D IS H E S Just arrived. G ood Prices. Good Q u a lity . C o m e in and look them over. Also CONGOLEUM) o , . . A, , RUGS f.9xl2 for $17.00 HILL & <§. as suprem e t a T ^ m E k S for th is county have declined the honor. They think there is ! S lT fL m 1 W m U C h ln e r y W i t h * ,o' out them. We concur. Rams , ^fibany^rectory ' Jots and | ltlles JC j W CS <111(1 Purebred. I 60 ewes. 12 35 iambs. I J' Coox, Brownsville. in tome other town, trade in that town. ” f P ^ L lto d . B u tin these automobile da>a many re-1 C. F C hastain siding elsewhere find it advisable to d o ' » „ , ' V n a S t a ln A lb a n y Baksry, 321 Lyon , ' cents ; 3 for 20c. Fresh and Cured Meats BEEF Quarters of. j purposes at canning prices Cost IS Heavy Few People Read Them good deal la paid for paper and printing, some more for the labor of preparing the printed sheets for the mail and one cent apiece for postage. F ia a a lly the postmaster or the ru ­ ral route carrier passes it along to the adressées, who are about pestered to death w ith propaganda by m ail. H a lf of it is thrown away as soon as its na- ture is discovered. The rest is laid one side while the letter m ail and newspa­ pers sre read and probably not more than one in ten of those thus laid aside ever receive attention again. Newspapers Read First After letters, the newspapers receive the first attention when the m ail s rri.e s . And while reading the news the eye catches advertisements printed along­ side. Some of these are read at that time. Others, only noticed then, are seen ia the next issue and more people gratify their aroused curiosity by read­ ing them. By the tim e the advertise- msnt has appeired four times consecu­ tiv e ly nearly every reader of the paper has received its message. Run Ad Several Times I t is good policy ordinarily to run an advertisement four times or more, or to rotate the signature and the general form while changing items. The Cheapest Way An offer of something especially sea­ sonable, or the quolatiou of attractive prices, is especially effective. All Read the Papers T h * co*», to reach the same number of readers— we don’t mean addressees— through a newspaper ia only a fraction of that through circulars. You have no postage to pay, no labor and expeute of m ailing, no p rinter’s b ill. Pay the pub­ lisher for h it space and he does the rest. Use AH Newspapers Advertise in all the papers in the ter­ ritory you want to cover and yon w ill reach practically every resident, for the families in this country who do not tik e one or more newspapers are a neg­ ligible few. August Outing Suggestions H E R E ’S no better lim e for your outing than Angust, though it he for a day, week end or longer. The • are flooded with sunshine. The trade are at their best. The weather conditions are sure Io be pleasant. T CreamT Poultry, Eggs and Veal. M .H S H O O K . Southern Pacific trains will transport you in comfort with safety to (be place of your choice. Service i t our motto. P O R D SALES AND SERVICE Tires and accessories Repairs __ K ir k -P ollak M otor C o . P o r t m i l le r F u r n itu ie EXCURSION TICKETS NOW ON SALE Newport and Tillamook Beaches < rater Lake National Park Oregon’s Marble Caves Oregon’s Mountain, Lake and River Resorts Portland -the City of Rouen San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego And m»ny other places Yonr local ticket ogent will gladly give yoa fnrthrr par­ ticulars. C o ., fu tn i- *■ ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. Funeral directors. 427-433 west First I street, Albany, Oregon. n u rse . The Scio milk condensary, one of the important industrial concerns of Linn county has put in apparatus to bum coal oil as fuel whenever there is a short­ age of wood. Lucas H. Wheeler of Eugene, with Mrs. Wheeler and Bryan, olmau & Jackson—Everything a son, passed through here Sun­ fn r v n n r ta b la «1.^. »2 — ___ Highest quality and prices reasonable. day on a trip to Corvallis. They looked in on Editor Wheeler of Phone 41 Opposite Foatoffice the Enterprise, Lucas’ brother, I en and money are best when as they passed. Me busy. Make your dollars work in H our savings department. A l ba n y S tatic Under government supervision In the building of Albany’s city hall the j'ail portion has I M otor Sales been speeded up, as the swollen ' Oakland sud Jewett cars contents of the old jail had been Supplies and accessories I First and Baker Sts. Albany, Oregon slopping over into the county institution for involu n ta r y M o rto n A Speer Service Com- boarders. | B a n k . I L " pauy Headquarters for good tires I Phone 65 First sud I.yon There was a lucky accident a t the Frutn warehouse about q u ittin g time Monday evening. Tons of ROSCOE AMES HARDWARE, baled hey came from far up to the the driveway floor, near the en­ W IN C H E S T E R S T O K E U2 w. First at. trance, with a eraeh ard aru m b le. Men ware in the building, but pecialized shoe repairing, . „ Good- none happened to be in the way ol year year i welt sole sewing. W hite's Shoe Repair Service. Opposite Hotel the falling baled or there might have been some funerals. I Albany. S g. One more change comes to the Brownsville Times. Mr. Chinaware and gift shop Brownlow, the editor, has ten­ 3J0 West F irst Albany dered his resignation and Mr. CTIM SON TH E SHOE DOCTOR Loomis, the owner, is expected Second street, opposite Ham ilton's to take possession Sept. .1. and store. devote his entire energies to the "Sudden Service.* interosts of the Calapoc a City. Wk^aido Anderson A Hon. diatrib- He proposes to install a hnotype ’ » ntors and dealers for M axw ell, Chai as soon as the factory can fill mere, Essea, Hudson A Hupm obile cara have an up-to- Accessories. Supplies 1st A Broadalbin. his order and date printing office. Mr. Bi-ownlow’s plans for the fu­ ture are unannounced. A commendable live-and-let- live spirit is manifested among business men in this part of the SHOE moral vineyard It is shown in SERVICE a new card issued by Dad's and Shoes that cost less per month of wear Mam's restaurant, where the two local garages take each a page of advertising space side by side. New FURNITURE AND When giving orders for adver­ and used FARM MACHINERY tising in Halsey, the Murphy Seed store, Bartcher & Roler- J '«ought, sold and exchanged at all times baugh and other Albany firms ask: “Are any Halsey houses BEN T. SUDTELL handling this line? If so, I j Phone 76-R, 123 N. Broadalbin a t, Albany don’t want to take their trade away.” This is a mighty decent part of the world to live i n - made so by the people who live FARM LOANS in it. S. G IL B E R T & SO N (Contlnuvd on page 4) W e are m akin g five-year loons on Linn county farms at SJfjb plus commis­ sion. Call on FARM LOANS B xam L a n d C o ., 133 Lyon St.. Albany, Ore. Let ns suggest : C. P. STAFFORD, Agent Ä . I , thirty ' -w — days — M S it V will w ill proba- time. Flowers, wire any whe'e io U k ea- Alluringly Attractive or Canada. Flow er phone 458-f. Wy be opened for travel. It re­ quires that length of timé to T he Newport ALBANY garage . “ Studa- set. F a s h io n ! S h a k e r’ and ----- S ta r' automobiles. General repairing and supplies, , The attempt of the game F ram e r, Hockensmitli— l.loyd Templeton. [ commissions to postpone the opening of the season for deer was blocked by the courts. Sea­ son opens next Monday. j Optometrists, Manufacturing Opticians Clarence Campbell and Ella A B E S PLACE Albany, Oregon ppaslburo Bros.— T w o big grocery Campbell from Arlington, la. stores, 212 W. First and 225 South last week visiting Main. Good merchandise at the right were here prices. Clarences niece, Mrs. George Ip ilin s developed aod p rin te d . Starr, for a few days. Wasted Money A great deal of effort and a great deal i ¡7, We the,B r’lU«t back to yon. Mrs. Ida Gage fell down of money Is wasted every year by busi­ Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, O r­ staii-s a week ago and broke a egon. ' ness house! ill tryin g to attract trade by rib and sustained bruises. She sen iiu g circulars, handbills and broad­ p io o d ’s d ry goods store is the best was taken to a Corvallis Ylospit- sides through the mails. place in Albany to buy goods, al where . dry . ____ a niece of hers is a furnishings aud notions. * Cream and Produce Station Hay is worth ju s t as much in storage aq you might get for i t in case of fire. The! ^American Eagle Firiv Insurance company! 'will pay yoy 85% of th é ¿ash value in case) of loss by fire. OMCC. A '» - for canning A Wedding cakes to Modern , The dark or cherry tone on the crystal V«*al I Barber Shop frame. Ask to see the samples. Sim.lrn a T_ __ _ 1_ Laundry sent Tuesdays B RU K 8 P W H I O C N K O G R A P H S Dyeing, Cleaning and Pressing Meade & Albro, at W O O D W O R T H ’S r Fire Insurance Co. t b o u g h t has ------------------- ---------- __ Th® shingle mill at Lebanon t tr e a t, was burned Friday. Los3 $5000 Rest one*pound loaf of bread made, f O r r a o r ^- I t is ¿0 be rebuilt Phone No. 269 . « k A m e ric a n E ag le I,.» re ­ part °,L ,h t lr huymg in the'"- ” • R ogga’s sixty-eigh t-acra larger town. Those who g o to Albany fain t, e ig h t m iles W e s t o f H m - to transact business w ill find the firms ' t i s h u r v S W 01 H W > named below ready to fill their require- * ,3 U u r * - menta with courtesy an-t fairuett All work dose piotuptly and reason* ably. (Continuad fro m page i ) ^ om e >a Albany, mide iu Albany / ' ( ’ you Uva F. M . G R A Y , D R A Y M A N C - H- F A L K out of the building I ’ll drop a hand­ "Aren’t there any answers?" kerchief or eomethlsg, and off yon bo 1” Tommy shook hla head with s deep "Off I go where?“ "Follow him, of conroe, aUly I What and somewhat overacted melancholy. " I didn’t want to disappoint you. old do you think of the Idea?“ thing, by telling you right off. i t ’» "Sort of thin* one reads about la too bad. Good money wasted." He books People will wonder what I ’m sighed. "Still, there It Is. The adver­ op to. Anyway, It w ill be rather a tisement has appeared, and—there are lark.“ only two answers!” They met by arraa*ement the fol Tuppeoce snatched the two precious lowing morning aad proceeded city- ward. Tommy remained on t ie oppo­ envelopes from him unceremoniously and scrutinized them carefully. site side of the road while Tuppence "Thick paper, this one. I t looks plunged luto the building. rich. We’ll keep It to the last and Tommy strolled slowly down to the open the other first” end of the street, then back again. "Right yon are. Ona, two, three, Just aa bo came abreast of the build­ go I” ings, Tuppence darted across the road. Tuppence’s little thumb ripped open “Tommy I The place la shut. J the envelope, and aha extracted tha ten’t make anyone hear.“ contests. "That’s odd.“ "Dear Sir: “Isn’t It? Cóme up with me, end "Referring to your advertisement In let’s try again.“ this morning's paper, I may be able Tommy followed her. As they to be of gome use to you. Perhaps passed the third floor lauding a young you could call and se« me at the above clerk came out of an office. He hesi­ address at eleven o’clock tomorrow tated a moment, then addressed him­ morning. self to Tuppence. "Tours truly. "Were you wanting the Bsthonla “A. CARTER ** GRassware?** ”27 Carshalton Gardena” said Tup­ "Tea. please” ‘It 's dosed down. Since yesterday pence, referring to the address. "That’s Gloucester road way. Now for the afternoon. Company being wound up, other letter. I ’ll read t t : they say. Not that I've ever heard of " ‘Dear S ir: It myself. But anyway the office la “ ‘Re your advertisement. I should to let.” be glad I f you would call round “Th-thauk yon,” faltered Tuppence " I euppoee you don't know t o . W hit­ somewhere about lunch time. ’’ ’Yours truly, tington's address r “ 'JU LIU S P. H E R 8H K IM M E R .’ “Afraid I don't They left rather “H a l” said Tommy. "Do I smell a suddenly.” "Thank you very much,” said Bocbe? Or only an American mil­ lionaire of unfortunate ancestry? At Tommy. "Come on. Tuppence” They descended to the street, where all events we’ll call at lunch-time It s a good time—frequently leads to free they gazed at one another blankly. "That’s torn i t " said Tommy a t food for two.’’ Tuppence nodded an eager assent. length. “Cheer up, old thing, it can’t be helped." "Now for Carter. W ell have ta Can’t It, though !’’ T u p p ta rt’s hurry.” little chin shot out defiantly. “Do tpanupnoo aq o x, you think thia Is the end? I f so, Greenland Bride Must Never Seem te you’re wrong. I t ’s just the begin­ Go W illingly to the Arma of ning!” k Her Husband. "The beginning of what?" "Of our adventure! Tommy, don’t you see, if they are scared enmlgh to Marriage bj capture thrirea run away like thia, it shows that there aturdily among the icebergs of must be a lot In this Jane Finn fcusl- Greenland. The Greenland bride- neasl Well, we’ll get to the btktom of I t W e’ll run them down! t i e ’ll elect must appear unwilling, and the bridegroom must obtain her by be sleuths In earnest!” "Tee but there's no ona laft to force, genuine or counterfeit. The sleuth.’ girl’s relative« seldom interfere on "No. that’s why we’ll have to adart all orar again. Lend me that W t of her behalf, but still less must they pencil. Thanks. W alt a minute— •eem glad to part with her. Indif­ don’t Interrupt. There f Tnpptmce ference is the acme of Eskimo good banded back the pend!, and survtred form. the piece of paper on which ahefiad Some Greonland Eskimos, with written with a satisfied eye: exceptionally delicate minds, do pro­ ‘ What’s that?” ■‘Advertlsemsnt.” pose for or to the maiden of their "Tou’re not going to put tteit thing choice, but tlteir proposal is never In after all?" accepted. For a girl in Greenland "No, It’s a different mss.’’ She to accept an offer of marriage is to handed him the slip of paper. shame herself and lose caste beyond Tommy read the words on It aloud: "Wanted— Any Information respect­ the power of an? penance to re­ ing Jane Finn. Apply T. A.“ instate her. The day of illailliistnanrant had An Eskimo selects a woman for been a Wedneodacy. On Thursday the sdvortlsemeut had duty appeared. On his wife chiefly foe her strength and Friday letters might be expected to health, that she may aid him in the arrive at Tommy's rooms. endless toil which the cold climate He had been bound by an honor­ and barren environment compel. It able promise not to open any such ia a common thing for two Eskimos letters If they did arrive, but to repair to the National gallery, where hte col­ to trade wives. league would meet hint at ten o’clock. HALSEY Tuppence was first a t the rendea- vous. She ensconced ten-self on a red velvet seat until sbe s