e Last-minute ______ Comment ----------------------------------- I ,e? the ,esson on the India J church. Mr». Lydia Erskine m df -w .uw . two gave a num ber 0( »»V helpful sug- ------ - — . m r ir n v ia * d _ _ _ __ 1___ » t . e bushels of wheat io i improvised gestions for conducting regular I hooded warehouse», by the aid of meeting.-. Members of the so­ federal reserve banka under the ciety wishing to donate gifts to farm bureau plan, thoae poor fel­ the Christm as box will pleasef lows who earn their (wheaten) leave their contributions a t the home of Mrs. D. S. McWilliams bread by the sweat of tbeir toe», this week. kiekiog the price of wheat around Not much wheat or hay is I the grain exchangee like a football, being sold yet. Owners hope will have to wo k harder than for better prices. Some m ake| ever to gat thair usual amount of money farm ing where others; toll from a reduced number of lose. Fred Holmes, near Al­ bany, sowed Rink wheat and wheatgrowera. Il farmers hold 200 000 QUO ° f P ortland Lwaa P resen t e m m im z v s Arrow Garage 17216186 _> W e will overhaul your Porti engine for « 0 labor “ Chevrolet engine for $22.50 labor 11 reime transmission band for >150 labor overhaul rear axle and rebuah springs and perches when necessary for $7 labor All work guaranteed Fl* * “ ** G ,te* T l,e * “ d Tubes.—We now have io stock the Fisk % M i - fabric tires for >9. Be sure to investigate oar lines and get our prices before baying. * Automobile accessories. Ford parts, oils. W illard battery service station. Trouble calls given prompt attention GANSLE BROS. •y iu io m o ò ile a n d Í7 m e t o r S A e p a i r i n g HALSEY GARAGE Telephone 16x5 A lfo rd A rro w s “ practice makes perfect ” nousenold. Last year the inven­ North South tions covered almost every depart­ N0 X 8 . n : 3 7 . , m. No. 17, 12:15 p. nj ment of home labor. In following Harding.e polichr 24. 4:2» p m 23 i J6 English women are conservative it is to be hoped Coolidge will re. 22, 4.30 a. nj. 21, 11:32 p. m. in their home fixtures, but they are •iat the pressure for a special sec­ Not, 21 sad 22 stop only if flagged beginning to take a real interest in tion of congress. In our present the many inventions on the market. orgy of epeodiog publio funds, SUNDAY MAIL HOURS Electricity is not installed in every state end national, special set. . I John Willbanks and family The delivery window of the English home, and so a hand siom are among our most costly Last Thursday a farewell re-1 attended a reunion of the Davis vacuum washer for clothes has had H alsey poetoff.ee is open Sundays ception was held on the lawn at I family a t Albany Sunday extra ragancss. a great sale. “ 11 •• »• the M a rta C ta ta ta g s hom e.| j . Rlckard a „d famj Steam heat also is missing in this west of town, for C. C. Jack- The gleeful assertion of grain country, and so a fire grate which son, Fred Jackson. M. 0. Faulk «pent k n d a y and Saturday at •peculators that federal reserve and W alter Baum gartner and their ranch across the river. pivots around, warming two rooms bank fuods would not be loaned their wives. Many of their Miss Mildred Goodman of simultaneously, is in invention of on wheat in farmer»1 bins desig­ triends were present and a very Corvallis visited Miss Thelma last year which is going well. An­ P aid-for Paragraphs nated aa bonded warehouses was a pleasant tim e was had. C. C. Ingram Thuisday and Friday of other recent discovery is the fire­ Mre. Nexdoor—So Dr. Cutter dud. The plan is in operation. Jackson and wife will move to last week. operated on you ? Does he practice place, which can be converted from Halsey, where they will occupy The farm bureau wine. Air. and Mrs. D. I. Isom and in this neighborhood? a closed gas fire to an open fire grate Admittance Here 5 Cents the new home which they re­ E- D. Isom and family visited a Line by pressing a button.—London Cor­ Mrs. Newgilt— Oh, no, He does □ f th n 17 T~> - 1___ _ x x cently secured from H. ix E. uavis. Davis. I at t f R • t tne the A. a A . F. i t a w T s i S t o - u , £ The acquittal of the Morses on respondence in the New York Trib­ rre d Jackson and fam ily are I Eugene Sunday For reot— M y farm of 100 acres „ ^unoay. accusation of fraud in war ship, removing to Salem. Mr. and pie and hia finished work among une. near Halsey. Ben T. Sudisi), box building only uu. on« more more bl>, big ....... Mrs. M. y 0. . XUUJR Faulk wm will leave leave u thi«I John Edwards and the exclusive families. -------- * . la . UUI, u s I . . „ v ; 184, Albany, Oregon. INSECT CUNNING tall for ««»!• in the attem pt of one partv fu*1 p r Long lz>ne Beach, Cal., and dauFhter Adele were Sunday « . . . i r o b ’ the Calapo. a, r e t u t a w m t t a ” B M C ,IM “ ,hl! fashioned X and legs modeled ) ( stance, more suggestive of insect great war begins in this issue of thi Enterprise. Read it and show it cunning, is told of a ipider. It spun to your neighbor if be is not a are fewer than they were. K W • • for ice cream, cake and c o f f e e M’ Wilson home, west r e a l'e s tL . PP •” ...,'unninir « —Brownsville Times I Y.n’ evening. “ Parent« no longer teach their it« web in a sawmill in a place subscriber. The story alone will 1 estate office in Minneapolis p p *,.«.<><. i ir ™ I Mrs- Meda Forbes and children to walk too soon,” Doctor where the passing of lumber fre­ be worth the price of a year’s sub­ Davis said, as. the reason for the quently broke the long stray threads scription to him if he has a hu­ change. “Bowleggedness is really -hat hold the web. The situation man heart. caused by malnutrition—a simple was too favorable for flies to be deficiency in bone-making calcium. abandoned, and finally the spider __ _______ O D le manner nu Mrs. R. A. M ason n f M ill 3 some it got side-track-1 »< „ BUSINESS IN TER ESTS Mrs. Ada widow City died last week a fte r a n l rw ^ i ..,i— when xv the paper went to I I tkp i_a "C ” Dunlap, w,w " of U1 Vitamme«, in good milk, fruit got around the difficulty by discard- n laFzv ___ operatin for appendicitis press. Mrs. B arr resided foi l .„.x ,ate, sb.e n I ’ w’as a week-end juices, grains and vegetables, are mg the use of stays and substitut­ For every 218 people in the riiw x some time a t Halsey, where »he at»,the D’ Sl McWilliams rapidly eliminating rickets in neigh­ ing for them, to keep tho web w... i °i- Harold of Albany owned property. Mr. Mòrse is 1 2 ^ ’ ? Irs ’ DurdaP will leave borhoods where health information stretched, a nail which it wove into Lnitcd States there is one grocery store. For every 710 people there is te™ afte.r business ® at- an o,d Brownsville citizen and I FP day for W est Point, N. ¥ ., one general store. For ¡every 2,100 ter» m Halsey Wednesday. father of City W ater S u p eS t she wilJ visit her is easily available.”—New York the lower edge of the fabric. Item in the Indianapolis News. Between sunset Sunday and ti ndent ? nd of L- B. Morse. re -| th er‘ HARD TO determine value people there is one drug store For every 2,800 people there is one e n . v . ------ _ .. the stork ‘I'«>r and secretary of the com- , On Sunday afternoon Mr. and EASY TO BE MISUNDERSTOOD Nature Has Somewhat Amusing Man. hardware store. Automobiles make f « S aidaU,fhter to the home mereiai club. I Mrs. L. V. Chance and H E •ter of Hiding Riches in Land That business for a multitude of stores, of Kryai Perry and wife. -------- Davis and family of Halsey met Lletener Should Not Be Hasty In His OESERVED A BETTER ENDING ^ , Claude V i S an* Appears Valueless. for it is said that for every 167 Judgment of Fellow Passengers* Monday D. H. Sturtevant automobiles in the United States ------- -- I family and the parents of H. E Conversation. The Arctic area which Donald W|fe and daughter Jean Traflleai Captain . Lewis On« I and Claude and Mrs. Chance in Traakmi Death n-..» of ----------- there is one repair shop while there l° , Portland* where Mr. • f the Mysteries of Early Amsr. In a quiet corner of a restaurant MacMillan so graphically described is one automobile supply company Bryant Park, Albany, where -Sturtevant was to be busy dur- lean History. sat four lady clerks, each toying before the Philadelphia Geographi­ lor every 156 automobiles.—The they celebrated the birthday of *n* , Buyer’s Week. Their their mother. with an after-lunch cigarette. Four cal society is a very different region Outlook. daughters Ruth and Alice left The end of Captain Lewis, Uteri from the area south and east of the visit“ uofha\ i ° r Lebanon- for a Governor Lewi. of Ix u im n aV "rn -1 , AZcb„ In g ra m and his family more earnest, intelligent faces it Beaufort sea to which Stefansson would be hard to find in similar sur­ Temnib th x ^ elr., unc,e- John tnry, leaders ut of me the u ” chf°unfain and his sister, - and one . of the ‘v»uci» *“ “the FnendJy femple, and fanuly during the famous U w i, .„ an,j Lew,, d Cjark Clark expcdlti()n expedition V“ 8- Brown, and two children roundings. One credits them with Arctic.” No friendship is manifest- ab^ nceE,°f fheir parents. diking “shop,” keenly interested in from Southern Oregon visited" aerog, ,l,e oontiuent, was tragical m by nature toward mankind in E i X ’« and shadowed by a cloud. Official their uncle Lee Ingram Sundav ♦ he details of their work; or per­ Baffin Land. There is only seven haps it is some social question that afternoon. buaineaa calling him to Washington, inches of soil; below that is the un­ Dr. and Mrs. T. I. Marks re­ knits their brows and informs their S t-Lou“ earlJ »“ September, compromising rock, in which a« yet speech word T hursday th at and prosecuted his journev ceived One takes a new interest in this no oil or coal has appeared. The W. F. M. S. met Friday eastward through Tennessee by wav their son Roland was sick in the It is hardly safe even for so higher type of feminine develop­ hospital with scarlet fever a t W r ^ L . at the bon><' of Mrs. of Chickasaw Bluffs, now Menophia. learned a geographer and so capable W. J. Ribelin. Mrs. B. M. Mil- Thye is a mystery suiroundmg his Tacoma and left immediately ment, and rises to leave them to and courageous an explorer to de­ or th at place. A t J a s t report their problem«. last days. October 11 he stopped at holand was getting along nice- It is a breath of irony that puffs clare that the region will never a wavside inn, and that night he * J • this phrase from their table into prove of econwnic value. The first died a violent death, whether bv his One day last week while one’s ear—“I certainly like him bet­ white men in South Africa saw no own hand or by that of a murderer, diamonds in the bine mud of the Vyron, J. h. Isom’s small son. ter since he waved his hair.” no living man knows. There were Kimberley area. It is one of Dame was playing he found his pet In a suburban train three ladies, | many contradictory stories about cat with a snake wrapped twice Nature’s favorite jokes to hide her j the sad affair, some persons holding aiound its neck, and came car­ } oung and fair, sit in animated con­ precious commodities beneath im­ B y A gatha C hristie to the one theory and some to the rying it to the house. The cat versation. They bandy talk with a pellent a«pects. If there is no other other. had eaten p a rt of the tail of the sparkle of pleasure in their eyes, but use for the Arctic “unfriendliness,” from the opposite corner it is not One o f those enchanting Captain Lewia was buried where snaks trying to get it off. perhaps the intimation of K iplinr’g r ainoua In« *cticide possible to hear what they sav, even h« died, in the center of what is sones w hich lift the reader John B urnett's m achine started if it were polite to make the at­ “With the Night Mail’’ will one diy now Iew i. ronntyf Tennessee , n thrashing Tuesday. out o f a prosaic w orld into come true and the northern spaces tempt. Cheap, Effective and th e re a lm o f ro m a n tic , 1 the state of Tennessee erected DeKtta R abnett came down “More butterflies,” one muses, will he used for sanitaria, reached over his last resting place a hand­ from Eugene Monday evening and breath-taking adventure. Clean y airship. Radio and aviation some¡monument the inscriptions on went with her grandparents, Mr. trying not to be interested in the daily are sweeping into man’s fa­ H ere w e find tw o inno­ which dub * t forth hi. many vir­ •nd Mrs. D. I. I ,Om, to Portland magaxines they are waving about in miliar ken the uncharted and inac­ Sunday. cents. a young man and their excitement. “Dancing, or the tues and his distinguished sendees E. A. Staroes and wife visited play, ’ and one leaves it at that un- cessible regions. MacMillan’s own young w om an, w ho. being to his count». H the home of Mrs. B t.ru es’ til, crossing the compartment to courageous example is a stimulus to w ith o u t o c c u p a tio n a n d hrotb^r. Jake Damien, near Shedd “light, one catches the words: “I all who react to the challenge of the with limited funds, decide Monday. places. — Philadelphia think it is the most informative se­ untrodden to hire out for any sort o f | L.,M rw E’ D .jM m visited her sia- nes of lectures in the whole Exten­ Public Ledger. reckless work. r L . 7 J v . c - ■Sioke1’- sion course.”—London Daily Chron­ Unexpectedly they find an Kowland, Monday. E R'Bvhart. an aunt icle. o f B a lf Bond, died Tuesday at avenue in the secret service Richlaad, W ash., and will be bur. o f th eir g o v e rn m e n t a n d b r it is h FIR ST e d it io n c l u b WOMEN TURN TO INVENTION led at P in t Grove this afternoon. got forty bushels to the acre • Enterprise Correspondence) and sold it for 90 cents a bushel. N. H. Cummings was an AJ- A neighbor, on land originally __ good, ___ ____ __ mixed ... „ bany visitor Saturday. as sowed wheat! that did not cost as much ns I Lee Ingram made a business Holmes and got eighteen bush-1 trip to Eugene one afternoon els per acre and sold it for 82 p a s t week. i c You Must Read It! buhach Tbs RINGO’S Drugstore o . w . FRO M Exclusivo A cent for Jersey Milk Food Compound «he economical feed for calva., pig. . od chivk.ns Also a complete stork «f FEED AND GRAIN Much interest was recently Labee-Savlng Dsvlcee fse ths Homs Marten P. Wheeler, the editor's Figure Largely |n the English aroused m London by the loan ex- •o n , from Greenleaf, in Laoe Patent Offics. hibition of the First Edition club, county, with his wife , nd tbeir little son Eugene, made a flying formed some time «go, admittedly Today in England there are more visit here this morning. upon lines suggested t r the G ro her club of New York. Among ex- w m en inventora than ever before hibits was » œpy » j la s t year was a boom year for the D l h.ipiT ,'s °£ fat st0<* to the patent office, and a large percentage I "i-tland m arket last week were “T 1 hterary production of Rud­ or the applicants for patents (83 • complaining of prices as b itte r­ yard Kipling m conjunction with WO in all) were »oB o 1 * ly as w heat growers. hi< father, mother and sister. Rud- ITomen outnumbered men with ywd Kipling settled a frequently oix shorthorn bulls, valued inventions for the hrrne The short­ de: »tod point by writing to say that at $20.000.00 huddled unde? a age of domestic serv«r.ts has stimu­ he himself wrote nine of the stones lated women to think out improve- tree during a storm near Prine- W i f i i ift. that lwhm , Wttfc in jh c nwniB« of the Bnu*b ville, were killed by lightning recently. are set to w ork on a tremen­ dously big case. T heir chief finds that their selection w as a stroke o f genius, for their innocence renders them un- i suspected, w hile their daring a n d n a tiv e s h r e w d n e s s makes them extremely val­ uable as detective. Will Appear Serially