PAGE 4 HALSEY ENTERPRISE IULY 36 1923 present and witnessed the trag-L, fidv the Ray Frum home near edy. Brownsville. Mr* Douglas Taylor ia hom e from Newport. Harry Blodgett and son Francis of Spokane, Wash., are Wallace Springer and wife are home from their California tour. guests of Mr. Blodgett’s sister, Mrs. H. L. Straley, and family Mrs. A. C. Armstrong and at their home east of town. daughter Helen »pent Saturday Alvia Leeper and family of afternoon io Browneville. Monroe were week-end guests Charlea Poole and family of at the home of his parents, Mr. Lebanon were vieiting Mr». Poole’» and Mrs. Hugh Leeper. Arrow Garage E ** ** reline transmission band for $2.50 labor guaranteed perches when Let us furnish your Tractor Oil for harvest. H. C. Davis needs not to care whether Halsey hag moving pict­ ures or not. H is radio outfiit brings sermons, Jsctnres, concerts, news, etc., right to him as ha ails in comfort and listens. C. E. G ordm ier and eon Automobile Paints. Complete lin e of accessories and Ford parts. Trouble calls given prompt attention GANSLE BROS. , HALSEY GARAGE Telephone 16x5 FOOTE BROS. Props. enter, Mre. B. S Clark, Tuesday Frank Porter and fam ily have been visiting their friends heie thia week. The family expect to spend the next few weeks in New­ port. R epair Service Have just put in stock an assortment of Connecting Rod Bearings for all popular makes of automobiles, trucks and tractors. Pathfinder Tires at m ail order bouse prices. W e w ill overhaul your Ford engine for $20 labor “ Chevrolet engine for $22.50 labor “ “ overhaul rear axle and rebusb springs and necessary for $7 labor Equipped for Quick of Eugene have been drilling at the foot of Ellsworth street Albany, by direction of the State Highway Board, to see if a good rock foundation exists there for the abutments of the proposed new bridge. The county is finishing the ast bridge between Shedd and Tangent and paving of that gap is expected to begin soon. Ed Starr, confectioner, ex post­ master, etc,, and Delbert S ta r , BOLDIKR«' MEMORIALS undertaker and partner in the cor.- fectionery, were over from Browm • It has fallen to Italy not only to villa yeeterday on business matters produce the finest of all the war me­ and incidentally gave the Enter morials in the »ublime Cross of Vic­ prise a call. tory, but, now. to devise the most If any part of the " Custard perfect symbolism for a nation’s Cup ” story is tame it isn ’t the cenotaph. Five hundred thousand part which we publish thin week. trees are to be planted throughout There’« mystery, detective sleuth­ ing end even bloodshed, for Let- Italy, and each is to have a tablet tie, who does a good detective stunt bearing the name of a soldier killed herself, gets a flesh wound from a in the war. Trees throughout hia- detaetive’s gun. tory have been the national emblems Coming back to normalcy. of strength and courage, and it was Bang-up good work shirt for n a tree— the laurel—tiiat 2,500 years dollar and three one-pouud locv»s ago gave the wreath that crowrod of bread for tw enty cent». They the victor in the Greek Olympic ar« advertised In tbia paper. And games.—London Express. you get the Halsey Enterpiise for the same price as when it was first A SERIOUSMATTER ublisbed, just eleven years ago__ 1.60 a year. “ Just Like Daddy By J. H. P U E L IC H E R President the American Bankers Association. “Lika Daddy* —t b e s e tw o words, that ex­ press tha Imita­ tive n a t u r e ot children, occur to me as I think ot our parental re­ sponsibilities 1 □ respect to both th e thrlftlness J. H. Puelicher and the thriftless- ness ot our boys and flrls. The accent belonga on both aspects of the case, tor we have yet to find a person who 1» the pertact example ot thrift. Even Ben Franklin admitted his lack of attainment after his years of sell-admonishment and self-criticism —and his temptations were not so (rest as those of today. Every reader will admit his deAclency In thrift So will I. And what of our children? Will they copy us? Will their attitude toward thrift ba "like Daddy's f Will It be thrifty or thriftless T It will at least ba largely Influenced by It. The thrift of the next genera­ tion is la the hands ot the present. It eur children are "out of hand" on their habits, whom have we to blame but ourselves? Remember this: The next genera­ tion will ba subject to the same laws of economics, the same rules ot suc­ cess, the same principles of happi­ ness, a» prevail today. A habit of thrift la one of the best possible char­ acteristics wa can mould into our children's natures during their hablt- formlng years. It» value will be ap­ parent throughont maturity, whatever their lot, whether at the helm of large enterprise or steering the more hum­ ble affairs of a home. Thrift will be the baste principle In the economic life ot our nation and Its systam of producing and exchang­ ing commodities. Thrift is always both of social and of Individual advan­ tage. Each day finds us expanding both In breadth and In depth of our resources ot enjoyment and our op­ portunities for service as we practice thrift. But bow shall we bring about hab­ its of thrift? Is there any other way than by teaching, whether by direct precept or by the unconscious example of our own habits, continually Im­ pressing themselves on the receptive minds of the young? "Like Daddy” expresses one ot the most powerful social and economic forces there lx. HALSEY RAILROAD TIME pbah's inheritance, are" Invested.' North South • • • Before the war, with marks worth No. is, n;37 u,. No> 1? l2;15 p m 24 cents gold, the deposits of the 24. 4:28 p. m. 23. 4.28 p. m. thrifty In German savings banks were 2X 4:30 a m. 21, 11:32 p. m. worth over five billion dollars. Today, Nos, 21 and 22 stop only if fagged. although these deposits have multi­ plied many fold In terms of marks, their real value Is only about half a SUNDAY MAIL HOURS million dollars gold. That Is what a The delivery window of the "loose money" plan does for common folks H alsey poetoffice is open Sundays on050 tO 11 *• and Pipe dreams are wonderful while to 12:30 p. m. they last—but shattered health, mis­ Sunday mail goes out only on ery and despair are the final penalty the northbound 11:37 train: The ones who profit are the dope sellers. Unsound money Is a pips dream—and the penalty Is economic ruin, misery and despair for the ma- Jorlty. The ones who profit art the speculators. Paid-for Paragraphs NATION REPRESENTED AT FINANCE CAPITAL By F R A N C IS H. 8IS S O N Chairm en Publle Relations Commle- elon, A m erican Bankers Association. Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line A. F. Kirshm an, dem ist, at H e. tel H alsey Tuesday and Friday afternoon«. Oak and ash wood for sale. E. S. H ayes , H alsey Financial New Old papers 5a a bundle at tha York 1» peculiar' Enterprise office. ly representative of the whole ne tlon. AU parts of John Glaaaer of Lebanon took the country, the heme an auto truckload of bee­ small towns a» hives with tha honey in them (E n terprise Correspondence) well a» the big Tuesday from N. T. Sneed's api­ cities, have sup­ Mr. nod Mr«. D. P. Gibbs of ary. Moat of tha bees had been plied the greater Portland drove up Monday to viei- driven from the hive», but enough part ot the man it D. C. Gibbs and family. The remained to cause concern to on­ S itto n power and brain two fam ilies wore to ge to Rose­ lookers as they buried around power enabling It burg “ O regon’» old fa Wednesday to visit the to function as the nation's financial while the trnck stood at the cor­ vorite retort ” Gibbs’ father at the soldiers’ home. capital. ner of I and P in t streets for a few “ Portland’» popular A recent investigation as to the minutes. Mr Fisk came up from Albany Resorts ” origin of one hundred leading execu­ Monday to look after the med who Mrs. L. E. Walton and son tives in the New York financial dis­ are logging on the island. trict, showed that no less than sixty James Rector returned Sunday “ Nature'» per cent were born outalde New York Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wade vis­ night from Portland, where Subterranean W on­ “ The Sapphire Sea State, that no leas than twenty-eight ited at Brownsville Sunday. they had been to bid farewell derland ” of Silence” per cent were born In towns of 6.000 to Mrs. Walton’s sister, Miss Mrs. Lloyd Carothsrn was in or loss, and only twenty per cent were Mazie Creighton, on the eve of Old Man—You have something Albany Monday for jury duty. born in New York City. her departure for Honolulu. important to say to my daughter? The birthplaces of these men rep­ Several Peoria people went te Where the cares of yesterday are soon forgotten ” resented Pennsylvania, Ohio, Massa­ Young Man— Oil, no! I was just Charles Straley is back in his chusetts. Connecticut, Michigan, Mis­ Oakville Sunday night to see tho accustomed place at the Sturte­ going to propose * her. The im­ souri. Illinois, Maryland, Delaware, pageant put on by the returned S a n F ra n c is c o P o r tla n d vant store after a few days ab­ portant conversation I should like Los Angeles Vermont. Mississippi, Kentucky, Ten­ missionary, Miss Dickie. sence on account of sickness. to have with you afterward. “ The C ity Loved A- nessee, Minnesota, Iowa, Florida, “ T h e C ity of “ Cosmopolitan Sc round the W orld ” Roses ” Rhode Island, North Carolina, Indi­ Mr, and Mr». Fred Walters of Ideal tourist c ity ” Mrs. Sophia Bass and daugh­ FOUGHT WAR OVER CALICO ana, Wisconsin, Georgia, California, Lugene «pent Thursday night with ter Lena were guest« at the J. Moatana, Maine, Weat Virginia, New Mrs. Fruit. P. Ashton home near Tangent fieemlnqly Inelanlflcant Article Said Jersey and the District ot Columbia. one day last week. The earns situation la true of tho Miss Cleone LsM sr left Tuesday V to H ave Been Cause of Conflict younger men, particularly in the for Medford, where slip will spend Between Indian Tribes. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Davidson' rp rr I "Oregon O utdoor»’ ’ and " C alifo rn ia for the banks. Thia reflects more than mere­ some time. She has a position as I n tt . T o u ris t" Booklets. G et your copy N O W I attended the round-up at Al­ ly the attraction of the big city for One of the fir*t Indian wars to bany Friday. ambitious young men. It is the result stenographer. Miss LaMar went Ask O ur Agents for F urth er Particulars or W rite occur in the West it said to have ot the definite purpose of New York by auto with friends from Corval­ Mr and Mi's. O. W. Frum and originated because an Indian trader banking to equip Itself to perform lis. daughter Vivian were Albany sold one Indian tribe a lot of caliao most affectively its work for all the J O H N M. S C O T T , General Passenger Agent, W. E. Githens and J. S. La­ nation. visitors Friday. with the stripes running the wrong Portland, Oregon A brief description of the mechan­ Mar and wives were in Albany The members of this particu­ J. W. Miller and wife went ism of the nation's banking system Saturday. will make this clear. Many of the Monday to consult a Portland lar tribe were ridiculed by a near­ Mr. Gibbs and fam ily sad Helen New York banks are bankers* banks. physician. by warlike neighbor, and the war They are great reservoirs of credit In LsM «r visited in Browunvilln and which banks throughout the country Crawfordsville Saturday. Miss Ruth Frum returned the I resulted to such an extent, it is said, deposit unemployed funds In New first of the week from a visit at that the United States was com­ Rev. Mr. Hednett has been sick York. When crop needs in rural dis­ pelled to interfere. And even down his $6.000 mortgage for 1$ 21 cent»,— tricts or Industrial expansion In man­ for several days. H was not able to the present day there is a lure lesa than tha value of a doien eggs. ufacturing centers Increase local re­ to go to Laka Creek Bunday. about calico that the full-blood In­ e e e quirements tor money these local dian in particular cannot resist. That fe, ha can unless the pipe banks call la their funds from New A very pleasant time was had *1 here does not seem to be any dream comes to a sudden end. For York and la addition may ask tha big By J O H N O A K W O O O city beaks tor loans. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. one thing the Oerman courts are rul­ genuine reason as to why calico is Country banks frequently deposit VV. Evans at Lake Creek Sun- ing that tha theory "a mark 1« a mark" preferred to silk- and other cloth, Hitting the pipe seems like the doesn't go,—that a debtor has to give aa security tha notes of thalr own cus­ day, when thirty-four relatives, excepting that in the early davs, greatest way in the world to get beck a fair equivalent for whet he re­ tomers, often secured. In turn, by farm including Mr. and Mrs. Ralph when the traders were dealing with something for nothing.—a whole para- ceived and that present paper marks capital such at ploughs, livestock and Thomas of Oregon City and dise full of Joy for a few whiff» of worth 12M00 to the dollar are not other possessions. Tha fifty theasand the red men all the timo, they could opium »moke. But— the fair equivalent ot former gold dollar note, for Instance, of a country Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thomas give more calico than they could of bank la a big Naw York hank may and daughter Thelma of Port­ marks at four te the dollar. By the way, the big lure about flat any other cloth, and consequently there to cele­ have attached, as collateral security, land, gathered • • • fifty or a hundred small notes of a brate the birthdays calico was soon regarded as char­ money la that It seems to promise of Mrs. Furthermore ell pipe dreams ere about as much for nothing a» a whiff Remevve and prevents dandruff acteristic of the Indian in general. on the pipe. They are Juat coming too good to he true. They are not hundred dellara up to a thousand Evans and the two Messrs. ar more, signed by local farmers and Clean»«» ente m J keep, them It was far cheaper in price, the ont of such a dream now In Germany what they seem. The smoke Is wear­ their wives Into one of the biggest Thomas. free (roui infection ing off In Germany and they are com­ e e e traders could get it more easily and New York banks comes In this way Here la the way that German »oft ing down to earth Wrlth a dull thnd. from the South each crop season a in greater quantities, and they could It Is beginning to be realised that the money dream goes. Bay la ISIS » small note secured by a plough and a afford to give more bolts of it in ex- man put a ten year mortgage for 20.- »•* result of a paper money night­ harrow aad a mule named “Molly"— mare Is that prodneare are robbed (Aunge for pelts. Tb» American Farm Bureau fed- 000 mark« on hit term. Marks were an Incident that hat been aptly de then worth. In geld, about four and speculators enriched. Farmers scribed as "Tho Minting of Molly." erntiou pinna for farmers to with­ are unable to raise prices tor their to the dollar. The debt, therefore, products fast enough to keep up with It In one among many securing a large hold from market 200,000.000 was equivalent to about $6,000. tnter-bank credit bushels of wheat. Good fn ra the falling purchasing power of un­ • • • Thus Is big banking In New York wheat bine are to be designated an sound money. The value of such In the ten years since that debt w»» brought close to tha plain people of warehouses contracted, the Oerman Government money aUpa away from them like n tha soil—thus does it finance their government bonded handful of dry sand. It brings back and warehouse receipts issued for has pubUahed, eo to speak, trillion» of humble husbandry—and thus has It The paper marks. What happened? Whit to them leas In purchases than they fait tha need ot recruiting Its offlears the grain stored iu them. would happen to the price of eggs u gave of thetr products to get It from among men familiar and sympa­ •wner can borrow at 64 par cent s e e they had a hen at Washington living thetic with local conditions—able to on these reeeiptt up to three« a billion eggs a day.—even If they put The farmer as a result can’t make riauallxe tha needs of the people there fourths of the market value of the a government »tamp on them »aylng ends meet end when hs gets Into dlf. aad pass sound Judgment ea the crop and thus have money to tide «Zf» ware worth a quarter a piece? Acuities the unsound money specu­ credit factors Involved. him over until he tbioke it a good German marks have gone down front lator steps in and bays np mortgaged It is due to the conditions thus pic­ tim e to sail. tour to the dollar to 120.000 to the farm lands cheap—anfl thus It Is tured that among the offleers of New • he economical feed lor calves, pige and chickens Msny farmers in Kansas have dollar mostly the speculator who profits by Tork s banks will be found rtpreeea- • • • already availed of thia opportu­ paying off the mortgages with cur­ battvwe from all parts of the at nity. Hara la where the pipe dream get* rency worth lest than a dosen egg»,— They are the delegatee of the p Also a coa >plete elock of unless the courts step him. at tha business capital particularly good. The 1212 movt- (age la now due.—20.400 marks are More travel is going over the to ba paid. Marks are quoted 120.000 Move than that, if farm mortgage to tha dollar. Twenty-thousand debt can be paid off with almost highway between here and the Fint Class Work mark», one-sixth of that, therefore worthies» currency. so can corpora­ equal o n e tlx th ot a dollar.— 14 2-8 tions pay Off their bonded debt.—the counts’ seat than ever before, Agent for Eugene Steam I.sundry detours aenta. On tha theory that "a mark bonds la which many a farmer's sew- notwithstanding the Sent Tuesdays. l l t -TildC" th* gebtor fiouJl wipe off tpy»- and many » widow's end or- around the unpaved stretch be- t Your Vacation Peoria Pointers where to spend it N ew port Oregon Cuves Tillam ook Beaches Crater Lake Oregon’s Mountain, Lake and River Resorts Low Round Trip Tickets on Sale all Sum m er Long Southern Pacific Lines PAPER MONEY P IP E DREAMS % Germicidal tl>o Soap R hundred uses Kills disease germs Hold Your Wheat RINGO’S Drugstore w Exclusive Agent for Jersey Milk Food Compound Barber Shop W Baths FEED AND GRAIN ^w ten Shedd and Tangent. J. W STCFHENSON, Pro»