotton, $16 value, f o r ............................. lut lime or space ; no charge for com­ added cost of >118,462? FLO UR position or changea, a gray h a ir and the parent “Who built the Rex-Tigard Golden Loaf___ $2.00 couple advise others to follow 2-inch posts, seven 1-inch fillers, only........ '▼ •« -fo r Paragraphe.- te a lias. road in the fall of 1918, which White Mountain 2.15 • « • • i ’ a r t la ln g d ia g u ia a d u nawa their prolific example. n less than three years was so See us when ia used of -»Token down th a t the highway was compelled to HALSRY, Lina Co.. Ore., fiept. 13, IKI department ebuild it? ” We can save j ou money "Who built the Hillsboro HIGHWAY "EFFICIENCY oad, of which within a year S. « ^ I v 'a H i ’ * Cl° th in t " d ,h0<’ f0r »"<» - «a Henson said in his letter of 415-421 West First street •apply all your needs at money-sari ng prices. Travelers get a great deal ol esignation th a t it was break- Albany, Oregon satisfaction out of the Oregon ng to pieces so badly th a t it paved highways. The E nter vould have to be resurfaced if once ahe waa out nt the other’s pres­ lot regraded?” 1 Haavy school shoes for the boys, ence. Once again ahe admitted to prise recognizes th e fact that Brown calf dress shoes, all new W hat about the expensive herself that Mie waa afraid, horribly built for service and comfort, priced such a through road system is >a Grande highway which styles and the very best of quality, afraid, of the beautiful woman, with at price a valuable asset. But there ait vent to pieces within a y e a r? ” the cruel eyes. In the midst of a final desultory Who built a Douglas coun- circumstances connected with polishing of her silver. Tuppence was the subject th a t modify our re­ y highw ay in the construction Heavy work shoes it black and disturbed by the ringing of the front Boys’ dress shoes in black sad if which, a report by the Ore­ brown, all good solid stock, prices joicing. door bell, and went to answer It. Thia brown, all good quality and new gon public service commission time the vtattor waa neither Whlttine - One of these is th a t the same leclares, >81,115 was w asted?” i styles, just what the boys wil wan», ton nor Boris, but a man of striking priced amount of money judiciously “Who built 28 Oregon high- appearance. spent on roads th a t would be vays of which only three were Juet a shade over average height, 3.15, 3 3.75 Men's heavy cotton union suitn, ha nevertheless conveyed the Impres­ feeders from outlying section: ompleted at the original com- sion of n big man. HI« face, denn- to th e railroads would have .ract price, while the remaining ahaven and exquisitely mobile, was cost 10 to 115 per cent more doubled the producing popuJa-. .han M en’s heavy wool mined union suits »tamped with an expression of power th original contract sad Oafoids at special prices at and force fa r beyond the ordinary. tion by attractin g im m igrants p r ic e ? ” Magnetism seemed to radiate from to the lands, now idle, t h a t 1 kt "U7U ^V10 ^ U1 the* Jeffereon- lum. Men's 6 ue all-wool union would have been opened. It Vorth road of only six miles, suits.............. .................... Tuppence waa undecided for the i or which the contract price Boys’ heavy cotton union suits would have doubled the agricul­ moment whether to put him down as /as $183,008 while the final an actor or a lawyer, but her doubts tural and horticultural and ^26 369?” thC C° ntraCt0rs Was Black kid one-strap pumps, m ili- ware soon aolved aa he gave her hie dairy products of Oregon and name: Sir James Peel Edgerton Tuppence went back te her pantry started a steady stream of "Who built the Green Springs thoughtfully. The greet man had Im­ wealth into the state from the oad of only 15 miles, the con-1 Patent leather pumps, m ilitary heels A large line of boys’ school suits, all pressed her. She understood Boris' consuming world, and it would ract price of which was $286,- agitation. Peel Edgerton would not <33 while the sum finally paid! Prown pumps and Oxfords, price be an easy man to deceive. have doubled the assessable Boys’ suits' two pairs pants, at he contractors was $616,708 ?” In about a quarter of ¿z hour the property and thus halved the Within Were Plainly bell rang, and Tuppence repaired to In the plana for the league ol Audible. per cent tax levies or furnished the ball to ahow the visitor o u t He her feet, her eyee Hashing. ------ had given her a piercing glance before. funds for building the present lationa tha United States, th« only Wo have a wonderful line of fine B L A N ­ "Tou forget, Boris," she said " I Now, as she handed him hla hat and through system s on the pay-as- powerful nation free from the jeal­ K E T S ui cotton, wool mixed and all wool, am accountable to no one. I take my stick, aha waa conadoua of hla eyea oeo them before you buy. you-go plan. ousies and suapiaions that ke-p orders only from—Mr. Brown." raking her through. As she opened The other threw up hla hands ln the door and stood aside to let him We were-led into our heavy ivory Buropsio nation’s hand ou despair. pass o u t lia stopped in the doorway. u ,c | ‘h’ daii* r hilt, was to ha the brl- road bond indebtedness - -7 by the "Ton are Impossible." he muttered. “Not been doing this long, » h r false promise th a t both th e f * 00’ w b w l’ WBhout it tha leagur Impossible! Already It may be too Tuppence raised her eyes, aston­ late. They atty Peel Edgerton can ished. she read III hla glance kindli­ through routes and the m arket wobblaa first one way and then au- smell a criminal I Perhaps even now ness, and something else more difficult branch roads would be financed other, ’ never able to pursuo a y.ii.H im iiiiisiiiH llllllllllljH IH O T H flH hla auspicious are aroused He to fathom. the men Tommy was shadowing when Uralght courw, Ik U doing w o a-, by it, and by another false guesses— " H e nodded as though she had an­ she had last seen him. Already, al­ JarfuJIy wall under the circuit), Mrs. Vandemeyer eyed him scorn- swered. claim of which the Eugene though she would hardly admit It. she fully. «lance». Poeeibly It may survive. V. A. t>. and hard up, I suppose) wsa becoming uneasy about her part Register thus discourses: Linoleum M attress Ivory Bed $1.10 • t s . I d l ’!’ $12.50 11.50 $11 F U R N IT U R E THE FALL SEASON I P?L8’. J h0es Bartcher & Rohrbaugti Furniture Company W m .e V i- .a - A _____ A * " M en’s Shoes $2.45,2.85, 3.15 H « , 5 « , 6.5»,7.K $3.25, 3 .« 4.50, 4.65 Underwear $2.75, G irls’ blown Pum ps $1.45 and 1.95 $4.25 $2.85 and 3.50 $5.45 $1.25 and 1.45 Suits $4.85 and .565 $4.9546.50 $2.69 and 2.89 $9.90 to 11.50 $2.10,2.69, 2.89 W om en’s Shoes ’■**•* — C . J . B R E I E R C O ., The Secret Adversary “Reassure yourself, my dear Boris. Good place here)" He suspects nothing. Y»u 8eem to “ Very good, thank you, Mr.” The .people of Deschutes „ Illinois seems to be a paradise j forget that I am commonly accounted "Ah, but there are plenty of good county are to vote on an issue a beautiful woman. I assure you places nowadays. And a change doea In of $130,000 of road bonds to be or «rooks and things. that Is all that interests Peel Edger­ no harm sometimes.*' -hicago two rival gangs of used in completing The DaJles- ton. Do you mean— T' began Tuppence. Califomia highway south ol ootleggers. have »wen slugging Besides, he is extremely rich. I But Sir James was already on the Bend, and the Bend Bulletin tnd m urdering each o ther and am not one who despises money. The topmost stair. He looked back with 'sinews of war,’ you knQw, Boris!" his kindly, shrewd glance. naively rem arks th a t there are -he law enforcement office: s | "Money-money! That It always "Just a h in t" he said, ‘"n ia t’s all." people who oppose the bonds rink a t their crimes, while a t I (he danger with you. Rita. I believe Tuppence went back to the pantry because they fear resulting in­ you would sell your soul for money. more thoughtful than ever. m assacre ’ is creases in taxation if the issue ferrih, where I believe—” He paused, then )n a low, tgalized in a lalior war, the is approved. sinister voice he said slowly: “Some­ CHAPTER V II B y Their fears, it m ight as well ■omes of Klu Klux Klansmen ( times I believe you would sell— us 1” Mrs. Vandemeyer smiled and tie confessed rig h t now. will lie u e being bunted with impu ity. Julius Tells a Btery. shrugged her shoulders. confinned. i f the bonds carry Dressed appropriately. Tuppence "The price, at any rate, would have duly sallied forth for her "afternoon there will be increased taxation There are » __ = 3 to be enormous," she said lightly. " It . « -----— —«.y ’»»JO and anybody who maintains - out. Albert was In temporary abey­ otherwise is merely talkinp of extracting coin from people. cleared away and washed up would be beyond the power of anyone ance, but Tuppence went herself te (Osorrlakt Dodd, Mead A C o c u y ) but a millionaire to pay." with a breathless speed acquired In the stationer's to maka quite sure that through his hat. Optimistic but A doctor did it with an X-rav ’ A h i” said the Russian. "You see hospital. Then she slipped quietly nothing bad come for her. Satisfied (Continuad) addle-minded persons have been And a pair of lot ceps in the case I was right I” back to the boudoir door. The cook, on this point, she made her way to iv-sunng us solemnly for years »f 13-year-oid Leaner Massie of "My dear Boris, can you not take more leisurely, was still busy In thè CH APTER VI the Rita. On Inquiry she learnt that a Joke?” th a t improvement bonds would > Hants Pass the other day af-i kitchen, and. I f she missed the other Tommy had not yet returned. I t waa "Was It a Joke)’’ result in lowering taxes rathei would only suppose her to be turning the answer she had expected, but It ter she had swallowed a half- ld "*r‘on’ Of course. Let us not quarrel than in raising them and with dollar a n d if was another nail In the ccffln of her ‘ , Tuppence betrayed no awkwardness down the beds. Boris. Touch the bell. We will have monotonous regularity they and it had remained o v - ln her n ,w duties. The daughters of Alas! The conversation Inside was hopee. She Inquired for Julius Hern- some drinks." ---------- ... I the archdeacon were well grounded being carried on In too low a tone to helramer. The reply .be got was to h«v« been proved to be liars o'l 3 r nio-h) Tuppence beat a hasty retreat. She 1 the effect that he had returned about ,n household tasks. Mrs. Vsodemeyer's permit hearing anything of it. She the first magnitude. paused a moment to survey herself half an hour ago, but had gone out dared not reopen the door, however "Somebody ought to take ‘robablv there arc I 5°°? Pu« ' « l her. She evidently went In Mrs. Vandemeyer’s long glass, and * Other ways I In deadly terror o f her mistress The gently. Mrs. Vandemeyer was sitting be sure that nothing was amiss with Immediately. f h X c*‘.eerful out and n n r n Kiev; I arlwl ___ Ue lx _ _ L . . Tuppence's apirlts revived. I t would nore painful. I i ,rl thought It probable that the other almost facing It. and Tuppence re­ her appearance. Then ahe answered HiiM, n hem ,n an ’m sa tio n he something to see Julius. Perhaps ___ woman had some hold over her For spected her mistress' lynx-eyed powers the bell demurely. S v u ? r ^ on *nd a»« the rest *’« f°u ld devise some plan for finding rert’ •he like a chef, as of observation. The conversation that ahe had over­ -o l SheHri . f fata „ „ d j thked an opportunity of Judg f the states have been cursed v The Nevertheless, the felt she would out what had become of Tommy. She heard, although Interesting In that It too long with the tribe th a t goes ■y -a it a r e barb reported more I ,n< th,t eveolB« Mrs. Vsndemever give a good deal to overhear what wrote her note to Mr. Carter In Ju­ proved beyond doubt the complicity lius .sitting-mom, and wag Just ad­ « m t l n g a guest to dinner, and waa going on. Possibly, if anything of both Rita and Boris, threw very y KUI"g °»»t we can have luccessful than ever before ... our cake and eat it. too.” «Pi'O Of the fa c t th ,.» « . ’ J 111 Tuppence accordingly laid the beautl unforeseen had happened, the might little light on the present preoccupa­ dressing the envelope when the door m t iact thut i t waa the fwily polished table for two. She was get news of Tommy. For some mo­ tions. The name of Jane Finn had burst open. „ peoLp,e of Deschutes ments she reflected desperately, then What tha h— j— " be mad she remarked, and affecting a frank —...- —t r j •.i . . Journal had th« following to B a te rio o r frowned T u d o m m Tuppence felt a senaatip^ of r Imagination will go a long and unvarnished curiosity: “Who s 3 « a Didn't k«jeu your say a»»ut the waste of money beF 1 kB(|w (hat hie eloquence hae way. Henry Ford says the aaved untold men from the gallows," on some of our highways: "A Russian gentlemnn. I believe " n !u ’ of *»<>"«/ is entirely i»n- "Come here m t - h r said U ra Vandemeyer calmly. “What In a w nila What d’you want of RT I may need his assistance In . there is tginaiy. Yet it’s very con- to "Once know fort" * hifaluttn. holier-than-thou as- fhst line myself some day. I f ' « so, how “ Fancied he might be rweet on the fortunate to have such a friend." ? h ^ pt«‘2n’ / rRluently aasMted, vemertt to have a little of the "You are a clever woman. Rita hut th a t the Oregon highway or­ stuff when one want* a square missus, that’s all." explained the girl 1 he kind you can b . n r e e e n m i., th, i adding with an appearance ef gulkl von are eleo e fool I Be guided hr ganisation was marvelously ef meal. neea. “How you do take one upP' fin « quality of t.grvdtents » . * , h . n x and give op Peel Edgerton • ficient; in service errorless in T m not quite easy m my mind " I think not" C U rt e H ‘’O0’rt “ ,4 ‘ *» •*o’)ody g o . gei,,.. nt . T t h * ’ th at b°th the members about the souffle." explained the other Tou re fu s e r Títere was an ugly Clark a I f anyone ever tried to n « *