S lo f)» ' town Thursday on their way to * their new home near Eugene. A lbany They stopped here for a call on Mrs. P artch ’s uncle, C. P. High Class Photoplays Only Stafford. Mrs. Lucy Lacey of Browns­ Su*. -M on . Auo. 5-6 ville returned from Portland i TH E R U S T L E O F S IL K Saturday and visited a t the I Frank Kirk and Mrs. H. M. Miller homea in this city. T ubs .-W id . Acá. 7-8 Arrow Garage N O IS E IN Am or A T n K«inrr w ou «. C -«« I and w if e - orter th* * tot* • n i •hepe lta course; CO ULDN’T FOOL H IM m , Portland. , . I Uniform Laws Needed , A daughter was boro to Mr. I ’ ----------- wag born • ad Mr«. Homer M ornbinweg of How Collection of Just Debts May Shedd Tuesday. Be Prevented by Differing Mrs. J. W. Drinkard and Mrs. C. P. Stafford were Albany visitors Friday. Fred W ard of the Union Oil Company of Albany was in Halsey on business Monday. iide. W ash., passed through KODAK an,l Kodak auppliea RINGO’S Drugstore ? hke *s,utter ,ad th# °«« ' Lnxor ° ® ,r CIub called him Tut". Wh7 ^ S fiiv e ? . ‘ “ e * nd «#t H ‘ *r P '**‘ eced back R l» ht~ h# « « A Dying was one of the leading Egyptian h -D o o r Sport, and Tut g death was . Major E ven t They shipped bun into a Swell Tomb in the Valley of the Kiagt. Three thousand years later a party of Snooper, dug up T u f t Tomb and all tbe Junk buried with him. The advertising Men took charge of Tut and iu a few weeks have given him a Rep which make. Charlie Chaplin’., "Doug’s ” ■ ud M. "Day-by-Day" Cones’ look like a last year’s Almanac in comparison. Dead for 3000 yearal Lost! Forgot- ten. Then Ban>. • (l»y. week end or longer. Tb« day. ar« flooded with sunahin« T h. Jo* *' ‘h ,ir b*"‘ - The » « tb o r condition« ar« aura to be pleasant. Southern Pacific traiaa will Gao.port you in comfort with aaf«ty to Pthe pl*c« of your choice. Let us suggest : N e w p o r t an d T illam ook O. w . FRUM E x c lu s iv o A g e n t fo r Jersey Milk Pood Compound E X C U R S IO N T IC K E T S NOW ON SA LE C rater L ak e N a tio n a l P ark O re g o n ’ b M arble Cave«« O re g o n ’s M o u n ta in . L a k e and R iv er R e so r ts P o r tla n d the c it y o f Rone« S an F r a n c isc o Log A n g e le s S a n D ie g o And nisav ethsr plsces th« economical feed for calve«, pigs and chicken« Vour local ticket ogent will ■nadir give^nu further par Oculars. Ask him or write Alio a com píete «lock of JOHN' M SCOTT. Assistant F .s o » a r Trsffie Msusger. Portlaad, Oregon FEED AND GRAIN HALSEY GARAGE Telephone 16x3 F O O T E BROS. Props. ------ T H E S E R V IC E years. _ When that long look ail-for vaca­ tion couies, remember your you J State Statutes. An effort le bring about better co erdlaattoa and greater uniformity among state laws dealing with bual- neaa and banking la being made by Mrs. J. W. Drinkard w ent to j the American Bankers Association. It la pointed out that, although the Eugene Friday noon and retu rn ­ ed with Mr. Drinkard in the country la *e unit commercially, and d tlaen i of an» one state may do busi­ evening. ness that reaches all over the coun- Mrs. L. H. A rm strong left try, moat laws governing bualnsss r*i/4a v TZb»« ea a vl ea a A ....« L L. A m I I v e e a a j U l A n a a -0 J ja i Friday for a visit transactions are made by eV tbe _ differ with her mother, Mrs. Chenowith of ent eta tea. with application limited to their own local Jurisdictions and Oakland, Ore. often In conflict with lawa In other Wednesday afternoon Mr. states. It la held that atate lawa and Mrs. Fred Hawk of River­ should be aalform so that the same side. CaL, visited a t the Bert transaction w ill not be subject to Clark home in this city. different seta of rules according as J. M. P orter and daughters, atate lava differ. To Illustrate tha disadvantages of Mrs. Edith Robnett and Mrs. conflicting laws, the following Illus­ Karl Bramwell, spent Wednes­ tration la given: Mr. Jones lives la day a t the F. M. Maxwell home New York vhare tbe statute of lim ita­ a t Tangent. tions outlawa a note In atx years. Ha A new w ater tank to replace falls Into the error of assuming that the old rotten one was erected the same rale prevails everywhere. a t the D. F. Dean place on Sec­ He visits Maryland and loans $1.000 ond street, where M. H. Shook to hla friend. Mr. Smith, taking a and family live, last Saturday. promissory note. Aa the note carries Interest Mr. Jones la In no hurry for T. D. Davidson of Eugene hla money and he believes Smith to was down T hursday looking a f­ be financially responsible. Finally at ter his farm ing interests and the end of four years Jones concludes incidentally visiting his nep­ he has loaned Smith the money long hew, C. H. Davidson, and wife enough and seeks to collect the note from him. But Smith can deny liabil­ north of town. ity and point to the statute of Mary Mr. and Mrs. David Partch land which Jones la surprised to and family, form erly of Sunny- learn outlaws a note after three Trouble calla given prompt attention HALSEY RAILROAD TIME "What’» th>»?” asked a medical student in a hotel restaurant, look­ O F A F A IL U R E ing critically at the dish the waiter had placed before him. BY J. H . F U E L IC H E R “Just what you ordered, sir,” re­ President A m erican Bankers plied the waiter, •'breast of veal, Association braised.” W hen G o v ­ ernor W alton of “lo u quite mistake,” rejoined the Oklahoma signed guest, removing with hie knife and recently the re­ fork a bone from the meat and in­ peal of the hank specting it. “Thia bone it a portion deposit guaranty of the left tibia, near its junction law in that state, he performed aa with the inner melleolua In other economic service words, you have brought me a piece to the whole coun­ cf the shank. Take it back and try- I might even J. H. Puefleher bring what I ordered.” «ay that O k l a ­ ♦I A TUSStng was a Seat- «Ot that the state shall order the lives tie visitor this week. Foote Brothers have dissolv- the people, stting them into niches Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Laubner H Partne™hiD; division £ •«» • ^ D r' " cr‘Ue eard »»<»«.- were Albany visitors Friday. Loi » ? * * * * A rthur who pre- ? fers farming, took the building* J. A. McCullough was up I ^^d lot. Then he traded this from Albany on business Fri I with W. A. Carey for eighty acres three miles south of day. town, to which he may move by Glenn Hill of Shedd had busi-jand by to reside. Albert takes n e w calling him to Halsey Sat-1 the garage business and will urday. continue at the old stand. ------------------------------------- Thr,e thousand years ago lived an Mrs. Eliza Brandon ------------------ returned ------------------------------------------ ------ Wednesday from a short visit r T . . . , , • sj + , »yptiaa King named Tut-Ankh-Amen. Southern Pacific Lines ¿ p a ir in g Fisk and Gates Tires and Tubes.—We now have in stock the Fisk 96 iOx fabric tires for $9 Be sure to investigate our lines and gat onr prices before buying. Automobile accessories, Ford parts, oils. W illard battery service station. GANSLE BROS. NEW BORO y f u t o m o b ile tr a c to r We will overheal yoor Ford engine for $20 labor “ Chevrolet engine for $22.50 labor “ " reline tracsmiaaioa bead for $130 labor overhaul rear axle and rebuab springs and perches when necessary for $7 labor g u a r a n te ed The T. K. Skirvin warehouse I is receiving a new coat of red paint. In other words. Louis is T hcb «.-F bi . A vo . 9-10 painting the town red. ^ 'N T H C O M M A N D M E N T check direct to payor. - Glenn Chance wa& looking forwarding Vader the Federal Reserve and S atvrday , A uo . 11 J. W. Stephenson went to foreign banking are recommended TOM Cottage Grove Sunday to visit laws on membership of atata instltn- tlona In Federal Reserve System, and MIX the family of his brother Ben­ foreign banking. Penal laws pro- »• R O M A N C E L A N D jamin, who died on the 19th of posed deal with false statements for last month a t Nevada. Mo., and credit; slander and libel of bank; I was buried at Brigham, Neb. checks or drafts without funds, and burglary with explosives. Jots and Tittles T. E. Seavy and wife, accom­ Oompars an Socialism panied by Mrs. Ed. Hanson and State socialism la repugnant to tbs (Coattnuad fro m page I ) daughter Gertrude. Mrs. H. Y. Mita Amanda Mitxnar is taler- Spence and sons Wendall and American mind for a great many reasons. Americana generally prefer lady at Sturtevant'«. Harry, all of Eugene, passed to carve out the future In freedom through on their way to to accept the idea B io w n svilH I 7Vu~“*“ Halsey w I Thez *r* nn’rllIfn« a fte r business in in tsiownsvm Albany and called at the home of an an-powerfui state, n is the Monday. of their cousin. C. P. Stafford American Idea that the people shall A I 18016786 North South No. 18, 11:37 ». m. No. 17, 12:13 p. m. 24. 4:28 p. m. 23. 4.28 p. m. 22. 4:30 a nt. 21, 11:32 p .m . Noe, 21 and 22 stop only if flagged SUNDAY MAIL HOURS The delivery window of the Haleey poetoffice is open Sunday« from 1:050 to 11 «, m. and la 15 to 12:30 p .m . Sunday mail go«« out only on the north-booud 11:37 train: Paid-for Paragraphs homa In passing that law, enduring Its evil conse­ A d m i t t a n c e H e r e 5 C e n ts quences for fifteen years and then a L in e frankly easting it aside as a failure, Mas performed aa economic service txt the nation. There could be no moro A. F. Kirehman, dentist, st He. convincing argument against tbe pas­ sage of similar laws In other states tel Haleey Tuesday and Friday than Oklahoma’« disastrous experi­ afternoon«. ment. Oak and arh wood for «ale. The Oklahoma guaranty law was the first of its kind. I t was onacted E. S. H ayes , Halsey In responso to the panic of 1907. But experience has only proved again that Old paper« 5c a bundle at th« there la no substitute for sound bank lng. Relying on the fancied security Enterprise office. of the guaranty law, people entrusted their banking to many who were un lit for the tru st Bank failures have bean so many that tbe fund, sup­ posed to guarantee deposits, created (Enterprise Correspondence) by asseismeata on banks, was long s» depleted. uop.nteu. i Mi^s Lillie Rickard has come ago it is eetiainted that with total itabii- home from Monmouth for the Itlos created under tbe law la the rest of the Summer form of warrants sad sues« owing to depositors amounting to »ii.ooe.oeo, D eE tta and Doris R obrett re- A lfo rd A rrow s i » . i w X n of ° th* i Baakln« turned to f th in e