CL HALSEY ENTERPRISE V O L X II HALSEV, LINN C OUN»v, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 13, u>’3 NO. 7 JO T S A N D T IT T L E S Brief Chronicles o f Happenings in Halsey and All Over Linn County. Brownsville Briefs Shedd Shots O R E G O N N E W S B R IE FS (By Ralph Lawrence) By Aon« IVnaeli: ; Western Newspaper Union s Cleanings Outside of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Anderson nd daughter Helen drove into [town Sunday evening and sur­ prised the Brownsville folks. They are now from Palo Alto, Cal , and are on their way to Alberta, Can., to look after business interest«. They expect to stay a while in Brownsville ou their way back to California. Mrs. Grace Austin of Albany This County is visiting Mrs. L. G. Thompson H. D. Mltiner’s auction sale much interest aa any news of the a few days. Saturday a inccaaa. day. Itg stories are oewi. f l f l H There le a great scarcity of hop- The eales were made to WtUamette School starts Sept. 24th with pickere in Laae county. valley canneries lire. Horace Armstrong came The Albany chamber of com. the following teachers: Mrs. W. home Monday from Albany, after mere« ia working for an initiative Fine weather greeted the opening of Oat of 79 fires In the Umpqua na­ Turner, primary: Mrs. Speer- undergoing a minor operation in a measure for a special tax for thia the Lincoln county tenth annual fair tional forest only five are still burn­ stra. fourth, fifth and sixth hospital. County’s share of tha coat of ing. and these have been brought un­ grades; Mrs. Jack Dannen, In Toledo. bridges at Harrisburg and Albany. seventh and eighth; Mr. Norene A total of 147 teachers w.ll be em­ der control, according to O. C. Houser, Tom M ille r returned from New- Tbs Southern Pacific advisee port Thursday and next dav went Patrick O’Mara parsed ovtr the and Miss Helen Satchwell, high ployed In the Salem public schools dur­ central dispatcher. In charge of the fire prevention In the reserve. Only ing the next year. to Lebanon to help his grandfa­ parties intending the shipment t f great divide evrly Suaday morn­ school. one ef the fires this season was more stock to the state fair te place their ing. fbe funeral sermon was Tha Woodmee of the World held a ther, F. If. Bennett, lead wood oo Mr. and Mrs. John Pugh and picnic at Tumalo Island. In the Dee- than three scree la extant. orders for cars immediately, go preached from the Bap.iat pulpit care. Mr. and Mrs. C. Malson and chutes near Redmond there will be the least possible de- by Rev. W. P. E mo e. W Ith 110.999 email fish for planting, family spent the week end at I a state game commission car loft Port­ Having no airahipa, Haleer pen- lay io furniahiog them in the The Lane County Farmers' an log The Brownsville flooring mills Newport. land for Malheur county, where aev- e did not get above the clouds Present shortage of care. h*» voted to establish branch atorea at are running nigbt and day. J C i oral small streams and lakao w ill ho onday, se failed to see the eclipse Mrs. Mary Porter returned A. W. L. Haynes and wife, who Harrison was on the force pne Cottage Grove and Creswell. of the sun. 1 stocked. Two hundred thousand of last week from Washington. reaide on the river road west of night last week. Salem bankers stand ready to fi­ tha fish are trout, both of the eastern Eugene, oailed at the Eaterpriee Mr. and Mra. Stanley Hen- nance the prnnegrowers of that aeo brook Judge K e lly let Jess Davis off office Tuesday on the way home (Left over last week( and rainbow specie«, while the erv of Newport were in Shedd tlon In harvesting thetr IS M crop. with $125 fine Monday on hie plea from Crawfordsville, where they remaining 10,990 are black be«« Miss Anna Booker of Port­ last week. Mrs. Irene May Paabek. IS years old, of guilty of maiotaining a (booir) The selection of Gooding. Idaho, aa and relatives of tha deceased had land has returned to her home and her son. Nell. 4 years of age. were anisauce at hie Lome in Halley. Mrs. Fay Duncan of Noti the next annual convention city and attended the Pillere funeral. after several days’ visit at the visited her mother-in-law last drowned at the foot of Lake Neahkah­ , the election of lay and general dele­ Monday night 21 people partioi. nie near Whekler. Red Cross headquarters at A l­ home of her sister, Mis. Joe week. , gatee to the general conference of the ited in the annual picnic of tha bany Lava appointed chairmen in Hari ison. The cost of operating the Pendleton Methodiet Episcopal church which w ill Mrs. Helen Dakin went to lain Clothingoomany’a employee the various communities to goNcit Mrs. Etta Chastain is visit­ schools during the coming fiscal year be held In Boston la the spring of 1914 at Bryant park, Albany. funds for the relief of the appal, ing with friends and relatives Portland Saturday and return­ w ill be slightly lower than they were marked the eeeslon of the 40th Idaho ed Sunday. lin r suffering oaue^d by the esrth- in Brownsville and fixing up this present year. conference cf the church at Baker. Tickets for tha 8alsm state fair, 1 quake in Japan. In H Jsey Mr». her property for renting. She is Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brasfield. Girls In Clackamas <.*ounty are keen­ Pat H. Allen of the firm of Allen A on tale Sept 22 to 29, inclusive, at O- W , Laubner ia designated. making her home at Portland. with Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Nolan, ly interested In the contest for a queen Ooodsoll, of Portland, and eno of tha advertised eo pegs 3 of the Enter­ Allen Harrison returned to attended the dedication of the for the county fair that w ill take place firm ’s salesmen, W illiam Adame, warn Ciareoee Robertson, a cofisin of prise, will he $2.15 for the round drowned when their speedboat, Mlsa his home in Berkley, Calif., last Orphan’s home at Corvallis at Canby September 1S-I1. W. H. Robertson, asoompanied bv trip ; final return limit Out. 1. While excavating for a cellar at the Portland, In which they were en route his w ile sod little son, arrived b'r Saturday. He was called here Wednesday of last week. School time ie upon ns. Enter, anto Tuesday evening from Ala. by the death of his father, Mrs. Alice Prior returned to O. Debernardl ranch home, near Lone to attend the American l