AÜG. 2. 1923 D IS H E S Just arrived. G ood Prices. Good Q u a lity . C om e in and look them over. Alta CONGOLEUMI q RUGS , 41, nn ,9x12 for $17.00 “Tea. It'd be a good way to get variety,” agreed Mrs. Penfield, look 'ng from one eager face to the other. "I expect you're right, »'act la, I been kind o’ worried all the afternoon, thinking how fine we got ev'rythlng, and how much we got to do with, and how easy it's going to be. Why, haln't got a thing to do now but keep the bouse and do the washings and look after you three children; I don have to watch The Custard Cup ’t all any more. I know I ain't going to fe d right If ev’rythlng« so easy." “Oh, then you will— Oh. Penzle, won't you hurry and get there ‘fore anybody else wonts It?" “Land, Crink, there ain’t never such a rush as that. But I’ll change my dress right now and we'U go down— wherever It la. My goodness, I con', wait myself to get hold of that blessed baby." “Ev’rybodj says It's a fine one.” put In Crink enthusiastically. “It'a healthy, you know—and ev’rythlng.” “Oh. we’ll have such fun raising It!* said Mrs. Penfield briskly. “I Just know It's going to work out grand." I THE ENDJ HALSBY ENTERPRISE PAGE 3 ^ //Ì b a n y ^ /^ r e c t o r y Shropshire Rams and Ewes T h ia is good advice; ” I f you live in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live io sotue other town, trade in that tow n.” But in these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town Those who go to Albany to transact business w ill find the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ments w ith courtesy an 1 fairness. for sole. Purebred. 60 ewes, 12 rams, 35 lambs. P k J- W. C ook , Brownsville Jots and 1 itties (Continued fro m page 1) A Ibany Bakery, 321 Lyon alreet, C. O. Mays has a new Ford. W. L. Wells has a new Buick touring car. t A I b a n y Floral Co. O rders filled barn at his home. carelli carefully for everywhere o r any E. C. Miller is building a time. Flowers, wire anywhere in U. S. or Canada. Flow er phone 458-J. Marie Sneed and mother ac­ A L B A N Y GARAGE. “ Studa- companied Mrs. Patton to C(?r- Friday to visit at the baker ” and "S ta r” automobiler. vallis General repairing aod supplies. home of the Stalnakers. were tour pictures in plain frames. G. T. Hockensm itli.— Lloyd Templeton. the rrank In the erstwhile barndoor When Mrs. Penfield had unwrapped Boys and girls of school ngv, at Number 47 and delivered a letter them, ahe stood back with her finger D l u e Bird R e sta u ra n t. 309 Ly- when accompanied by their par­ to hire. Penfield. She opened the pressing nut the smile on her lips. A* on street. Eat here when in A l­ ents, will be admitted free on bany. Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. letter wonderinaper to a weekly and A. I.. Crink burst In at the kitchen door. and of a front window, which gave a the alarm clock which was found tick­ FARM MACHINERY Bostwick becomes sole proprie­ used charming view of the driveway and “Oh, Penzie,” be cried, "ev'rybody'a so ing In a small box—were suspiciously Fresh and Cured Meats tor. Mr Loomis becomes pro­ the pepper tree, that she saw U nde qxclted down to the store I I got to new, but everything else bore evidence bought, sold and exchanged at all times prietor of the Brownsville Times of having been used, a fact which made Jerry coming rapidly Into The Custard go right bock, but I had to bring the- •Quarters of B E E F for canning Cup. In hts arms an enormous sheaf here’s the honey—and tell you quick and continue» Mr. Brownlow the gift the pleasanter B E N T. S U D T E L L Mrs. Penfield took down the can of purposes at canning prices as editor, while he, Loomis, runs: It was astonishing how qnlckly and of long-stemmed rosea, glowing red hone 7>>-R, 121 N. Broadalbin st., Albany adequately these furnishings were through the thin paper covering. She sugar from the shelf above the sink. a linotype for both papers at “What Is It, (drink? What’s hap­ C - H- F A L K fitted Into the fiat which had been Mrs. lined the window. Lebanon. "Oh, Uncle Jerry.” she called, “come pened?” Sanders'. The two large plain rugs Southern Pacific employes oi He stood In front ef her, breathing It's in the living-room end dlnlug-room, right In and see ev'rythlng. FARM LOANS hard, hla eyes shining with eagerness. the Portland division will pic­ Just—“ Modern the small rugs In the bedrooms, the nic at Albany Saturday. An beds, a small dining table, plain W ell—oh—well. Car’line," stam­ “Oh, there's been a turrible accident, are m aking five-year loans on B arber Shop Linn We count}’ attendance of 2600 is expected. chairs, rocking chairs, to say nothing mered Uncle Jerry, "I'm in kind of a and the father and mother were farina at plus oom mis­ Laundry sent Tuesdays of a net of blue dishes and a box of hurry. I—I'll come In later. I— I got killed, but the baby wasn't and—" sion. Call on H. E. Freitag ana wife, fronr “Crink, what are you talking about?" plated silver! There were curtains some news for you." R e a m L a m p C o ., Dyeing, Cleaning and Pressing Albany, drove into the South demanded Mrs. Penfield In dismay. 1.13 Lyon St., Albany, Ore. She looked Into his genial face, that could be changed to fit; dresses fork of the Santiam last week "Why, Penxie, the baby. Bv'ry- and coats that could oe remade. There ruddy with embarrassed color under A B E S PLACE body's talking 'bout It to the stores. and with their buggy and horses It haln't got nobody left—not nobody. were swept down stream about Its folks wasn’t related to any other 300 feet, when the horses W hy suffer from folks. And ey'rybody that comes In again touched Ixittom and pull­ Is talking 'bout It." drink gasped for headache ? ed the outfit out. breath, but Jerked ont his statements Have vour eyes with wild gesticulations. "Ev'rybody'a J. L. Palmer’s home at Lake examined saying what'll become of the bsby, Creek was a very popular gath­ and It'll ha vo to go to a ’atutlon, and ering place for neighbors and 8. T . FRENCH so I thought mebbe—" friends Wednesday afternoon Lettie reluctantly relinquished the Optometrist, with when the following gathered eggbeatgr, bat zealously advocated the there: Mrs. H. L. Straley and F . M . F R E N C H ft S O N S Infant. “O Penzle. let’s ! It'd be such her brother, Harry Blodgett fu n : Golly, I'd love to have a—" J E W E L E R S — O R T IC I A N S and son Franci* of Spokane, Mrs Penfield stirred sugar Into tho Hay is worth ju st as much in storage as Albany, Oregon and her daughter, Miss Mearie iieatea white and spread the frosting Alluringly Attractive Straley, Mrs. Thomas Audrey over the pudding. “What's your Idea, you might get for it in case of fire. The The Newport Crink7“ she asked, as she slid the dish and Mrs. Palmer’s mother Mrs. iAmerican Eagle Fire Insurance company i Into the oven for the final browning. M. C. Bond and her daughter “ F a s h i o n ” I will pay you 85% of the cash value in easel "Well, I thought mebbe wo could Mias. Mona Bond, und Miss I.a- D ELBER T STA R R Frame 1 toko It. You see, wo haln’t got any Velle Palmer. LaVelle remained of loss by fire. The dark or cherry tone on the crystal , baby new—Thad a growing up so fast. Funeral Director and l i ­ at her home for a visit Leone frame. Aak to see the samples. And Td Ilk«—” Palmer accompanied her grand­ censed Embalmer “Ob. can’t wo boro It plooae, Pen- C. P. STAFFORD, A gent, mother and aunt home to remain Meade & Albro, Me," begged Lettie “ a baby's Just Efficient Service. Motor Hearse. over night.—Halsey Correspon­ t we need Thero'd he a heap Optometrists. Maaufacturing Opticians' Lady Attendant variety if—" Albany Oregon t Brow nsville... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oregon. dent, in Friday’s Herald. H ILL & <5. ( X Best one-pound -pound loaf of bread made. 7 cents 3 for 20c. wedding cakes to order. F M M R S F. M. .GRAY, DRAYM AN A A m erican E ag le Fire Insurance Co. (Continued on page 4}