V* i »Aua > \ i » • i HALSBV E N T E R P R IS E T. J. SKIRVIN IA U B Y ENTERPRISE A Terrible Tempest S8KO M U B C H A N T A ll kinds ol Feed New sod tecoad gram u c k i Seek twine. Clover seed. Chop­ ping done to suit. Prices right. Furniture Exchange L STIFF Ameriwnn politics are in a tern Beat and largest line of peatuoua condition today. Any one who looks for smooth aailiog rüH ioai. (1.BO < year la advance. on that sea at any near date ought Advertising, 3Uc an inch ; no discount to read the following headlines lor l i n e or apace ; no charge for com- He.dqu.ura for C a m p i R g / ) u t f i t S from the news aolumns of Sundays poaitiun or changea. FLO UR Oregonian : Golden L o a f ....$2.00 | Heavy M “P a l4 -fo r Paragraphs." Co a lina. C A P IT A L A N D S U R P L U S White Mountain 2.15 •A ’ artlalng dlagnlaad aa news. Oregon poiitica in big upheaval. D P R IN T L IN O L E U M Wild convention in 1924 pre Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited w g'w« square yai Î1 « per yard. dieted. r HALSEY, Linn Co.. Ore.. Aug 9, i t } Borah’s almost io the party. Entire state changed by preai. ______ _________ ? 422 West First at.. Albany, Oregon. dent’s death. WHERE’S COOLIDGE ? Johnson's friends busy Coolidge watches presidential That la tha moat important roega. looking couple aa thay sat there. Tup­ pence had no claim to beauty, but eald Tuppence gently. - — --------- quary that erites in connection New president well aware of Tommy nodded. there waa character and charm ln the with several of the moat vital ia- trouble «ahead. Tuppence s large gray eyes looked elfln lines of her little face, with Its Senate in bad nqood. determined chin and large, wlde-apart misty. anaa of tha day. Not that ha it “You’re a good sort, Tommy I al- Bitter fight foreseen in event «raJ eyes that looked mistily out from anajof tha oily, aquirmy politician? under atralghL black brews. She wore ways knew it.” successor follows Harding pro- whom it ia difficult to pio down gram on court. “Rot '" said Tommy hastily. "Well, • small bright green toque over her that s my position. I'm Just about des­ black bobbed hair, and her extremely and hold to any proposition. Hi Republican plana in 1924 unde short and rather shabby shirt revealed perate." ia thair antitheaia. Ha know» cidad. "So am I ! Tve hung out as long a pair of uncommonly dainty ankles. Coolidge chief factor to be con­ his mind, and ha ia not afraid to Her appearance presented a valiant ss I conld. I ’ve touted round. T to sidered in campaign. answered advertisements. I ’ve tried lat tha world know it. But ar attempt at smartness. Record to form ¡«sue. every mortal blessed thing. Tve The tea came at last, and Tuppence vica-presidant ha baa not had occa- Poiitica at convention to depend reusing herself from a lit of medlt*. screwed and saved and pinched ! Bnt aion to define hia viewa aa he will on new president's success or f a il­ home“ ” r ° ° d- 1 8bnU h0Va t0 « • non, poured It out In the poaition to which be ha? ure at job. "Now, then,” said Tommy, taking “Don’t you want to?” New president is foursquare. a large bite of bun, "lat's get up-to- been called. "Of course I don’t want to I What's date. Remember, I haven't seen you Tax raiders and radicals held He has announced that he will the good of being sentimental? Tou i since that time In hospital ln 1916." public enemies. see, there are seven of us at home. aodaavor to continue the general .«i"rT *7?,W* 1.1; ’ TBpl’enre helped her Economy watchword. It a a w fu l! A ll housework and moth- »elf liberally to buttered toast policiea of Mr. Harding. A dec Stabilisation of commerce and Abridged biography of Mias Pru- ere meetings! I don't want to go orona reapact for the memory of industry regarded aa vital to hap­ back, but—oh. Tommy, what else la dence*,Cowley, fifth daughter of Arch the dead calls for thia. But how piness of peoole. deacon Cowley of Little Mleaendell. there to de?" Tommy shook his head sadly. There Suffolk. Miss Cowley left the de­ far it may carry him on any one lights and drudgeries) of her home life b u r.to u G IenaK “ d th0“ Tui>I’eDCa Oil Fraud Protection. eouraa ia an open queationand w ill, ______ _ early ln the war and came up to Lon a spider tn a web, b u t m ote subtle remain ao until ha but occasion to I 7’houseods of oil cotnpaniea are ■lore concealed "Money, money, money! I think and m ore dangerous to "Watch tha newspapers 1 f n ad­ den, where she entered an officers' »um an e th a n the spider to th e fly, nits a declare himself. operating in the recently opened aacret vertise In the personal columns of the hospital. First month ; Washed up six about money morning, noon and night I foe p lo ttin g fo r loot, fo r pow er Time«, beginning 'Shipmate.* At the « /- „ I j . . .. . . . I California field« around Sant« Fe fOr 018 deBtructlon o f nations; hundred and forty-eight plates every W o u ll he favor a ship aabaidy I Spring«, Long Beach and Huut- J ? 4 . * / i ! i ! ! . r#n ce M raali ? a.T. *” a t‘#æPlio K to operate. ye and d a rk purposes Is do ubly d a n g er- cleats?" profit? moted one floor up to duties of ward California maintains a corporation t r ^ T « U“ Z M t ,h * ‘ h U ld e n ,l‘ V « n n o t “Quite clear." W ill he accommodate Hiram commission. maid with mop aod pall. Sixth month • ,a " d- H a c o n tro l, c rim in a ls and “Then be ready—I'm going t® gay «»nspirstors o f v arious sorts; he maps Promoted to waiting at table. Sev- Johnson by making a world court Tha federal government likewise •h e ir plans, b u t n e v e r openly. H ie o r- good-by.” He took her hand In big enth month: Pleasing appearance and an issue inside the party? has detailed a staff of poatoftice E ",“ Uo"K,a COh,*'Ve 8nd F>’ o rtu l in the “Good-by. Good luck to yon,” he said nice manners so striking that am pro­ ,.1 in te . n0. ? ln o th“ ° W he « a is t l o or n In a louder tone. Ia ease of the threatened coal inspector. to the California field a« th e fa s t ° i Idea f w ho moted to waiting on the Slaters I ever, kn o w in g ly , h a . looked upon h l . , « 7 will he lx,’ I * b”, of i>,e corporation Her hand cloasd on the ollakln Eighth month: Slight check In career. •trike thia fall where Th.v he b* fcommiaaiOB of California to which » . . t i r u i ? ’ “ n<1 ht* ° rd ‘ r* C° me frOm * packet that had lain In hit palm. Sister Bond ate Sister Westhnven’s ■ “ '•'« rlo u s source. H e I . Im n ^ n e to spies Ha has said : lhere is no rig h t, complaint» should ba addressed ia ¡wfoenl,.«0 ?"* The Lusitania settled with a more • « ! Grand row! Warilmaid clearly '* * * hlm H,a hand. to strike against the pubiio safety located at Loa Angeles and the decided list to starboard. lh answer to blame! Inattention ln such Impor- m ,n y ,h ln « a- « “ » o t he seized, o r evsn traced. to u quick command, tha girl w « t tant matter» cannot be too highly cen­ by anybody, anywhere, any time.” poatoffice inspector’s headquarters s n d ^ r th * h e ,d a o t h!s o rg a n isa tio n — forward to taka her place In the boat. sured. Mop and pall again I How are ‘n num be* a “ d In te r - When Boston polios for to ad a also are at Loa Angele«. About S t i o i a M n ^ f c a a tlo n a l in th e ir o p e ra tlo n s -fln d It necea- the mighty fallen I Ninth month: Pro­ CHAW7BR I anion and etruck, like I. W. W .. the only requirement ia that coin- \ ° rn*? t f ° r a conference, there Is a moted to sweeping out wards, where b u T th e ? plaints must «st out the facts in 22 ± ° w n th a t f ? one o f H r. Coolidge laid them to go te, detail and be accompanied by ad k r e T k i t n ™> i one' W hen a n’ o m b e i I found a friend of my childhood In The Young Advanturara, Ltd breaks a n ils o r becomes a tra ito r, v en ­ “Tommy, old thing 1“ Lieutenant Thomas Beresford (bow and ha filled their pieces, aod they vertiaing literature and correa geance is s w ift and te rrib le and a lw a y s “Tuppence, old bean I” Tommy I), whom I had not seen for from an unexpected source. Once or tw ice pondenes. weat. t t L X " ^ 1th ln k . t h , y h4Ve « * n ° h l m ’o„ The two young people greeted each five long years. The meeting was af- It ie reasonably certain that in other affectionately, and momentarily fectlng! Tenth month : Reproved mlaal°n s o f vengeance, b u t so Ilk a by College Costa Reduced. a ~ shadow w as ha a nd so q u ic k ly did he blocked the Dover Street Tube exit hia fereigu policy he will not «how matron for visiting the pictures In s “ PP7 r ,th a t " ° ona cou,d Baacrtbe him In doing so. The adjective "did" was company with one of the patients, A new day is dawning for the * ha ,h a t th e «u P *rs tltlo u s aa mach fright at the mention of misleading. Their united ages would doubt his corporeal exlatenca. th e y reg ard namely: the aforementioned Lleuten boy «od girl of limited means the league of nations as tome of certainly not have totaled forty-five. 8 o p lrlt o f darkness, a phantom ant Thomas Beresford. Eleventh and ir I A w,°1rth y » ‘ U‘Ient can actually get o f diab olical cleverness and In te n t Not seen you for simply centuries, twelfth months: Parlormaid duties re­ hie party do. He probably held« J a college education for $100 a )o«r „ — --------- -- — a y m r. continued the young man. "Where sumed with entire success. A t tlie "Trading Under tha Name of The a a e ln a tin g studies o f a s u p e r-crim in a l in d ia ti K a t« .« .. ~ ¡M nnt •* that the dlatinctieu between • I Thifl I me is not hu by any a.L__e_. short cut - in ed- ere you off to? Come and chew a bun e v e r penned, a nd has done It w ith o u t too end of tha year left hospital In a blaze Young Adventurers. Ltd.; | . That ” league ” and an “ association ” ucatiougl work, but through a self- m uch accent upon the w eird o r m orbid, with me. We re getting a bit unpopu­ of glory. After thaL the talented Miss Your idea. Tuppence?” ¿ h e s to ry abounds In a n u m b er nr help plan. lar here—blocking the gangway, aa Cowley drove successively a trade de­ ia essentially without a difference ith‘ .,nd eharmln« c h a ra c te r, and Ite It were. L e f t get 00t oi )t » t t a 'r e » “ 7!”“ ’’ merc’ na^ °< het Incidents a tlr th e blood In a tho ro ughly H’ ginning with the collega year ln, livery van, a motor-lorry and g gen Duriag the campaign which re T oiC L W“ y e 7 ? * ” " 4 d , l | g h tfu l lo v l The girl assenting, they started walk­ ctal. The last wag the pleasantest A lb a n y college guaran. m ^ In t i ,h ’ m ' ,a c t ' and oth er Bulled in his election he said : Iv e forgotten his name now. ] f w n " ? 8 here' 8' o f «> • a « h 7 o n ? p lr a ? o i Is A na lly revealed, b u t up to th a t tim e it There waa a pause. "Now, then," said Tommy, "where « a had several very enjoyable tea nant intended to create a super- to earn the greater part of their f 'r ath.UBX Wh,Ch m* k" * “ " cl" shall we go?” parties. I had intended to become a " m s % . ^ U|r” >'” / * ua,ed Tuppence, way through collage. It does thia government. marriage 1. my best chance. I made land girl, a postwomnn, and a bu« The very faint anxiety which nn for the . . i through securing ...g positions lor tha I derlay hia tone did not escape the conductress by way of rounding off my np my mind to marry money when 11 1 I 1 n A atudanta to work in and Ana to laying ha was elected 1 »"Hege Any thinking girt PROLOGUE astute ears of Miss Prudence Cowley, career—but the armistice Intervened I was quite young end he ia now tha preaidant of lbs ftbout Albany, ia college buildings Tm not sentimental known to her intimate friends for I clnng to the office with the true lim­ would! yon United Stetee. land on the college farm. I t waa 2 p. m. on the afternoon of "Come ’ pet touch for many long months, but. know." She panted. some mysterious reason as "Tup­ new. May 7. 1915, Tha Lusitania had been pence." She pounced at once. alas, I was combed out at last. Since you can’t say Tm santlmentaL" aba struck by two torpedoes ln succession than Fve been looking for a Job. Now, added sharply. ‘Tommy, yon're atony!" ratery Hoover, like Coolidge, fa -jle ee t a part of hia w jy. nnd was sinking rapidly, while the then—your turn." H»ZCeriM n lr amjny Me- “Not a bit of IL" declared Tommy "There’s not ao much promotion In Na one would aver think of vorod the entry of tha United The oollege ia endeavoring to boats were being launched with all unconvincingly. "HoUtng ln cash." possible speed The women and chil­ mine," said Tommy regretfully, “and sentiment In connection with you." “Tou always were a shocking liar? States into the league of bationa. I «ecura at least one hundred echol- dren were being lined up awaiting a great deal less variety. I went out »aid Tuppence severely, "though you larsbipt that will enable tha college ^ e n r e ' ^ t 7 L r r " ‘* " They will probably remaiu Jn bit their turn Some gjin clung desper I student to »ecure a rear of college ately to husbands and fathers One did once persuade Slater Oreenbank to Franca again, as yon know. Then they sent me to Mesopotamia, and I I ' s I i h L . 7 ' 1 4are ’ V you mean cabinet. work through the payment of $100 girl stood alone, slightly apatj from that the doctor had ordered yon bear got wounded for the second time, and read K e l ’ tbero 11 la l Tm as a tonic, but forgotten to w rite it Robbing . hank and fi.bing for weik.WOrk,nS tW8n‘Z h#ttM P'r the rest. She was quite young, not on the chart. Do you remember?" ^ ' » “ « - h n t I never meet went Into hospital out there. Then I more than eighteen. She did not seem got stuck In Egypt till the armistice are fh* 1 k» < " Tommy chuckled. trout are alike in one respect. If I The uuniber of hour« of aelt-help afraid, and her grave, steadfast eves happened, kicked my heels there tome 8 r* «bout aa hard np as I am. No— T should think I did! Wasn't the tha Hah you catch are too aniall lab" r *• * ‘Iju»ted to the financial looked straight ahead time longer, and finally got demobbed. Wlth old cat ln a rage when she found out? "I your pardon." And, for ten long, weary months I've Jvemalno— to make money!" you may bo fined. So you mev k ' ° t ,be • tud«nt. Students « at ahe waa 8 68,1 e °rt really, been Job hunting! There aren't any A n u n 'f volcg bealda her made her old Mother Oreenbank I my th r T . . T 7: ’et a b9 * dT*nturers I" ’ 7 ° , \ hlnt * * mystery about him Tommy nodded. T w o months ago. lets than tix hour« per week, for which had appealed to her Imagina­ Tuppence nodded gloomily. fu lly “Bn»' « wplled Tommy cheer- Gratuity?” hinted Tuppence. The Enterprise is willing t0 J which they receive compensation. tion. He spoke to no one "What about the colonies?” she aug- .« L How d0 w* begin?" “ Spent” m a t? *** dUBculty. I f we could concede that, without more than She noticed that ha was greatly "Oh, Tommy!” I tomaiue poisoning is a myth_ Tommy shook his head S i “ kn° Wa‘ people might "No, old thing, not In riotous die on* exception, Calvin Coolidge it there is no »uch thing. A pto­ agliated. There were beads of par­ i s ? a h ™ 1,,"■, , , k 8 Tilonles—and U o k h \ r .