A m erican E agle Fire Insurance Co. H .y .¡» worth ju st „ much in storage ad you m ight get for it in case of fire. The American Engle Fire Insurance company ' : f L x of l ^ % o f l h e c a 5 h ' ’ , u e - ^ C. P. STAFFORD, Agent. but he replied succinctly ~ "Funds within reason, detailed in­ formation on any point, and no offi­ cial reco«nltlon. I mean that If yon f t t yourselves Into trouble with the police. I can’t officially help you out of It. Ton re on your own." Tuppence nodded safely, ••pm I don’t went to be rude about the gov- between Jultos H e r s h e t m ^ r S T t o l ’ S h f O p s h i r e R B IllS Tonn, Adr.nturera. x ll barrier. i ww * * * * 1 “ s’ went down with a crash. and Tommy ■nd Tuppence felt they had known the young American el) their lives. for sale. Purebred. 60 ewes, 12 rams, They abandoned the discreet reticence 35 Iambs. (Continued fro m page 1 ) 1 of “private inquiry agents. • and re­ ¡„ V i * 8 “ H you live Dn. J. W, C o o k , Brownsville. vealed to him the whole history o f the Shedd fair a week from Satur. in Albany, trade iu Albany ; it you ijy C Joint venture, whereat the young man in some other town, trade tn that town. '' declared him self “tickled to death.” But in these automobile days many re­ o h Li.DD c o u n ty 0l1 •••!» axeitemeot He turned to Tuppence at the close siding elsewhere find it sdvisable to o d do at least part of th eir buying in the the j has beconie very gentle, of the narration. larger town. Those who go to Albany _ T ’ * «J” «r« had a kind of idee that '8 *1 ly to tha to transact business w ill find the firms I c / j j i to ,or8 6’ 10 10 80 S ° •* » a » tjy English girls were Just a mite moas- a fair Wi'LT .Low re ,d y ,o 611 ,h e u re q u ire -1 ; o . b ed dd f* ‘r or you will miaa the grown. Old-fashioned end sweet, yon ments w ith courtesy an ! fairness forenoon doings know, but scared to move around ^ Ib a n y Bakery, 321 Lyon street, Marita came home from hi« Ithout a footman or a maiden aunt I guess I’m a bit behind the times Best one-pound loaf of bread made, »«“ ’»«•on at the week and H- cent. ; 3 for 2 0 , Wedding cake, to . . y . he came back tor a r« J . U# Tlie upshot o f these confidential re­ latione was that Tommy and Tuppence A ^ a y ^ r a r ^ e r T f liM nigVt’ to took up their abode forthwith at the R ita in order, aa Tuppence put It. to carefully for everywhere or ant ' l i t . . ’ i. . * “ r * ° ‘ b e t i t lime. I* lowers, w .reV nJJhero to ¿ V L ’ ! - . “. ^ . . 7 * * ,n o n e ’« t h f<>it th e keep In touch with Jane Flnn’e only living relation. "And put like that," Alluringly Attractive or Canada. Flow er phone 458-J. n e x t m o rn in g . sbe added confidentially to Tommy, Mta Mary Jane Maxwell, 76, A 1 BAN Y G ARAGE. “ Sim k- “nobody could boggle at the expense!” widow of Elia« Maxwell, died last baker and “ S ta r ” automobile*. Nobody did, which was tlie great and Ewes •>any o Z /¿rectory Jots and 1 ittles The Newport “ F a s h io n ” Frame Tuppence and himself as “private In­ f repairing and supplies, Sunday at her home at Eaet Knox quiry agents” commissioned to find thing. o . T, Hockensmith — Lloyd lem pleton. Butte. her, and added that they would there­ And now ,' sold the young lady on fore be glad of any details Mr. Hers- the morning after their installation, The dark or cherry tone on the crystal R l u - Bird Restaurant, 309 Lyon Slda Hoflieb went home to A ,, frame. Ask to see the samples. halmmer could give them. "to work I We should map out a plan street. Eat here when is Albany, bany on Monday’* noon train, That gentleman nodded approval of campaign." (.’pen from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8 after a visit of . f#w dava at (the "Hear, heart” “I guess that’s all right. J was Ma*. ULorNT. Just a mite haaty. Just trot out your L. Chance borne. Her older "Well, let’s do I t To begin with, Optometrists, M anufacturing Opticians and Til answer.” what have w e to go upon 7’ N 3 W I C K •t»r Pearl, who came with her, ,nythIn» to I questions Tor the moment this paralysed the “Absolutely nothing,” said Tom:, Albany, Oregon F H O N O O R A P H S remained for a longer v iiit. th ' Ot “ t,m e »ettta« anything | Toung Adventurers, but Tuppence, re- cheerily. at W O O D W O R T H 'S J hc Can“ ‘ n« elnb, of out of It I And If we have to flu up a covering herself, plunged boldly Into 'Wrong I" Tuppence wagged an ’’In« fo r a and send It to, and then, : the breach with a reminiscence culled energetic finger. "Wa have two dis­ E ^astburn B ros.— 1 wo big grocery which Hare) Quimby is the wide­ tinct clnes.” after three months. they send us a j from detective Act J on. stores, 212 W. First and 225 South awake president, w ill exhibit at "When did you last see the dec “What are they 7’ rTy’ M‘* ^ P P tn ce. Ton Hershelmmer. went home Monday, after a visit We m ail them rig h t back to you. . ? demanded Tommy, aston "Yes. I’d recognise him anywhere.” will send * personal demand to ma with the W illia m ably, Phone No 269 eg ^ lw orlh Dru* CouiP*ny» Albany, Or- v I * ? ’ ’’*»1 dV I shed. "Hum,” said Tommy doubtfully, "I hare, and the money, in notea, than Kitchen family. don’t call that much of a due. You 8,r- A* I »aid before, my fa- ba sent by return of p oet As to sal­ don't know where to look for him, and F lo o d ’s dry goods store is the ben The county ba* given $3C0 tor a ary. shall we any nt the rate of three Mier and her mother were brother and P«*ce in Albany to buy dry goods, Linn exhibit at the et.te fair and hundred a year? And an equal sum ««ter, Jost as you might be"—Tommy It's about a thousand te one against did not correct this view of their re­ your running against him by acci­ furnishings and notioua. Service is oui Leonard O ilk .y will be iu oharga for Mr. Beresford, of coarse. Oood- Quarters of for canning motto. lationship—"but they didn't always dent." - by, and good luck to you both." of it, as he wee before. ’’I’m not to sure about that, purposes at canning prices He shook hands with them, and In t o t on together. And when my aunt P O R D S A L E S A N D S E R V IC E made up her mind to marry Amos plied Tuppence thoughtfully. There M r*. Adelin* A. McClung, *i* t*r another minute they were descending Tires and accessories C . H. F A L K Finn, who was a poor schoolteacher are places in London where simply °|f F 'M - Stanch, tbs Albany jew- the steps of 27 Carahalton terrace Repairs C . L. F A L K JR. out west, my father was Just mad! everyone Is bound to turn np sooner with their heeds In a whirl. el*r, died in the city named, F ri- Kiax-PoLLAK M otos C o . 8ald If he made his pile, as he seemed or later. Plceadllly circus for In­ "Tommy I Tell ma at enca, who Is In a fair way to do. she'd never stance. One of my Ideas was to take pVirtm iller Furniture Co., furni- -l*y, aged 84. She broke a hip in 'Mr, C o n s t' r a fall a week previoudy and wa* cent of It. Well, the upshot was up my stand there erery day." ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges Tommy tn armored a name In her that Aunt Jane went out west and we Funeral directors. 427-43J west First unable to survive the ahock. “Honestly, I don’t think much of ear. street, Albany, Oregon. the Idea. Whittington mayn’t be In never heard from her again Luvciout strawbanivs in late , “Oh I" said Tuppence, Impressed. Laundry seat Tuesdays “The old man did pile it up. He London at all.” fjfotm an & Jackson— Every thing Auffust! They come in from the “And I can tall you, old bean, he’s went Into oil, and ho went Into steel "That’s true. Anyway, I think Dyeing, Cleaning and Pressing * * for vour t»b!e exceot the .’ toco K. L. vvinniford farm. They are and he played a bit with railroads, clue No. 2 la more promising." Highest quality and prices reasonable. “Obi” said Tuppence again. Then and I can tell you he made Wall Street "Let’s hear IL” _ the everbearing variety and there Pitone 4 < Opposite Postoflice She added refleetlvwly: “I like him. alt u p !" He paused. “Then- he died is no question about their having don’t you? B a looks so awfully tired —last fall—and I got the dollar« IJ u b Cleaning Works, Inc. Old papera 5c a received enough annahine to devel­ bundle at the (Continued on page 4) and bored, and yet yeu feel that un­ Well, would you believe it. my con Cor. Fourth and Lyon op their fruit sugar, Enterprise office. derneath ha's Just like steel, ell keen science got busy I Kept knocking me Master Dyers and Cleaners and flashing. Oh 1" She fa r e a eklp M a d e -T o -M e a s u re Clothes B °y 8couta returned from up and saying: What about your "Pinch me, Tommy, do pinch me. I Aunt Jane, way out west» It wor l l l e n and m on ey are best when tha Fuh Lake eroaropment declar­ can’t believe It’s r e a l!" ried me some. You see, I figured It busy. Make your dollars work in ing that it was tha moat tucoesaful Mr. Beresford obliged. great deal ot effort and a great deal out that Amos Finn would never make Tha organisation ha* a lsaae our savings department. A lb a w v S t a t b Yet. 'Owl That’s enough I Tea, w e’re good. He wasn't that sort. End of It of money lg wasted every year by busi­ hank . Under government supervision from the government, on five aorea not dreaming. We’ve got a Job I was. I hired a man to hunt her down. ness houses in try tag to attract trade by tor a campground and permanent IL f ilier Motor Bale* ’ And whet a Job I The Joint ran Result, she was dead, and Amos Finn sending circulars, handbills and broad­ buildings are contemplated. tore has really begun. Let's have was dead, but they’d left a daughter— Oakland and Jewett cars sides through the mail«. Supplies and accessories lunch—oh I" Jane—who'd been torpedoed tn the H , D. Milsner contemplates en­ First and Maker hts. Albauy, Oregon The same thought sprang to the Lnsltanla on her way to Paris A good deal la paid for paper and She terin g in to goepsl work and » ill winds of each. Tommy voiced It first IL forton & Speer S erv ice C om . otrer bis fine herd of registered was saved aU right, but they didn’t printing, some more for the labor of I “Julius P. Hershelmmer!” seem able to hear of her over pany preparing the printed sheets for the mail and grade Jerseys, hi* other slock “We never told Mr. Carter about aide. I guessed they weren't hustling Headquarters for good tires and one cent apiece for poslige. hearing from him." Phone 65 First and Lyon aud farming implements at auc­ any. so I thought Td come along over, tion on Saturday, Sept. 8, at the ' ‘‘Wall, there wasn't much to tell— and speed things up. I phoned Scot F ia a a lly the postmaster or the ru ­ R O S C O E A M E S H A R D W A R E farm. not Mil we're seen him. Come on." land Yard and the Admiralty Drat ral route carrier passes it along to the the ' On inquiring for Mr. Hetuhelmmer. thing. The Admiralty rather choked alressees, who are about pestered to W IN C H 8 8 T H R S T O K d The EmerpFise man taw ” Back- they were at once taken up to his me off, but Scotland Yard were very •122 (v. First st. death w ith propaganda by m ail. H a lf bone " at fbe Globe theater in A l­ suite. An Impatient voice cried “Come civil—said they would make Inquiries, of it is thrown away as soon aa its na­ in In answer to the pageboy’« knock, GpeciafiiHd shoo rspsiring. Good- bany Monday. I t |* a clean, e n ­ even sent a tuan round this morning ture i t discovered. The rest is laid one and the lad stood aside to let them to get her photograph. I’m off to Part» year w elt sole sewing W hite's tertaining play, the scenes located aide while the letter m ail and newspa- pass in. Shoe Repair Service. Opposite Hotel in the province where the editor tomorrow, Just to aee what the Pre­ Albany. Mr. Julius P. Hershtemmer was a P*r» are read and probably not more «pent hi« childhood. There wae • fecture la doing. I guess If I go to rood deal younger than either Tommy and fro hustling them, they ought to than oue in ten of those thus laid aside better attendance than there baa 8. G I L B H R T & S O N er Tuppence had pictured him. The get bnayl’* ever receive attention again. been in the afternoons lately, but «Iri put him down a s , thirty-five. He CDinaware and g ift shop there usually are slim heu<«« in The energy of Mr. Hershelmmer Newspapers Read After letters, the newspapers receive was of middle height^, and squarely 330 West First Albany lg* vacation tea on and thia on« built to match bis Jsvri H is face was waa tremendoua. They bowed the first attention when the m ail arrives. First G T IM 8 O N T H E SH O E DOCTOR was no record breaker. pugnacloua but pleasant. No one fere ‘ And w hile reading the news the eye ! “But aay, now,” he ended, “you’re kJ Second s could have mistaken Mm for anything rtreeL opposite lla u tillo o ' catches advertisements printed along, M ike Hockdanner of Hsrrisburg store. but an American, though b e spoke not after her for anything) Contempt side. Some of these are read at that thinks he has the finest grass for o f court, or something British) "Sudden Service.” with very little accent. time. Others, only noticed then, are the Willamette valley. I t in called proud-spirited young American girl “Get my note? o Sit n a down o w Q and s n n tell V V a M o A nderson A S o n . dialrib - Peruvian winter grnst and he got. seen in the next issue and more people might find your rules and regulations we right ew ay aU l you. know about my T ’ utora and dealers for M axw ell, Chai- you know g ratify th e ir aroused curiosity by read­ In war time rather Irksome, end get the seed from Burbank, tbe wixsrd. cousin.” “ mers, Essex, Hudson 4 llupm obile cars. k - up against It If that's the case, and ing them. By the tim e the advertise­ Accessories. Supnlies. 1st * Brosdslbia. The Dulletin ssye a esmple in it« “Tour cousin?” there's such a thing as graft In thlg ment baa appeired four limes consecu­ office is over five feet high end has “«ure thing. J obs F lee Country, H l buy her off.” tively nearly every reader of tlie paper large heads resembling timothy, "le the your cousin 7 ’ Tuppence reassured him. has received its message remains green and tender under . father and her mother were "That's good. Then we can work almost any conditions and has a brother and e l« e r ,” explained Mr together. What about some lunch 7’ I t is good policy ordinarily to run an Run Ad Several advertisement aniall stalk, so that thara would uerahelmmer meticulously. , Oysters had Just given place to Sole four times or more, or to “Oh r cried Tuppence. “Theo you Colbert when a card was brought to SHOE g be little waste in feediug it. Times retain the signature and the general «now where she 1st" i SERVICE § Hershelmmer. form w hile changing items. Ed Zimmerman of Shedd has No: Mr. Herabeimmer hrodght "Inspector Japp, C. L D. Scotland Shoes that cost le u per month of w tar 26 acraa tide year of that new down hla fist with a bang on the tsWe. Yard again. Another man thia tim e An offer of something especially sea­ wheat which he has raised, all Im darned If I do I Don’t yout” What does be expect I can tell him sonable, or the quotation of attractive , "We advertised to receive taforme- that I didn’t tell the first chap? from one superior head which he price», is especially effective. “ on, not to give It." said Tuppence hope they haven't lost that photo­ found in the field some years ago, ; FURNITURE AND as related in tbe Enterprise last graph. That western photographer’s 1 he cost, to reach the same number of But Mr. Hershelmmer seemed te d FARM MACHINERY yesr, Tbe Democrat notes that place was burned down and all bis ^«a*lccS" we don't mean addressees—— «uddenly suspicious. negatives destroyed—thia Is the only Guy I.svtou hsa 10 aorea of it. bought, sold and exchanged at all times through a newspaper is only a fraction "«ee here," he declared. "This isn't copy In existence. I got It from the Charles Pugh M . Ernest Abraham of that through circulars. You have no flirilyi demanding ransom or piteripal ef the college th ere” 69, J. Cornett 18 and several oth­ B E N T. S U D T E L L ” ’rMt«nlng to crop her ears If I re- postage to pay, no labor sod expense of An unformulated dread swept over I t is a hard fnas- These ere the British 1 s ! m . so Tuppence. Phone 76-R, 123 N. Broadalbin st.. Albany ers small amounts. m siliag. no p rin te r’s kail. p ,y i h , pnb. spring whaat and very » kite and quit the funny buslrwws. or H l Just lisber for his sp u e and he does the rest. •'You—you don't know the name of hardy enough to make a orop if ’ •ng out for that beamriful big British the man who came thia morning?” sown in tbs fall. U»e All Advertise to a ll the papers in the ter- 1 •«* o « there In Piece- “Tee. I do. No, I don't. Half a ritory jo n went to cover and you w ill second. It was on hla card. Oh, I Tbe Bulletin tells of g bearing Tommy hastened to expfcto. reach practically every resident, for the know) Inspector Brown. Quiet, un- fig tree on the Jobo Owen resi­ a kl