LSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. X I I HALSEY, LINN COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. X 1923 NO. I JOTS A N D T IT T LE S Brownsville Briefs Brief Chronicles of Happenings in Halsey and All Over Linn County. Shedd Shots W illia m E. Shea is playing ehaepherder at Susanville, C»L P E C U L IA R A N D IN TER ESTIN G Soxno of the Quips and Quirks Observed by Gleaners Bv Aaaa Pennell) The McDonald brothers and sis­ ot Current News. The Thomas Wooddy fam ily ter Maud and Ida Robson drove to Portland Sunday. killed a large rattlesnake near the Armories not for Debs | Linn School Statistics" home last week. Among the Sunday viaitors at C aseadia from Shedd were Mr. W. J. Lane has a new Chevro­ Maison, Charles Pugh and Lyinau , George A. White, adjutant- The average monthly salaries let coupe and Glenn Rice a touring Pennell Satch- £eneral> has put a quietus on — and — familiea, « Mra. . . . o»«c„- paid men teachers in Linn car of the same make. well and two daughters and John socialist plans for Debs mass nil i Charlea nevlaa Pugh and C. H . Da- »« __ county has been increased from Dr. Gsrnjobst changes location • and meetings in Oregon armories. $127.89 in 1922 to $138 in again. This time he goes into vidson andtheir wivae. He advised the representatives 1928. The m onthly salaries partnership with Dr. Howard at Ed Willoughby and family of the one-time candidate for paid women teachers average Salens. spent the week end in Newport. Shedd want to Albany 8unday valley and now has $3,000,000 and got beaten at baaeball, 5 to 0. capital. Work has began on the Mountain Mies Clarice Gourley is selling Statee Power company’s 11,000- goods an Koonts’. volt power line to Lebanon. Miss E linor Bennett of Lebanon Tallman poetofflce is closed and i t visiting her sitters, Mrs W H Its patrons are served by adding Robertson, Mas. E. C. M iller and 4.7 milea to route 5 out of Albany Mrs. I. K. Gardner. Balers are baling and thrash«™ George Maxwell aud W . F. ate thrashing and h*v an 1 grai i White have just completed a n e w president of the United States $104. ore pouring into the big Halsey barn for E C. M iller. i Ä »«< » » t w O. P. Coshow, now of Rose­ warehoueea. Amos Ramsay pegao The num ber of women teach­ her aunt, Mrs. Dora Davis, last burg but well known here, has tnraabing at Guy Layton’a Mon­ to rent or use any arm ory in M artin Anderson of Cottage week. been appointed Oregon parole com­ ers has increased from 213 in day noon. Grove was a visitor at the E. C. Oregon for such a purpose. ’ He missioner by Governor Pierce. 1922 to 228 in 1923, while th e Rev. M r. Ritchie and daughter said : While he has been freed Blaine Colburn of Ha-risburg, M iller home Saturday and Sun­ Helen apant a few days last week by a tolerant government from men teachers have decreased day. Dr. W J. Powell, who retired who designed and built the best from 52 in 1922 to 44 this year. in Portland. the cell in which it was found from practice in Brownsville three • treat scarifier that city ever had, M e and Mrs. A. D. Shelley and The average daily attendance necessary to confine him until years ago and went to live with Edna Gregory, who has been has invented a sprinkler that daughter Thelma of Portland was 4422, or 93.8 per cent of in Newport, is home for cur country had passed through throws oil on the pavement w ith ­ spent the week end at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Gibson, at * working L _ lift i l n r V a s c f « » r v ,,! ,.,- .,« „ . . al the pupils enrolled. The report Crawfordsville, died there last a few — weeks. its darkest emergency, there is out gettiog H on the sidewalk. their cousin, Mrs. A- C. Arm- shows th a t there are 180 school week, aged 73. He was buried Link St. John and family drove no record of repentance or districts in the county and 141 strong. from the Starr undertaking par. A. G. McDaniel was over from change of heart on his part and to Newport Saturday night, return- Approximately Brownsville yesterday after binder so his name cannot but be of­ schoolhouses. Adrian Smith, who has been tors. ing Sunday. 105 of the schools have only repair parts that were due on the visiting relatives in* this vioinity fensive to the ears of loval K. E. White, late mayor, en­ one room. Frank Porter and family of Americans. noon train. for several months, left for his joys the fru it of hia labor each Portland visited the home of H . F. English and fam ily and home in Illinois Monday. summer by taking a pleasure trip. Frank's sister, Mrs. Ida Brasfield, The use of proteins in making Railroad Prom otions Mrs. J. w . Danlev end daugb- This year he and his wife and last week. his mother and eieter, were a t his milk may be compared to the daughter Blauche h i va gone to er Josephs and mother, Mrs. J B. mother’s home in Eugene Sunday. Disabled World W ar veteians, List week after prayer-meeting use of boards in building a Huston, went Sunday to Brooten see the state of Washington and Boards of various who have failed to make appli­ Dean Tvcer and wife (Janet Springs, expecting to remain for Rainier national park. a few friends gave a surprise party house Boggs) visited at Mrs. T yter’e several weeks. . needed in a nuuse. house i c — to Mrs. J. C. Clay, the occasion lengths a tio n * for government vurnpen compen- r l . -ij- are •■ '-'-*•'=«« «» ■»* »'»»«=*uiuciii. The Salvation Arm y charioteera being her birthday. muiden home, the J. W. Morgan In building up milk m any dif-1 3at|on should do so a t tb c earl- Ernest C. Wilson of San Diego who were iu Halsey Monday of residence, Halsey, las week. Rose Conuor is visiting friends ferent amino acids are needed I *€st Possible moment, T he law» passed through Halsey Tuesday on laat week wsra in Brownsville the at Bay City. and usually these can not a ll1 give the ---------------- w ar veteran " five years The following Halgpy people at­ his wav to Seattle and Minneap­ next day. Their “ chariot” ia one be obtained from the protein of from discharge to file applica- tended the campmeetiog at Cot­ olis. While hare he spent a few of the b ggspt motor vehicles ever Dorothv Satchwell apent the one kind of feed, or at least not tion for compensation. In a tage Grove Sunday : Rev. and hours at the C. P. Stafford home. seen in the valley. Wednesday week visiting Miss Jenks at Tan- in the proper proportions to pre­ large number of instances, th is Mra. C. T. Cook and ton Claude, they were in Lebanon. gent. vent waste. period expires th is year. Bert S. Clark is raising the roof M r. E lite Brandon, J. P. Temple- There has been a general Mrs. Henry Thompson, al- UW M in G iil Troutm tn n vu visitei at ton and E. E . Carey and wives, B. his residence, giving more air apace College líe union shake up in Southern Pacific though she cannot swim, plunged ; l h» Pennell home Monday, M. M iller and wife and daughter to the rooms on the upper floor offices. into tha river Thursday and res­ ----------.. ----- Gardie and Mr. and Mrs. D. S. and reahiugling. cued her six-year-old boy. who had John M. Scott, general pas­ McW illiam s and sou E lliott. SOME BANK SALARIES 8econd annual reunion senger agent, becomes assistant Tha W. F. M. 8., M K. churob, got over hia depth in trying to of the form er students of Min­ The O. A. C. extension de­ will meet tomorrow at 2 at the save an automobile tire that had passenger tra ffic m anager and Investigations mads by the Missouri eral Springs college was held in J. A. Om iandy takes the post partm ent will have an exhibi­ home of Mrs. W- J. Rihelin. Alt rolled into the water while he w *i the form er college building in tion a t the county fair, from members are requested ta have an­ playing aith it. The little fellow Bankers Association bava revealed from which Mr. Scott is ad­ While vanced. which it is hoped farm ers will swers to the mystery question was unconscious wheu she got him that 36» banks In the state la towns Sodaville last Sunday, the college has been closed for learn lessons of value to them. given in July Friend. AU invited. out, but a doatug was able to re­ ot under 2.000 population are paying - W W eatuoaaq A qsapiv H c their cashiers sad ohlef executives an »bout twenty-two years, there taut fre ig h t tra ffic vive him, i.raaa^m- Mrs. Horace Armstrong and average of only gllO a month. Only was a goodly number of stu- Th Cusick & Co. Bank a t Al- j ------- * »»•■»•»■«•«*s » uu and is succeeded as general Percy Talent of Portland, while 273 of the 1,162 reportlnx banks la f r i ^ \ With the‘5 fan” lles anfl | to iK h t agent^by* W* F "Miller bany has been consolidated I w?"t to Roseburg Fri- visiting hia uncle, J. 0- Talent of ■ - • dav, rsturmhg to Oakland that towns under 5,000 population pay the J K n c h a ^ t a s t & f r X 'a S t W a S T with the F irst National Bank, except its savings business, evsniug and back home Saturday, Brownsville, went swimming in president a salary. The report says: the Calapooia la«t Sunday and in w hat was c o m f S L S e to i o r S " It Indicates that, even allow ln* for ed family style which is taken over by the First Dr. Kirshman found to little was drowned. Whether he had once the home of the business to succeed him the economy of living la «n>«n com. Savings Bank. The F irst Na­ dental work to do in Halaey, com­ or had a fit of asthma, to munltles. the cashiers and managing departm ent of the college, with C. W. Stinger succeeds Mr O r tional ia the oldest bank in the ing here about tho beginning of cramps whioh he was subject, is not the vacation, that ha hat closed known. Brothers took the bod» offleera of those 1.162 banka, who re (•ppTI ta ’,e s: s' xty o r . seventy maiidy as assistant general nas Jn iWlth K00? s?n*er «gent, and j. A I7O d the office and taken the outfit home to Portlsnd. Hia age was celve on average of *l« 0 per month, thfnJa” ? ’ al en l ° W either must have personal meant to i L 'J P to eaL. And 11 said, good takes Stinger’s late Ijerh t home to Harrisburg. 34 years. begin with, or m att maintain the . r° om a t these and is succeeded as advertising W e H ave You haven’t a moving picture Rev. M . T. Nolan of Shedd is standards necessary to their positions {°r present to be I manager by II. F. Craiir B aa the leaden of their communities and to go to in Halsev, but in an ad- to preach at Union Point Sunday EVERY THING seated a t once. Some other changes are these vertisement this week the Globe • t 2:30. Since the revival meet­ the builden of the commonwealth by O ptical t \° Se Prcsent were J. I among district freight and nas means of ‘aide lines.’ such as selling p theater of Albany offers M a «.santaw chance ings at Brownsville iaat winter --------- j > * WII1(,O( Insurance, collecting commissions on R- Geddes, form er president of sengers agents: I T SnSs E Y E S T R A IN to take in a show teary day of the there have been regular Sunday lam loans, and trading in real estate.” the college, who responded with from Eugene to Merced Cal la the Cause of Many week. « a V i / v / J u u r . i _ _ j ._ J sohool and Wednesday evening a lengthy address relative to L. L. Graham Corvallis to P .*’ H U M A N IL L S , the origin and history of the gene, A L Two Albany boys, 8 and 10 prayer-meet*nga at Union Point They’ve had an earthquake If your eyes give you trouble or and usually preaching. Rev. W. school, E. C. Peery of Portland Corvkllis ’’ Salefn *» r ° ar glasses are annoying y e irto ld , started out Tuesday to shock in Los Angeles; thus dis­ P. Elmore frequently preaches SEE US. We can Relieve Yon I tee which could steal tha moat of the class of ’96, who acted as there on Sundays. proving th e contention th at keys from autos in garage«. When . Bancroft Optical Co. toastm aster; R. A McCully of I J. W. Miller and wife re tu rx - nothing can shock Hollywood.— the same year, who was for ed from Portland Fridzv 313 1st S t W. Albany. Phone arrested they had over fifry. i u t v i i i Peoria Pointers (Continued page 3) M r. Hughes of Eiger island spout Sunday with hi« family. several years in business in I ________ Halsey, and M. sisters, Ram sav Mrs. of L f N a ni»n Portland and S. his n n h in hi.,i.. /ir e » Esta R anvay Meyers of Port- U o„ u r& land and Mrs. Lulu ,he Rimiaay ci>s’ h » ” «"**»*b“ X Several familiea attended tha dedication and chicken pie aocial at Pine Grove Saturday. uves oi Halsey 'Enterprise Correspondence) BIG YANK, J extra larg e; double laced sleeves ; big,« ; armholes; generous s l e e v e s J i and body; two large pockets to button through.< j Made ot blue, gray or khaki twill. Yours for - j ] n KOONTZ« V GOOD GOODS Mr». Horning of Benton o tin ty was visiting Peoria Monday. She had just returnek from visiting her lister in Waabiugton. Leighton Bayne and family vis­ ited iu Corvallia with relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mr«. H art visited at the Frady home last week. An increase in yield of more than 48,000 bushels of wheat Church A nnouncements without extra labor was the re ward of farm ers in Union Church of Christ: County, following the advico of the county extension agent last Lon Chamlae, minister. A num ber of farm ers Bible school, 10, W. H. Robert- year. son, superintendent. planted Hybrid 128 and obtain­ Morning worship, I I . Lord’*- ed an average increase of 6.1 »opper every Lord's day. bushels per acre over all other Christian Endeavor, 7. varieties. About 92 acres of the Evening service, 8. 1922 planting was certified for The church without a bishop, in seed. Preaching, 11. production per cow increased 17.2 per cent, outdistancing ev- •ry other far westsra itat«. ‘"2 ,0 " " '» '■ » « « .lid e t.n c e . Iran, the original. Halsey Church of Christ Velma and W ilbur Gibba have returned to Portland after «pend­ ing their vacation with their uncle, M r. Gibb», and family. the country without a king. Mr. a n il Mra. J. A. Johnson H you have no church bom« want to Albany te celebrate the come end worship with us. birthday of their daughter at the home of her grandfather Johnson Plus Grova church : and Aunt Emma Knighton. After Sunday school, 10. dioaer there was ice craam and a Preaching, 11 and 7;3O Aug. 6. In a birthday cake. [The Enter­ Glenn Barker paetor. prise failed to learn the yoeng lady’s age or her Christian name Methodiet: or the exact day of the celebration., Rundav School, 10. From 1910 to 1920-tht last two census years- Oregon milk -y — No more w II (h««,. hom ier students attending two o,,. g| T, vou from this place were I). H. urea John Str n.fiwh i. ¿ h X . p US nr«i C\ ^ ° f '9 / and C. Rut t h .y g iv« \ UHnera, id„ P. Stafford of 97 m the busi- the subject« »ncj the ntylo (,f tiieir pesa departm ent and 0 . W I representation, Erum, with their families. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Straley were also there, M r. McKay of W alla W alla «poke at the church Sunday. He was here in the interest of the Sunday school. sewed lined collar: roomy H $ u J 7 0 r Wh° m Miaa Velva Carmiohaal of Cor­ vallis spent the week end with her aunt, Mrs, W ill L aM ar. m ad el X WORK \ 5^H 1R T ^ Register. But it took God Al­ mighty to do it.—Junction City Times. Juaior league, 8, Intermediate League, 7. F.pworth League, 7. Prayar meeting, Thursday. 8. Preaching in the evening Rev, C, T. Cook, pastor, On the Southern Pacific lines from Portland to Ogden and El Paso there are 12,000 watches. 105 watch inspectors and 144 standard railroad clocks. S. A. Pope of San Francisco is super­ visor of the time service. All this tells why the trains twe so often on time. Oregon is forem ost in the milk production per cow of all western states, increasing 17.2 per cent from 1910 to 1920. During the same period Idaho increased 15.3, W ashington 1 and California 9.1 per cent. l5-3 ¿