Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, August 30, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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AUG M 19»
Notes and Comments
One Day Only
Tommy Gibbons
ia person,
with h i* entire crew of »parring
partner* and trainer*.
6 — Headline Acts— 6
Matinee Prices
None reserved
85c. 55c
E re sin g Prices
Reserved teat* on);
Lower floor, $1.50
B alcon y.il
M a il Ordere N O W
815 p
2:15 p. m.
Announcement atrangemaat
Extraot dinary
greatest picture of the year for
three day»’ showing
S unday
M o . xday
Sept. 2, 3. 4
Thia picture is »bow i eg in I.os
Angeles for $5, $ J and $2
Oar prices, any sea t:
Adults, 55c
Children, 34c
4 — S H O W S D A IL Y — 4
We are told that heat it energy.
I W" have beau having totes very
| energetic days.
Parker will probably hang to-
I morrow for the tnnrder of sheriff
Dunlap. There will ba plenty of
room for all the mourners.
Religious mystery is religions
I humbug, whether spoutered by s
I priest of the Pharaoh», a nodding
I statue of a Greek god or a modern
demonstrator of spirits.
Arrow Garage
necessary for $7 labor
All work
g u aran teed
Jots and Tittles
(Continuod from uage 1)
J. W. Moore and L. E. Walton
It is claimed that grower* have
[stored half the country’s wh>al
arop, intending to bold is until the
pries rise»; also that ibey will
raise lee* wheat next year. Why
shouldn’t they thue follow the tac­
tic« of the shiiig(e m ills, tbs oil
reliusriee and other big businesses?
Farming is the biggest business in
A sontrsel ha« been let for cleat •
The hoy who was accidentally
lag and gradiug the first thirty
kills 1 while hunting in Lane
luitea of the Netrou cut-off.
county the other day was more
A train of seven cars labeled lucky than tbs hunted anim al. He
“ Bananas” was going through had wounded a deer and was fo?
Philadelphia when beer began lowiug it as It Had. His coupan
to trickle from one of them. ioa in the hunt shot at the deer
Officers found the train was end hit aud killed the boy, Prob
loaded* w ith beer. “Yes, they ably the deer perished iu lingering
had no bananas”.
agony from its wouud.
Trouble calls given
prompt attention
Let s calch tb it “ scientist ” I drove to Portland Saturday in
who says the son has begun ioaf-, the Moore car.
ing on his ioh sa d is goiug to let I W . B. Peacock o f P o rtla n d
ui all frees* luto icebergs and we was in Halsey Monday, looking
will have oo more warm wsaxhsr. a fter his farm ing interests.
Mrs. Mary Hayes left Monday
Let’s chain him in the market
place and allow the sun to wreak for Metzger, to visit her daugh­
ter, Mrs. Dan Nash, and family.
its vtngeanct oo him.
A new plan to help wheatgrow-
I or* is to cancel en an n u al of ibe
debt of any natioo to the United
[states equal to the sum that nation
pays for American wheat. In
eff et our government won'd buy
much American wheat and pre­
sent it to foreign natioo*.
Fisk and Gate* T ire * and Tab*».— We aow have ia stock the Fiak 96 30a
J lj fabric tire* for $9. Be tore to inveiugate our lines and get our
prices before baying.
Automobile accessories, Ford parts, oil*.
W illard battery service station.
W e will overhanl yoor Ford engine for $20 labor
“ Chevrolet engine for $22.54 labor
“ reliae transmission band for $250 labor
“ e r r * * " ! rear axle and rebash springs and perches when
EL F. Cross and wife drove
George Parker, io the shadow of
I the gallows, professed religion, ra- to Newport and spent the week-
iceivsd “ absolution” and then
iro n k Koontz joined th e re s t
Islandsrad the dead by repeating
the family a t Newport Tues­
I his clumsy lie about Sheriff Dun-
lisp having fired first.
t r a c t o r ^ /v e ^ a ir in y
S. L. Pike and wife and son
George of Crow were guests a t
the home of Mrs. Pike’s m other,
Mrs. M. E. Bassett, the last of
the week.
Carl Koppe and family of Eu­
gene came down Thursday. Mr.
Koppe returned home th a t
evening but Mrs. Koppe and son
T ru n k s
S to v e S
Telephone 16x5
cousin of the late M. V. Koontz
of Halsey.
Dr. and Mrs. T. I. Marks left
Tuesday for a few days’ visit
with Mrs. M ark’s sister, Mrs
Fred Applegate, and fam ily at
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mont­
gomery of Medford arrived in
Halsey Saturday evening ant
will spend a couple of weeks
visiting friends and relatives
here and in Brownsville ant
Karl Bramwell and family re ­
turned T hursday night from
their outing a t Newport, ant
were among the Halsey people
who “took in” th e circus a t E u­
gene on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Shep­
herd and Mrs. C. T. Allingham
of Portland were in Halsey
the first of the week, on their
return home from an extended
outing a t Belknap springs.
Mr. and Mrs. C. 0 . Dryden
and daughter Dicksy, accom-
C om pare o u r p rices
on T ru n k s and T rav ­
eling Bags b efore
y o u buy
O ur lin e o f Stoves
and R anges is com ­
p lete a n a you can
save m o n ey by g e t­
tin g o u r p rice s be­
fore y o u buy
H ILL & <§.
Progress of the Movement to
"Put Farming on Par With
Other Big Business." j ,
American Bankers Association, has
brought out valuable Information ea
the subject from bankers, farmers sad
state agricultural departments. It is
being used as a campaign document la
the organisation of co-operaUve mar­
keting associations In various sections
of the country, tanners having adopt­
ed Its slogan: “P u t Agriculture on a
Par with Other Big Business."
• a a
The movement on the part of farm­
ers toward co-operative marketing as
a cure for their present economic
plight Is nation-wide. There has besn
notable progress In the development
of such associations, some conspicu­
ously successful ones being in opera­
tion at the present time. There have
also been some disastrous failures
among these ventures In co-operative
marketing, which la the inevitable ac­
companiment of the progress of any
The "Banker - Parmer,**
published by the American Bankers
Association, says:
"Causa and offset are operative la
co-operative marketing as L a ly as
they are In every other business enter­
prise. An association will not necas
aarlly succeed or fell merely because
It is a co-operative association, but be­
cause It conforms to or transgresses
from the underlying principles of suc­
cessful business operation. The move­
ment Itself Is of great national Import
and the bankers of the country can
materially aid or retard Its progress
The reeponalbiUty of leadership In
rural communities rests very largely
with the country banker. It is his
duty to be Informed on ell matters re­
lating te the farmers' well being.'*
a a e
All th a t beer was
R IN G O ’S Drugstore
a half million gores of exoellent
farm lands, in 14,900 square miles
of valley. During the last thirty year*
large tracts of waste land in the
Punjab have been Tendered pro­
ductive to crop* » a result of suc­
cessful irrigation works, and for the
first time in such project* the In­
dian government is seeing the mis­
take in neglecting the constriction
of roads along with that of caualg.
ing and w as th e g u e st fo r se v ­
eral days of Mrs. W. H. Mc­ The government is acquiring necee-
asry road right* to insure adequate
provision for the transportation of
Vernon Sawyer returned to crops to markets and railways. The
his home in Tacoma Monday,
a fter a few m onths spent here whole Sutlej project will probably
in the harvest field and visiting take nine years for completion.
Miss Donna Robertson went
to Newport Tuesday, where she
County fair Sept. 3, 4, 5 tnd 6. is the guest of her friend. Miss
A lberta Koontz.
Mr. and Mrs. John Salash re­
turned W ednesday from their
trip to Portland, driving a
Mitchell Six roadster.
Mrs. Ida Black Tobin arrived
from Portland T hursday even*'
Shedd fair next Saturday.
O. w . FR U M
Exclusive A gent for
Jersey Milk Food Compound
the economical feed lor calves. pigs and chickens
Also a complete slock •(
his grandm other, Mrs. George <
Frank Koontz and family of
Los A ngeles. C a l. spent Satur-
day and Sunday w ith Mrs M. V.
Koontz of this city. Mr Koontz
is interested in the oil industry
IW southern California. He i3 a
G l T l lOT G e n e r a l
i - „ .
A,b“ ” ’ or *hOB* VJJ- *
No. 18. 11:37 «. m.
24, 4:2$ p. m.
22, 4:30 a. ni.
No. 17, 12:15 p. m.
23. 4.2« p. m.
21, 11:32 p. m.
Noe, 21 and 22 atop only if flagged.
The delivery window of tbs
H alsey postoffice is open Sundavi
from 1:050 to 11 a. tn. and lif:l£
A pamphlet and questionnaire on co­ to 12:30 p. m.
Bunday mail goes out only on
operative (arm marketing recently Is­
sued by the State Bank Divlstoa, the north-bound 11:37 traio:
panied by Mrs. C. P. Stafford,
remained for a few day’s visit returned from Bandon and Port
Modern condition* are auch that ag­
with h er grandm other, Mrs. M. Orford Sunday morning. Mr. riculture cannot be aucceaaful by In­
The new potato grading anc E. Bassett.
effort To regain It* position
and Mrs. Dryden continued dividual
Roy Gehr opened a filling inspection law, which will go into
aa a basic Industry, and as a force la
Mrs. W. W. Stuart and children, th eir journey to th eir home in national affairs, agriculture m utt de­
station a t Los Angles and sold effect Septem ber 15, provides
gasoline below the established th a t in quanities of ten tons or Walter and Franc«», of A lb a n y ,! Oregon City Sunday evening, pend upoj organisation end co-opera­
price. The big companies went more the potatoes shall be in- were guests at the borne of Mrs. [ while Dicksy remained in Hal- tion tor economic production, for eco­
a cent lower and announced th atlsp e c te d by the state inspection Stuart’s sister, Mrs. A. C. Arm- sey for a week’s visit with her nomic marketing and for the estab­
lishment of Its proper relationship la
j Aunt, Mrs. Stafford.
they would drive him out of departm ent. On smaller ship- strong, Friday.
community life. — Hojrard Leonard.
business. He went below them ments, from 50 pounds to 10
Mr*. H. H. Mornhinweg-S sister [ Adolph Chiavlo and wife of President Illinois Agricultural Asa»
and they below him until he is tons, state inspection is NOT re­ and son, who were visiting at H o -! Tacoma accompanied Mr. and elation.
selling a t 6 cents a gallon in- quiied, unless requested by the msr's home at Shedd, came with [Mrs. George Maxwell home
stead of 22, which ws the price buyer or seller, but the seller is tie family Bunday and visited at from Tacoma the last of the
S. P. Improvements
when the war started. Now it I required to grade the potatoes G. W. Mornhiuweg’a.
week. Mr. Chiavlo was called
appears that he has a gushing and on the sack or container
(Continued from page $ ) ‘
home Friday, but Mrs. Chiavlo
J. M. Dickson A Son's Jersey
oil well and a refining plant put the name and address of the
Rew Tunnel
which by a new process produc-' grower and the grade. If this cow Lnlu Mary of Ashburn has with her m other, Mrs. Maxwell.
At Rooky Point, near Mets, on the
es 6-cent gasoline a t a profit, is not complied with, they shaii
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sm ith and coast Uns. a naw l i l t toot tunnsl Is
prodociog 844.61 pound* in 805
which the big fellows cannot do. | be labeled as “culls“
days. Shedd occupies a front seat. daughters Dorothy and M ar­ balng built at a cost of $100,040. Thia
111 eliminate ourves and permit of
gery of Colfax, Wash., passed additional speed.
Eugene w ants the name of the
through Halsey Sunday on their
Yard limits are being extended and
N atron cut-off changed to Eu­ was the week-end guest of her way to Long Beach, Cal., where main track re-arranged at Nutglade
gene cut-off. Why not call it
they expect to spend the winter. .near Dunsmuir, at a cost of $110.000
the Junction City cut-off? The
T hursday P. J. True was They were a t one time resi- This marks the beginning of a large
name would have a cash value called to Corvallis, where Mrs. dnts of this place and were well yard at this point A line change of
n or» than ons-half mils la balng
to any town which could se­ True is again in the hospital.
known here.
made near Mott. California, on the
cure it. The more you can keep
Shasta Division, elimtnaltng the Big
your name before the public,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor of
canyon treat!« which Is <16 fast long
the more your town Is going to Eugene were week-end guests
and 104 feet high. This work will
grow. The editor’s youngest a t the J. C. Standish home.
T h a t new pleasant-
A gigantic project is the Sutlej val- cost $136.000 and w ill give a per
manent roadbed In
place of this
is named Eugene and we
■inelling non-poison* son
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McWilliams i lev irrigation scheme. When com­ trestle.
have lieen coaxing his m other
Near Crockett on the Western dl
ous Liquid Fly Spray
to allow us to chance it to Junc­ and Elliott left Saturday forj pleted this most pretentious irriga­
'iew port, w here they will spend tion project ever attempted in India vision another line change Is being
Get it a t
a couple of weeks by the sea.
will throw open to settlers three and made at a cost of $110.000 Involving
had broken.
F O O T E BROS. Props.
the construction of 1.2$ miles of new
track. Elimination of curvature at
thia point w ill permit Increased speed
of trains
Cross ties used by the Southern
Pacific are being creosoted to prolong
their Ilfs and two big modern tie
and timber treating plants are to fa
etiitate this work.
Paid-for Paragraphs
A d m itta n ce H e re 5 Cents
a Line
.F o r Sale—40 good Ewe*.
J. W. R occa , Harrisburg, Ore.
For rent—Mr farm of 100 acre*
near Halsey. Beu T. Sudtell, box
184. Albany, Oregon.
Oak and aeb wood for sale.
E. S. H ayes , Halsey
Peoria Pointers
(E n te rp ris e Correspondence)
Mrs. Nora Coleman
daughter, Ernestine, who have
spent the last two m onths vis­
iting relatives a t Foster, are
Rev. and Mrs. Jones of Cor­
vallis came up Sunday evening
and held quarterly m eeting at
the church. Mr. Jones will leave
in a few days for the annual
conference at Milton.
Tom Logah went to Portland
and drove home a car which he
will use in going to school a t
A large num ber of people
have been getting peaches at
Mr. Hughes’s orchard. He has
a large crop this year.
Mr. Mills is saw yer a t the
mill and his son sets rachets.
Mr. Mills was saw yer here a
num ber of years ago.
Mrs. J. W. LaM ar and
daughters have returned from
Newport, where they spent their
vacation. They report a large
crowd there and th e road in
fine condition.
J. R. Frady and wife and
Fred Frady and fam ily visited
in Eugene Sunday.
Mrs. Wade and her daughter
Clara of Albany came to Peoria
Sunday. They, with several of
Mis. Wade’s other children
and their families, had a picnic
across the river. About 25 were
Mr. Geer, husband of the
county school superintendent,
had the m isfortune to cut one
of his fingers off while work­
ing on the island Monday.
Fresh Jersey Cows
or Heavy Springerf
j. A I i i t i u i x .
Crow Stage route. Eugene.
Amor A. Tuasing
One la to be constructed at Oakland
H alsey , O rioom
nt a coat of $400.000 and the other la
now la operation at Wilmington. The
Oakland plant w ill have a large tic
store«« yard with a capacity of $60.
000 ties and the most modern faclll-
tlee for handling them.
Mors than $1.000.000 is being spent
Motor Hearse.
on Improvements tn Southern Pacific Efficient Service.
«hope everywhere on the system.
Lady Attendant
Tba company la planning an Im­ Brow nsnll*........... . .................... Oregon
proved entrance Into the city of Port­
land. which w ill cost tn the neighbor­
hood of $4.600.000.
A new steel bridge with a span of
W . L. W R IG H T
600 feet ever the Colorado river b
Mortician A Funeral Director
being constructed at Yuma. This
with a four mile track line change,
Halsey and Harrisburg
two mils of icing and yard tracks
Call D. TAVUtn. Halsey. or
and a new ststioa
w t,„
W L. W * ig r t , ilarrtaburg
turea ot about ILOOO.OOO.
Funeral Director and Li­
censed Embalmer