H alsey enterprise VOL. X II HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. 16, 1923 NO. 3 Shedd Shots By Anna P tn ntll) Mr. and Mrs. Bud McEIvane were in Shedd, Friday. Clifford Coon left Saturday for A storia, where he expects to work. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hill are en­ joying a short vacation at Bel­ knap Springs. Miss G ertrude McKern of Corvallis was in Shedd T hurs­ day visiting Mrs. Vera Spren- ger. Alford Arrows BOOZE SMUGGLING HIT HARD 'Enterpria* Corraapoadance) Its Operatives r o t Safe Frcm Uncle Sam When __________ Sailing on the High Seas E. D. Isom and son Carl went to Eugene Sunday. Po„ , . „ (Enterprise Correspondence) B„ wnl„ lie 3.1 (By Ralph Lawranca) M is W. D. P orter of Shedd visited her m other, Mrs. Dunn, Charley Carlson started up United S guzzle Bortland called l . The . . . . tate, does not deny - the --- right ■ of John u Bull u „ to Kum e Saturday evening h o O l6 . b u t O lir 67*3 V 6» r 11 ITiArvf n b ia A t . ♦ « k l - ___ • * • large tliranhiog _ outfit Tuee- a t the Cogswell ranch last F r i - ,b B cr f it t home' but our *JVi!r,HljeQt obJect’ hi» w aiuai.nag a uui. i „ - . , I hie . ___ day. | sauce just outsid« our front door. . . . ‘ Cady and wife and ; day. I resident Harding requested the British government to discoursge its several days a t° N e w ^ r t The E« le a to n Cream ery has A daughter was born to Mr. M ' and Mrs. Essie Bass Monday of citizens itizcna fro Iro n bringing .ntoxbauts, mtoxmauU, which are contraband, to a point noim \ r rs ~ Kell » new “S ta new "S ta r" r” truck truck. Ralph Fulton o T A i K last week. Paine is th e driver. Miss H enrietta Starnes went ho bring them ashore in violation of law. He aeked for au agreed day with Mrs. M. M Fruit . d° n«s ° { Albany> has been — C. - Gibbs -- to Corvallis with the Walker lim it twelve m ile. out. D. and family have S h b o r h ^ ^ R 1“ Ash SvvaJe family Sunday. John Bull declined and the rum runuers thought they had Uncle returned from Portland, where nelghb*>, hood the past week, Sam bound and helpless sad oould pour their poiaon down his throat they visited for a few days. Mra w in n Mr and Mrs. Fred B urkhart Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sprenger whether he wanted it or n o t But Uncle S im had not plavedh is last Mis Kitchen has returned to w« ‘k-end at Newport" w here she or Salem are visiting at the of Albany visited their son card. Corvallis a fte r spending several i 18 w>th her daughters Irene Fred and wife one day last I arm for a few days. with Mr. Kitchen, the and Gt Ga. g ’ 1 fte Tbs three-mile lim it wag not established by law uor by treat,. It days week. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Adams blacksmith. ,v was observed by way of a decent regard lor other nations. Elmo Davis and wife visited and Miss Baine of Portland are J. W. LaMar and two Rev. M r "w oodw orth * wni thfin relatives in Shedd Tuesday on guests a t the John B urnett they take indecent advantage of it it fails them, foreign baoze brok- , era have been guilty of such indecency. 8o Uncle 8am went out daughters, Helen and Arlene, his own pulpit thp °{ Happenings in Halsey and All Mrs. Cummings, and will later go to -the home of her son and pany. Earl Cochran of Seattle, o Newport. | Over Linn County. his family in E astern Oregon. form er Brownsville boy, filled Mr. and ___ ____ _____ _ Mrs. Clare McCor cu,11li" g Potatoes for r s seed Mrs. aj L. . E. Walton was an ¡th eir son Roland is convalesc Sund^ PU 8t the b a p tlst . p u v o w ca lu eeu aj . »»¿ u i u i i v mick, who have been living in ject all th a t are m tten cut, a ..« Albany visitor v isitor Tuesday, convaiesc TREES THAT DRAW LIGHTNING Sunday m onnng and preached rotten, Salem, have moved into Tom reject mg. a r a ,™ » v j v • Hill’» home. Mr. McCormick stabbed, bruised or otherwise m eeting held a t The Valley Lumber Company F«et« That Hava Bean Pretty Wall the M ethodist church in th e injured, pointed a t the end hot- A ’ U „A rm strong had busi will be th e depot agent Eatabllahad by Obaarvatiena _ . . . .tienecked, rough or unsvmme- m T a ca I1, ng hlm to Albany has a big sign across the face evening He preached a fine Taken In Varloua Countnaa. Jim Covey is painting Jim trical, and tubers of less than Mondaj '• ot th a t new office. 3.rmon both tim es and favored T ail's house and barber shop the congregations with solos two ounces or are not tru e to I D. Taylor and son Lawrence There ia a popular idea that of all L. Davis, who has been ill whnifb ’n hi’ fine bariton* TOneiy- I were callers a t the county seat Mrs. Ruby Roger is helping a t his brother’s home in forest trees the oak ia the most liable Thursday. cook with the Pugh B rothers’ Brownsville, was sufficiently to be »truck by lightning. Like 2 t » ^ h t8 fa m ,y took djnn*r The State m arket agent de-i . . thrasher. recovered to return to hi3 home many other old beliefs, however, it at the park, picnic fashion, with partm ent believes ' th a t c o n - 1 . . . - 8I™ Mis. Bowman and in Halsey Thursday. ia not home out by the facts. Dur­ a num ber of relatives sumption of alm ost all farm M??.ses En,d Bennett and Beulah and Close cooperation of railroad v ------- .. iM .lUr w « - W alter Stephenbon and wife ing the period 18d-5 and 1903 the ih /i? d8' *ThPy Rre spending employes and the public result­ h" _ — — — „„ „„v, | Of Portland came up in their staff of the Dutch meteorological of­ S AIU„“ ' ed in a reduction of 28 per cent ed oost between w hat the farm - Mrs. K ata Sm ith, Mrs T J «u^° Sunday and visited fice devoted raueh attention to thi» in loss and dam age to feigrht er gets and w hat the kitchen Jackson’s m other, is a p a tie n t’ W alter a ia th e r- J. A. Stepben- matter, and the following reanlta handled by the Southern Paci­ pays could be reduced, or large- in a Eugene hospital, suffering son. were published of the number of The engagem ent of Miss Ruth fic company during the first ly divided between producer I from cancer. times the trees mention’d were Rice, music teacher, and Edgar It was definately decided at three m onths of 1923 as com­ and consumer. The price of T, „ „ struck by the electric discharge pared w ith sam e period in flour and its m any by-preducts ° f Alb>">' '• .J5, Howard, one of the vice the last itoard meeting of the 1922. 'Hie reduction made by are entirely out of proportion to Presidents of the Ladd & Til­ official board of the Halsey Poplar, 232 times; oak, 130; willow, the railroads of th e country as th* w heat price the grower I i on. Bank of Portland, was a Chutch of C hrist, Lon Chamlce ?0; yew, 50; fir, 27; pear, 25; lime, Delbert S U r was Op e ,ated on a whole was 26 per cent. gets. Much more flour would caller in Halsey Thurs- m inister, to complete the addi­ It; walnut, 8; beech, 6; chestnut, w L i aP5endicitis a t Corvallis. tion to the old building ju st as S; apple, 5; cherry, 4; alder, 4; Wednesday of last week A rup­ be used in m any form s of home day- soon as possible. Plans are be­ birch, 2. baking if the cost was lower. | All Halsey business houses tured appendix was discovered, ing laid for a big home-coming According to a series of observa­ iu K? , u ‘ a*ed *P'pi*oei.si»ii, but . were V closed 1VU U U a Friday tiu a j 1 from X U III I noon 1U U N day for Sunday, Sept. 2 so the tions made in England the following 1 1 ^ a r * ri,#S lh "‘ h” ’• doing Last year Saint Mawe«’ Pretty till three p. m. in observance of necessary money can be raised list was compiled : Oak, 36; poplar, « well W e H avb and e x p e u , to , , ||Om# tfa* Lady took the world’s champion- funeral of the late presi- and the work completed free ol EVERY THING foiepart of next waek. 12 ; ash, 9; elm, 7; beech, 4; willow, ship for Jersey two-year-olds denL debt. It should be ready for O ptical with a record of 12,550 pounds | Mr. and Mrs. Fred H arris dedication by the first or sec­ 3; lsrch, 3; Scotch pine, 3; fir, 1; Brsdlay, ,on of Mrs. Mary of milk and 824.33 pounds of I and daughter and Mrs. Minnie ond Sunday in October. A 'com ­ hawthorn, 1; mountain ash, 2; C Y C S T R A IN S t o ° a a “ b w ied at l ’0ion b u tterfat in 305 days. A t th a t Davis of Albany were guests (meats m ittee was appointed by the alder, 1; pear, 1. .I I t the Cante of Many fom t Sunday Mr. Overton was time the record for a Jersey j, H U M A N ILL S of Mrs. Rose Powell Sunday a f ­ m inister last Sunday of Mrs. To make a true deduction from “ . y drowned ‘he pracad- of any age was held by another ternoon. ( , f f year eyea give you trouble or Geo. Taylor, Mis. Phillip For­ those figures the comparative abun­ ng Mwnday at bis sawmill at I I your glasses arc annoy tog Oregon cow. This y ear P retty ste r and Mrs. Edith Robnett to dance of the different trees men­ ° f KnK*"e- » •» Mr. and Mis. D. Taylor and . SBB US. We can Relieve You Lady took th a t also, with 12,- make airangem ents for the tioned must be taken into account, »bout 50 years old and kavea a son Lawrence, accompanied by Bancroft Optical Co. 657 pounds of milk and 827.90 J. C. Standish, drove to Salem luncheon th a t will follow the widow. and when thia has been done it | i 313 tat S t W. Albany. Phone of butterfat. L. C. Daniels of Sunday, where they visited the services in the morning. Trout fry 120,000 of them , b a y . would appear the most dangerous Tillamook owns her. la tte r’s son E verett. •«en turned loose in the Calapoola. tree is the ash, then the willow, then (Continued page 3) the poplar, the oak coming in a good Dr. and Mrs. Carl D^ney were Acbray Tusaing and Dick 8an. fourth. A tree conspicuous by its dart and tbair families are away accompanied here from Salem by two children Sunday. Af­ absence from the foregoing lists ia camping equipment and. te r Dr. Dancy’s sermon a t the the sycamore. Dick a auto truck. M. E. church in the morning, Harold Doxsec went east from they accompanied Misses Helen JAZZING UP THE TRADE Brownsville and has H earne and Dorothy Satchwell to their famous. He is now attending home in Shedd, where they made the university of Chicago and were dinner guests a t the home put forth a book th a t eastern of Mrs. H. R. Satchwell. colleges recognize as of value- Mrs. C. P. Stafford accom­ extra large; d o uble< panied Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Drin- It is a guide to the choice and - ) kard pursuit of a vocation. to Eugene Thursday sewed lined collar;« ) morning, where she had het Mrs. Mina Schick, Mr. and Haleey Church of Christ * tonsils removed. She remain­ Mrs. Albert Schick and son, La­ laced sleeves; big,« ed in Eugene till Friday even­ Church Announcem ents velle of Portland, Mr. and M rs. . i ing. B. P. Schick and son, Delmar, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Kizer and roomy arm holes;« i Fred Tajdor of Corvallis, Church of Christ : son Buri, Mr. and Mrs M eredith . i form erly a resident of Halsey Lon Chamlee, minister. Kizer. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Craig, and son-in-law of J. C. Stand­ generous s 1 e e v e s • I > ish of this city, hag been pro­ Bible school, 10, W. H. Robert- Mr. and Mrs J. o . W eber and «on, superintendent. daughter Georgia, Miss Ethel moted to the office of chief Morning worship, 11. Lord's » and body; two large pockets to button through, t clerk in the district freight «upper Green and Mr. Near of Portland, every Lord’« day. .u d » family reunion a t and passenger office of the Christian Endeavor, 7. Z?* W eber farm Sunday, *1 he Big Bout— I tec you’ve fired M adeol blue, gray or khaki twill. Yours * Southern Pacific company at Evening service, 8, and with his wife will The oliurcb without a biebop, in young S w ift I always thought him the 5th. . - j Eugene, reside there. the country without a king. a very snappy ad writer. for If you have no ohurch home (Condensed from the Times) The Office Manager—Too «nappy. Mrs. G. W. Momhinweg and Mrs. J. J. Corcoran of this come and worship with us. He ran the phrase, “Eventuslly— Mrs E. E. Stanards sister city were representatives of Mhy not now?*’ in so undertaker’s Mrs. Ixtis T itus of G rants Pass Pine Grove church : the local lodge a t the district sd. was m arried Aug. 2 a t the Stan- Sunday echool, 10 convention of the Women of ______ ® rd home to H arry D. Coder o f Preaching, 11 and 7;3O Aug. 19. Woodcraft a t Salem the last of The 15th of August has pass- Los Angelea. the week. Mrs. Mornhinweg Glenn B ’ tkar paetor. ed and the rig h t of the govern-1 «^.»,„ ■ « . was elected to be one of the m ent to appeal from the official 4 b e ^ tv 1 * ” u » m erger of the Southern and ¡® ? ty w,d Dec- 2 on three district m anagers for the Methodist: Sunday School, 10. ensuing year. Central Pacific has lapsed Now j lssuar'ce ° f $6500 in bonds Preaching, 11. we m ay expect the Natron c u t - '" 1 1 1 a readJu»tm ent of the pav- Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Laubner Juaior League, 8, off and a double track through a8i*s8ment. GOOD GOODS and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Penland Intermediate League, 7. thia valley.« Thomas Miller’s evergreen left the last of the week for an Epworth League, 7. outing in Rainier Park. Dr. «7 u — Z ---------- --- . blackberriea are being picked. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. We have the promise of plen- He lost about fifteen tons of and Mr*. Mark« plgnnnd to join Preaching in the evening. ty of car5 for the fru it crop of loganberries for w ant of a 'r4i~rrtîvA~ 'À ¿ ihi'XYÁ*rl4,' 'A.-,-A-rAvA- S7 them there from Tacoma, where Rev, C. T. Cook, pastor, this year. . , ¡inarket. / M s ” w ife’" & ‘5 J ° TS A N D TITTLES' s 1 1 A D o llar B ill KOONTZS V