IA. 4 o lsey _ enterprise VOL. X I I t l A s e y , LIN N COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. ♦, 1WJ NO. 2 Shedd Shots The Nation Mourns By Anna Pennell) Ab« _ Widdows went to Canby Saturday to v is it hi» pareuts. Mi«» E lle n Speergtra has re- turned after a couple of week»’ v is it in Canby. . . ? • 1 ' ? hsdd and fa m ily and Miss Bertha Shedd went to Cat- cadia Saturday. JOTS AND TITTLES They Found a Market Brownsville Briefs The shock w ith which the news p • e -- ----------------- of President H a rd in g ’» dea h was I,e 4 L nrom cles of Happenings in Halsey and All (Junction City Times) received Thursday n ig h t was Over Linn County. (By Ralph Lawrence) About 12 years go the OACO greater than th a t when Garfield 1 "" 1 —— — Mra. C. J. Howe and daugh- oichards on the hillsides ju st died, for be was known to be w e ll1 Walle haa a new Bu’ck and also Mr. Stevenson’s par­ outside the limits of Monroe iter uEm™a " tu r n e d from Co­ on the way to recovery from the C ,r’ ents. :ame into ex ist nee. A t a re­ lumbia City, Saturday. intestinal aud lung troubles which Mr», E d ith R obnett is post ma« Homer Mornhtnweg’s baby cent meeting of the directors at Gladys Koy is spending the ter pro tain. L lth , B u rs o n is named Virginia. bad interrupted his excursion. which conditions were discussed Mr». Seth M ills is in s ta llin g a A rth u r Poote was home from it was foud th a t the future while her folks are a t Corvallis. looked more promising than radio at her place. Brownsville oyer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ixiwrence Daw­ were more apprehensive, for it was Mia» L y d ia Gregory h a i returned ever before. Practically the en­ son and daughter, Evelyn, were known th a t the p a tie n t’s strength A > ty le show w ith liv in g models Born, last Sunday, to Mr. tire yield this year has been down to visit relatives the lat­ jre m a v is it in Salem w ith her waa fa ilin g , not w ith s ta n d s « the w ill be a feature of the county fa ir. and Mrs. R. A. Templeton, a contracted •ister. Mra. C. M cCormick. for delivery to ter p art of the week. M arshal Rector has repaired the girl. Shreveport. Lousiana. Last lfia a Estelle Saichwell and fact th a t hie pbyeiciane were desig­ l i t o J ' / n d u*Ir8- Hoy took th e ir year the pear crop was m arket­ Robert G»tke were married in nating as “ laudable pus” the eup. w orn crossings at the postoffice Mrs. George Hayes and Mra. corner. vll ?au5 hter/ M-v ra. to C or­ ed in 16 different states, thus puration from »he fe tte rin g wound Salam Weduadsay of last week. George Alford were Albany 1 he Southern Pacific employes’ visitors Monday. I giving Monroe a wide range of vallis to have her tonsils remov­ that was eating his life away. Glenn H ill aad fa m ily , w ith Mr. ed. A short time ago Myra I publicity. A stroke o f apoplexy such as picnic at A lbany S aturday was Mrs. P. J. True returned Sun aud M ra. H . Jannings of M adrar. ended M r. H arding's life conics in* the biggest yet. °P«i'»ted on f°r appendicitis If one were to take a stroll day from Corvallis, where she about the orehards these days at the same place. are enjoying a abort vacation at stn utly and w ithout w arning, irre ­ Mrs. George W orkeugcr visited Newport. spectively of whether the v ic tim ie M rs. Horace A rm strong Saturday has been since a recent surgica he would find m anager Hibbs o ™ ! ' X unger 8et” a t Aah operation. with a crew of men busily en­ A m ong those who went to Now. feeble o f apparently in the most afternoon. t hal a Saturday robust hea lth. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Shook and gaged in putting braces under n uh tn?n the Play*shed a t the port Saturday and returned Sun­ C- H . Koontz attended the con­ M r. H a rd in g 's special tra in was Mrs. Ed. Sheets of Portland the pear trees in order th a t the schoolhouse. About forty were day ware M r. and Mra. Rogers, vention of graindealere in P o rt­ were Sunday guests a t the home heavy crop may not injure the p o r t * ? ' A ?0Od tiTO€ was H a rry Spranger and fa m ily sod converted in to a funeral o u tfit and land last week, his remain» were carried to Wash- of the form er’s son, M. H trees. Mr. Hibbs says the crop Mra. Pennell and children. ington, where obsequies were ob­ M rs. L. C. M e ru a m ’s cousin, A. Shook, and family. is one of the biggest and best Mrs ’ P eter O’M ara and Mr». Florence H arrison of served yesterday. “ • Golliua of P ortland, has beau ever seen in the west. Miss Bertha Leitner of Port i m i f i r E sther have returned B row nsville, who has been taking I F inal ceremonies and interm e nt a v is ito r here this week. land has been added to the local from Wisconsin, where thev care of Mr». H . M orohinweg, le ft I w ill be at hia home town of M ar- George W Orkeuger and fa m ily high school faculty. Miss Leit­ Saturday. Mra. Dawson is ta king ion, 0 . , tom orrow. f o ^ . w br n V,siiing in their Could You Guess Better? bar place. Everyone iauds the bravery of were in Brow nsville trad ing on ner is a graduate of the Wil form er home. They say Ore­ Wednesday afternoon. lam ette University. the widow, whose wbola life was gon look» best to them. Fifteen Oregon dairymen who 1 T. , . We are to have oae more high S ix presidents of the U nited wrapped up in the husband of Miss M attie Swann of Cor­ had done no testing of their I u- statem ent th a t Rev. Mr. whom she has always seemed so school teaoher than hereto'ore— vallis passed through Halsey States have died in the o f f ic e - 7 nrth waa hack from COWS were asked to select their three grade and three high. Monday on her way to Salem best five cows. The half of them by the bullets of proud. D ry eyed, she has sat in — - herds - Lahfonua was a m istake. H e the funeral car on its long journey, Postmaster Bram w ell and fam ­ after a visit with friends at assassins. ranged from 10 to 25 cows each ¡« still a t Palo Alto a n d ' s a y l the object of a n a tio n ’s reverent ily go to Newport tom orrow for Crawfordsville. They were tested for one year nothing of re tu rn in g soon. (The sym pathy, which w ill follow her vacation of a couple of weeks. M. H. Shook went to Corvallis Milk weights were taken one hnterpriee took a report of Mr. Coolidge’s fath er is a notary in her desolate home. The Duroo-Jersey swiuebreeders' with Glenn Hill Saturday and day per month and tests made. W oodworth’s re tu rn from a letter public and he administered to I was at W ashington, when she his son the oath of office as resigned the corpse to the govern- association offers a tro p h y for the drove home a new Ford which At the end of the year it was '■ *o A lb a n y paper J president of the United States nent for the funeral, th a t her best litte r of four pigs of the breed the latter had sold to him. found th at not a single one hat Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H arri­ in th eir home a t Plymouth, Vt grief for the first tim e found vent at the oounty fa ir. selected his best five cows. In son motored to Scio to visit a t There were forty or fifty peo­ Dr. C arl Doney, president of in tears. one case the cow selected by the the George Rodgers home, re - W illam ette u niversity at Salem, ple at the meeting of the Young owner as the best one turner A NEW EXPLANATION People's L iterary Society of Su" d*y- Recently Mr., Eighty-First Birthday. w ill preach Sunday m orning at Pine Grove on the banks of out to be next to the poorest. In and * od« * rs to« k a boy the M . E ohuren. Here i t an e itra ct from an ad­ * nd( Lake Creek Saturday evening. the 25-cow herd the one thought n ? i« > r A !d fr o m the dress recently delivered at the In s ti­ Wednesday afternoon and I . W . C la y v ille and M r. and to be the best was found to be £ ‘r '8 . Ald society a t Portland,, J. H. Thompson and family in the sixteenth place. tute of Hygiene: evening a t th e home of Mrs. H. M rs. Thomas N. Starkson. a ll of into their home to raise. “ Children are not really greedv; 51. Miller was the occas. ion of Portlaud, visited George F. Schroii of Albany drove to Halsey Sat­ An experienced dairym an in Mr and Mrs. Frank Fee arxf urday morning, where they a big dairy country recently they are simply improperly fed. a reception given by Miss Beu­ aod fa m ily Sunday. daughter« Zata. and MargaxSt were joined by Mrs. TTiomp- That is why boya rob orchards— in lah Miller in honor of her Rev. W- 8. R itchie conducted son’s . brother 0 . W. Frum , and stated th a t when buying cows Ind fini *dd Law" n c e by appearance, he found and little daughter, Iia LaNeve j/ '’y their appenrance, order to get the vitamiueg that the m other’s 81st birthday. Many m em orial services for President fümUv"* all present and she H arding at the U. P. enureh at that three out of five were not whole organism is screaming out friends were S“ «day a t Cascadia for the week-end. Mr. wortn the feed they ate. He S e If b? ’0H was the recipient of dainty Shedd, Sunday evening. fo r.” . Frum reports the roads very doubts if he can see clear thru cne j . c . H am son home. Mr gifts and flowers. Ice cream Perhaps, suggests the London Lawrence and Mre. Fee are: George W orkengcr aud fa m ily, rough. and cake were served. the cow into the milk pail. relatives of Mrs. Harriaon. Post, that is why Eve gave way is his father and mother and his F orty friends and relative« par- I t will take several weeks vet How about you? Or have two brothers and th e ir fam ilies a ll the Garden of Eden ! Mrs. Vivian Shaffer of Pack ticipated. From out o f town to complete the last bridge the you discarded th at system fd t a were M r. anil Mr». A. R an da ll, spent Sunday at W aterloo. W e H ave j EVERY thing O ptical E Y E S T R A IN Is the Cause of Many H U M A N IL L S » I f yeur eye« give you trouble or __ yoor «lasses are annoying SEE US. We can Relieve You Bancroft Optical Co. t JlJ 1st SL W. Albany. Phone In G arfield's case the people Mr». S. Gamber and Daisv B uck­ L ittle Ruth S turtevant, whose ner of Albany, Mrs. L. E. E rskine dulled sense of sound was so sud­ o f Portland and Mr«. J'. Hudson denly quickened at a Price meet­ of Pullm an, Wash. ing at Albany last fa ll, continues as keeo of ear as anybody. CONTROLS RADIATOR TEMPERA- ' Mrs. H a rry Commons and son TURE ' Glen visited her parents at 8hadd By a newly devised combination | “ J o f automobile radiator ahutter a nd'S undav. '* uruiDK 0DBe an automatic control, deacribed in ic Grove, C al, has been visit- ng her sister-in-law, Mrs. J C \ tHey aIld went . Cleve Harrison went to Moyer’s mill to gather w Id blackberries and hazel 2nd . W / re S’0"® two d*y& and came back with both nuta Retained by Proprietor« of Publia S"d berr' P8- j Tuesday Mrs. R«aorta Today. .r?turned 40 i'^ a n o n , to When Judge Cheney and wife visit relatives for a few weeks were traveling in Scotland and the before returning home. county is putting in between real record of production? Or Shedd and Tangent. Rocking if you have not, would you like of the Shedd end of the unpav­ to s ta r t such a record? ed strip is progressing. Who knows w hether or not th at gtrip will be paved before the heavy ENGLISH INNS ODDLY NAMED rains come. Distinctions M id« CintuW«« Ago Arc (Continued rag« S) Popular Mechanics Magazine, the . Miss Anna Mills, daughter of north of England a few years ago, t o m ^ o w . C i 7 V PiCnic W illb e Mrs. Cheney made notes of some of the quaint names of the inns in the Claude Michel has gone to countryside towns. Centuries ago when the common folk could not Coburg, where he has employ­ r J read, the signs contained gayly ment. T in d le’ Wh° f «n painted pictures of animals and n n ih 8; ¿ ' birds which every one could under­ and broke h er leg some time- a dvertised in tba last Enterprise, hand, underneath which the artist ago is slowly recovering. departs from it by rem aining closed Halsey Church of Chris^ printed their names. Mr». Cheney tomorrow afternoon u n til 7 o ’clock Rev A. M. McClain, fo rm er­ made a memorandum of many of ly pastor of the on accouut of the president’« tun- Presbyterian Church Announcements these name« in her notebook and church a t South Brownsville ia eral. here are some of them : now pastor a t Waldport. Church of C h ris t: M u . J. P. Porter and daughter Buffalo Head, Red I/yon, Sow Dr. G am jobst’s BrownsvifTo came from Philom ath Tueadaay o f I-on Chamlee, m inister. I and Pig, Adam and Ere, Coach and office is still open, with M rs. E. laat week to viait Mrs. Porter’« Bible school, 10, W. H . Robert- Head, Sheaf, , sister. Mre. C. T. Cook. Mr». »on, superintendent. j Horaea, Tiger*» - . - Wheat ----------------- b. Stanard, nurse, in charge and M orning _ worship, and Grow, Live and Let Live, v is it d0Ct° r P a ying i l H d a i,y Porter returned to Philom ath F ri- ’orship. . 11. Ix ir d ’»i , Chequer», Three Pigeon«, ke y. G ladys remains for a few »upper every Lord*» day „ Trowel weeks’ v is it w ith her aunt. C hristian Endeavor, 7. and Hammer, Croae Hand» Inn, B ro w n s y lllt, F airm o un t and Evening service, 8, Star and Garter, Dog and D u d , C ha rity grange» bad a jo in t picnic Sunday afternoon C. P. Moody The church w ithout a bishop, in Eagle and Child, The White Hart, a t tba B row nsville p rk Sunday, and fa m ily and John LaRue drove the country w ith o u t a king. Red Cow, B lV k Boy, Cock and Bull, in which savanty-fiva or e ig hty to B e llfountain park and had a I f you have no church home Two Horse«, Pig in the Pound, people participated. nice dinner. The Moo lya le ft La- come and worship w ith us. Rue w ith F £ Stewart (founder 8w«n and Castle, Dog aud Par­ Miss Sarah Kirk died la s t of the bank in H alsey) and be tridge, Seven Star».— Loa Angela« week Tuesday, aged 66. S he Pine Grove church : came Dome Tuesday evening, hav­ Time«. was a member of the numerous- Sunday school, 10 ing h ig h ly enjoyed the trip . pioneer Kirk fam ily and w as Preaching Aug. 12 by Rev M r. THE KIANQ OF TIBET very well known. The fo llo w in g oiEcera were Clevenger of Albany. installed last n ig h t at P a rity Preaching, 11 and 7;30 Aug. 19. Charles Poole and fam ily o f The opening up of mysterious Rebekah lodge by D is tric t Deputy Tibet a« a result of various expedi­ Lebanon have gone east for a Glenn Barker pastor. resident K d tth R obnett: Past Before going Mr. tion» by the British and other» h u vacation . G ., E ifa Moore ; N. G , M in n ie M ethodist: i oole sold his Brownsville un­ awakened the interest of naturalist« G ro ts ; V. G., Laura B ra m w e ll; Sunday School, 10. dertaking business to Delbert 01 w in a m - 1 th* J ,beUn ammali, a number See., C h a rity Clark ; Trees.. Adda D r. C arl G. Doney of W illa m ­ Starr, his only competitor in R in g o ; Warden, Lena Beene; ette uoiveraity w ill preach next ° f whlch ’irp Pecul,ar to that lofty th at field. «« T i____ FP£Flf)fl A m n n cr F L a « » a U - Sunday m orning at ^11. Tboac rRK10n- Among theae, one of the Con , Addie Moody , R. 8. N. G . Brownsville Boy Scouts did M a ry K o o n tz; L. S. N. G.. E dith who heard Dr. Doney give the mo*t «markable ia the kiang, an R ob ne tt; R 8. V. G ., Louis 1 high achool commencement add re«« animal intermediate between the not go to the Fish Laka encamp­ proposed. I ay lor , L, S. V. G., Emma True; last spring and were ao delighted wild horse and the w ild ase. I t ia ment, as had been Haskin, photographer I. G., N ellie Frum . Four v is ito r! “ il l be able to bear th is aplendid de»mbed as »landing about thirteen Leslie and botanical enthusiast, w ant were prêtent from A lb a n y and one speaker sgsio. hands high at the ahoulder, its color from Salem. Refreshments were to teach the scouts about th e a bright red bay, the muzzle, under­ floral beauties of the region. ,’ uaior League, 3. served. Interm ediate League, 7. paid« and legs dazzling white. I t ie Last Sunday a group o f Mrs. Glenn Stevenson and E pw orth League, 7. confihed to the central desert of families united to celebrate the daughter of Beaverton are Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. Tibet, where m the w inter i t de­ birthdays of C. H. Bradfield, visiting Mrs. Stevenson’s Preaching in the evenio« velops a ooat as thick and rough u Erwin Austin. Miss B ertha mother, Mrs. Berry Cummings, i Rev, C, T . Cook, pastor, a doqy mat. ahutter open» when the water be- St lh u h‘,,ue irom Ch*cago, comas too n m and f i r m a> i± ’* h9re * h® took ", P°»t-graduate \ . course a t Penn college, tjbe has LatUn a position in the Astoria schools _ _ this w inter. 9? made '> extra larg e; double sewed lined collar; placed sleeves; big, roomy arm holes; generous s l e e v e s and body; two large pockets to button through. M adeoi blue, gray or khaki twill. for Yours I R A D ollar B ill KOONTZG GOOD GOODS S * (Cwatiuued on pa«« «>