than now, which is Baying a good ¿-f/o&e, yì'/fìam ij I deal. J . F. Venner won hie suit High Class Photoplays Only against Dr. Joseph by default. I vx .-M om . A dc . 19-20 B a ck b o n e HALSEY J. W. It»c tor and family have gona to Newport for a good, Iona vacat'on. Miss Edith Fo-rest, county Red WITH AM AU.-,TAR CA,r Croat nurse, ia home from her T u i i .-W kd . in tirai! b „ vacation. A ug . 21-22 C. L. Falk jr, has gone into partnership with C. H io the meat market. W,T" V i o l a D a n a Monday night it looked as if [rain would fall hare, hut it d id n ’t. Tbuaa-Far. Auo. 25-24 Portland got .02 of an inch. T h e W h ite F lo w er Yesterday was tha hottaat day this year—9# in Albany, and tee W,TM S e t t l e C o m p s o n how cool it waa (bis morning ! H er F a ta l M illio n s A uo . 25 S atvbdav T h e E x c ite r s — _ _______ y*w A ■!< CAir J o ts a n d T ittle s A lb a n y , S ep t. 3, 4, 5, 6, 1 9 2 3 Mr. and Mrs. WilJiam W ash­ burn of Brownsville were busi­ ness visitors in Halsey Tuesday. W Miaa Nettia Spencer got home Monday evening from a trip o- •bout six weeks in Boufhern Cali- fornia. R. L. W lnniford did not sell his farm. On account of ill health he has given a lease for two Miss Hazel Quimby was an years to Gibson, a neighbor. Albany visitor Saturday. Will Panland and family of Pen­ Mrs. Nash of Corvallis was a dleton arrived Tuesday, after e uest of Mrs. M ary Hayes Mon- tour of eoutbern Oregon, for a ay. few days hero before proceed inc and M rs- George Max- well left T hursday for Tacoma, f ° r a week or ten days with Mra. Maxwell’s daughter and family. Alex Power of Lebanon, for m any years a resident and pro­ minent business man of this city, was the guest of Mr. and D. S. McWilliams the last of the week. home. 6 The equipment of the dissolved union high school a t Crawfords, ville, which cost about $400, has bean auctioned off at tho county seat for $130. i ì Ql Q( ______ Arrow Garage (Continued from pec» 3) S C O M E TO ^ u to m o iiie and T r a c to r ¿ R e p a ir in g W e w ill overhaul your Ford engine for »20 labor “ Chevrolet engine for $22.50 labor reiine transmission band for $2.50 labor overhaul rear axle and rebusb springs and perches when necessary for $7 labor Fisk Gates and Be Tubes « X . ^ < 3* 2 and fabric tires T ire for s $9. s ^ e — to We t o now v e T ba.,« t^ U * o u prices before buying. B U lne T % * nd 8 et our Automobile accessories, Ford parti, oils. W illa rd battery service station. Allw rk GANSLE BROS. prompt attention*1 Telephone 16x5 HALSEY G A RA G E _ P O O T E B R O S . Props. John Summerville, Lion county Mrs. Clem of Lebanon was a pioneer and uneia of County Trc w- Sunday guest of her aunt, Mrs. mediately dissipate. For this rea­ in ift traveling stall, and displaying HALSEY RAILROAD TIM E son the candle still holds a place in a most praiseworthy composure even urer Lenore Powell, died Monday Josie Smith. North South the housekeeper’s regard. A mod­ while spinning in mid-air at the aged 82, at the borne of his sot. Thomas at Harrigburg. ern candle of superior manufacture, foreyard arm before being landed No. 18, 11:37 a. m. No. 17. 12:15 1 A SA LA D BED when lighted, burns away, leaving on the foredeck against the mast, to H 4:28 p. 23. 4.28 p. 1 u J,’*Ul/ w een. and O rally o f Sa­ The Southern Pacific will sell 22. 4:30 a. tn. 2,_ 11;32 p , no trace behind it, and is a consid­ which its habitation was secured for lem and Mr. Green’s sister, Miss tickets from all stations in Oregon Felix is a lovable little chap 0/ al­ Nos, 21 and 22 stop only if flagged. rm a Green of Independence, to the Linn county fair and return most four, whose parents moved last erable improvement upon the gut­ the passage with lashings of chain returned to their homes Monday for 1| tim e s the fare one way, the summer to Liberty front Indi­ tering, dripping article which our and rope fit to withstand the heavi­ a fte r a day’s visit a t the M. E. minimum being DO cents. anapolis. One of the pleasure, grandmothers frequently had to put est weather we were likely to en­ SUNDAY MAIL HOURS G ardner home in this city. S. V. Hardin of Halsey ia re­ whuh small-town life has brought up with. When the wick of a candle counter. The delivery window of th “There on fine mornings the ship’s H alsey postoffice is open Sundai H^ » y K. Smith, husband of ported as having been cited to to Felix end his brother is a Shet­ is lighted, the heat melts the wax Ida Ramsay Smith of Portland, court a t Albany for having land pony. A few days ago Felix into a tiny pool at the top of the children, some controlled by nurse­ o T 2 i :050 t O l l ’ ’ m’ and died a t Plymouth, Mass. Aug­ parked his truck on the high­ was watching the pony while it en­ candle. The melted wax is drawn maids, others running loose, trooped io lz.d u p. m. Sunday mail goes out only 0 ust 9th. Funeral services will way pavement w ithout a m ir­ joyed the tender gre3n grass in the up the wick, growing hotter as it forward to pay a visit to their cow, be held a t Portland Friday of ror. back yard. But soon Dexter’s atten­ approaches the flame, until it is con­ which looked with mild big eyes at th e north-bound 11:37 train: inis week. Twenty-one cousins, several tion was attracted to a fine lettuce torted by the heat into gas. It is the small citizens of our sea com­ Jo«aph Knot, Cadile and Dalhart brothers and 8*sters and grand­ bed in the neighbor’s garden near by, this gas which burns and gives us munity with the air of knowing all P a id - f o r P a ra g ra p h s Willmniaoo and Ivan and Steven children of Mrs. A. P. Black­ and be started for it. Felix tugged light. As the wax of the candle is there was to know about them.” Smith are members of a Halaty burn of Lebanon, a pioneer, had at the rein and coaxed, hut to no consumed, the flame travels lower, garden club who plan to show a family reunion at Waterloo, avail. Dropping the rein, he rushed leaving the wick behind. In the County fair Sept. 3, 4, 5 and 6. Adm ittance Here 5 Cent garden and augar heats, ouiona, Sunday. into the house, calling: “Mother, olden days this bit of half-burnt a Line cabbages, pumpkins, squash, sweat Hay is not very high in price, come quick! Hurry! hurry! The wick had to be cut off every now and Halsey payers of income tax corn, watermelons. wu»k meloni then with the snuffers, otherwiee it out the owner of a lot of it For Sale—40 good Ewes. carrata and turnips at the county reported ¡ire Bert S. Clark, J. C. Pony is in her salad bed.”—Indi, got in the way of the flame and caiuiot afford to lose it, as he J. VF. R oqua , H arrisburg, Or Cross, II. C. Davis. Eva A. I anapolis News. spoiled the light. But the modern will if it burns up before he Evans, R. T. Fleming, O. W. DlZ d?n and wife and brum , A. J . Hill. George W.l wick is so plaited that as it burns it insures it. Some owners were For rent—Mv farm of 100 aon daughter . Dtcksy of Oregon Laubner, E, B. and Lizzie Pen- when th e warehouse near Halsey. Ben T. Sudtell, b< is thrown out beyond the flame into . d arnV€? ear,y Monday land, D. Taylor and J. H. Van- the air where it finds a supply of ¿ uro f d«.here two yeara «go. C. 184, Albany, Oregon. 1. Stafford's advertisem ent tells morning and, accompanied by nice. Some of these are farm ­ oxygen sufficient to make it burn you how to avoid a total loss if d lim riL ' ? taff°£d’ » »'«le l«ter ers. Not all farm s are money I Oak and ash wood for sale. away completely. TH» your hay bum s. departed for Bandon, where losers, evidently. 1 K S. H ayes , Halsey they will rusticate for ten days Among tltoie summoned as ju ­ and v,8,t with Mr. Dryden’s SUN’S RADIATION FALLS OFF and Mrs. Stafford’s parents, Mr rors for September are C. H 1 Koontz, Effie Brock, J. D Pitt. Periodic Variation In Power, WhlcS w A £ F - Dean- and C. E S 'auaid, E itella M Scientist, Have Never Been brother, Ray Dean and family. C a ro th e rs , 8. E. Cole, Bertha J 1 Able to Explain. ¥ n - 0 B Stalnaker Beck, E. Zimmerman, fleis'e at lived Friday from Corvallis Bramwell, Otto L. Engle and John It was recently reported in the for a vacation of two weeks, L. McFarland. dally press that Professor Abbott, ALM OND CREAM whmha Week’3 vacatiou’ a notable authority on all matter« Mra. G. B. Gage returned Mon- !heu .w,n spend with day from Corvallis, where she I 'R IN G O ’S Drugstore connected with ths sun, had found Mrs. Stalnaker s parents, T. 1’. had been in a hospital with a bro- that the sun’s radiation would be a iadVa°n W‘fe* and a t Cas’ ken rib Her nisoa, Mrs Aliev few per cent less this year than Fourth Annual Community Fair v\ eat, the nurse, came with bar harsh treatment of insane usual. This is really not a mattei for a visit of a fa» days. which should give us great concern, J. L. Hamilton of Holley was T h 0 „ AfflllctRd In Anatolia Confln.d tn Halsey a few honra Tuesday on for it hat long been known to the When a double-yolk egg hatches In Dungeon, T h s lr Only Diet astronomer that the intensity of ths Siiothig11™ ^ Get"tO getherfor ,he Purpose of pro- business and dropped into the It usually results in a monstrosity Being Bread and W ater. 6un s radiating power was variable. Enterprise office fbr a few —parts of two chicks grown to­ or something of the sort— There seems to be certain periodic Ths religion of the Anatolian ¡ ™ ut*s- tMr‘ .Hamilton remem­ gether, A C R ir i TI C O M M U N IT Y SPIR IT but Mrs. Anna Blnoklaw of Leba­ variations, as yet unexplained. One bers hauling lumber here, be- peasant is streaked with primitive c u l t u r e d a ir y in g non has two healthy uorrnal chicks 5 Wu W#«had v 1 abroad, fo r one paganism—Christian though he be. thing that has been noticed is that S T O C K R A IS IN G and C L U B W O R K which oamc from such an egg. >“' • •on, was a pioneer saw m ill m an of inspiration of a family reunion held Bunday afternoon ou the banks of cure” an insane person by exor- of the sun is more powerful than B «ounlry and the when the sun is free from ths sun Diuner was , ctsittg the devil within him. Brush Creak mill is still a re. the W illamette. Li a pitch dark dungeon under­ spots. This appears on the face of it minder of those d a y , wb.„ the served. Twenty-seven were pres w n tar road to it was svsn worse snt, including relatives from a dis neath a church at, where contradictory, for one would expect lance,—Cor. Democrat. LhnsUsns worship, insane the area of the dark spots to cut Cattle, Sheep an, persone lay upon the stone floor, man­ down the radiation. But it seems acled hand and foot, living on bread tn$t the same cause which produces and water till the evil .p in t had the spots has the effect of increasing 1,* Exclusivo Aerent for Ao matter how violent, the p atien t1 is usually calmed after a few dsv, I MILK FOR SMALL VOYAGERS of bread, water and manacles and : Cow Used to Be Rs«u iar p In d u stria l P a r a d e a t 11 a . m . , M dancnoM. th . economic. 1 f „ d for «.Ivés, plg, Bnd chickeo. O c m h Liner« Only a Pew tn. OWDER base ERFECTION INDS’ AK1_ ONEY AND P H Shedd Community FAIR SHEDD, ORE., SEPT. 1, 1923, AGR, PR O G R A M Exhibits Of StOCk-Hors.., w Jersey Milk Food Compound beauty in candle light Also a complete slock »f FEED AND GRAIN Y e a r, Ago. Referring to the f.ct that a milch oow used to b? taken on board ship, "mainly for the benedt of the chil­ dren, as the advertisement had it, It is the property of candle-light Joseph Conrad, one of the most dis- to lend to the objects which it illu­ minates a beauty and grace that the tingnished living novelists, save: I t was the last living thing that glace af the^alectric light would im- «ygg.» . board, aittadr bo#«d *ad _Music by the Shedd Concert Band And t h . Modern A rticle I , , Q r» ,t Improvement Over T h e ,, Used by Our Qrandparente. 1 Don't forget the dale, Sept. I H . H . M O R N H IN W E G , S e c r e ta ^ p.