r> ■ Ä .m e r ic a n E a g l e Fire Insurance Co. Hay ia worth ju st „ mu<;h ¡ , you m ight get for it in case o f fire Th-I Am anean Eagle Fire Insurance com nanr °f ‘he C“ h '" - - I P° M,bJ# ‘ hat h« Is among us - He look* d round him * * * ln th ,t exj>re«elon of can make both F A R M and C IT Y L O A N S at a very row rate of inteiest ° rW the neighbor doubt- 1 rrom 5 to 10 years. W rite me for per- troulare G w L avlar ■n» Russian tapped hl« cheek.------ Jaalem, Ore. 410 Oregon Bldg So be it. Let us proceed.'* ln8 for an hour. order. Rob!.«r p r ¿ ’ t " 1“ of Sl,,dd ' nd ? i f ? * Co- O rders Ailed ville L r .F ' .W “k ' ru Of Crawford., lime f a X for *» « r.vwhere or am v He art « IOo8g , he „rand jurors or ( - , / l m w,re nnywhere in U S. •unjiiioned to meet yesterday. ° r l -nada. F lower phone Whan the campaign for tbo or- ALB A N ,, Y GARAGE. . . ------------ —. Stud« gamxation of oow testing associa­ c i « " i * “ d " s , l r " automohilei tions is resumed, altar the fair, it (.eueral r tp a u ,„ „ »»,1 , uppile8 • expected that C. R. Evan» » ,jJ T\ Hocken.nuth _ I . l o j d Templeton M«s. BtODJtT. ^ b ^ots (Continued from pag, jj Modern *b 1 7 Barber Shop a lv t .t 1 M A B E ’S P L A C E c. P. STAFFORD, Agent —/^bany^7)irectory Q « s.tory. •‘ The Secret Adver- •ary, , , , o weI, hked b / U)u ilor of the Albany Herald that that paper began ita publication Young man, take tome garden stun or a fine pig or lamb or caff • priiZs. 004 m ,rchandu« the right or your sister or another fellow*, sister to the Sbadd fair next Sat- J ilm s developed and printed. urd«y. And go early or you will nil»« part of it. 1 IV n J i* “I t ' r i b * 1“ ri« h* b*ck to you egon?W<>rth D r u i Co,ul>B,,y. Albany, Or- A night horse show Is advertised • I the county fair, but nothing is P lo o d ’e d ry goods store is the best •aid about a nightmare show. R«r- ¡»lace in Albany to buy dry voodg »»•payouw ill.ee that If you eat X ”to* lln “ ’ ,n<1 notio° ’ - Service i . our •*« much as you will ba tempted to at that free barbecue. p o l i o SALES AND S E R V IC E Glenn Loomis, proprietor of Tires and accesMrie. the Brownsville Times, probably Repairs exceeded tha speed lim it in Albany K tag.pou.A K M otor C o . but ™ war ü° not ‘ ?r' ar- P o rtm illa r Furnituie C o .? furo? Saturday ,«d fY, night, I ‘ ture, i rug», a n « ’ .T .7 ., i3’ ”1"« .* c* r o" « ' • " K’ ' linoleum, linoI* 1,,n. atov«.’ stoves’ r ranges, runeral director*. 427-43J w m i IT««*.« »head of him ha raced and over­ »treet. Albany, Oregon ‘ ‘ F,r” took it aud notified the driver and -be car was saved. IJ o lin a u & M e k s o u - E v iT t h h i P - is ib iir n Bros.— Tw o big grocer» " o re .. 212 W. F.rs, . „ d ^ 5 front of him ran a narrow' pessnge, with doors opening on either aide of it. From the one nearest him on the left earn« a low murmur of voices. It wae thia room which be had been di­ rect»« ta enter. B at what held his cession on the door oelow. The first man was quite unknown to Tommv, who put him down as a city clerk A QOlet. intelligent looking man. rather shabbily dressed. The second was of the working classes, and his face was vaguely fam iliar to the young man. Three minutes later came another a man of commanding appearance ex­ quisitely dressed, and evidently well born. His face, again, was not un known to the watcher, though he could not for the moment put a name to It. S o„¿ Ktaaca fascinated was a small recesa Immediately on hla right, halt con- csaled by a torn velvet curtain. It waa directly opposite the left-handed door and, owing te lta angle, it alto commanded a good view of tha upper P»rt of the stalrcaae. As a hiding piece for one er, at a pinch, two men. After M r arrival there wag a long it was Ideal, being about two feet end three feet wide. I t attracted wait. In fact. Tommy concluded that Tommy mlghtUy. H e thought things the gathering was now complete, and was Juat cautiously creeping out from over In hla usual slow and steady way deciding that tha mention of "M r’ his hiding place, when another knock A t Sweat Home Saturday night , ”° Ui ,,b le • xceo‘ 41 « Be®"““ waa not a reqnest for an ln- sent him scuttling back to cover. Highe»4 quality and prices reasonable. R»y West thought that he would This last comer esme up the stairs dlvldual. but In all probability a pass­ Piione 41 O pposite Postoffice rather • • lic k " Sheriff Richard. word used by the gang. Hla lucky use so quietly that he was almost abreast of Tommy before the young man had I J u b C leanin g Works, Ino. „ ."L * * r; « 4«keene a r® appraisers. . . . J?” b***,ln< brows, and tha criml- tlon la completed, w ill represent a • I .._-Second ’,ret4- opposite Hamilton's I The city, through council­ that had a kind of hiss In It: M I Jaw, the bestiality o f the whole Outstanding In this work are such total expenditure of about 810,000,000 man Zimmerman, has asked th e “There were difficulties. It will not projects as the building of the Na-j for the two-traek line between Bakers " ’ "tenanca ware naw to tha young 4 man. though ha waa a type that 8cot- be possible again. I fear. But one tron Cut-off and a new entrance field and Mojave. ^ T a ld o Anderson & s„„. di.trib - I ers on th e ^ P a c if i^ h ig h w l^ h i sections’ Í J n n c ^ " ’ U,d « meeting Is essential—to define my pol­ Portland, double tracking Heavier Roadbed r - T b j , certainly " icy. I can do nothing without—Mr. between San Francisco and Ogden Operation of the Southern Pacific’s and over the Tehachapi Mountains, l . 7 Í ’J L ? P* M* d th* " * • « . *>c«tb- Brown. He Is h e re r Acceseoriea Supnhee. ist & iirnadaibm 3O 4J ie - T iie re s a change for th e gigantic new locomotives now in The change in the German's voice from Tehachapi to Selvert, which w ill at’ th ^ Y 17 “ W*“ t H e -«•P P "’ heavy freight service has made tha — -------------------- — -- -------- I collection of a nice little income from was audible as he replied with slight give complete double track uee of heavier rail and heavier bal tttlon ,Bd » • ” e « P * from them. A ttaboy! Bakersfield to Mojave, new station hesitation; Inri?. .. kBock- A T” c* last ueceraary. I rv TomrnY Gibbons, whom Jack 'd n c ,l’*d 004 «»mething. ar,« the *‘W*a have received a message. U facilities at Sacramento, extensive The company lg adding thia year 70 1« impossible for him to be present In new terminal yarda and freight facil­ miles of 110-pound rail, the heavleX affórdi,* D-T1 th* door “ d P««*td In. ~ Dempsey tried and failed to ities in Los Angeles and a large tie •ffordin. Tommy a momentary glfrnpae person.” He stopped, giving a curious f t knock out, will be a t the Globo in the west, and more than 280 miles and timber treating plant In Oakland. Impression of having left the sentence toow Inside. He thought there or 80-pound rail In addition It has SER VIC E S £ eavte r' A'bany- S e p t 4 May- be .boat feur or flv . phopl. unfinished. Many Projects ordered from steel mills 63,000 tons o- . ^ I b e he isn __* t —- .r as 88 n rettv as mi».'« . - ------- ! ? * ’ " >UBd • k>n< table that took A very alow smile overspread th* S ioes that cost less per month of wear f Some of the highlights of the com­ of rail, sufficient for the laying of Portland or Miss Albany, but tlon Z nf ,h* ,p a r** bBt hI’ * ,r* n- face of the other. He looked round pany's program follow; 330 miles of track next year. a good many people would like m. " “ « h,Md by ' ta l* at a circle of uneasy faces. The company Is double tracking In order to maintain thia necessary to look a t him, ju s t for curios­ ,h fb< r,O8e5.000.004) In new con­ ^ay?- up: D m ight be easier to frtrt « 7 7 ° " '’ »“»»osi. Uve weu-biwd Black Butte Emigrant Gap, a continuous stretch struction work from publish a list of those who did­ Summit to Orase Lake, south of of double track from Andover to *• •; “ ! n’t go The editor received two Klamath Falls Optometrist, with | Sparks, a distance of 48 miles Tbs » " ^ ‘«s í r . 1 “ •*»•»«• «ed vi»- tickets with a copy for *8 o r|1 0 i double tracking from Wells to Moor (Comiaaed an page 4 F. M. F r en c h a sons worth of advertising which he I and from Valley Pass to Montello Is was requested to publish in ex­ In the Paquopa Mountains, the only J C W E L E R S -O R T IC IA N S e r «atura Reminded Him 5o a bundle at t change, but the proposition did territory on the Salt Lake division . OLI — paper« w Albnay, Oregon ° *U<"rtd togqukk nic­ Venemaua Snake. 1 where all freight and so«e passenger Loterprise office. not appeal very strongly to him. s. STIM80N THE FURNITURE AND FARM MACHINERY farm loans ProT*’ tB *• ot « ‘ hB __1O? from eyes exam ined . T . FRENCH « (Continued on page 4)