( * M tb« B&o»: vota* H lb * Ki JVt W aoufol s « - , u> be cboaen tba would probably ba a H i v y girl. Mr». O. E. IfflX", 2 » V ent Fihb ttreet, Albany, will give , ar- ticwJara of tha quean contest xeno «ucacaaxr A ll kinds of Feed New nod second graia sacks Sack taiae. Closer seed Chop­ ping doae lo suiL Pnces right. Li Li Ui II I Exchange H A LSEY STA TE B A N K Best and largest hoe i t U sed F u r n i t u r e , Halsey, Oregon Manhroawn tor C am p in g O u tfits FLO UR GoiJtu L e a f ....52 M |Baavy White M o u l u s 2.15 CRIMINALS DICTATE T l * convict* in toe Oregon pen- HA LSEY. Li»« Co.. Ore Aog Z I 1K2J Schoo! begins Sept. 17. itontiary notified tba governor by letter that they must have better TESTING THE COWS treatment or they woold not star be pardoned their ring. O n !/ by trap-naming attd kaep- !ag a record eaa the o»n»f of a leader. Governor W alton of Ok la Lome Bock of hens ha sura which of them aeit troops to Tales and pat Its aro paying th « r way ncd which hr !>■•*• under martini law on account io m aioUimog at a ioaa. Hogao- of numerous floggings of citizens >uag, aa taagfat at the colling dens by method hands, and ha received naetratieoe, will go part way, cod ■aay ba the boat oite can do who an noonymooa louer tailing him cannot devote tba oacoaaary tin * to withdraw the troops or ha, too, to tending the trap neats. They woald bo flogged The following event* were re. need frequent attaolioo. for a hen ported io S a tu rd a y ’s diepatebea : that ia left too long io the trap A t Lawton, O k., the governor after laying will frat aod fall off *ao baring the flogging of a Pres­ io egg prod action. byterian elder investigated. Only by weighing tba milk aod Texas rangers were inquiring tooting its fat coateat nan the aa. proitablo cowe in a herd bo dis­ into the kidnaping and flogging of tinguish*) from thoee which it will two men at Port j^rtbur. At A m arillo, Texas, the sheriff pay to keep. A good gaeaa may «■Sian * and four othara wore arretted lor a bo made aometirnaa, bat teals flogging. (Continued) io a large nocoher of caret tiara At Wichita, K a*., the governor’« shown that frequently the cow Caraha.’i-s terrace proved ta be an o&ca was asked to investigate a that ia cootiderad the beat ia io ■ahnpea-hahJa row of whet T u p - « r e flogging ease. fact far down tba scale. •abed “ladylike looking koueea.“ •p .jy Dairyman io iocraaaiog numbers - A t M»eon, ° ° n’ G ' a., - " six * motorcycle moUfCTcl* *“ < the beU at No 27. and a neat a com m, to understand . k . t e l ’ ® ^ • « * «as.gned t o lh e r p ^ . l o ald answered , b< gbe ara eonmg to understand why so dat» of investigating fluggii g •o «ajw ct.h la that Tapper,re a heart many of them fail to make the jack. Upon Tommy's request for Mr. case*. Carter, she stowed tk«^ jgto a email basinets pay, nod tooted cow« Who ig running tb u eouotry, Jtudy on the ground floor, where she with good records are In demand. left them. Hardly a minute elapsed. Col. Bau T. Badiali, the Albany • n > « a j, especially in the sooth? Ihuweifer, before th» doer c;^xed, t e j livestock auctioneer, recently aa d Tba aounty tax coinznissioo law a tail man with a lean, hawklike face In an interview : “ Where dairy. . Jia an attempt to economize by er. C A P IT A L D PR IN T U N O L E U M |1 per N\narc yw ri A N D SU R PLU S $35,000 Commercial and Savmgs accounts SobckeH 422 West First st- Albas?. Orejo«. as might very easily hare been done- Tommy. and we therefore came to the condu- “And TU look after yon," retorted a3oa that Danvers had, after all, de- Tuppence, resenting the manly as- streyed it. The w ar entered on an­ other phase, the diplomatic aspect “W ell, then, look after each other,“ changed accordingly, and the treaty said M r. Chrter, smiling. "Now let's never redrafted. Rum en as to get back to business. There s som», its existence were emphatically de­ thing mysterious about this draft nied. The dlsappeartace of Jane Flan treaty that wa haven't fathomed yet. waa forgotten and the whole affair We've been threatened with It—in «•aa lost la oblivion.“ plain and unmlstakaUe terms. Tha Mr. Carter paused, and Tuppence revolutionary element as good at de­ broke in Impatiently: clare If a In their hands, and that they “But why has It all cropped ua Intend to produce It at a given mo. ‘ gain? The warts over." ment. On the other hand, they a,-» "Because tl seems that the paper« dearly at fault about many of its pre­ were not destroyed after all, and that vision* The government cons.cers they might he renurrected today with It as ro ve bluff on their part, and. • • »<» deadly significance." rightly or wrongly, have stuck to tha Tsppenre etared. Carter nodded policy of absolute denial. Tm not ao “Tea. five years ago. that draft sure. There have been hint«, indie treaty waa a weapon In our hands; to­ creet allualoDA th»t teem to Indie»:« day It ta a weapon against us It was that the menace la a real one. Th« • gigantic blunder. I f its term« were poeltloa la much as though they had made public, it weald mean Ate««, got hold of an Incrinai««ri«^ docu- ter. . . . M might poetebiy bring It, but couldn't read It because It eboat another war—not with Oermany was in cipher—but we know that the thia time: That la an extreme possi­ draft treaty wasn't in o p h ep -ro u lin t Li.es Well, now“—he looked bility. and I do not believe Is its n*a. be, la the nature of thing»—*0 that ceie to tbe other—“who'« f l a g to refl llhood myaetf. but that document un­ w ont wash. But there's something n>e the « r e y r doubtedly Implicates a number of our Of course, Jane Finn may be dead for T ^ e » h e a l Tcppec-e.’ a ir b e d stetestsen whom we cannot afford to all we know—but I don't think so. Tommy. I t » yo«r yarn." hare discredited In any way at tbe The curious »Vlag la that they're try­ And obedimtly Tuppence told rt. present moment He paused, and then ing to get Information about the girl tel_n< tbe whole elory from tba form- said quietly; from us." tag irf tbe Tosag A iveetarers L td . “Ten may perhaps have heard or “What?" downwards read that there la Bolshevist Influence “Tea One or two little things have M r Carter listened la wE^nre with at work behind present labor unrest r cropped up. And your story, little a rewempt on of Me t r e J manner. Tuppence nodded. lady confirms my idea. They know Vow and then be paaeei Ma band “T h a t Is the truth. Bolshevist gold w ere looking for Jane Finn. Well, aa tea his up» s i ao n g t to bide a Is pouring Into this country for the they'll produce a Jane Finn of their am. , w » s T She's primed with a trumped-up tale, I don't know— you might i available I have never h.ard . K " U U h I n s p e c tio n behind the labor unrest—but this end her real business la to get aa where other» hare failed . . . I Is B E H IN D T H E BCLRHE- much Information as possible out of dairyman who knows what hit i § bell ere in lack, yon know _«iw are v rK I. Who Is he? W e do not h a See the id e a r A Pope, superintendent of Í have. . . . " know. H e Is always spoken of bv oowa are doing aay that there ia n o |tl(n< ‘Then you thlnk“-T u p p eu ce paused He teased a moment, and then the unassuming title of l l r Brown? service on the Southern Pa to gravp the «opposition fully— “that maasy in dniryiog. I flod that went on: But one thing is certain, he la the mas­ eifle (Pather Tim a), iu the South- It was as Jane Finn that they wanted dairyman more and more are aak- “Wen. how about it» You're out for ter criminal of thia age. H e controls me to go to P a r la r am Pacific Bulletin for August I adventore. How would you like to marvelous organisation. Most of in . wbat tba cow ia doing I «(ore Carter smiled more wearily quotas f . M French, the veterani work for me? Erpenw» paid, , Dd a the pence propaganda during tha war than ever. they buy, and I believe that the mt-lerate a a la ry r J Albany watch and jewelry man, was originated and financed by him. I believe la coincidences, you time ia coming whan it will ba ini. Tnppence gated at him. "What His spies are everywhere." know," he said. »»saying ” Tba slogan 1 Ba (at y i should we bare to d o r she breathed. “A naturalised German r asked pieelblato sail a cow without a Ural ’ should have originated with Tommy. Mr. Carter smiled. record for more than beef prices.” CH APTER I II “Juat go on with what you're dt4ng "On the contrary. I have every res the watch inspector, for after| C o u n ty A g.nl H .y m .n h a. made “f " or .( t a r now. F IN D JA NE F IN N ." k > d to believe he Is an Englishman. Mr. Jullue P. Heraheimmer. rangement. for th ir tv a i.h i 1,1 »• »«tch inspector ■’Yes, but— who IS Jane F ln n r He waa pro-German, as he would have arrangements for thirty eight Tommy Indulged in a chuckle. I am fully convinced that without M r Carter nodded gravely. been pro-Boer. W hat he seeks to at­ muting« in communities in tbie "My word: I don't wonder Wlilt- I th irk "rO,, re ent10e<1 to kno,r * • » . tain we do not know—probably su­ hu help the train dispatcher would county where this and other dairy preme power for himself, of a ’ kind have had the greuteet difficulty in He leaned back In his cbaJr. crossed unique In history. We hare no due questions will ba discussed. The operating trains. Where would bla legs brought the tip» of hit flngere aa to his real personality. It la 1 _ Halsey meeting will be at lbs city together, and began In a low mono- ported that even his own followers ball ene week from tomorrow the engineer and hie train land if tone: are Ignorant ef i t Where we have hie watch aod the train dispateb- ■ ‘fibl, Aug. 31 ; Lake Creek Aug “In tbe early day* of 1913 , r e r t.,B come acroes hie tracks, be has always document came Into being It was the Played a secondary part. Somebody »3 and Harrisburg tba 30th. Tan. ar’a slock did not ngrta? Who ia responsible for the two timepieces draft of a secret agreem ent-treaty— elee assumes the chief role. Rut «ftcr- geut, Peoria, Brownsville, Shedd agieeing? The watch inspector. call It what you like. I t w g, drawB ward we always find that there bat and Holley have . been slntad for , Thirty were •H a i" flaig Tommy, Do up ready fo r signature by the various been tome nonentity, a servant or a - ....... z years ago there were en a reprerentatlve., and drawn up t„ clerk, who has remained tn the back­ floch«?" meetings, but wa have not learned but »®u r,*«o trains a day eotering A m erica- at that time a neutral conn- ground unnoticed, and that the elusive the dates. There will ' •» l » <’ i ^ h t U’ W0' Tod,J w* h , ” c ,‘ y- and a tired manner entered tbe room. ..J?™’*'’ h“ »» once more." T' A r h t ’ • * * *»<1 smiled. try- It was dispatched to England by apetkeri at each meeting end cow. I ’ The first watch I aver Inspected h i Oh . Tuppence Jumped. “I won- smile r u divtinr-d, .'tractive. a special messenger selected for that testing aeeociailcne will be formed belonged to ao engineer tuTthe Hl« I>° all down, both of yo n ” purpose. « young fellow called Dan where they do not already exist if floulbero Pacific line*, au engineer They obeyed. He himself took vera I t we* hoped that the whole " I remember In Mr. Whittington's dairymen manifest sufficient desire WHh * r®®°rd- 1 want to say chair oppoeite to Tuppence and affair liad been kept to secret that efflee. The clerk — he called him smiled at her encouragingly. There notblng would have leaked out That erown. Yon don't think_" Isomething of this en g in eer, ae it lor them. illustrate« what can be acoom- was something In tbe quality of hie kind of hope U usually disappointed. Carter nodded thoughtfully. *C»n that made tbe g ir t , usual readi­ "Denver» u-Jed for Engl.nd on tha you deecrlbe him at s l i r pliabsd by a faithful and careful emlie THE COUNTY FAIR ness desert her. LoM tenia. He carried the precious T really didn't notice. He w ., , ait. man. He preeeotad for invpectioa Aa he did not seem inclined to open gapers in an oilskin packet which be ordluary—Just tike anyone else.“ forced wore next hie »kin. u v a t 00 mat The lour days of the county a Ifi-jewel adjusted watch. Thia •he conversation. Tu, ;.cnc . Mr. Carter sighed in hla tired man- engineer soon fouud the need of a to begin particular voyage that the Lusitania B£r. week after next, may ~ ............. .. be * ’ J00" »>erUc‘ t'mepieee aod there- " * * * »antM to know_ou, i , wanted to know—that i,. was torpedoed and aunk. Denver* Of ^ “ n 1* ,n,'* riabi® description UH of instruction ae of aniuaeniem I (ofe be carried the beet watch be would * ° * * * *» klad aa to tell ua » • a among the list of those missing of M r Brownl Brought a telephone if properly of l be proud of, and he didn’t b a re , the Polio* I Can’t Officially Hale Exactly. That 'message' was Mr Tupj.enr» drew herself up i* was aaeoinplished. tboae whu pinety.pouod rails all those Jong You Out of IL " j patead it on Into another's keeping? ° f flTln* ,n onJ" *® After tbe torpedo struck the ship, in hta subordinste. • indy tba leason learn lastona that I r • • , , ■" u . overheard the tlngton got the wind up when Tup- the few moments during the launching M r. Page adds: *’ Inspector will shorten tbeir toil end ioereaee I * ’ ’. ?.nt “ To° b»«»- really of tbe boats, Danvers waa seen speak­ whole conversation of course. Waa It Plumped out that name: I French refers to Engineer F Crew should have myself. But look h e r* U has. He smiled again la his tired ing to a young American girt. No one after that that Whittington handed **• r*ward. A bushel more from who wee 41 year« in tbe engine »lr. w ere taking up an awful lot of “ d continued reflectively, -go each acre of grain, a faw ponnda service on the Portland division that brings us down to It again What actually taw him pass anything to you over the money, and told you te jo u r time. Have you any tips to give b T hot he might have done ao. it coma tha following d a y r n* l‘«fore we clear out?“ ■oore . of each oow Of or . nd who ------ . . butter . . . . . , from , uul eaeu wuo uieu iy , IVJU,” dfed in ju July, 1930," and gru know about Jane FtnnT” Tuppenre nodded. eeema to ma quite likely that he e»j- •XJeme now." he continued, as T ap of aggr from tnob ban would mean h* Pu b ,i,t »B with bis article a fao- " T e * undoubtedly the band of Mr. n a o t 1 haT* Information trueted the papers to this girt. beUev- that the big coup was planned for “ice remained silent ----------------- — •— . ■ t 'Ton uu m ust • grant many mors dollars for Liao h ? ,'1* ° f lh ! in ,P ^ llon blank in ing that aha, aa a woman, had a * o w n l " Mr. Carter paused. "Well' farly In the new year. Bat tba gov- know aomeihlng io have advertlted aa greater chance of bringing them safelv there ft I * you see what you are pit- 15. 1 8 W , » .« , .0 « , 6 . , . u d ld r H e leaned forward a U n ie to shore. 2 7 i T t K.,\ cw,“ “ p,at” « ong youreelvea against? Possibly the was em action which will deal effectually with i weary voice held a hint of »»hare these thing, might not be ployed on tbe Lebanon brau’eb. "B u t If ao, wliere was tha girt, and toast criminal brain of tha age. I flereuaalv the strike menace. T h e yll get wind don't quite like it. you know. Tou're “Suppose you ten what had she done with the papers? toe xnputb«4 if fall advantage I Bulletin contain« a picture of It soon. I f they haven't already, and We set to work to trace her out it •uch young things, both of you. I wars taken of tha I naso a a afforded I ^ r' ^ r»ncb in hie store inapeot- It a poaalble-that that may bring things “B e couldn't do that, could we. proved unexpectedly difficult. shouldn't Ilka anything to happen to Her by the lair, I ' “ < • " * tcb ior E °g 'o **r Robert T o m m y r t0^*. h* * <5 1 hop* u myrelf.’ name w»e Jane Finn, and It dnly ap- you. „ „ n . I “ Ä A » ’ « ■uL to her eurprlie. her companl, n Tuppence rose. payed among the Uet of the survivors, ’J t won't." Tuppence assured him « d not back her up H U eye. „ -re ii * 7 W* ° ° th t f’ be boMnea»- but the girl herself seemed to have poMtlrely. agricultural and iuduttriel axhib- ■xed on M r Carter, end his tone w: en « • r t ’y can wa count upon vanished c o m p le te Inquiries into —"TH look after her, air," said I««. ara hai ng provided. The you for. M r Carter r Be «woke bald en unnsual note of def­ her antecedents did little to help us at anew Mr. C M r jp * Ups twitched slightly, S^ * . W* * «'•Pkan. and had been American Legion auxiliary baa "f dare «ay the little we know woo t «ha» we should cell over here a pupil «barga of tba seleatioo of a queen any good to yon. etr. But such aa •ee-her in a email school out Waet Second at., opposite Halsey Garage «I the fair, to ba decided by vote •t la you're welcome to I t " ? * a b*" m* d* Short order« at «Il boari up to >1 p, a Mr. Carter slewed round In hia chair Pari«, where she was going to Join tha Thera la uo lim it to tbe number «fre a»ked a question. íe r ¿ v í? °*r , " L " * • had nf candidates. Each community Tammy nodded. for children aa well as grown people. her services voluntarily, and after ie reqneeted to select ooe. Rich “T ea «lr, 1 recognised yen at once . dnr?.nk tb* days of tb* summer acme correspondence they had „ been Saw yon In France when I was wi-j, caodidate ia given a bloca ol 1000 Having seen her name In .. tu n * is a heaping pl«t^ of purt ricj, tbe Intelligence. Aa soon aa you the list of the saved from tbe Lusi­ «otea to start with and 30 votes foi asm« into the room, I k w _•• ice eream There is nothin* so eooline tania. the staff ef the hospital were Mr Carter held up h i, hand. each saaton tictet to tha fair that First Claaa Work •Me name«. nie««e «ha e t i l i rAMrwvw. w. t _ Secret Adversary — btj.AgalhaChristie •Taer i.ltSLT'*1 tur* “,thln‘ C Dad’s and Mam’s Restaurant T he Best Dish S q u are M eal, 50c B arb er S h op H Baths