cc VOL. XII halsey - enterprise HALSEV. LINN COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 6, 1923 NO. à JOTS AND TITTLES Brief Chronicles o f Happenings in Halsey and All Over Linn County. Frank Bond baa a new Ford. afficeiUJ85 dooe *° ‘ is own H. D. M itznsr’s big auction is next Saturday. . e Wanted You By GraopE.fialL I ve wanted you til all the earth seemed cryirig Meadamea Mornhiuweg and A. A. Tuaaiog and Meaara. Piaa Wallace were exhibitor« at the ton and W »|sr got home from 8 ’iedd fair. thsir Idaho trip a little after mid. . The Shedd juvenile stock judg­ sight Tuesday morning. ing team took the first prise at the Ellsworth and Errol Gardner oeunty fair. are grieving over the lose of tbeii Eldon Croat and wife visited old pal Brnno, which E. B. Pen £ e" P °rt at tha.waek eBd. So did land'in bis car ran over and killed. v . H. Koontz. Misses H aztl and Isabel Gulli- A ten.pound eon same to the Albert Beera horns yesterday morn, ford were hare from Portland over jar» To him it ia granddad’s and the week end. grandraam’a restaurant, instead of C«rra»pondeuce from Browns- dad’s and mam's. »111« and Peoria was received yea- W illiam W ickizer’s dray team tordaj, too late to be sent to the ran away tear the railroad track linotype. Part of it cau be need i.i Albany Tuesday and bumped next week. Please send ua the hgaiuat a box ear with each force news early, friends. The one man •“ tb* f!rlnt ihop l* unable iu to do taal the akulta . of - both Horace and -n — .1 norsea the jaw of one wara broken and j •JP»*atttag that bo bn up on they had to ba killed. Wednesdays. ''/ / C & In pleading, sobbing tenderness for you- T il every quivering leaf seemed grieving, sigh And asking for you all the long night through. Western Xeirspaper Union s Gleanings OuUide o f _____ ____ This Caunty Threat fires reported recently to PeJk county have been extinguished. ilrbert Niece, 7 years of ace, was run over by a truck and killed at Cor­ vallis. The total valuation of building per ml»» In Portland for tb« month of Anpaet was 12,711,095. I ve longed for you 'til every taut nerve, aching. W a s like a harp string struck by blundering hand. Its deepest notes o f melancholy waking. And no one near to care or understand. OREGON NEWS BRIEFS -> -^ 3 Turnovers by the atete land board te the state treasurer during August •rpregated »10«,««1.93. ers association of Oregon, Mr. P ell man also being preaidant, and the Portland Livestock exchange, Lee Gholson, president. The Orego'n*'ewie industrial dent commlselon baa opened branch office, at Klamath Falla end at Baker. The Klamath office will be In charge of W. C. Lucas, while L. A. MeCoakrtw has beea assigned to the Raker office. 8. 8. Duncan, superintendent of th» schools for Yamhill county, traveled a total of 11,500 milea In hts official capacity during the past year, accord­ ’« I ve called to you 'til tones turned into dumbness ing to his annual report filed with th» i'Z That somehow froze w,thin my heart and brain; A permit waa issued for the erec­ state superintendent of public Instruc­ tion of a »60.000 auto stage terminal tion. [v e called to you ul tones turned into numbness hotel in the business district of Rose­ burg. Uradlng between Kirk and Cres­ it throbbed on silently, a ceaseless pain. Up to August 29 the amount of cent on the new Eugene-Kiamath Falls line of the Southern Pacific rail­ ! ve prayed for you with prayers too wild for voicing fines paid to the county and state for road will be completed during the win­ law violations in Tillamook county ter. according to John Hampshire, ;T ^ en prayed for answer, in a mood sublime; was »1410.29. who has received the contract for tho Mrs. Lucy Pray returned Sat­ T h e Springtime calls— the whole world is rejoicing, United Artisans from Oregon, 31 miles. Mr«. K a t* M. Smith, who «pent urday from her visit with her Washington and Idaho gathered In hrr lift in the vicinity of Halsey But silence rests between your soul and mine. The Tillamook County Creamery The Dalles laat Friday and bold a and Harrisburg, died Sunday in son-in-law and grand daughter, association haa filed with the Oregon J. W. and Dolora Wells, a t C oprd»luH D o«iM «dW C a,ln* three-day conclave. tba latter city at the home of her public service com mission a petition daughter, lire . Thomas J. Jack- Junction City. The Southern Pacific company has asking that the new freight tariff on ton, aged 63. Funeral Tueidey Mr’i ,a n d JMr8’ John Salashl n - ii n . 7 a eUortage of 59# cars, according to h*!». grains and other farm products at the Lake Creek ehuroh. were labor day visitor^ a t the D rO W n S V llle D f i e i S a report filed with the Oregon public be suspended until the petitioners are service commission. ~ given a hearing. Lafayette Greeu Thompson, a Linn county fair in Albany Otis Slpp, 2«, of The Dallea. waa »««Hu u n n u s n i, native native or m at * " • E. W. ” • o n n u in drove [u illip s , ’“ ‘ 'lister of the Dr. Barnum drove to to | A Portlad firm offsis par lor tha »- Shedd marehant, of that Immediately at the close of the state killed at the West Fork logging camp vicinity, died Sunday morning in H an jsb u rg for a few hours on new w ater bonds to be v o ted .i., 1 . ig , u h of Christ, fair the Oregon headquarters of tb» of the Oregon Lumber company, bis an Albany hoapetal, after an i l l . ! Monday. next month volMI ,•>" ‘he 1 « ,o il church Sundry. Hi« an Albaov hoapetal, after ao ill. Modern Woodmen of America will bo t , s ; message waa wall received by a head being crushed by a log. new of a few week«, and wai bur- moved to Belem and installed In tha Mrs. C. H. Davidson Rev. M. S. Woodworth haa audience gathered to gre*t u Ministers of all Methodist Episie- Woodmen building now being erected ied Tuesday. He waa <56 years , pal churches in Oregon will come to on the state fair grounds The offices old, Besides the widow he leaves haY® b€en s e n d in g some time asked for a thirty-day exten- ,orm"r P»»t»»r. I sion of his vacation' from th«*? ^ i ihe close of his address la Portland Tuesday. September 11, far are now located In Portland. a son in Ban Francisco and a a t Newport. J. M. Porter and daughter B aptist church- !*?kj d ,he “udie,,C0 make the 71st session of their annual state daughter in Minneapolis. A shipment of 20,000 rainbow Mrs. Edith Robnett wient to Wednesday night of last week S S “ b“ ? a °tlDÄ *^ 6 ° to fin. conference. trout fry from th« Union Fleh hatch­ Thursday and ¿ t th e i . S .» m 2 m i ? ' J S "".“¿ H i X t Mr. and Mrs. flout of Corvallis Monmouth Hunters in Douglas county may be ery was planted In Oliva lake, tha wa- aid Mrs. Katharine Adlard of wk J a tti L 8 Louise, southwest of Brownsville, was miuntes all bin 117 wag n led Jd « drafted ’ Into ...................... ” forest ter storage project of the Eastern service to fight Condon visited at tha John W ill- vicinity in tn which they are Oregon Light A Power company, who has been attending Normal destroyed, with all its contents, and »In remainder was wipe j ¿out fires re' ^ in the rlc'DUy banks home Friday. M r. and Bt that P,ace- »he family barely escaping. j by . «.„erona brotbe? t’L .ven- i ‘ " " which furnishes the power for th» Mrs Hout returned home in the Fremont plant. 25 mile« west or evening, but Mrs. Adlard re­ Mr. and Mis. A. J. HUI and b. I’. Kumler ia on tbs executive e»ryic., so the addition can b- t The Parsttc Telephone A Telegrsph Baker. mained to visit with her brother son Carl drove to Portland Sat- committee of the Rural Carriers’ f l »’! bed ,u d ded,c«ted free of d«bt company has announced that it will Tha high record for gstellae salsa urd*y - , association, which held a m ..d n g ~ lh e T,0“ ?“ ul lbe < *» “ * > * • * over the week mad. Iu "he I¡a? M pcc,i,’y the committee, are to b. spend approximately »«d one fa plm t in Oregon was »battered in July, when Improvements at Salem during the the distribution aggnaaeted 7.»S5.5«g Glenn Loemia of .he Brown«- nett few months. villa Time« passed through here wuhs and Charles Reeves re- B UDa’ | n, , d e #Q(i tb, exCrllaot dmner gaiions, according to a report prepar­ — ------------- -.o n er. Tuesday afternoon with his family, The annual convention of the Mue ed by Sam A. Koxer, secretary of «’ xt Saturday from their stay C. W. Standish, who once ran Bro. Phillips said that Halsey was bound for the eonuty fair, M r. a t Newport. a confectionery store in Browns- always food of killing preachers by eoTlles, the fun making branch of the state. The July tax on motor vehicle Loomist’ linotype hat arrived from Frod r J« . viIle> and who, with hia family, feeding them to d itb, and fr ui Independent Order of Oddfellows, waa fudls produced a total revenue ot the factory and the typesetting of held at Astoria and Seaside on Sxtur »345.45» d G. omith and wife and K recentlv son rre Richard arrived the last i t a Went g r o c e lt<» r Salomi Lae tha appenrstice uf th i table o e day. Sunday end Monday. would think that he was right A commission of Umatilla Indiana of the week from Washington ¿onery business a t th e capital I 11 wai * d 'y of felljwebTp and The Salem school board has declln from the Peadletea country visited. and are guests at the home of ... a ' of ««rvice uu.o God. I t will be ed to allow any part of the school Senator McNary at Salem to preteat Fred's brother Sidney and fami- JH iss Ohta P. Cooley, daughter long remembered by those p riv i­ hours to he given over to religious against the government’s proposed ly, and will later continue on I? t ost m aster John P. Cooley, I eged io be prrseut W e H ave study, as requested by the Salem conversion ef the Umatilla agdacy their way to California, where , as saded from Seattle for, L on C h a r l ie , Pastor council of religions instruction. School in Umatilla county into a hos­ EVERY THING they expect to make their Hono'u*u> where she has a Dr. C. H. Bailey, of Roseburg, who pital. The Indiana aay they want th» O ptical homes. j . position. prominent - educational New« items frequently tell of recently was appointed by Governor school retained. She had been home for a visit • ’ ««•!• that have occurred ” ovei Pierce as a member of the tax com EYE S T R A IN Petitions art in circulation at Rose­ Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Cross, ac­ for a few weeks. She formerly I ‘ he week end." Here’s one : Sam Is the Cause of Many mission for Douglas county, has de­ burg asking for a special alaetton to companied by C. H. Koontz, taught school in Brownsville ■ Muneton took hie strong-minded clined to accept the appointment. HUMAN ILLS i ba held at tba same time aa tha state drove to Newport for the week and Albany. eon and chaetised him over the If year eyes give you trouble or election tn November for the purpose Portland was chosen as the 192« end. They were accompanied J°'iT glasses ere annoying convention city by the Pacific North­ of voting on a proposed »15,000 bond, Mrs. William Mills, president SER US. w . can Relieve You home by Frank Koontz, who local W. C. T. U.. visited I Despite the favorable season the west Photographers’ association at issue to buy a triple combination ftr» had been vacationing at the city Bancroft Optical Co. engine and other apparatns for th» the new children’s home of the j tear crop In the Willamette valley ap- the concluding session of the assocla city 313 let 3t. W. Albaey, Phone W by the sea for a short time. ftra department. tlon’e annual convention In Vancou­ society near Corvallis and finds1 p«rentiy win not supply the demands (Continued page 3) ver, B. C. The automobile is the most deadly it well worthy of the funds that 'hat are being made upon the growers A movement to have Rock creek, weapon tn Portland today, according have been contributed here f o r 1 one of the beet fishing streams In to the report of hts work for August, it and a continuous effort in the Douglas county, closed and used ex published by Dr. Earl Smith, county future. Forty-three waifs are eluslvely for hatchery purposes Is bo- coroner. Of tha 1« cases of violent cared for in the two cottages ing started by the Roseburg Rod and death Investigated by Dr. Smith and already erected. hia aaalstanta during the month, ftra Gun club. Mrs. H . Vincent of Brownevill«{ were rauaed by automobiles. Salem buyers have offered growers and her son, Homer M'ddlewworth On the grounds that tha taxpayers »0 cents a pound for dried loganbsr of Eugene, and family made » rlee, and are having difficulty in oR would unnecessarily be burdened with, trip to Newport Tue»day and re­ tAlntog them at that figure. This Is a (50,994 highway debt, aa application, turned next day. equivalent to 6 cents a pound for the to change tha grade crosalng of th* extra large; double Southern Pacific tracks at 8t. Jo». fresh berries. Yamhill county, was tentatively de­ Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McWil­ A fund of »12,000.000 for education isewed lined collar;, liams and son Elliott returned nl » od missionary work will be raised nied at a hearing before the publla Haltey Church of Christ from Newport Saturday. They by the Baptist church during the com service commission at Salem. Thera wara two fatal accidents j tng .... nine O ... auvavn. i, plane plans laid ISIU at a re- were accompanied home by Mrs. months If itaced sleeves; big, L. E. Walton, who had been in Church conference held la Portland tba industries of Oregon during th» week ended August 30. according to are successful. Newport for a couple of weeks. roomy armholes; report prepared by the state Indua- Church of Christ: It Is the concensus of opinion of trlal accident commission The vie- Lon Chamlee, miuieter. all apple shippers and growers In the Quimby-Dykstra tlms were N. P. Whttacotton. carpen­ generous s l e e v e s . ------- -vz, Bible school, 10, W. H . Robert Hood River and Mosier sections that A pretty wedding occurred et *on. »uperinteodent. the crop of thia season will be one ter, of Hood River, and James MCOee. Morning worship, 11. IxjriJ' the home of A. W Dykstra. H *r of the cleanest and of the highest lineman, of Cottage Orove. A total and body; two large pockets to button through. of 791 accidents were reported daring quality in years. rnonv disrticl, Saturday eveoing, «upper every I-ord's dey. tha wash. Christian Endeavor, 7. when Cecil E. Quimby and Bessie With a view of restoring water While aurvaylng In Josephine c » ud - M adeol blue, gray or khaki twill. Yours Evening aarviee, 8, (. Dykstra were married. C. H. transportation on the Willamette rlv The ohurcb without a bishop, in er as far sonth at Salem. J E Exon. ty recently L. E WUkee, surveyor, Phillips, pastor .jf the Church of Christ at Newberg end one time the country without a king. for C. Btubm and James L. Bacon hare came across a Douglas fir of lm> Measured at I f you have 00 ohurcb boina leased from the Portland Navigation mensa proportions. pastor in H»lsev. officiated. breast height on an upper hillside th» The bride, charm ing'/ gowtird coma and worabip with us. cempsoy the boat Northwestern tree was 3» feat « inches In circum­ in white seeded voile, was given With a program of speeches, after a ference. or shout 12 feat 3 Inches In away by her father and had for Piue Grova church : picnic lunch In the Dufur city perk, diameter. The tree stands a little brideamaid Miss Hazel Quimby. Sunday school, 10. the first completed unit of The Dalles Tha wedJiog march was played by Preaching, 11 and 7:30 Sap« 17. California highway In Wasco county more than a half mile due east or tbs Oregon caves. Mias Geosvjeve Walla. Paul was formally thrown open last week • Glenn Barker pastor. In a determined effort to prevent Bierly acted as groom«man, B'- The read connects The Dalles and as far aa possible traffic accidents be­