PAGE 2 HALSEY B N TC K P ftlS B HAUBZ7 ENTERPRISE »EFT. t. I92J J. SKIRVIN i « d MXBCHairr Another voice, which Tommy thought was that of Bona, replied: ! But you know where It Is?” brea th l— T y : “Ohs w thd Tuppence sodded and ttwmh up the s ta in datsF----- jerked « “Nau” W ill you ruraantea>lh»t there are ’ A ll kinds of Feed JIO T aMStael— news "Does anyone know where It laT" M a tr Tfcand ar “No. 20. Oslis herself Vsndemsysr New and second grain “One person— perhaps. And wa are « ■ B L U sacks. Sack twine. "In a month fro d ^ V W —sooner ar YandemeyerI m i b a r * Clover seed. Chop­ later as you wish—^W rtll guarantee not sure of that even." Albert’s head stole to hla pocket "Who Is that person 7" ping done to suit you such a reign of terror In Ireland crlnltona, tl.te a re a r la advancai “A crook r he queried eagerly. •A girl." Prices right. shall shake the British empire to Advertising, 20c an inch ; no discount “A crook I I should say so. Reedy Tommy held his breath. Its foundations." for tim e or apace ; no charge for coau- FLO UR Rita, they call her In the Statea.” "A girl?" The Russian's voice »oaition or changes, There was a pause, and then came Golden Loaf___ $2 00 “Ready R ita.” repeated Albert de­ centemptuously. “And you have not f c "P aid-fo r Paragraphs.' Sc a llaa. White Mountain 2.15 the soft, sibilant accents of Number made her speak? In Russia we have liriously. "Oh, ain’t it Just Ilka the a d v e r tisin g d lagolaad a s aavra. Ona; pictures! Annie always said as bow ways of making a girl talk.” "Good! Ton shall have the money. £ J’ u r p ’ tu re ÿ iin m iiin iiiim iin iin iiiiin iiii "Tills case Is different,” said the shs was a bad lo t" Boris, you w ill see to that." HALSEY, Linn Co.. Ore., «ept. 6, 1922 German sullenly. "Who’a Annie r Inquired Tuppence Boris asked a question; “How— different?" He paused _ Idly. "Via the Irish Americans, and Mr. ’’ ’Ouse parlormaid. She’a leaving moment, then want on: “Where la the Fotter, as usual7” THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS. girl nowT’ today. Many’s the time Annie’s said Best and largest line of "I guess that’ll be all right I” said a to me: ’Mark my words. Albert, I "The g l r i r new voice, with a transatlantic Into­ “Yea.” wouldn’t wonder If the police was to A group of Italian officials, nation. “though I ’d like to point out, “ She la—" come after her one of these days.' hare and now, that things are getting le n t to Greece to aeeist in set Just like that. But she’s a stunner But Tommy heard no more. Hemiquaters for C a m p in g O u tfits a mite difficult. There's not the sym­ to look aL ain’t «he?" tling a boundary problem, were pathy there wa« and a growing dis­ I Heavy 8he’s some peach,” allowed Tup- murdered presumably by mis­ position to let the Irish settle their pence carelessly. "Finds It useful D P R IN T L IN O L E U M own affairs without Interference from informed and exasperated In her layouL you bet. Has shs been America." $1 per square yard. wearing any of the emeralds, by the Greeks. Italy, playing the bully Tommy felt that Boris had shrugged tm y F over a weaker nation, issued im­ 422 West First at., Albany, Oregon. his shoulders as he answered: "Doee Emeralds? Them's the green that matter, since the money only possible demands and an insult­ stones, ain't they?” nominally comas from the States ?" Tuppence nodded. ing ultim atum and forthw ith "’The chief difficulty la the landing ’•That’s what ws’re after her for. seized the Greek island of Corfu of the ammunition,” eaid the Sinn You know old man Rysdals, the ell Felner. "The money la conveyed In and two smaller ones and block­ king!" easily enough— thanks to our col­ T t seems sort of fam iliar to me.” aded Greek shipping in th e A d­ league here.” “Ths sparklers belonged to him. "That Is settled, then,” said the sibi­ riatic. Finest collection of emeralds In the a iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiu iu lant tones. "Now, In the matter of Greece has appealed to the world. Worth a million dollars!" the loan to an English newspaper, you (Cspyrtrbt Dodd. Mead A Cwnpanj) ’Lumme!” cams ecstatically from league of nations and the Italian have arranged the details satisfacto­ Albert. T t sounds more like the pic­ rily, Boris r (Continued) representative a t 'Athens has tures every minute.” 'I think s o r stated th a t Italy will not recog­ Tuppence smiled, gratified at the In another moment Tommy' waa "That Is good. An official denial success of her efforts. nize the authority of the league again confronting bare wooden panels, from Moscow w ill be forthcoming If We haven't exactly proved It yeL and the voices within had aunk once necessary." in the m atter. But we’re after her. And"—«he pro- more to a mere undistlngutahabte mur There was a pause, and then the The league covenant recites duced a long-drawn-out wink— ”1 guess I mar. Tommy became restive. The clear voice of the German broke the the won't get away with the goods th a t conversation he had overheard had silence: this time." | stimulated his curiosity. H e felt that, 'I am directed by— Mr. Brown, to Albert uttered another ejaculation • The members of the league by book or by crook, he muet hear place the summaries of the reports indicative of dellghL agree th at, if there should arise more. from the different unions before you. dark or cherry tone on the crystal Mind you, sonny, not a word of between them any dispute like­ The frame. After listening Intently for a min That of the miners la most satisfac­ Aak to tee the samples. this,” said Tuppence suddenly T ute or two, he put hla head round the tory. We must hold back the rail­ ly to lead to a rupture, they will guess I oughtn't to have put you wise, curtain. The passage was deserted. ways. There may be trouble with the subm it the m atte r either to a r­ 8ut Tommy Heard No More. A Crash­ but In the States we know a real Tommy bent down and removed hts A. 8. E." bitration or to inquiry by the ing Blow Descended on Hie Head smart lad when we see one. Wbat's «hoes, then, leaving them behind the For a long time there was a silence, council, and they agree in no thia about the girl you aay la leav- and All Was Darkness. curtain, he walked glngerty out on his broken only by the rustle of papers lngT’ case V < S O V to W resort a a ^ a w a w to w w W a ar *a until three a . . . w w . I Optometrists, M anufacturing Opticians stockinged feet, and kneeling down and an occasional word of explana­ M A A v iiL _ ♦ a wa 4 -wa ew n i l l n W»ZU raXF T n n I a I L _____ m onths a zv f fte r th e award by the "Annie? Regular tura-up, they ’ad.” Albany, Oregon by the closed door, he laid his ear tion from the German. Then Tommy crashing blow descended on his heed, An Ides was dawning In Tup­ arb itrato rs or the report of the cautiously to the crack. To his In­ heard the light tap-tap of fingers, and all was darkness. pence’s brain. 8hs thought a mlnata tense annoyance he could distinguish drumming on the table. council. CHAPTER V or two, then Upped Albert on the little more; Just a chance word here “And— the date, my friend?" said shoulder. Italy declares th a t she has and there If a voice was raised, which Number One. “See here, son, my brain’s got busy. Tuppence Enters Domestic Service. merely served to whet his curiosity "The 29th." not resorted, to war. It is up to still farther. When Tommy set forth on the trail How would it be I f you mentioned The Russian seemed to consider. the league to decide the ques­ Laundry sent Tuesilays of the two men. It took all Tuppence’s that you'd got a young cousin, or a He eyed the handle of the door ten­ 'That is rather Boon.” self-command to refrain from accom­ friend of yours had. that might suit tion. Dyeing, C leaning and Pressing tatively. Could he turn It by degrees "I know. But It was settled by the so gently and Imperceptibly that those principal Labor leaders, and we can­ panying hint However, she contained the place. You get me?" Simultaneously with this, “I'm there," said Albert Instantly. herself is best she might, consoled by in the room would notice nothing? Hs not seem to Interfere too much. They which may bring a test of the the reflection that her reasoning had “You leave It to me, miss, and f l l | decided that with great care It could must believe It to be entirely their been justified by events. The two fix the whole thing np In two ticks." be done. Very slowly, a fraction of own show." powpr of th e league, comes new "Some lad I" commented Tuppence, an Inch at a time, he moved It round, The Russian laughed softly, as men had undoubtedly come from the light on th e late President second floor fiat, nnd that one slender with a nod of approval. "You let me holding hla breath In hla excessive though amused. Harding's positioh In respect t o ll can make both F A R M and C I T Y care. A little more— a little more thread of the name "Rita” had set know, end If If e O. K. n i be round “Tea. yes,” hs said. "That la true. A la - - 1 _ A aV I I A A L ie .1 . _____ ___ . . _ the league, and at this juncture L O A N S »t a very row rate of in te i eat still— would It never be finished ? Ah I They must have no Inkling that we the Yonng Adventurers once more tomorrow at eleven o’clock.” upon the track of the abductors of “Where am I to let you know to r are using them for our own ends. Prof. liv in g Fisher of Yale col­ From 5 to 10 years. W rite me for par- St last It would turn no farther. “Rltx," replied Tuppence laconically. He stayed to for a minute or two, They are honest men— and that Is Jane Finn. trculars. G. W . L a f l a a , lege has made a statem ent from The question was what to do next? "Name of Cowley.” Salem, Ore. 410 Oregon Bldg. then drew a deep breath, and pressed It their value to us. I t Is curious— but Albert eyed her enviously. aver to slightly Inward. The door did you cannot make a revolution with­ She retraced her steps to the entrance which the following is quoted: hall of the mansions. It was now T t must be a good Job, this tec not budge. Tommy was annoyed. I f out honest men. The Instinct of the tenanted by a small lift boy, who wig business.” he had to use too much force, It would populace Is infalllbls.“ He paused, It waa at the front porch head­ polishing brass fittings, and whistling “I t sure Is,” drawled Tuppence, almost certainly creak. He waited and then repeated, as though the quarters a t Marion th a t 11 'especially when old man Rysdale until the voices rose a little, then he phrase pleased h im : "Every revolu­ the latest air with a good deal of talked about the league with LAWYER AND NOTARY vigor and a reasonable amount of ac­ backs the bill. But don’t frat. son. tried again. Still nothing happened tion has had Its honest men. They curacy. I f this goes well, you shall come In Mr. Harding. I asked him w hat He Increased the pressure. Had the are soon disposed of afterward.” He glanced round at Tuppence’s on the ground floor.” his real stand on the league was beastly thing stuck? Finally, in dee H alsey , O r boom Thera was a sinister note In his entry. There was a certain amount W ith which promise she took leave peratlon, he pushed with all his voice. and how he could expect to of the gamin element In the girl; at of her new ally, and walked briskly might. But the door remained Arm, The German resumed: "Clymes must create an entirely new associa­ t i l events, she Invariably got on well away from South Audisy mansions, and at last the truth dawned upon go. H s Is too far-seeing. Number tion of nations. with small boys. well pleased with her morning's work. him. I t was locked Or bolted on the Fourteen w ill see to th a t“ He answered : “ I’l l __ , ___ "Wall. W illiam.” she remarked Inside. She went straight back to the Rita There was a hoarse murmur. provided you will not publish it cheerfully, la the best approved hoa- and wrote a few brief words to Mr. For a moment or two Tommy's In "That’s all right, guvnor.” And pltsl-esrly-mornlng style, “getting a Carter. Having dispatched thia, aad in this campaign. I m ust control dlgnatlon got the better of him. then after a moment or tw o : “Suppoae good ahlne up?" M otor Hoarse Tommy not having yet returned— th e publicity of my own cam ­ Efficient Service. "W e lt I ’m d— d l" he ssld. “What I'm nabbed.” The boy grinned responsively. which did not surprise her—the start­ a dirty trick !" paign.** Lady Attendant "You will have the best legal talent “Albert, ralag," he corrected. ed off on a shopping expedition. Start­ As his' Indignation cooled, he pre­ to defend yon." replied the German TTien he said : “I w ant the Brownsville.................................... Oregon "Albert be it.” said Tuppence. She ing with a cheap clothing store, and pared to face the situation. Clearly quietly. “But In any case you will United States to get into the glanced mysteriously round the hall. passing through one or two second­ the first thing to be done was to re­ wear gloves fitted with the finger league ju st as much as you do." The effect was purposely a broad one hand establlshmenta, the had finished store the handle to Its original posi­ prints of a notorious housebreaker. On noting my amazement, Mr. In case Albert should miss It. Shs leaned the day at a well-known hairdresser's tion. I t he let It go suddenly, the You have little to fear.” Harding showed some amuse­ toward the boy and dropped her voice: Now. in the seclusion of her bedroom, W . L- W R I G H T men Inside would be almost certain 'Oh, I ain’t afraid, guv’nor. All T want a word with you, Albert.” she unwrapped that final purchase. ment, and then proceeded to j Mortician & Funeral Director to notice It, so. with the same Infinite for the good of the cause. The Albert ceased operations on the fit­ Five minutes later she smiled content­ palna, he reversed his former tactics. streets Is going to run with blood, so reconcile his amazing statem ent Halsey and Harrisburg tings and opened his mouth slightly: edly at her reflection in the glass. All went well, and with a sigh of re­ they say.” He spoke with a grim rel­ with the common expression as I Call D T s t l o b , Halsey, or "Look I Do you know what this With an e-tress’ pencil she had slight- lief the young man rose to his feet ish. "Dreams of IL sometimes. I W. L. W r i g h t , Harrisburg to^his attitude by adding: Is?" With a dramatic gesture she l.v altered ihe line of her eyebrows, There was a certain bulldog tenacity does. And diamonds and pearls roll­ .. cou« e I’m opposed to flung back the left side of her coat and that, taken In conjunction with about Tommy that mads him slow to ing abont In the gutter for anyone to the Wilson league, as I have al­ and exposed a small enameled badge. the new luxuriant growth of fa ir heir admit defeat Checkmated for the pick up I" I t was extremely unlikely that Albert above, so changed her appears neo that ways said, but the league can be moment, he was fa r from abandoning Tommy heard a chair shifted. Then would have any knowledge of It_ she felt confident that even If aha changed. My idea is to call the the conflict He still Intended ta Number One spoke: “Then an Is ar­ indeed. It wonld have been fatal for came face to face with Whittington hear wbat was going on In the locked ranged. W e are assured of success?” nations together and ask them I Tuppence s plans, since the badge to he would not recognlac her. From room. As one plan had failed, he I— think so." But the German to make such amendments as 17 1 question was the device of a local hospital experience she knew only too must hunt shout for another. «poke with lest than his usual confi­ i io v T o ? ? h ? U iu M Statei*“ *1” ’ W°Tk d in e > ° ,np,,y ,nd ~ corps originated by the archdeacon in well that a nurse out of uniform le He looked round him. A little far­ dence the early days of the war. Its pres­ frequently unrecognised by her pa­ ther along the passage on the left Number Ona’s voice held suddenly ably. Flione No. 269 ence In Tuppence’s coat was due to tients. was • second door. He slipped silently a dangerous quality; There it is. in a nutshell. In I the fact that she had used It fur pin "res," said Tuppence aloud, sod­ along to It. Hs listened for a moment "What has gone wrong 7" the senate Mr, Harding voted j nlng In soma flowers a day or two ding at the pert reflection In the glass, or two, then tried the handle It "Nothing; but— " before. But Tuppence had sharp for the league with certain res­ you'll do." She then resumed her yielded, and hs slipped Inside. "But w h s t r eyas, and had noted the corner of a normal appearance. The room, which was untensnted. "The Labor leaders. Without them, of — j— — for canning ervations. These reservations ( I Q uarter! ______ throe-penny detective novel protrud­ Dinner was a solitary meal. Tup­ was furnished ss a bedroom. Like ss you say. we can do nothing. I f would oertainly have been ac- porP°*e» canning price« ing from Albert's pocksL and the Im­ pence was rather surprised at Tom­ everything else In the house, the fur they do not declare a general strike mediate enlargement of his eyes told my’s non-return. Julius, too. was a?>- ceded to by the member nations 2^4*5 , allure was falling to pieces, and the on the 29th— " her that her tactics were good, tnd seut—but that, to the girl’s mind waa dirt was. If anything, more abundant. “Why should they not?" of the league. But for purposes 1 _ JW- that the fish would rise to the halt mors easily explained. It was quit« But what Interested Tommy was “As you’ve said, they’re honest. of the campaign, to hold certain I HALSEY "American detective force 1" the on the cards that Julius P. Heratio! m- the thing ha had hoped to find, a com­ And, In spite of everything we've dons hlseed mer bad left for Constantinople at a municating door between the two to discredit the government In their Albert fell for It. moment s notice If he fanrted that a rooms, upon the left by the window eyes. I ’m not sure that they haven’t "Lord !" he murmured ecstatically clue to his cousin's disappearance Carefully closing the door Into the got a sneaking faith and belief la IL" son league" had to be stressed Cash paid fur Tuppence nodded at him with the was to be found there. “But—" air of one who hat established a The morning brought a note and he also dropped the u n c i i ’ r a o m D „ , . l s _ . l? ~ J passage behind him, ha slapped ecrau “I V jow . They abuse It unceas­ thorough understanding. • < i . , - „ ........... .. , ,, in e u o M to th . »,her .n d examined it ciosei, ingly But. on the whole, public Mr. Carter: e i.n * z c 11 ,n ‘ ' “’ V eal M W Th< holt •”<* ___ ______ “• » *•' “Know who Tm after r aha Inquired «s opinion swings to the aide of the gov- genially. very rusty, and had clearly not been ernmeut They w ill not go against IL" (Continued on page 4) Albert, still round-ejed, demanded ------ — —— - -------------I used for some time. By gently wrlg tion w ithout a difference. Again the Russian's fingers drummed The professor asked him why on the table. he did not make his position "To the point, my friend. I was much nolae Then he repeated his Second a t, opposite Halsey Garage former maneuvers with the handle— given to understand that there was a clear and Mr. Harding said Short orde ri at all hours up to 11 p. m. this time with complete success. The certain document la existence which door swung open— a crack, a m ere assured success. ' A political campaign is like “That la ao. I f that document fraction, but enough fo r Tommy to a m ilitary campaign. I am the •• our ice cream. I t ta d elig h tfnllr pieced before the leaders, the reenlt hear what went on. There was a vel Marshal Foch of the repnblican cooling and refreshing after a hard They voold vet portiere on the Instde of this door would be Immediate It is not good tactics to •hopping tour. Step la and enjoy a which prevented him from seeing, but publish It broadcast throughout Eng he was able to recognise the voices land, and declare for the revolution plate. U e hare all flavors—chocolate, bon The with a reasonable amount of accuracy. wttbouf a moment'« heartstlon Fiiut-CIana Work vantile, strawberry, lemon, tutti frutti, The Stan Fetner waa speaking Hla government would be broken finally Mr. Coolidge was even more aad completely " rich Irish voice was nnmlstakahle; etc. it makes an ideal refreshment aad Agent foe B igene Steam Laundry in favor of the league than M r.. T h e a what more do you w antT’ Set t Tuesdays “That'e all vary well. But mote it nourishing and wholesome. "The document Itself, said the Ger- Uarding. He ig trying fo r the | J« W. S T E P H E N S O N , Prop money Is essential No money-no _ _________ hluntly. remainder of the term to c a n y | out Mr. Harding's policies. Time will tell what th e league I will do with Italy and Greece, and what Mr. Coolidge will do in regard to th e league or asso- J ciation. Exchange Used F u r n itu r e , Alluringly Attractive The Newport “ F a s h io n ” Frame _ _ —, ..... Meade & Albro, 'A Modern Barber Shop A BES PLACE FARM LOANS Amor A. Tussing D ELBER T STA R R I Funeral Director and Li­ censed Embalmer F. M . G R A Y . D D R R A A Y Y M A I M M A A N Fresh and Cured Meats BÉËF ’ Creai" «"< Pr(lllu(:e Station vream, I oultry, Eggs and Dad s a id Mams Restaurant I S X i i d#Uil tO the orP°®1- AS COLD AS THE FROZEN NORTH Squmre Meal, 50c Barbe r »hop W Baths “JLL li U act!» Clark’s Confectiwiwy