Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, September 06, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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    FAO H 4
Quake, Fire, Flood
H u n d re d s of T h o u sa n d s
P e r is h .
About noon Saturday the m ail
dvatructiva earthquake ot modern
time« visited Japan. Tokio, Yo-
kohotnj and numerous other cities
were shaken down and took An­
and were practioalljr wiped off the
faoa of the earth. I t ia eetiuated
that 200,000 people wara caugtii
in tba ruiaa and burned to death,
bait of toam in Tokio.
wavaa followed which waahad
away cities aud destroyed muck
Tba island of Oabiwa, with 10,*
000 population, aank in the sea
A million paopla are destitute.
Food ia being rushed from China,
nearby, and from this and other
S un.-M on.
Sxrr. 11-12
g u a r a n te e d
Fog Bound
T a u a a -F a i.
T he S e c re t A d v e rsa ry
S mpt . 13-14
(Continned from page 2)
1. U. H o m e O p e n s
Tiaar Miss Tuppence:
"You have made a splendid start,
and I congratulate you. I feel, though,
that I should like to point out to yon
I once ’Dore th* rt8k’ you • r* running,
especially If you pursue the coarse
| you Indicate. Those people are abso-
*'— Earthquake« in divers plac­
There are now housed in two i
t,esPernte gnd incapable ef ei-
es, the sea and the waves rearing well equipped cottages of the I
pltJ J fet*
} on
I,- .—.-. f
sir I Pvobsbly underestimate the danger.
and men’a bearta failiog them for J -bilrlt-nTi’e
u ld r e n s farm hom
e of the W.
and therefore warn you again that I
fear and for looking after those L. 1. U. n ear Corvallis, fo ity lean promise you no protection. You
CODjiOg upon lbf | ‘^
waifs such 'as’have hiUxmi | h ^ g K «
I to been condemned to tempor- and If you choose to withdraw now no
I u y homes, housed in sectarian one could blame you. At sny rate,
Jots and Tittles
-nstitutioiu or sent to daily as­ think the matter over well before you
sociation with delinquents in decide.
If, In spite of my warnings, you
institutions established for the make
(Continued from page i )
up your mind to go through
with It, you w ill flnd everything ar­
District 114 withdraws fretu
innocence which is the right-1 ranged.’
Yifii have lived for two
Crabtree union high uhool.
ful heritage of childhood.
years with Miss Oufferin, The Parson­
John W. Stephenson spent
C. T. Webb is superintendent age, Llanelly, and Mrs. Vsndemeyer
Labor Day at Cottage Grove.
—an ideal father and admin is can apply to her for a reference.
May I be permitted a word or two
trator. With unusual grasp of
The weather cooled down the need of the work undertak­ of advice? I suggest that you should
nicely for the county fair.
yourself to be what you are,
en, and high ideals of the Mis­ a represent
former V. A. EX, who has chosen
W . P. Wahl and daughter Del- sion of the Home he has been domestic service as a profeaslon.
-»ble to organize the family col­
aaa were in Portland Tuesday.
lected from many counties and
Misses Hazel
j P --------
i wo as
m any
nm kinds
us oi of
l S
f Ä
■ » S .« ..* ? '
h 0 " ‘«
of friends and relatives in this
Governor Pierce in a recent I
etier to the farm home office 1
Chas. Mornhinweg was homc says: “I want to assure you |
from Devit for Sunday and la­ that there is no greater work
going on in Oregon than you
bor day.
are doing.”
Oregon Jersey cattle won 143
awards of credit last year to I
Mrs. J. T. McNeil has gone 295 won by the Jerseys of all
to Seattle, where her daugh­ the other states combined. This
ter, Mrs. J. L. Perry, is ill.
is more than 40 per cent of the
H . M Henry of Ihe restaurant total awards issued in the Unit­
k«s been laid up with erysipelas ed States—145 of the total 440.
C o m p a re o u r p ric e s
on T ru n k s an d T rav ­
e lin g
B ag s
b e fo re
yon buy
S to v e S
C u r lin e o f S to v e s
a n d R a n g e s is c o m ­
p le te a n d y o u c a n
s a v e m o n e y b y g e t-
tin g o u r p r ic e s b e ­
fo re y o u buy
A lfo rd A rrow s
N. T. Sneed says he feels
lonesome without his bees and
(Enterprlee C orroponSenc«)
■ I I , .
may get a new stock and resume
the production of sweets.
Mr«. A. E Whitbeck »peni oiiv
A large bam and t w e n t y - s i x | T k.WÍ‘ h her fr,eud’ MlíS
tona of hay bumed down Sun- 1,11,19 Kuk*rd-
day morning on the A. T. | Afternoon callers at the J. H.
Thomas place, east of Harris­ Rickard home Sunday were Mr. m e re ars many sucn at me present
*nd Mr«. Charles Jenks and time. H in t explains away any In­
Jaughlor of Tangent aud M r. and congruities of voice or manner which
Saturday night a truck ran Mrs. Michael R ic k ird .
otherwlss might awaken suspicion.
"Whichever way you decide, good
off the ferry Ixiat at Harris­
burg, which had not been pro­ Joe Viereck oi Portland called luck to you.
“Your sincere friend.
perly fastened, and traffic was it the Chester Curtis home Sunday
delayed several hours.
Tuppence's spirits
rose mercu-
Dr. E. W. Barnum and fami-
rlally. Mr. Carter’s warnings passed
ly of Mt. Angel, aocompani^d’by I 'Ud . Pro"“* ««d Vyron I»om unheeded. The young lady had far
Mre. Barnum’» grand mother. F u tjd ,y *il#,noon-
too much confldence In herself to pay
any heed to them.
Mre. Dyke of Spokane, were
There was stilt no word or message
A. C. Armstrong w tnt to Port­
guests at the C. P. Stafford
from Tommy, but the morning post
land Monday.
home Sunday and labor day.
brought a somewhat dirty postcard
with the words. "It's O. K .” scrawled
Mre. D. Taylor and son Law­
upon It.
rence, accompanied by Claron
At ten thirty Tuppence survijed
Gormley and Mrs. D. H. Sturte­
An Engluh servant girl was
vant and daughters Alice and brought to a hospital suffering from with pride a slightly battered tin
containing her new possessions.
Jean, drove to Salem Monday the effect« of a drug. The doctor I trunk
t was artistically corded. She drove
H ILL & <2.
questioned her as to her motive lev
taking ¡ t
“Well,” she replied, “I w m ii '*.
H e a ls B le e d in g G u m s
M ad e b y th o m a k o r s
o f S a l J le p a tic a
RINGO’S Drugstore
feeling well, and I w.ut to the
mieeus’ medicine cupboard, and
there was * bottle m arked.‘Three
droD« for an in fa n t six for an adult,
and a teaspoouful for an emetic 1*
I knew I wasn’t an infant. I wasn’t
sure about an adu]U M f thought I
must be the emetic, and tock a
spoon fuL”
A ht'.ijo of spiral spring» that can
be damped to the head of a banjo
makes that instrument iiuita’e a
O. w . F R U M
E x c lu s iv o A ire n t f o r
Jersey Milk Food Compound
the economical feed for calve», pig» and cbicksna
Also a complete stock ef
F O O T E BROS. Props.
to Paddington, and left the box In
the cloak room. She then repaired
with a handbag to the fastnesses of
the ladles' waiting-room.
Ten min­
ute* later a metamorphosed Tuppence
walked demurely out of the station
and entered a bus.
It w a r a few minutes past eleven
when Tuppence again entered the hall
of Routh Audley mansions.
was on the lookout attending to hla
duties In a somewhat desultory fash­
ion. He did not Immediately recog-
nlxe Tuppence. When he did, his ad- I
miration was unbounded.
"Blest I f Fd have known you I That (
r ig h t 's top-hole.”
her two years."
“And then you thought you would
get more money by coming to London,
I No. IS, 21:37 a. m. No. 17, 12:15 p. m.
I suppose? Well, It doesn’t matter to
24, 4:2$ p. ui.
23, 4.28 p. * ,
I will give you whatever you
22, 4.30 a. m.
21, 11:32 p. m.
want. You can come In at once?”
Nos, 21 and 22 stop only if flagged.
"Yes. ma'am. Today, If yon like.
My box Is at Paddington.”
“Go and fetch It In a taxi, then.
I I t ’s an easy place. I am out a good
deal By the way, what’s your nam eF
Th« delivery window of the
“Prudence Cooper, ma'am."
Halsey postoffice is open 8undays
“Very w ell Prudence. Go away and
from 1:050 to 11 a. m. and lZ:16
fetch your box.”
to 12:30 p. m,
"Thank you, ma'am.”
Sunday mail goes out only on
Tuppence withdrew.
The adven­
ture had begun, but she felt less the north-bound 11:37 train:
elated than she had done earlier In
the morning. I t crossed her mind that
If the unknown Jane Finn had fallen
Into the hands of Mrs. Vandemeyer, Jt
was likely to have gone hard with
A d m itta n c e H e r e 5 C ents
Paid-for Paragraphs
a L in e
'(To he continued)
Chino. Town Hat teen Dwcribsd hv
Traveler «« Being ‘‘Ofte Foot
From Heaveh.*
,C a rd o t T h a n k s
MpreS.’ . our eiocire
I thank« and appreciation for the
I act« of kindness, for t b . sympa-
Ithies expressed and for the beuti-
iXxs. Elizabeth Crump Endere fa ,Dl floral cfferiDg« « te n d e d dur-
writing ‘'Swinging Lanterns,” give»
lh e »ick new and at tba death
. M intimate picture of the highway. I0 , -0-ar beIoved “ other and siater.
and byway» of China, the Detroit i M r . ard M rs . T hos . J ackson .
B rothibs BNP SlSTERS.
•iuce ’1 uesday, but ia Improving.
Tooth Paste
relephone 16x5
won't tell—scared to death of her.
And suspicious! I can tell you— ’’
But what more Annie could tell,
Tuppence was never destined to learn,
for at that moment a clear voice with
a peculiarly steely ring to It called:
The smart young woman Jumped
as If she had been shot. “Yes, ma'am."
‘ Who are you talking to?"
“I t ’s a young woman about the situ­
ation, ma’am.”
“ Show her in then. At once.”
"Yes, ma'am."
Tuppence was ushered Into a room
on the right ot the long passage. A
woman was standing by the fireplace
She was no longer In her first youth,
and the beauty she undeniably .pos­
sessed was hardened and coarsened.
In her youth she must have been dax-
illng. Her pale gold hair, owing' a
slight assistance to art, was colled
low on her neck, her eyes, of a pierc­
ing electric blue, seemed to possess a
faculty of boring Into the very soul
of the person she was looking at. Her
exquisite figure was enhanced by a
wonderful gown n( Indigo clianneuse
And yet, despite her swaying grace
and the almost ethereal beauty of her
face, you felt Instinctively the pres
ence of something hard and menacing.
T ru n k s
Mre. Horaoe Armstrong and
daughters returned from Belknap
iprloga Sunday.
Trouble calls given
prompt attention
Prodigal Daughters
w. rv
Fisk and Gates Tires and Tubes.—We now have in stock the Fisk 94 M x
fabric tires for $9. Be sure to investigate oor lines and gat onr
prices before buying.
Antomobile accessories. Ford parts, oils
W illard battery service station.
W e will overhanl your Ford engine for $20 labor
“ Chevrolet engine for $22.50 labor
" reline transmission bead for $2.50 labor
“ overhanl rear axle and rebush springs and perches when
necessary for $7 labor
SarT »-to
Bluebeard’s 8th Wife
T u a a -W e n .
y /u to m o k ilt an d
t r a c t o r ¿ /'te p a irin y
Arrow Garage
High Clast Photoplays Only
A W em in Wa» Standing by the Flre-
a kind of metallic »trength that found
expression In the tones of her voice
and In that gimlet-like quality of her
For the first time Tuppence felt
’ h,e
,o t ,e ,r ,-d <™ *«n g .
'Your vole.; too, cried th . delight- |
ed boy. "It'» a» Rngllsli aa anythin«!
confidence deserted her. Vaguely she
No, I said aa a friend of mine knew
felt that deceiving this woman would
a young gal.
Annie wasn't best
he very different to deceiving W hit­
pleased. She's stopped on till today—
to oblige, she said, but really I f « ’ so tington. Here. Indeed, the might ex­
pect no mercy.
a t to put you against the place Are
Mrs. Vandemeyer nutianafl to a
you going up now. Miss? Step Inside chair.
the lift. No. 20 did you say?" And i
"Ton ran sit down
How did xon
he winked.
Tuppence quelled him with a stern hear I wanted a house-parlor maid?"
Through a friend who knows the
glance and stepped Inside.
As the rang the hell of No. 20 she lift boy here. He thought the place
wee conscious of Albert's eyes slowly : Wight suit me."
Again that basilisk glance seemed
descending beneath the level of the
i to pierce her through.
"You apeak like an educated girl?"
A «mart young woman opened the
'T v e come about the plgesC' said’ through her Imaginary career on the
tinea suggested by Mr. Carter.
It's a rotten place,” said the young ' seemed to her. as she did mk that the
»•omen without hesitation.
"Regular tension of Mrs. Vandemeyer « attitude
old cat—always interfering
Accused relaxed
"I see.” she remarked at length "la
me of tampering with her letter» Mel
The flap was half undone anyway there anyone I can write te for a ref­
Mhe'e a wrong nn. that's whst she is erence?”
“I lived last with a Mias Duffertn.
Swell riot hew but no class.
1 kacM
about hei— byt j^» The Parsonage. Llanelly. I was wiqi
Naw» Mates.
She tell« of the cosmopolitan Ufa
For Sale— 40 good Ewes.
of Shanghai «ad give» contrasting
J. W. R oooa , H arrisburg, Ore,
view» of the beautiful and ugly in
other place». She took a river trip
Oak and ash wood for »ale.
to Xtaking and Journeyed by don­
E. S. H ayes , Halsey
key into the »cetera hiUa. She ri»-
ited Hangchow, onoe »o beautiful I 0,d paper« 5c a bundle at the
that It wa» described as being but En*««'pri»e office.
one foot from heaven. Of It tho
A. D. Smith was a Eugene
author aar»i
Long before Marco Polo gave to visitor a few days last week.
the world hia Intimate account« so
Automobile races at the »täte
full of charm of all the wonders of fair ground Monday were about as
Cnnsay we read of even still more Jeadly as the impromptu ouee on
lavish days
days In
la the
the ‘celestial
‘celestial city,’
city,’ he highway« that we read of ev-
> iavi“
‘ >y.
guests for half“« month, hl, dinw r
ujuu . i
vessola all of gold and Jewel», wa» «
[ mere Incident ! When delighted cltl-
rens gathered to watch their beloved
poet, Su Tung P ’o, with hl» 1,000
rider» returning from a day of revel-
! When ‘16,000,000 house»’ fillod
e city, and palaoe grounds for
miles held gold temples and gardens
beyond imagination—and the effem­
inate court wa» gunk in idle laaat-
| ? " ¿ “i 7.“ .
| probably fatally injured and Qian
I Walker, Dick Joue» and T ip
Bloom »ent to hospitals.
As an answer to Otto H.
Kahn’s statement that “the in­
ternational banker is a myth,”
the Dearborn Independent says:
“In the statement of the Na­
tional City bank of New York
as to its condition June 30
there appears among its assets
the following item. “ Ownership
NEVER QUITE GOT THE POINT of International Banking Cor­
I 0<x>4 «od flufMent Reason Why Lie- poration, •8,600,000.’ ”
tan or Had Not Proparly Appraof-
etod Hlefc Henbeftny'e Story.
Shedd Shots
"What do you thl$k of that there
By Anna Pennell!
iunny «torr that old Hick Hea-
Mr. and Mr». Fay Ham ilton
benny ia always
inquired a
resident of the Sandy Mush neigh­ h«ve returned fiom a vacation at
Newport and are visiting friends
«Dd relatives.
‘T hain’t never heard it when it
M r. and Mre. W illiam Shearer,
v u right funny,” replied an ao-
quaintanoe. *Tnele ffick ha» hol­ who formerly lived near Shedd but
lered me to »top at hia house as I more recently near The Dalles,
have returned to live on tbe Henry
was passing tea or * dozen times Bateman place, near Brownsville.
’vhi!» hi« folks were away, «nd
Mies Mildred Allen of Taooma
bring out a jug of linker he’d got
is visiting at the home of her « li­
down in the holler. We’d both take
ter, Mr«. Hgmer Mornhinweg.
« horn, and then he’d tell his etory.
Mi»» Dorothy 8«tehwell w u in
It wouldn’t be funny thè first time
but directly we’d take another horn, Shedd Saturday, attending the fair
from Albany.
and he’d tell it ag’ia. I t would begin
Mrs. Hoyt and son Russell,
to sound sorter like it ort to turn
out funny, and we’d take another who has been visiting at Mrs.
horn apiece. He begin to tell it Homer Momh nwigs, left on
ag’in, and before he’d get to the Monday night for San Luis
p’int I'd be dead to the world. So I Obispo, Cal.
never did hear whether it w«» f-mnv
George Coon of Astoria was
or not.”— Kans.-s City Star.
a bhedd visitor on Sunday.
murry in con » tantinoplr
Mr and Mrs. Harry Ernest
oi Lolorado Springs are visiting
their son and wife. Mr. and
Mrs. Bernard Ernest.
Bill Porter and his brother,
tFu i . \ - are during Washington
exhibiting cattle at the different
fairs and may go up into Cana*
The famous beggar» of Constan­
tinople must go. Their numbere
have increased to greatly since the
war and they have become so im­
portunate and impudent that the
authorities have in tru d e d the po­
lice to »top their operation«. Thev
infest the street« and localities where
Leonard Satchwell, who has
foreigner» gather, demanding bak- been working in Salem, is home
ahereh at every step. In . rccent vwitmg his mother. Mrs. Nek
roundup nearly
children of both he Satchwell.
MXM were found to he living bv beg-
Mre. Gladys McClain of Seat-
gwg and sleeping in mins, old dug- C o n iw rn S ,t,n g h e r f a t h e r ’
<mts. under moeque terraces or in
niches in the wall,. In one nest
and ^>5 son David
more than forty boy. and girl« were of Albany were
at Braafield’fl
luesday evening.