>/ PAGE 2 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E HALSEY ENTERPRISE - - — -— «*— H O T M a t r a l . e « S IU k » 4 w r r T fc a rB O a r W W m . H . W H I ü K i . ic r crlptlona. «1.10 a year |„ advance A dvertising, 20c an inch ; no discount lor unie or apace ; no charge (or coin- uoeitiou or changea. "P a id -fo r Paragraphe, ' | e a line. We aAvertlalng disguised as newa So H A L S E Y , L in n Co.. Ore.. Aug 30, 19? AUG. JO 5 5 \ A T. J. SKIRVIN A t Tulsa, Ok., three memtiers of a gang of eight who, in Ku Klux Kian regalia, flogged a man, have confessed th e flog­ ging and th a t they are members of the klan and have been sen­ tenced to two years in prison. Where is the kleagle or other ligher-up in the order who will deny th at the klan had any- to do with this outrage? “ S P IR IT U A L P R O G R E S S ’’ When the republican presi­ dential nomination was made I | there were those who remarked 1 -hat the tail of th e ticket was leavier than the head. W ith all I [ lue respect to the memory of the honest, noble-hearted presi- [ lent who has passed away we i ire impelled to say th a t the re-1 ■nark may have been a sound in. W riting to the New York Herald, an eastern observer begs leave to subm it a curious proof of our spiritual progress. W ith­ in a generation, he contends, Am ericans have altered their previous policy of wanton cruel­ ty toward wild creatures in the name of sport and have become staunch and sym pathetic cham pions of the rig h t of those same creatures to life and survival. I t is apparent th a t this is true and th a t it is increasingly so A t last an Oregon governor not only by force of law but by las perm itted th e hanging of a the greater force of public sen­ n u rd erer according to law. tim ent We have determined th a t the There are more m urderers a- rapacity of man shall not ob­ »vaiting the same fate, and more literate th a t life which shares m urderers in the state than with him th e bounty of earth We have established sane and there would have been if there considerate game limits, we lad been more hangings in the have decreed closed seasons, we past. ■ - have provided refuges for bird beast and fish, and we have There was a good deal of yap- halted the savage traffic in t>iug about Yap island among the. plumes.—Portland Oregonian. 'ation« not long ago and now they The legislation against plumet- «re beginning to wrangle about is commendable. For the rest Wrangel ¡gland. we are preserving birds and The co-operative hay associa­ beasts and fish confessedly tc tion sold 47 per cent of its hay perpetuate the cruelty - - - whose I direct to retailers and 44 per disappearance the w riter quot-1 cent to consumers, cutting out ed above so smugly announce as j i lot of middlemens profits, lieing curbed and lessened. Some anim als and birds are Furniture being “protected" by law not tc prevent th eir being wounded oi Exchange killed for sport but to enable Beet end largest lin e of them to breed and rear more victims for such spoil. SHI) MMBCBAMT A ll kinds of Feed PLAN TO GO TO THE LINN COUNTY New and second grain Sack twine. Clover teed. sacks. Chop­ ping done to suit. Prices right. FAIR Albany, Oregon, Sept. 3, 4, 5, 6, FLO UR Golden L o a f ....$ 2 .0 0 W h ite M ountain 2.15 | 'The Secret Adversary Livestock Poultry 1923 Agriculture Take an Exhibit Be an Exhibitor See Albany’s College Chorus Eat at the Fair Grounds ▼ Buildings all painted white Sprayed and cleaned inside Racing Horses Trick Riders Show Horses Fancy Exhibitors By A G A T H A C H R IS T IE n u iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiin (OtDTrisbt Dudd. Maad A Company) Children under 12 years Monday and Thursday (Continued) Rootli Atidley mansions was a n lm - poslng-looklng block of flats Just off Park lane. No. 20 w a. on the second floor. Tommy had by this time the gUb- ness born of practice. He rattled off the formula to the elderly woman, looking more like a housekeeper than a servant, who opened the door to fctoi. y u ' •«,««! "Ohristlan name)” »fr j i i . R S ' "Margaret.” ' • Tommy spelt It, but the other Inter­ rupted him. . “No. g u e.” “Oh. Marguerite; French way. I see.“ He paused, then plunged boldly "We hnd her down as Rita Vande- meyer, but I suppose that’s Incorrect r “She's mostly called that, air, but Marguerite's her name." "Thank you. That's «11. Good morning." Hardly able to contain his excite­ ment. Tommy hurried down the stairs. Tuppence was waiting at the angle of the turn. “You hoard?" , v H fcx Special fares on Railroads Auto Show Night Horse Show Stvle Shnw Whittington In case of recognition. On Interest. He merely grunted and face fell. the other hand, he had a fu ll view of Jerked down ble flag. The drive was “I guees I haven't more than three the second man and studied him at­ uneventful. Tommy's taxi came to or four hundred dollars with me al tentively. H e was fair, with a weak, rest at the departure platform Just the moment.” explained the American. unpleasant face, and Tommy put him after Whittington's. Tommy was be­ Tommy gave a faint whoof of relief. down as being either a Russian or a hind Idin at the booking ofllca. H e "Oh. Lord, you millionaires! You Pole. H e was probably about fifty took a first-class single ticket to don't talk the same language! Climb years of age, his shoulders cringed a aboard the lugger. Here’s your ticket. Uttle aa he talked, and bis eyes, small , Bonrnemouth, Tommy did the same. Whittington's your man." I As he emerged, Boris remarked. and crafty, shifted unceasingly. “Me for Whittington I" said Julius Whittington ordered a aubstantlal 1 glancing up at the clock: "You are darkly. The train was Just starting lunch for himself and hie companion; early. You have nearly half an hour." aa he swung himself aboard, "g® Boris’ words had aroused a new long. Tommy." The train slid out of then, as the waitress withdrew, be i train of thought In Tommy’s mind. moved his chair a Uttle closer to the the station. table end began to talk earnestly In Clearly Whittington wae making the “Yes. Oh,vTommyl" Tommy drew a deep breath. The Her hand was still In Tommy’s. a low voice. The other man joined In. ! Journey alone, while the other re­ man Boris was coming along the plat­ H e .d q u .te r. fOr They had reached the entrance hall. Listen as be would. Tommy could only mained In London. Therefore he wae form toward him. Tommy allowed There were footsteps on the stairs catch a word here and there; bnt the le ft with a choice as to which he him to pass and then followed him at T A X -F R E E S E C U R IT IF S Heavy would follow. Obviously, he could not »1st of It seemed to be some dlreo- above them, and voices. judicious distance. Suddenly, to Tommy’s complete sur­ tlons or orders which the big man follow both of them unless— Like They reached at length a email di­ D P R IN T L IN O L E U M With the billions now turned Boris, he glanced np at the clock, aDd lapidated square. The bouses there 1 per square yard. prise, Tuppence dragged him Into the was tmpreaslng on bis companion, end into tax-free securities put in­ with which the latter seemed from then to the announcement board of had a sinister air In the midst of their little space by the side of the lift to industry interest • rates would 122 West First at., Albany, Oregon. tin » to time to disagree. Whittington the trains. The Bournemouth train dirt and decay. Boris looked round, where the shadow was deepest come tum bling down. Good se­ left at 8 :30. I t was now ten past. and Tommy drew back Into the shel­ addressed the other as Boris. “What the—” Tommy caught the word “Ireland," Whittington and Bona were walking ter of a friendly porch. From there “Hush I” curity would find cheap m oney- Two men came down the stairs and several times, also "propaganda,” but up and down by the bookstall. Ho he watched Boris go up the steps of a Dallas (Tex.) Farm and Ranch. passed out through the entrance. Tup­ of Jane Finn there wee no mention. gave one doubtful look at them, then particularly evil-looking house and rep A little fu rth e r light fromj pence's hand closed tighter on Tom­ Suddenly, In a lull In the clatter of hurried Into an adjacent telephone sharply, with a peculiar rhythm, on box. He dared not waste time In try­ the door. I t was opened promptly. the room, he gift one phrase entire my's arm. this oracle is desired: "Quick— follow them. I daren't. He Whittington was speaking. "Ah. but ing to get hold of Tuppence. In all h* ,a ld * »ovd or two to the door­ A fter th a t money was p aid , m l|h t recognize me. I don't know you don’t know Flossie. She’s a m a t probability she was still In the neigh keeper, then passed Inside. The door who the other man Is, but the bigger vel. An archbishop would swear sSe borhood of South Audley mansions. was shut to again. for securities, where did it go? was his own mother. She gets the But there remained another ally. He of the two was Whittington." I t was et thia Juncture that Tommy Were not the securities sold to] voice right every time, and that's rang np the Ritz and asked for Julius lost his head. What be ought to have raise money to put into indus­ really the principal thing." Herahelramer. There was a click and CH APTER IV done, what any sane man would have Tommy did not hear Boris* reply, a buzn. Oh. If only the young Ameri try ? And didn’t it go into in­ done, wee to remain patiently where but in response to It Whittington said can was In hts room I There was an­ Tha House In Soho. w®s nnd wait for his man to come dustry. If not, Why not? , Whittington and his companion something that sounded like: “Of other click, and then "Hello" la un­ again. W hat he did do was en- If the bonds had not been tax mistakable accents came over the wire. course—only In an emergency. . . .» were walking at a good pace. Tommy tlraly foreign to the sober common “T hat you. Herthelmmer? Beres­ sense which was. ne a rule, hta leading Then he lost the thread again. But started In pursuit at once, and was free they would have brought T110 In time to see them turn the corner presently the phrases became distinct ford speaking. Tm at Waterloo. I’ve characteristic. Something, as he ex­ ju st so much less money when Of the street. His vigorous strides again whether because the other two followed Whittington and another pressed IL It seemed to snip In his "old. They were sold to raise soon enabled him to gain upon them, had Insensibly raised their voices, or man here. No time to axplaln. W hit brain. W ithout a moment’s pause for money for pubic uses. Bringing I The ” dark or cherry tone on the crystal and by the time he. In hie turn, because Tommy’s ears were getting tlngton's off to Bournemouth by the reflection, he, too, went up the steps, .....~ »-riviij iuuc on me cry 8:80. Can you get there by then?" reached the corner the distance be- more attuned, be could not tell. But and reproduced as far as he was able frame. Ask to s»e the ---------- samples. less money, there would have fr*m* "Sure, ril hustle.” hveen them was sensibly lessene,!. two words certainly had a moat etlro- the peculiar knock. tieen ju s t so much more to be The telephone rang off. Tommy Their course was a zigzag one de- nlatlng effect upon the lletener. They The door swung open with the seme «gned to bring them as quickly aa were uttered by Boris and they were- put back the receiver with a sigh of promptness as before. A vlllalnoue- raised by taxation for those "Mr. Brown." relief. He felt Instinctively that the salble to Oxford street. When at fsced man with close-cropped hair public uses, but good security Optometrists, M anufacturing Opticians Whittington seemed to remonstrate American would arrive In time. igtb they turned Into it, proceeding stood In the doorway. Albany, Oregon would have found no cheaper Whittington and Boris were still to an easterly direction. Tommy with him, but he merely laughed. 'W e llF he grunted. "Why not. my friend? I t Is « name where he had left them. I f Boris re­ • ’‘« W Increased his pace. U ttle by It was at that moment that the full money than now. moat respectable— moat common. Did mained to eee hie friend off. all was realization of hie folly began to come uttle he gained upon them. You can’t lift yourself very Just before the Bond Street tub« he not choose It for that reason? Ah, well. Then Tommy fingered his pocket home to Tommy. But he dared not I should like to meet him—M r thoughtfully. In spite of the carte hesitate. He seized at the first words fa r by pulling on your boot­ Station they crossed the road. Tommy Rrown." blanche assured to him. he had not that came Into his mind »»perceived. faithfully at their heels, straps. There wag a steely ring In Whitting­ yet acquired the habit of going about end entered the big Lyons’. There “Mr. Brown?" he said. A ll work «lone prom ptly ami reason­ with any considerable sura of money they went up to the first floor, and sat ton’s voice ts he replied: To ble surprise, the men stood aside. "Who know.? You may have met Maybe they put a Hick io their on him. The taking of the first-class St a small table In the window. It ‘ Upstairs,’’ he said. Jerkin« ble him already." ably. Phone No. 26» ticket to Bournemouth had left him thnmb over his shoulder, “second door wee late, and the place wee thinning milk shake in the milky way. "Bah I" retorted the other. “That Is with only a few shillings In his pocket. on your left." out. Tommy took a seat at the table A ay way the moon got full Sunday. children's t a l k - e fable for the police. I t was to he hoped that Jnllus would Taken aback though he was by the Do you know whet I say to myself arrive better provided. Than the old girl gave an axhj* men’s words, Tommy did not hesitate. sometimes? That he la a fable In­ to toe meantime, the minutes were I f audacity had successfully carried bltition— an eclipse. She not Quarters of for canning vented by the Inner Ming, a bogy to creeping by. Supposing Julius did not him so far. It was to be hoped It would only did ell thie on a Sunday, but purposes at canning prices frighten ut with. I t might be so,” get there In time. Tommy felt cold carry him yet farther. H e quietly "And It might not." ehe co far fell Into the habits of waves of despair pass over him. Then passed Inte the house and mounted C . H. F A L K " I wonder . . . or le it Indeed a hand fell on his shoulder. the great white way of New York the ramshackle atalrvase. Everything C . L. F A L K JR. true that he It with ue end amongst ’’Here I am, eon. Your British tra f­ In the house was filthy beyond word*. that ehe gave her ebow at tha uo- us, unknown to all but a few? fic heats description 1 Put me wise HALSEY Tommy proceeded leisurely. By the If so. be keeps his secret well. And to the crooks right away." holy hour of 2 a. m „ whan not time he reached the bend In the stair­ the Idee ts a good one, yee. We never many people in a staid rural ham­ "That's Whittington— there, getting case, be had heard the man below ? ? ,ook olher—one let like Halsey are abroad, and of us Is Mr. Brown—which? He com­ In now. that Mg flark man. The other disappear Into a back room. Clearly Cash paid ter no suspicion attached to him as yet. mands but also he serves. Among le the foreign chap he's talking to." few of ue taw it. “I'm onto them. Which of the To come to the house and ask for “Mr. ua— In the midst of on And no one two Is my bird?" Brown” appeared Indeed to be a rea­ knows which he Is. . . “Got any money with you?" Republican leaders may have W ith an effort the Russian shook sonable sad natural proceeding. Julius sliook his heed, end Tommy's At the top of the stairs Tommy halt­ little liking for Hiram J o h n so n ,._____________ - ’ v7 \ rT ot hl» hncy. He looked ed to consider^ his next move. In and t o ' s « e s ta u r a m a. T m i ^ ' “ ' “Fon- "We might ill Used F u r n itu r e , Camping Outfit» i Alluringly Attractive Newport “ F a s h io n ” Frame Meade & Albro, C F. M. G R A Y , D R A YM A N Fresh and Cured Meats BEEF ¡ream and Produce Station .ream, Poultry, Eggs and Veal, m . H S H O O K openly affront him. They have not forgotten w hat JohnsortG followers did to Hughes and the party. ___ M r. Borah wants to outlaw war. hut he dose hot want a league or aeaoeiettou of salient. Aosrob- Ists would outlaw all human wrongs, hut do not w»nt any laws Where is the difference? f o /’h i . ^ i i r 1 r * w a,tr* « end asked for hl» bill. Tommy did likewise, and * «onwnta later wee followfeg the two men down the stairs. " Outside, Whittington hailed a taxi t'e riJ drtV,r U « • ’ • W - Second a t, opposite llv s e v Garage Short orders at all hours u p to 11 p. m. Square Meal, 50c Barber shop ïî Baths , First Clas» Work Agent foe Rugane Steam Laundry Sent ToOechtyt. J- W. ST EPH EN SO N . r«.p w ,r* W” here, end be- h id dr>v»n off an- dr” rta* ” P •<» the curb la c h a n c e to T om m y, peremptory « le Viçeroue 8trl«lee Enabled A Him So Gain Upon Them. ‘Tettow that other tsxL" directed Q£il |o l|HBi gliUfig directly behtftd k T . ou m aw e U ^ iy ’ chauffeur thawed go AS COLD AS THE FROZEN NORTH it our ice cream, i t ie delightfully cooling and refreshing after a hard shopping tour. plate. Step in and enjoy a U a h a rt all flavors—chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, lemon, tutti frnttL etc. I t makes aa ideal refreshment and is nenrishiag and wholaeoma Confectiomn