2 HA1.SEY ■AUBRY ENTERPRISE FAG E E N T E R P R IS E AUC. Ik. 1923 T. J. SKIRVIN i animal fats are k'ood for food, but in oleomargarine they "ome • » W at. H. W H C ÏI.E H masquerading as butter. To make them more resemble but­ ridions. 11.1« S y»*r in adriaca. te r and thus promote the fraud Advertising, 20c an tach ; no discount lor lima or apace ; no charge for com under which the ultim ate cus­ position or change*. tomer is led to use the com­ * • “Paid-for Paragraph«.’’ Cc a lise pound, dairy products are ming- advrrtlalng disguised as news. ------------- . led with the other fats. The iialsey , Lina Co.. Or«.. Aug is. 192.) J law forbids this. It requires each product to come to the TH E SHEDD FAIR consumer undisguised. There has long been a law Shedd baa a reputation all over [ forbiding the adulteration of the United States as tbe bannei duiry products. B utter m ust town in agricultural and induetria come to the consumer unmixed juvenile club work. One result of with foreign substance. It its club work is the production ol m ust be wrapped in a covering some of the most valuable tbor. ougbbred livestock in tbe country. containing the statem ent th a t A more important result is tbt it is “pure dairy b utter”. The production at a crop of boys and owner of one cow who makes girls who do not want to rush to a few pounds of b utter more the city as toon as they are old than he has consumption for eaeugb or sooner. They have woo cannot m arket his little surplus prîtes for achievements at boms. , until ............ — invested in print- he has SKXO MKBCBANT ----- -¡WOT Mat_____ »». »sbUaked t r a r r Tbamday A ll kinds of Feed New and second grain sacks. Sack twine Clover seed. Chop­ ping done to suit. Price« right. t L SFIFF F u rn itu re E x ch an g e Best and largest line of Used F u r n i t u r e , He.dqu.ter. for FLO UR Golden Loaf___$2.00 Heavy White Mountain 2.15 D H a ls e y , O reg o n C a m p in g O u tfits C A P IT A L A N D P R IN T L IN O L E U M $1 per square yard. Scliool begins Sept. 17. HALSEY STATE BA N K SU R PLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Com m ercial and Savings accounts Solicited 422 West First et.. Albany. Oregon. e^nain name, hut perhaps my knowl­ umphsnt as it ought to have been. T« edge ends there.” begin with, the resources of Tommy’« "As I said once before,” said W hit­ tington angrily, “quit fooling, and pockets were somewhat limited. In the end the fere wes managed. come to the point. You can’t play the “ Well,” said M r. Beresford, at Innocent with me. You know a great deal more than you’re willing to length able to relieve his feelings, “what the— dickens did yon want to ad m it” take e taxi for?" Tuppence paused a moment to ad­ “I was afraid I might be late end mire her own Ingenuity, and then said keep yon waiting," said Tuppence softly: ’’And really and truly, I "I shouidn t like to contradict you. gently. haven’t got anything smaller than a Mr. Whittington.” Now let’s go to "So we come to the usual question - five-pound note. lunch. How about the Savoy?” how much?” Tommy grinned. , ,|i Tuppence was in a dilemma. So “How about the Rlts?” fa r she had fooled Whittington with “On second thoughts, I prefer the complete success, but to mention a They have experienced tbe joy ofp'd wrappers W e shan’t palpably Impossible gam might awaken Piccadilly. I t ’s nearer. Come «access without wandering abroad his suspicions. An Idea flashed across have to take another taxi. The olemargarine law simply along.” her brain. to seek it. There ie more pleaeurr I evens things up by forbidding I “Is this a new brand of humor? "Suppose we say a u t«e something io tbe «¡tuple feet of having done I the adulteration of other food down, and a fuller discussion of the Or is your brain unhinged?" Inquired unr\i 1 aaazavL _ 11 s L _ » • I p a • J a a . gooil work well then in ell the I fats with dairy products ju st as I Tommy. “Tuppence, old girl, what matter later?" Â0*yti*Hî pecuniary reward it will yield. I the adulteration of those pro- Whittington gave her an ugly glance. has really come over you?” "Oh, unbelieving «net” Tupjwnce “Blackmail, eh?” Bat these boys end girl» do not I ducts with other fats is for-1 wrenched open her bag. "Look here, Tuppence smiled sweetly. (Continued) •aoriiloejbe etsli reward of their | bidden. I t is tit for tat. What “Oh, no I Shall we say payment of and here, and here!” Surely you are not thlbklng of re­ Tommy rroaned. work. They insure it. In thei. Ij3 sauce for the goose is sauce M services In advance?” ----- I ouuvc lu t LUC ¿¿UUüt wanted gome five minutes to fusing? I can assure you that Ma " I must have been drinking un­ H ’hlttlngton grunted. club work they learn how to mak. fo r the gander. The eleven when Tuppence reached the d me Colombter’s la a most hlgh-claas “You’re about the limit, that’s what awares I Am I dreaming. Tuppence, er X adC t w h i r ” r“ f lU b l7 Î 0 ” P ¡U o n r ïo T th e ^ d e o m Z r block of bulldlnga In which the of­ and orthodox establishment. And the you are, he growled, with a sort of or do I really behold a large quantity fice» of the Esthonla Glassware com­ terms are most liberal." unwilling admiration. “You took me of five-pound notes being waved about otber‘ "«Mine bill. It is not likely to bel pany ware altuatad. To arrive before ‘ Exactly,’’ said Tuppence. “That’s In a dangerous fashion Y’ In all right. Thought you were quite they will do it. tbe time would look overeager. So uhS‘ V « 1 ” * tern,a are ’ llw* ' too [defeated a t the polls. "Even so, O King I Now, will you a meek little kid with Just enough Tuppence decided to walk to tbe end liberal, Mr. Whittington. I cannot see Shedd bold» an annual fair. come and have lu :-h Y ’ brains for my purpose. All the same of tbe street and back again. She any way in which I can be worth that Tbe fourth of these will be Sent ‘I ’ll come anywhere. But what someone’s been talking. You say it did On tn* the lrtros® stroke ° of t eievi eleven she amount of money to you ’’ I of th ia v«sr ii I A» egotistical ignoramus, in I ‘¡'* 10. ,JD l! “ L Rtta. Waa It— ? Oh. come in.” have you been doing? Holding up a i Ol.thls year. It will pay you to * 16 uo.’ plunged into the recesses of the M ld ^ K i 'n t f o n softly The clerk followed hta discreet bank ?” •ttend, if only to aee tbe eahlbitr, J n . f i h ® concelves ,B*- The Eathonla Glassware com lew’ obtain’ te” 50U' 1 COnM doubt "All ln good time.” knock Into the room, and laid a paper though there are like, to be Bible doctrine has caused I on «•« top floor. Tuppence less obtain someone else for verr "And now tell me," said Tommv. at his master's elbow. plenty of other source of enjoy. dlscussij>n bX Proclaiming th at X i n .he" ? 3 ” the *handu * * a much less. What I am wining to pay •Telephone message Jnst come for unable to restrain his pent-op curios­ «n'gt„n.” s«.d Tuppence. In case I ahould get mixed up In any proud of and tbia is more em "There’s another thing. So fa r there "Come tomorrow at the same time H ill you come thie way. please?” p h .tic.lly , ru. Of lb. g i r l e t h l j ' ^ ’/ M ^ i^ r0Ved strain Of I thing shady.” has been no mention of Mr. Berea w ith ”“ Sy U0W' H er*’S flfty t0 60 0D • T r i« ? “ *'1 * pardtl° n with “Perhaps that’s so." said Tommy ford. Where does he come In?” «f the boys. The H al,«y C.nniug °f n » 7 00 ’ ’ kBock€fl’ then opened »lowly. -B u t you didn’t Invent I t ” "Mr. Beresford?” He rapidly sorted out some notes the door and stood arid® to let her club has won high ................ ‘ Luther Burbank has given us “W h a tr dub baa won high honors ¡„ the "My partner." said Tuppence with and pushed them across the table to pass in. “No. I told It to you. Don’t you state, end u Halsey girl bee a | so many, is the result of the | Mr. Whittington was seated behind Uay"i.t7' *'Y° U M w ua t08®ther yester- Tuppence. The girl counted the notes, secured remember, I said yesterday I ’d over­ record among top-notohere in stock transmission of acquired char­ S large desk covered with paper* ä heard two peopla talking about a fe­ . Ä a fr ,w we ■han,‘ them In her handbag, and rose acteristics by inheritance. If I judging in th» northwest. "Good morning, Mr. W hittington” male called Jane Finn? That’s what our zealot would devote what Probably many of the 8hedd ex­ little slie said politely. "At least, an r«- brought the name Into your mind ao brains he has to exploit-1 “»•« both or neithw. s 5 ^ ~ b u t th a t* pat." volr, I should gay.” hibits will go to the county fait "So yon did. I remember now. Exactly. Au revolr, my clever ing evidences of harm ony be- anJ h,a •’’*«’ ’ •» not fttn iX « «niton moniln«- Mr Whtt tbe next week. How extraordinary— ” Tuppence and Channing young* lady.” iio n the theory of _> evolution ___ i..x, I M® looked up and nodded I [ tw tween W alt a minute. Let us see If some­ Tuppence sped lightly down the tailed off into alienee. Suddenly she a8t‘. ± ? ’ o‘ “ ™ei n ,h t? arouaed heraelf. “W hat were they thing can’t be managed. Sit down THE REFERENDUM th ® Blble he mi£ht further Timt’a good. sit 'down." w ii" " « ,^ A *U d elation possessed her. like, the two men you paaaedT’ --- Win y o u r Uv"1"-’ He Paused lnterroga- the cause he seeks to bolster, T,II>,> ®n‘ U»’ “ ■- L ets give Tommy a surprise I” _______ _ evm wM » — --------- w,th " - own™9‘ , — - "One was a big fat sort of chap. murmured Tuppence, and hailed a Clean shaven, I think—and dark." instead of merely proclaiming and rustled « m o n ^ T i ? 1 „ '.A ™ conscience gave her a We shall have a chance to ic - ~ --------- •—» i iu s u h j amnmr«t hi. ... i ''»■■«« w b w gave nei taxi. 'Tliat’a him," cried Tuppenqe, in an vote on the retention or nullifi himselt an illo€ical illogical dogmatic r Flna,,J >“ aiiy t> he ® pushed them n.nm «wav „ p Pami p , arim”’ PMalB« t'v1n** twinge • as • 8h® r®m«mbered The cab drew up outside the tube ungrammatical squeal. “That’s Whit « lio n of U o bo “ two taw , “ ' a“ ' ' ™ “* * * ' ^ 2 ^ “ • M l* station. Tommy was Just within th« l l k e r 111 W h ,t WM th * o th er man Secret Adversary — b^.AgathaChristie acted by the last legislative ses­ sion, and the contest will be a i battle between big baciness and P® 7 ------ --------- - the little -------------- fellows—a test of the left .vo* Ui me I surKet)a ——---- had ™ ** there twoi ---- —1 vspen««« paid?” power of coin in Oregon politics. vears a&° when he operated on chair, .nd "iwZ ¡,7."^ 7 ck ln w* The income tax act proposes [W yant. The surgeon evidently ■fmhoi«« of his waistcoat” * lDt° *he -w .... " a ia u m i, to take a larger proportion of was absent minded but let us “ Tuppence eyed him ““ warily ¡ i » w T J " UF |f r o i? ‘ i!0 ? * w h o » r e , ¡»»P» • , --- - - - wm v . u ■ ■ -------— »01 .»011,1, s „ , o wwvugu au iu VIU- ° f the < o r k r she - ------ .. . . . purple u 1th rage, and the veins stood out on Ms forehead. And behind It all there lurked a eort of lucreduloua dismay. He leaned forward and hissed sav­ agely : "So that’s your Uttle game. Is l t r Tuppence to alight. She bltu affectionately, and re- * slightly affected voice: thing, w ill you, old bean? I can’t remember. I didn’t notice him particularly. I t was really the outlandlah name that caught my at- 'And people say that coincidences don t happen I” Tuppence tackled her luncheon happily. But Tommy bad become serious. . V ? k ^ * re’ TupP®noe. old girl, what Is this going to lead to?” "More money," replied hie com­ panion. araw ing the larger incomes late professional ethics and for- w w T F o o T i V 0'" '“ 1' 1 Tuppence, though utterly taken ? * ver,h«1®®® k»Pt her head. trora their busipess transactions Htet to collect his fee ir t J T ’ tht on» She had not the faintest comprehen­ U tilk I k « m — A . “Where to?’’ Idea In your head. W hat I mean Is. with the rest of us and . . thus re­ I sion of hit meaning, but she was natu­ i n . ? MttlB ro n ®nln what about the next »tap? How are duce the financial t'AvuQwxc pressure up- rally quick-witted, and felt it impera Public '1A..I.VU opinion «Hu and Presidenti ‘T aris .” up-1 --------- i le s ia e n i you going to keep the game up? After tire to “keep her end uft" as she thoughtfully. Oil those whose homes have prevailed over the the to ° h h i. •’ ld. TupP*n<'® all, yon know, you can’t bluff him for­ „unies or or oth- oin- Harding ««ve prevRiiea over iu iT®nce thoughtfully phrased It. To herself «he said : "Of course ever You’re aura to .lip up er possessions are liable to be s t~> m anufacturer’s opposition father h . ^ d f h '. t ^ ^ o Z Kr°urse tf Whittington went on: or later. And. anyway, r m not , t Sold for taxes. Ito J • year I Hu* . *‘'»'®how .— . i d . o u ' ° 0 ^ d bave ,0 thp th « oio-tit ei» ht »mur day. A M r ^ a w fit! t "Been playing with me, have you. sure that It Isn’t actionable-black- • I the time, like a cat end mouae? m i!!, you know.** rhe fact th a t small .„ incomes. said the twelve-hour -------— v u iiiv a , i - ‘‘S’0 they — i» e iv e - n u u r ¿ ¡ S ”“ ln ,h* roIe ot th® s * y d e Knew d i the time what I wanted you “.Xonserwe. Blackmail 1« saying anrl Anoo.» n,a 1.. J _ _ _ away ___ I ,,v „ continued « i t o well n ? 1 as larrw__ l,r,:e~~and down to I shift sh*H rniilrl cou,d »Ot lie done "Yes,” W hitfi I for, ,ur‘ but DUt kept op the comedy. I . that up the comedy. la that n «“ ’ , T ’ “ n'M * r<”1 ar* ” T* n “ <»«’ • $1000, arc to be taxed is used by Wlth Now they announce th at "Whar eonId continued be more Whittington. *L*hV <”nL Th® It, eh?’ He He w” was c<,olln, cooling d down. Now. there’, nothing I could tell bi- the wealthy interests backing * ™11 disappear within twelve v e ^ X ^ b#ck • v®®^« S ? S S ? c# cauae I don’t really know anything. . ------ — w the referendum in to months. 'J n t 1 .u X i T 7 “ T ““ “ “ d re-«nt«r <*• bi.bbfng? ’ b~ ° ? f ° ? P" B' ObT,°»®'J- ’ hat w.-ve ona tne referendum in an an effort effort to mo»ths. blabbing? RitaY “ a t o o î «' r-t^ to do la to find out more about a TK.Pf ? ne* ,h0° k her h* " ’ Sh« 3®«» convince the voten of small abound»— ’• *u "blch Parts doubtful SI to how long she could Tommy applauded. means th at it is to his interest The old proverb is right. sustain thia Illusion, but she realised Tuppence interrupted him “Do»'t Jeer. We cm only find out to defeat the tax. People of smal Tliere s a new one born every the Importance of not dragging an A pensionnat r* through Whittington We must dla unknown Rita Into It. "Exactly. Madame Colombier’» means have a m ajority of the minute. Some of them are being X T h ’rb* re )h* "’• m , what he d oea- “No.” she replied with perfect aleuth him. In fact! Now I can’t do truth “Rita know, nothing a b o u ^ m ^ votes in Oregon. It is not like­ killed every day in efforts to “ >• Avenue de Neuilly ” ly th a t many of them will fa get a utos across railroad track J »«Mo. eo„,d 7 Z . ' h® » X • » * « 3V.1I on, W m,,ch do ron k n o w r he «hot tf. because he knows me, but he v \ ItsA s — ___ w $1 no Uri es/ » I ■ k . h»d _ u . w a m ort W «cMer! saw you for a minute or two m l for this anti-income-tax bunk ahead of oncoming A trains. tt.r e ” Te” ‘ W en ,I, Lyons'. He's not likely to rec< ' ®ry llttla Indeed,” anawsred Tup- The $10 th at the man with 8h# WM tb» fon. My plea ig this," Tuppence „ W h7i ,>,* * ’ *d to Bote tha‘ Whittington Snatched It and Raad It. $1000 net income would pay Whittington« nne««ine*a was aug­ i u i C8*I a “JH <° alone tomorrow. John Connors, a forger and all-1 "t®u * ’ u ^■nt nae to uld matching. Rut i n take up B y Hand •re Enslith, are you not?” be two girls with a name Ilk« that? -lea" scanewhera near, and when he comes poor man from his and will I • And i , 7 w 7 « 7 niuch d0 yon knowf have a larger increased tax on Dad’s and Mam's Restaurant - X ™ , ? ” * ................... Ann how much do you wantr* hia income—on the profit he is The last five word, took Tuppene«’« in » a » . fancy mightily, eepecl.lly .T e r . T h e B est D ish Second a t, opposite Italtey Garage taking from the public. Uttle American girl. I dan« «ay I meager breakf.at and a »upper Ricked It up fpp,n h ir The granges are aligned iu >hort ordert at all hours up to 11 p. m I can s«on get for children, ss well as grown people, I buna the night before. She M f u_ * • * af » again. favor of the income tax and it has t’ h’. 1'*?» * ,th fb* ,lT ot 0 M ’ bo during the hot days of the summer J “ mt« ht be slm hlSd h ‘ Mu* ,lon thoroughly well In is hardly probable th a t the time, is a hespiag plate ol pure, lit « a ™*«-'« -" bet «II» » campaign of falsehood can stam ­ lar4 P*** ,,f* «» Eeg ice cream There it nothing ao cooling! M r '^ I t t i d r c n .' pede enough farm eis and wage Baths MM . “let us by .11 mean. i „ cnr end aoun.hing a, th t. The ice cream* n^t h tb# * * bl* ABd l' r” <»® earners to defeat i t we tell is made from tbe heat m ilk and not be to angry Ton heard m a »«> Fhrrt Class Work The other measure is the Oleo- cream, sod is fresh every day. Trv it! jaaterday that I proposed to B n x . luurranite bill. Vem tahU .S Square Meal, 50c larber Shop »