HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. X I I HALSEY, LINN COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. 25, 1923 JOTS AND T1TTI FS Brief Chronicles of Happenings in Halsey and All , Over Linn County. NO. 4 Brownsville Briefs Shedd Shots O R E G O N N E W S B R IEFS (By Ralph Lawrence) By As»a Pennell) W estern .Newspaper Union s Cleanings Outside of 0 . B. Connor, with friends, Rev. Mr. Cli e preached in This C junty church Sunday has gone deer hunting near T. J. ßkirvio seut a oarload of ¡vacation spent here and at tihe B aptist morning. He is here visiting Triangle lake. Prineville*« new 1200,000 hotel open­ Puring the ..m e pertod le w business rjregraes seed to Chicago thia weak. I Cascadia. his daughter, Mrs. Earl Stan- Eddie McEIvain came up from ed for business Monday. Charles Sterling was looking C’ n‘ b*IOW pro- i He service commission. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Laubner mallow toasts were much in expect to s ta rt in about a week. Medford _ ill for a few days last week and A rthur was called home from and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Pen- evidence. The Oregon Trunk railroad. In a September II, 19 and 20 have been his work a t Brownsville. Mrs. land returned Thursday from It rained enough Monday eet as dates for the annual Clatsop letter received at the office of the Alford Arrows the Foote is much improved a t pres­ their outing trip to Ranier night th a t it stopped county fair which will be Held at the pubUo service com mis sloe, has served ent and Miss Fleta Livick is Park and report having a very tJhr shing north of town Tues­ notice that the corporation's track be­ Astoria port terminals. (Enterprise Correspondence) pleasant time day forenoon. staying with her. Mrs. Lillian Hayes, wife of Edward tween Booth Junction and MetolhjC Mr. and Mis. W. E. Burton Hayee, homesteader of the Oaylord would he abandoned shortly. Mrs. Max Höflich of Albany Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrison of Albany visited a t the D. 1. vicinity In Coos county, committed sui­ Mre. J. R. Norton, a young matrem Winniford and A. F. Good- with h er two daughters, visit­ and son, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. of Hood River, wall known in som home Wednesday and cide because of family quarrels. ed her sister, Mrs. Commons, Harrison and family, Marvel brod went to H arrisburg, where F. W. Wooley, insurance agent, has they were joined by Mr. and from Wednesday of last week and Ralph Lawrence and Mrs. ’’hursday of last week. Mrs. Mr. Höflich Vivian Shaffer and son Edgar lurton is Mis. Isom’s sister. been appointed city manager of War­ Mrs. F. E. Stew art and daugh­ until Sunday. te r Mabel of Monroe, and they came Satuiday evening to re­ had dinner a t the Thomas H ar­ They were on their way home renton In place of Mrs. R. B. Barrett, an outing a t Kitson who has retired because of (11 health. rison home Sunday, it being the from all proceeded to Triangle Lake, tu rn with them Sunday. The state highway commission has anniversary of Mrs. H arrison’s Spi ings. where they spent the day. Dr. and Mrs. T. I. Marks birth. .announced that the bridge over the Mrs. Lee Ingram and daugh­ Prof. Merwin Vannice and report their son Roland prac­ ter Thelma are camping at Willamette river at Springfield will wife of Lewiston, Idaho, arriv­ tically recovered from his recent be closed for repairs for a period of H. M. Gnulard, who ba* a «plan- C artw right, & Lowell’s hop 80 ed in Halsey recently and are illness. Roland was to be re­ days. did herd of lerseys that average» yard a t H arrisburg. Mis. D. guests of Mr. Vannice’s parents, leased from the hospital the Harvest operations ere tn fall swing Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vannice, at first of this week and would high in production, ha« ««at ip I. Isom and Mrs. E. D. Isom and at Heppner and wheat 1« turning out bis application on the regulai daughter with Mrs. A. F. Rob- iireir 4tome southeast of town. immediately resume his position blank to enter fifteen cow« in tb» n ett and two daughters of Eu­ better than moat farmers expected Prof. Vannice is- instructor in in a T coma drug store. proposed eow letting association. gene, are also camped a t the The yield runs from io to 38 bushels proposed sitae for the Roosevelt high­ manual training in the public per acre. Mrs. Nancy Palmer was sur­ He think« that definite record» same yard. way bridge across the Rogue river. schools of Lewiston. will *dd considerably to Ilia valu> Presbyterian congregations from all, prised Tuesday by a visit from J. a n t F. A. Keith, engineers Mr. and Mrs. 0 . B. Stalnaker her niece, Mrs. Clara Beadle of hie surplus stock. He baa a A. M. Sm ith of Portland visit­ Iho principal town« of Central Oregon ot II the Scott state highway degnrtxnont of bunch ol purebred bull calve« that ed his farm a t Alford one day united In outdoor services on Turnalo Oregon, have retarued to Salem. retum ed to th eir home at Cor­ of Los Angeles, Cal. This is Island In the Deschutes river below vallis Saturday, a fte r a short the first time Mrs. Palmer has will sell better if he can ehow tb» last week. There 1s mam mining activity tn records of their dams. Bend Bunday. seen her niece since 1868, and Raker county thia year than than» Mrs. Fred B urkhart, Mrs. J. The livestock markot newt servios has been for the last decade. R Is in­ «be is the first relativ« she has Mis. George D rinkard and F. Isom, Mrs. Lee Ingram and of the United States department of dicated by the record hooks of quarts Mrs. Mildred McMahan gave a Miss Thelma Ingram called on t»een since she came to Oregon happy farewell! lawn and lunch Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck last week. agriculture will be extended to Port­ and placer cla ims tn the county clerk'« from New York. land and will begin oponetlons atuut office. To date more than US quarts W e H ave party to Mre. Millie Gross at D. I. Isom lost a good horse EVERY THING Mrs. W. A. Muller was quite the Drinkard home Thursday. last week. It fell off a bridge September 1. and plaoer claim» hsvu been Bled. ill Monday and was taken to the Mrs. Gross goes to ' Corvallis, about thirteen feet high, injur­ In order to allow the pupils to laker The Oregon public service aaaasto- O ptical home of her sister, Mrs. Mess- having leased her Brownsville ing it so severely th a t it died. la the fruit harvesting end shipping sion has fixed a tentative vatuattos o t EYE STRAIN field. Medford’s school board has pee«- (744,401 on the Great- Southern rail­ man, at Albany. L ast reports home. 1» the Cause of Many poned the opening of the schools until road. which operates -between Tb» are th a t 6he is much improved. Any fanner, fru it or vege­ HUMAN ILLS • Mrs. William Mills is presi­ table grower who would like September 24. Dalles and Dnfmr A tentative vnlnatton Mrs. Callie Frum and 8on If yeur eyas give yon trouble or Glenn went Sunday to Wood­ dent of the W. C. T. U. for the to have the Portland daily m ar­ The new American bank at Marsh- of »»07.0(1 has been placed on the your glasses are annoying burn, where they visited a t the next term, Mrs. B. R. Forbes ket report and news service field, Incorporated last month with »80 Mount Hood railroad, which operate« SEK US. We can Reliave You home of Mrs. Frum 's sister, vice president. Miss Haskin sec­ sent to him may have such free residents of the Coos Bey section as between Hood River and Dee Bancroft Optical Co. retary and Mrs. E ast treasurer. service by writing to the state stockholders, will ba doing bástanse Mrs. Forsythe. Members of the public servtee caux- 1st S t W. Albany. Phone mlsslon have been Invited by Frank­ Pete M asterson, 90 years old, m arket agent, 723 Cburthouse, by November 1. (Continued page 8) The Modern Woodmen of America lin Griffith, president of the Portland is said to be the oldest man in Portland. have decldod to erect a permanent Railway. Light A Power company, to the vicinity. His granddaugh­ building on the state fair grounds at visit the corporation’s properties tn ter, Daisy Masterson, has been Salem The structure will coat ap- the vicinity of Oak Grove. The oom - his housekeeper for forty-one proxlmately »8000 pany la now expending more thaa ML- years. About three years ago OM.Oee on a power protect at this Pieces of ore assaying at more than he had a severe case of small 118,000 a ton have been found on the point. pox and one day it was report Red, White and Blue mine at Mal­ The soldiers’ bonne oouuatostou hoc ed th at he was dead and that heur, according to T. 8 Glens, part loaned to veterans tn Oregon a total was the first time he had ever made owner of the mine. of »11300300 out of a total author­ been sick a whole week. Joseph A McAllister, since 1(17 see ised fund of («0,000 300. according tr» Jesfe Hinman has started a retary of the state desert land board, a statement Issued by A. C. Hopkins, extra large; double 4 i newspaper a t Hollywood, Cal., has filed bis resignation with Ray secretary of the commission. Of 44M says the Pacific Printer. Luper. state engineer, to become ef­ loans aotnally paid, approximatefy fective September 1. 1800 have been placed in Multnomah sewed lined collar; J. P. Cooley, P. M. whose term Halsey Church of Christ l j expires this month and whose More money was collected on tha county. river Interstate bridge last Upon the suggestion of C. H. Fake (laced sleeves; big, J .' berth is hoped for by everyone Church Announcements Columbia month than during any month since of Balem, Ben Day. attorney for the of half a dozen people who took the bridge was built. The income Southern Pacific company, has rec­ the civil service examination roomy armholes; Church of Christ : during July was »18,140. ommended to the state highway de­ held for a successor, is build­ Lon Chamlee, minister. A temporary school building win be partment aad to the public service ing a comfortable dwelling on generous s l e e v e s . his tract of land south of town. Bible school, 10, W. H . Robert- erected at Westfir, seat of the new commtoeloe that approaches to ail rutt- - i He is a widower of long stand­ •on, superintendent. Western Lumber company*« 11,000,- road crossings be graded up gradually, Morning worship, 11. Lord’» 000 sawmill near Oakridge, for tha aad thereby aeetst In the eCmtoatlou ing, but who can tell what and body; two large pockets to button through.*# plans he is laying? of accidents. «upper every Ixird's d»y. children of company hands Christian Endeavor, 7, Blghty-flve Area were reported tn The Eugene chamber of com mere» The Calapoo a fair at Evening service, 8, Made ol blue, gray or khaki twill. Yours* Brownsville government national forests of Ore­ bat taken stops to have the name may be omitted this The church without a biebop, in gon and Washington for the ten day Tfetron cut-off,** which to the designa­ year. There’s a chance to go to the country without a king. perird August 1 to 10. according to tion of the new railway soon to be for a live fair a t Shedd. Sept. 1 I f you have no church home the forest service fire report. built between Oakridge, in Lane coun­ and then to the county fair at come and worship with ua. William M. Pearce of La Grands has ty. to Kirk, tn Khunath oounty. chang­ Albany. been removed as a member of the ed to "Bugene-Klamath out-off.** The Pine Grove church : state board of optometry by Gover­ Klamath Fulls chamber will be asked (Condensed from the Times) Sunday school, 10. nor Pierce He will be succeeded by to co-operate. W. J. I,ane and wife went to Preaching, 11 and 7,30 Aug 19. George R Birney, aleo of LaGrande A total of 7M8 Chinese and M osh McCredie Springs last week on Mrs. 8. T. Holopeter of Medford was golian pheasants were released to Ore­ Glenn Barker pastor their first vacation in the killed when an auto In which she was gon la 1138 up to August 1», It »res re­ twelve year« they have been in Watbodiat: riding went Into a gulch while trying ported by Gene M Rlmpson. saperta- business in Brownsville. School, 10. to back down a grade on a narrow teadent of tha stats game farms. Two I Sunday Preaching, 11. stretch of road between Coquille and farms are maintained by the stats, one The county court is having a near Eugene and another near Cer- Bandon Junior League, 8. new channel cut and the south GOOD GOODS Fourteen per cent shove norms! was rallis. Of these I7«t were —» mis K Intermediate League, 7. bank of the Calapoo a raised to the production of mills reporting to et Eugene and 2141 at Corvallis. A Epworth League, 7. protect the Brownsville-Halsey the West Coast Lumbermen's asso total ol I8.S8I eggs were gathered dur­ Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. road from such overflows a s ' elation for the week ending August ing the months of April. May. June Preaching in the evening. have occurred in the past. Rev, C. T. Cook, patter, t 11. according to a report made public and July, and from these 12,822 bird« I O A V ir ia A « n t K00NTZÖ X M n I n M n A n I n I m É n M ^