Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, August 23, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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    HALSEY B N T E B P K It t
rO R
te a .-M om .
A ug . 24-27
You Can’t ^ ‘¿ W ife
AUG. 33. 1923
The damage to the buggy was
Jobu M. Porter and Mrs. Edith
Kobnelt and Truman visited at
Monmouth last Sunday.
with Leatrice Joy St Lewis Stone
Arrow Garage
W e w ill overhiul your Ford engine lor 420 labor
•• Chevrolet engine (or $22.50 tabor
" reline transmission band for $2.50 labor
“ overhaul rear axle and rebush springs and perches when
Tha Mountain States Power
company expect« to fluish Its new
necessary for $7 labor
bigb-power line to Lebanon this
All work
Page 2, with announcement in
▲ Cedi IL De Mille Prod action
an editorial of dates for meetings
T b u aa .-P *L
A ug . 30-31
to organize cow-testing associa­
tions, wee prioted Tuesday even­
ing. Last evening a change ol
H ill & Co. have just put in
Theodore plan was made end the meetings
stock a very complete line of
. ______ Roberts
will be after the county fair, dates Bridge, Beach & Co. stoves and
S a t o b d s v
¡Sarr. 1
to be announced later.
ranges and think that nobody, any-
“ Farmers' day ” at Albauy will where, can beat them on prices.
be celebrated by the chamber <>f
with Walter Heirs
M r. and Mrs. W. L. Wells
iommerce at the fair grounda on and Miaees Goldie and Genevieve,
Monday, Sept. 3, the first day. A Roy Wells, M r. and Mrs. Claud«
Barbecue and free feed, coffee and Davidson sod Mrs. Adda Ringo
ice oream for everybody are on the of Halsey last Sunday attended
Tbe merchanta have a maeting of the Wells el*X> * t
raised 11000 for this reception to at Buena Vista. A t 11 there were
the people from tbe couotry and union services, at which Goldie
(Continued from pa«« * )
will close their storea on that day addressed a full beute. After this
Mrs. C. H Koontz and Harman
and entertain their guests. Ben 60 gatbeaed at the reunion, where
era at Newport.
Bartcher, J. D. Sears and D. O. dinner was served-
Jay Moors baa finished bia asa Woodworth are tbe committee in
At the boys’ and girls’ clubs
sou's bay baling.
jharge. A. M . Hammer, L E.
judging practice at 0 . A. C. Tues­
W illiam Van Nica was bom«
day Ranall Grimes and Paul Mc-
front Monmouth over tha weak jommittee ou advertising, I. A. Cart eoored 100 on Berkshire gilts,
Preston, Roscoe A tn s s , J . J. Bar­ Edith Pugh, Luella and Ted Mc­
Mrs. W. P. Wahl visited at rett and Waldc Anderson on Cart and Emma Mullen tbe same
the Essie Bass home Sunday al- finance and on the barbecue— ah, on Poland China eowa, Deonie and
be barbecue I— D, E. Nebergall Paul McCart, Edgar Grimea, Lola
and W. M Eestburn. Committee Zyaett and Emma Mullen on baby
Mrs. A. C. Aimstrong and on entertainment, A. C. Heynian, beef, Eva Meyer on yearling beef
daughter were shopping in A) G.
Lloyd Grimes, Hazel and Arnold
A. Flood and W . L . Jackson.
bany Friday afternoon.
Zyselt, Edith Pugh, Dannie Mc- “ How Would They Have Known Jane
Let's g o !
T c a e .- W * » .
aug . 21-29
S a tu r d a y N ig h t
R a c in g
H e a r ts
60e A N HOUR
Jots and Tittles
Harold Smith of Portland
was a week-end guest at the M.
E. Gardner home in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris of
Albany spent Sunday with
Mrs. Rose Powell of this city.
The English family of Eu­
gene were guests at the H. F.
English home in this city
Mrs. Nasmith and sister of
Portland arrived Sunday for a
visit of a couple of weeks at
the T. J. Forster home.
Mrs. L. A. Pray went to
Junction City Saturday for a
visit of a week or two with hci
son-in-law, William Wells.
Dr. Olive H. Beers of Ari­
zona and Miss Maude Bryiuil
of Albany were guests nt the
D. S. McWilliams home Mon­
The style show at tbe fair will
night and the modela
Mrs. J. W. Drinkard went to be ill Tuesday
be Albany girla. The queen
Portland the last of the week will be crowned that evening and
to attend the funeral of Harry will
prrside over the exhibition.
K. Smith, which was held at the
Carpenters Smith and Gardner
crematorium Saturday.
expeet to finish the transforma­
Mrs. Charles Green left for tion ot Mayor Clark's rvsidenoe
her home at San Pedro, Cal., thia week aud then begin on the
Thursday after a visit of some renovation of Grant Reynolds’
duration with her parents, Mr. building at first and H streets.
and Mrs. M. E. Gardner.
That postponed school election
Mrs. Chenoweth and daugh­ at Crabtree was declared illegal.
ter Ethelyn, mother and sister Now the Crabtreeites are going to
of Mrs. Horace Armstrong, ar­ earn the ropes by holding two
rived Sunday to stay a few more elections. Sept. 1 a vole
weeks while Mrs. Armstrong will he taken on tbe question of
and two daughters take a va­ dropping dietriot 114 from the
lion high school district aud on
cation at Bel nap Springs.
T runks
S to v e S
Compare our prices
on Trunks and Trav­
eling Bags before
you buy
Our line of Stoves
and Ranges ia com­
plete and you can
save money by get­
ting our prices be­
fore you buy
H IL L & <2.
Cart and Enima Mullen oa Shrop-
shire lauibe, A ll of these and
Marión G ilkey, Ralph Malaon and
Gene Meyer inade good record» o i
general average acorea.
The Secret Adversary
(Continued from page 3)
“It'e nothing much, only a Chris­
tian name— Rita. Whittington men­
tioned It that day.”
“Are yon proposing a third adver­
tisement: Wanted, female crook, an­
swering to the name of Rita?"
" I am not. I propose to reason In
a logical manner. That man. Dunvers,
was shadowed on the way over, wazn't
he? And It's more likely to have been
a woman than a man— ”
“I don't see thet at all.”
”1 am absolutely certain that It
Hugh Clark of Liberty was on
would be a woman, and a good-looking
his way to Lebanon when bis car «re to be elected.
one.” replied Tuppence calmly. “Row,
•aught fir*. Ha didu’t know it.
obviously, this woman, whoever she
was. was saved.”
A farmer whom ba passed shouted
“How do you make that out 7"
at him. H* didn't know it. At
" If she wasn't, how would they
the next farm another man »bout,
have known Jane Finn had got tbe
ad. He didn’t know it. Finally
papers F
the Art got ao hot ha fall it. Than
ho knew. The occupants got out
“Rew, there's Just a chance. I admit
just before thn gasolene exploded,
It's only a chance, that this woman
Ha won't drive that oar again.
may have been 1111«.' "
"And I f aoF
W. H. Robertson met with a
" If ao, we've got to hunt through
near accident one day recently
tbe survivors of the Luettanla till
while he was delivering mail on
we find her."
Route 1. A wheel of his buggy
•Then the flret thing ts to get a list
of the survivors.”
was struck by a passing auto­
T v e got It. t wrote a long Mat ot
mobile and the buggy over­
things T wanted to know, and sent It
turned on him. The driver of
te Mr. Carter. I got bis reply this
the automobile rescued Mr.
morning, end among other thing« It
Robertson and found that he
Inclose« thd ifBdal statement of those
had suffered a sprained wri3t.
saved from the Lusitania.“
“But the greet point I a I s there a
'Rita' on the H s t r
‘T hat's Just what I don't know,"
confessed Tuppence
“Ton see. very
few Christian names are given. They're
n e w l/ ell Mre. or Mies.”
Tommy nodded "Thet compUcn'os
matters,” he murmured thoughtfu ly.
"Well, we've just got to get down to
I t that's all. We'll start w-Uh the Lon­
don area. Just note down the ad­
dressee of any of the femalse who
live in London or roundabout, while I
pat on my h a t"
Five minutes later the young
the economical feed for calvee, piga and chicken*
eeuple emerged Into Piccadilly, end a
few seconds later a taxi was bearing
Also a complete stock el
them to The Laurel*. Qleodowcr road,
R.T, the residence of Mrs. Edgar
Keith, whose name figured flret In a
tlet of seven reposing In Tommy'*
The Laurel« was a dilapidated
house, «tending back from the road
KlUL « Itw grimy bushes tp
Keep that
Look by using
Shaving Soap
RINGO’S Drugstore
O. \Y. F R U M
Exclusive A trout for
Jersey Milk Food Compound
Finn Had the PapereF
the fiction of k "front garden? Tommy
paid off the taxi, and accompanied
Tuppence to the front doorbell. He
pressed the bell. Tuppence withdrew
to a suitable spot.
A slatternly-looking servant, with
an extremely dirty face and a pair
of epee that did not match, answered
the door.
Tommy had produced a notebook
and pencil.
"Good morning,” he said briskly and
“From . the Hampstead
borough council.
The new Voting
Register. Mrs. Edgar Keith lives here,
does she n o tF
"Taas,” said the servant.
"Christian naraeF asked Tommy,
his pencil poised.
"Missus’ ? Eleanor Jane.”
"Eleanor,” spelt Tommy.
eons or daughters over twenty-one?”
"Thank yon." Tommy closed the
notebook with a brisk snap. "Good
"Good wheere, wasn't It? And we
can repeat It ad lib. Where's the next
"Mrs. Vandeweyer, 20 South Aud-
ley mansions.
Miss Wheeler, 43
Clsplngton road, Battersea. She's a
lady's maid, as far as I remember, so
probably won’t be there, and, anyway
ahe's not likely.”
"Then the Mayfair lady Is clearly
Indicated as the first port of.cAtl.'
(To be continued)
A 28-hour air mail service be
(wean T'e«v York and San Fran
ciaeo has been started
revolving lights at a number of
cities on tbe mute help to guide
the airmen at night.
A cloudburst at Eagle Creek
camp, in Columbia Gorge, Toes
day night tore tbe tops from six
automobiles, smashed two under
falling trees and flooled the place
two feet deep—about like an east­
ern storm.
j/u to m o h ile a n ¿
RRractor ¿ R e p a ir in g
Fisk end Gates T ire s and Tubes.— We now have in stock the F isk 94 30x
S4J fabric tires for $9. Be sure to investigate our lines and get our
prices before buying.
Automobile accessories, Ford parts, oils.
W illa rd battery srrvice.sUtiou.
Trouble calls g iv — i
prompt attention
Telephone 16x$
Must Grade Potatoes
The AMosnoUve Carriers' aeeoet*-
lie serrtee cnrrmleM— a petition ash­
ing that the mextoean work-day Cor
anlomohfle stag— ha fixed at 10 bears.
The cotamlaelnn. In an order tanned a
w weeks agn. fixed tha work day
tor drivers at eight hoars
Taken from her mother by a
Cesarian operation four months
before her birth was due, to
save the mother's life, Mrs.
Eilein Jelly’« daughter has in
four months in an incubator in
a Chicago hospital grown from
1% pounds to 3 pounds 11
ounces and from 11 inches in
'ength to 13*^ inches. This is
l case without a known parallel.
Sept. 3. 4, 5 and
W A N T B D —Seven
Fresh Jersey Cows
or Heavy Springers
.Redress J. A B bb T busxx ,
Crew Stage route, Rügen«.
Compulsory grading and la­
beling of potatoes will be a law
of Oregon on and after Septem­
ber 15.
The government fixes four
standard grades, but it is not
expected that any one crop
will be sorted into four grades,
nor would such a practice be
Grade No. 1 potatoes of simi­
which are not badly misshapen,
which are free from freezing
injury and soft rot, and from
damage caused by dirt or other
foreign matter, sunburn, second
growth, growth cracks, hollow
hearts, cuts, scab, blight, dry
rot, disease, insects, or mechani­
cal or other means.
The diameter of potatoes of
round varieties shall be not less
than 1% inches and of potatoes
of long varieties 1% inches. In
order to allow for variations in­
cident to proper grading and
handling, not more than 5 per
cent, by weight, of any lot may
be below the prescribed size,
and, in addition, not more than
6 per cent, by weight, may be
below the remaining require­
ments of this grade, but not to
exceed one-third of this 6 per
cent tolerance shall be allowed
for potatoes affected by soft rot.
The other three established
grade» are No. 1 small, No. 2
and Fancy No, 1. The fancy
grade is one that doubtless can
be developed in this state with
profit. Idaho puts out a fancy
every potato being
separately wrapped in paper
like oranges . and these bring a
high top price for select mar­
kets. Oregon can develop tha
same markets, as this fancy
stock can be readily grown in
many localities.
No, 18, 11:37 a. m.
No. 17, 12:15 p. m.
24, 4:28 p. m.
23. 4.28 p. at.
22, 4:30 a. m.
21, 11:32 p. m.
Noe, 21 and 22 stop only i f flagged.
The delivery window ol the
Halaey poetoffice is open Sundays
from 1:050 to 11 a. m. and 12:15
to 12:30 p. m.
Sunday mail goes out only on
th e nortb-bonnd 11:37 train:
Paid-for Paragraphs
Admittance Here 5 Cents
a Line
For Sale— 40 good Ewes.
J. W. R ogoa , Harrisburg, Ore.
For rent— M y farm of 100 aeree
near Halsey. Ben T. Sudtell, box
184, Albany, Oregon.
Oak and asb wood for sale.
E. S. H ayes , H a lie r
Loganberries which were left
unpicked have dried on the
vines and those who have tried
it say they are the finest kind
of dried fruit, with a flavor all
ita own and much sweeter than
logans would be if picked at the
customary stage of maturity
and dried. If you have a patch
of them pick them and you can
probably have fine dried fruit
for sale with no expense for
Slough Must Be Drained
(Enterprise Correepenftence)
E oosxn , Aug. 20.—- Last week
I w il sell to R**- ^ r- Gleen’e oil-well d rill, ou
the highest th e Bible university grounds, took
bedder, at to cutting up unaccountably.
the M ilxuer farm, 2 miles north of H al­ plying bia steel-jacketed unswerv­
sey, on the highway, on
S a tu rd a y , S e p t. 8 t
RxGisTaexu Jaesavs
Borello's Golden N aom i»* 15, reg. No.
23S297, now g ivin g m ilk
Oregon Polly, 6, reg. No, 385042, com­
ing fresh soon
Golden Naomis»’ Empress. 3, g iv in g m ilk
Golden N sem its' L ily , 2. re t; No 533122
Oregon Polly'» Daiev, reg. No. R33143
1 yearling Heifer, registration applied
I H eifer Cklf, 6 month», entitle«! to reg­
1 Bull, G irlie '» Rinda Led. 2, No.
207041; sire Dorothy*« St. M awes’ Lad
182876; dam Rinda Lad'» G irlie B.
H ig h -G xsdb Jaatars
t Cow, 5, te be fresh Sept. 20
1 Cow, 5, to be freeh forepart of Sept
1 Cow. 4 , ....................................... ........
1 Cow, 3, due to freshen before »ale
1 yesfiug H e ife r
A ll these cows are heavy m ilkers w ith
high cream test
Governor Pierce baa Instructed A.'
torneyCeaeral Van Winkle to appoint 12 five-v ear-old Cotswold Ewes
9 medium-wool Ew et 1 to 3 years
a «pedal pros e cut or to assist the dis
4 Lambs
trtet attorney of Harney eosnty In 1 matched Team beys, Horse and
pin—noting a reputed bocOeggw. who
2850 lbs tbe pair.
recently ehot and eerlo—ly woxnded 1 four-year-old bey Mare, 1450 It»»
a state aga^ by the name ed Hatnee. 1 four-year-old black Mare, 1250 lb»
ttoo ot Oragoa has filed wtth the pub
F O O T E B R O S. Props.
ing double-back-action oil detector,
which detecte other things as well
as oil, the inscrutably serutahle
instrument indicated that tbe d rill
bad reached unmistakable evidence
of prehiatorlo history.
Withdrawing the d rill, he ap-
Dlied >o the hole an spperatuieiae-
ila r to that by which photograph*
are rant by telegraph and got e
photo-reproduetlon of an anciaal
reeord from a depth of (everel
thousand feet.
M r. Olsen, Dean Sanderson ef
the university aud other fossil
experts, after careful study an­
nounce that the record antedates
any that have hern found at Bab­
Comparing it with Babyloniaa
tablet«, of which foeeil authorities
have long had tbe key, they de­
clare that It ia engraved on « pet­
rified shoulder blade of the long-
rxitinked bumbletegump, is dated
4275 B. C. and teads:
" The council lest night decided
that the Amazon slough shall be
drained. A contract was entered
into with Surveyor Azilulul Hash-
hai to make a more complete “nr-
vey than any of tbe 2(2 previous
ones, which shall be placed on file
for future use, it being too late iu
tbe season to commence actual ex­
cavation thia year."
1 bay Brood Stare. 1700 lb»
yesrling Sbire F illy
1 O. t C. Brood Sow and 11 Piga, far-
rowed Aug. 18
1 seven-foot Deering Binder
1 fire -
1 four-and a-half-foot D e e rm i Mower
1 ten-frot Deering Rake
1 Clover Swather
sia-foet Osborne Diee Harrow
1 Van Brunt iingle-diec D rill
1 Jehu Deer« Gang Plow
1 Dunham Corrugated
R oller
w ith
tongue truck»
I terenteea-tooth Spnngtooth Harrow
1 thr»e-section I ever Harrow
1 »ixteen- tnch W a lk in g Plow
" fourteen- “
H alskv , O rkoox
1 one-horse Garden Cultivator
1 Winona Wagon, 31«, heavy
covered Hack
1 Top Buggy
1 Wood Rack
1 heavy Hay Rack
2 sets heavy Work Harnesa and Collars
»et »ingle Buggy Harness
Chatham Fanning m ill w ith elevator
1 Sanitary Economy K in g Cream Sep­
Efficient Service.
Motor Hear««.
arator, No. 14, 400 lb» capacity
Lady AttaoJaat.
Hartford Platform Scale
1 15-foot Logging Chain
Brownsville.................. .
Posthole Digger. Crowbar, etc.
1 Two In-O no power W ashing Machine
1 Florence four hole O il Stove, with two-
bole oven
1 Lorain Cook Stove
w . L. W R IG H T
I Superior Wood Heater
Mortician & Funeral Director
I Kite lieu Cabinet Slone Jara, fru it far*.
Table», Chairs, etc.
Halsey and Harrisbnrg
Usual terms
Sale begin» at 10
C all D. T av L o a , Halaey. or
Free lunch at noon. Bring cups
W. L. W b ig ht , Harrisburg
Amor A. Tussing
Tuneral Director and Li"
censed Embalmer
H. D. MITZNER, Owner